CAREERS TECHNOLOGY NL NEWS NAUTILUS AT WORK Careers special: ITF/WMU study Get set for the NL Disappointment in eight pages of advice assesses automation’s branch annual latest round of long-running and inspiration threat to jobs meeting in June legal case Volume 52 | Number 2 | February 2019 | £3.50 €3.70 BREAKING THE ICE We need to talk about polar navigation LEADING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES IN THE SHIPPING INDUSTRY Diploma in Ship and Port Agency Diploma in Marine Accident Investigation Starts: 11 February 2019 Starts: 5 March 2019 Diploma in Crew Management Diploma in Port Management Starts: 18 February 2019 Starts: 12 March 2019 Diploma in Small Craft Surveying Diploma in Marine Engineering Starts: 25 February 2019 Starts: 25 April 2019 These courses are all awarded by North Kent College To see a full list of the courses we offer, visit our website: www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 4483 | Email: [email protected] See your advertisement here Jonathan Knight [email protected] 01727 739 193 nautilusint.org 02 February 2019 CONTENTS telegraphVolume 52 | Number 2 | February 2019 11 13 WELCOME 05 General secretary Mark Dickinson explains how Nautilus is seeking to protect members from the challenges posed by Brexit NAUTILUS AT WORK 09 Ministers fail to give assurances over UK jobs on Brexit ferries 11 Teekay move to recruit British cadets is welcomed 13 Maritime & Coastguard Agency warned over working hours on tugs 25 27 15 More jobs to go from Sealion fl eet 21 Appeal Court rules on UK seafarer redundancy rights HEALTH & SAFETY 17 Marine insurers raise alarm over bunker spills 22 Investigators warn over ECDIS accidents 25 Fresh concern over risks faced by marine pilots 25 Study looks into ice navigation training needs 46 Lessons can still be learnt from Irish disaster 40 years on STAFF ADVERTISING & PRINT MANAGEMENT Although the Telegraph exercises Incorporating the Merchant Navy editor: Andrew Linington Century One Publishing care and caution before accepting Journal and Ships’ Telegraph advertisements, readers are advised ISSN 0040 2575 chief sub-editor: Sarah Robinson Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam Road to take appropriate professional Dutch correspondent: Hans Walthie St Albans, Herts AL3 4DG, UK advice before entering into any Published by production editor: June Cattini-Walker commitments such as investments Nautilus International (including pension plans). Publication Head of sales: of an advertisement does not imply DESIGN & PRODUCTION Jonathan Knight any form of recommendation and CPL 1 Cambridge Technopark tel: +44 (0) 1727 893 894 Nautilus International cannot accept any liability for the quality of goods Cambridge, CB5 8PB, UK direct: +44 (0) 1727 739193 and services off ered in advertisements. tel: +44 (0) 1223 378000 email: [email protected] Organisations off ering fi nancial web: www.cpl.co.uk web: www.centuryonepublishing.uk services or insurance are governed by regulatory authorities and problems Cover image: Thinkstock/Tenedos with such services should be taken up Icebreaker ship cruising at night by the aid of night-piercing projectors in the polar sea with the appropriate body. February 2019 3 nautilusint.org CONTENTS CAREERS SPECIAL 28 32 Mentoring research results revealed 36 Experts analyse the maritime jobs market 38 How a seafarer became a leading London lawyer 40 Could you be an Ambassador? ENVIRONMENT WHERE'S MY 23 Nautilus Council discusses concerns TELEGRAPH? over sulphur emission rules If you have moved recently, your home 42 copy may still be trying to catch up INDUSTRY with you. 44 Inspections target seafarers’ To let us know your new address, go to working conditions www. nautilusint.org and log in as a member, or contact our membership WELFARE department on +44 (0)151 639 8454 24 Seafarers’ charity raises awareness or membership@ nautilusint.org in Parliament The membership team can also cancel your print copy if you prefer to read the