SCIENTIST◆ ◆ VOLUME 30 No. 9 OCTOBER 2020 WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST GEO Follow us on Twitter @geoscientistmag PLATES, PLUMES AND GEOLOGICAL TIME Are we wrong about plume-push? UNDERWATER LANDSLIDES THE FUTURE IS GEOSCIENCE HOME SCHOOLING Understanding a How geoscientists are vital to Nina Morgan takes inspiration complex global hazard reviving the economy from the past 1 VIRTUAL PLATFORM 2 EXCITING DAYS 30+ INTERACTIVE SESSIONS PROSPEX returns for 2020 – this time delivered as a virtual event! Join us as we look at the impact of this turbulent year for the industry and explore the way ahead with both live and pre-recorded content across 15 - 16 DECEMBER 2020 the 2-day event. This online forum will still capture the spirit of VIRTUAL EXHIBITOR our annual live event, with companies invited to present exciting prospects & investment PROFILE OPPORTUNITIES opportunities to their peers and the financial community alike. I’m a PROSPECTOR As a PROSPECTOR, you’ll benefit from: Your PROSPEX Virtual Exhibitor Profile • A virtual exhibitor profile With an exhibitor profile, you’ll be able to: • Post event profile report • Exhibitor listing on event website • Customise your profile with videos, handouts • 10 minute ‘showcase session’ scheduled and contact info – all at the click of a button! into the main programme* AD SPACE• Network with attendees through ‘chat’ & • Recognition in exhibition promotion on PESGB social media & member platforms private messaging • 2 Event Registrations • Utilise lead generation opportunities • Access to media-tool kit to further • Showcase your prospects promote your attendance • Promote business opportunities £700.00 +VAT • Host your own live events during the conference* I’m a NON-PROSPECTOR • Connect with key decision makers, leading industry experts and other E&P companies As a NON-PROSPECTOR, you’ll benefit from: • Hear from government bodies as they discuss the future of the industry • A virtual exhibitor profile • Post event profile report *Please speak to our Events team for further • Exhibitor listing on event website information • 10% discount on any PESGB Magazine adverts purchased before December 2020 Speak to our Exhibition and Sponsorship Officer • Recognition in exhibition promotion on PESGB social media & member platforms to find out more & book your profile! • 2 Event Registrations • Access to media-tool kit to further promote your attendance prospex.pesgb.org.uk £1200.00 +VAT #PROSPEX2020 Event Partner Are you interested in supporting PROSPEX2020 as a sponsor? Please contact [email protected] to discuss our sponsorship opportunities. CONTENTS GEOSCIENTIST Geoscientist is the ADVERTISING SALES Fellowship magazine Dean Van Schoor of the Geological Society T 01727 739 182 of London E [email protected] The Geological Society, Creative Director Burlington House, Piccadilly, Peter Davies London W1J 0BG T +44 (0)20 7434 9944 PRINTED BY F +44 (0)20 7439 8975 Century One Publishing Ltd. E [email protected] (Not for Editorial - Copyright Please contact the Editor) The Geological Society of London is a Registered Charity, number Publishing House 210161. The Geological Society ISSN (print) 0961-5628 Publishing House, Unit 7, ISSN (online) 2045-1784 Brassmill Enterprise Centre, Brassmill Lane, Bath The Geological Society of London accepts no responsibility for the views BA1 3JN expressed in any article in this publication. 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EDITOR No responsibility is assumed by the Ms Sarah Day Publisher for any injury and/or damage to 5 26 E [email protected] persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from EDITORIAL PANEL any use or operation of any methods, Mrs Natalyn Ala products, instructions or ideas contained Mr Steve Branch in the material herein. All advertising material is expected to conform to ethical ON THE COVER: Dr Robin Cocks and trading standards, and reasonable Dr Howard Falcon-Lang care is taken to ensure that advertisers are 10 PLATES, PLUMES AND Dr Hazel Gibson reputable and reliable. However, inclusion Prof. Tony Harris in this publication or as an insert does not GEOLOGICAL TIME Mr Edmund Nickless constitute a guarantee or endorsement Dr Alan Roberts of the quality or value of such products Prof. Peter Styles or services, or of the claims made by Lucia Perez-Diaz, Graeme Eagles and Dr Colin Summerhayes its manufacturer. Geoscientist and the Prof. Frances Wall Geological Society of London can give no Karin Sigloch investigate what drives Dr Jan Zalasiewicz assurance that an advertiser will fulfil its obligation under all circumstances. plate movements, and unearth a Trustees of the Geological Society Subscriptions: All correspondence relating to non-member subscriptions potential error in the calibration of our of London 2019-2020 should be addresses to the Journals Dr Michael Daly (President) Subscription Department, Geological geological timescale Mrs Joanna Alexander Society Publishing House, Unit 7 Brassmill Mr Thomas Backhouse Enterprise Centre, Brassmill Lane, Bath, Mr Andrew Bloodworth BA1 3JN, UK. Tel: 01225 445046. Mr John Booth (Vice President) Email: [email protected]. Contact us Dr Jennie Gilbert by phone or email for current rates. Dr Joel Gill (Secretary, Foreign & External Affairs) © 2020 The Geological Society INTERVIEW Mr Graham Goffey (Treasurer) of London Dr Kathryn Goodenough Prof James Griffiths Geoscientist is printed on FSC® mixed 16 UNDERSTANDING UNDERWATER LANDSLIDES (Secretary, Professional Matters) credit - Mixed source products are a blend An interview with the Editor of the Society’s 500th Special Dr Michael Kehinde of FSC 100%, Recycled and/or Controlled Publication fibre. Certified by the Forest Stewardship Prof Chris King Council®. Mr Andrew Moore Prof Bryne Ngwenya SCIENTIST◆ ◆ Dr John Perry VOLUME 30 No. 9 OCTOBER 2020 WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST GEO Follow us on Twitter Mr Nicholas Reynolds @geoscientistmag REGULARS (Vice President) PLATES, Mrs Sarah Scott PLUMES AND Ms Gemma Sherwood GEOLOGICAL 05 WELCOME Sarah Day has a confession to make Miss Jessica Smith TIME Are we wrong about (Vice President) plume-push? What your Society is doing at home and Dr Helen Smyth 06 SOCIETY NEWS Prof Robin Strachan abroad (Secretary, Publications) Dr Alexander Whittaker 09 SOAPBOX Geoscientists are critical to major infrastructure (Secretary, Science) UNDERWATER LANDSLIDES THE FUTURE IS GEOSCIENCE HOME SCHOOLING Understanding a How geoscientists are vital to Nina Morgan takes inspiration Mrs Lucy Williams complex global hazard reviving the economy from the past projects, says Jonathan Turner Cover image: Right, Our current geological Published on behalf of timescale (Gradstein et al. 2012; the 22 BOOKS & ARTS Three new books reviewed by Sarah Pipkin, the Geological Society International Commission on Stratigraphy, www.stratigraphy.org). Left, a Marine Gravity James Montgomery and Susan Brown Cover image: © Shutterstock, Konstantin G of London by: Model of the Indian Ocean (Sandwell & Smith, 2014) plotted using the Generic Mapping Tools (Wessel et al. 2019). 25 PEOPLE Nina Morgan on an early example of home schooling, Century One Publishing news from the Hong Kong Regional Group and more Alban Row, 27–31 Verulam Road, St Albans, AL3 4DG T 01727 893 894 29 OBITUARIES David Coates Almond, 1932-2019, John E enquiries@centuryone François Potter, 1932-2019 publishing.uk W www.centuryone publishing.uk WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | OCTOBER 2020 | 3 CALL FOR PAPERS Digitization And Digitalization in Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 15 March 2021 Plastics in the Environment V I R T U A L C O N F E R E N C E The accumulation of plastic debris in the environment is a Conveners global problem which may have detrimental impacts on GoorrddoonnG InngglliissI ((UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff ecosystem health.. Plastics are now widely enough SSoouutthhaammppttoonn)) distributed that they may also act as an anthropogenic Mike Clare ((National Oceanography Centre marker horizon in the future rock record.. However,, there Southampton) are still many outstanding questions regarding the:: 1) Florian Pohl (Durham University) source,, 2) transfer,, 3) degradation,, 4) persistence and 5) Ian Kane (The University of Manchester) measurement of plastics in the environment.. This one-day meeting will bring together researchers from a FurtherF Information diverse range of disciplines (e..g.. hydrology,, sedimentology,, geochemistry,, earth science,, biology) to discuss the fate of TT:: 00220077 443344 9 99 44 44 plastics in terrestrial,, freshwater and marine environments.. EE:: ccoonnffeerreennccee@@ggeeoollssoocc..oorrgg..uukk This meeting seeks to foster conversation between these Weebb::W different communities to facilitate a more holistic approach wwwww..ggeeoollssoocc..oorrgg..uukk//ppllaassttiiccss22002200w towards
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