TECHNOLOGY paper on the Telegraph app. 34 Study assesses automation’s 46 impact on jobs HISTORY 42 South Shields college marks a major milestone COMMUNITY GENERAL SECRETARY Mark Dickinson MSc (Econ) 27 Entries start to fl ow in to DEPARTMENT EMAILS ‘Life at Sea’ photo contest general: [email protected] 48 Obituary membership: [email protected] legal: [email protected] REGULARS telegraph: [email protected] industrial: [email protected] 50 Maritime book reviews young members: [email protected] welfare: [email protected] 53 Ships of the past professional and technical: 64 Crossword and quiz [email protected] 64 The face of Nautilus Nautilus International also administers the Nautilus Welfare Fund and the J W Slater Fund, which are registered charities. • New collective bargaining agreement at • Nautilus advice on fi tness to return to work Thyssen Veerhaven after an accident IN THIS • Send your snaps in • Celebrating 125 years of the Nederlandse Zeevarenden MONTH’S • Major unrest in Van Oord fl eet Centrale welfare charity DUTCH • Nautilus NL annual meeting and symposium • New works council at Dredging & Contracting PAGES on 25 June Rotterdam p54 • Farewell to Advisory Board member Frits Vons • Nautilus participates in successful Blue Careers project • Nautilus guidance on the Kiwa Register • Spectacular opening of Shell SDA factory nautilusint.org 4 February 2019 FOREWORD Welcome At a diffi cult time in UK politics, Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson takes stock of the Brexit situation and considers how it could aff ect seafarers… s the Telegraph went to press, the British government had just recorded A the biggest defeat of the modern era It also came as something of a shock last month when RQWKHpRRURIWKH+RXVHRI&RPPRQV WKHJRYHUQPHQWZDVDEOHWRoQGdPLOOLRQIRUWKUHH with 432 (out of 650) MPs voting down the proposed companies (one French, one Danish and one UK start-up) withdrawal agreement negotiated with the EU. WRSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDOFDSDFLW\RQVHYHUDOVKRUWVHDURXWHV +RZHYHUWKHJRYHUQPHQWWKHQVXUYLYHGDYRWH DIWHU%UH[LW7KDW VKDUGWRWDNHZKHQZHFDPSDLJQHGIRU RIQRFRQoGHQFHPHDQLQJWKDWDQHDUO\JHQHUDO DGHFDGHMXVWWRJHWdPPRUHIRUWKHWUDLQLQJRI%ULWLVK HOHFWLRQWRFKDQJHWKHVWDWXVTXRLVXQOLNHO\ seafarers under the SMarT scheme. And these lucrative This means, with the UK’s departure from the FRQWUDFWVFDPHqDVVDGO\LVXVXDOLQWKH8.qZLWKQR (XURSHDQ8QLRQQRZOHVVWKDQWZRPRQWKVDZD\ requirement to provide jobs for British seafarers. WKHZD\IRUZDUGLVOHVVFOHDUWKDQHYHUEHIRUH:LOO At the time of the referendum, the British union ZHOHDYHWKH(8ZLWKDGHDO":KDWZLOOWKHGHDOEH":LOO IHGHUDWLRQ78&SXEOLVKHGDUHSRUWGHWDLOLQJWKRVH8. we leave with no deal? Or will we even leave the EU at all? ZRUNHUV ULJKWVXQGHUSLQQHGE\(8UXOHVZKLFKZRXOG At the time of the original in/out referendum, EHXQGHUWKUHDWGXHWR%UH[LW7KH78&VHWDC%UH[LWWHVW WKH&RXQFLORI1DXWLOXVGHEDWHGWKHLVVXHRI%UH[LW The £103m qWKUHHREMHFWLYHVZKLFKPXVWEHLQFOXGHGLQDQ\oQDO and decided that, in the interests of maritime suddenly GHDOLQRUGHUIRULWWREHVXSSRUWHGE\WKHWUDGHXQLRQ professionals, remaining was the best option. movement. These were: 6LQFHWKHUHIHUHQGXPZHQWWKHRWKHUZD\ZH found for • workers’ rights must be protected and enforceable have watched as the process of leaving the EU has post-Brexit now and into the future XQIROGHGDQGWKHXQLPDJLQDEO\FRPSOH[XQUDYHOOLQJ shortsea • there must be tariff-free, barrier-free, frictionless RID\HDUUHODWLRQVKLSKDVEHHQH[SRVHG trade in goods and services with the rest of Europe Despite the talk of opportunities for shipping capacity is • there must be no hard border between Ireland and IROORZLQJ%UH[LWLQFOXGLQJWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIFUHDWLQJ hard to take 1RUWKHUQ,UHODQGRUPRUHUHVWULFWLRQVEHWZHHQ more jobs for British workers, the government Gibraltar and Spain KDVFRQVLVWHQWO\WDNHQGHFLVLRQVZKLFKDUHKDUG when we Following the publication of the government’s proposed IRURXUFRPPXQLW\WRIDWKRP campaigned ZLWKGUDZDODJUHHPHQWWKH78&VWDWHGWKHSURSRVDOVGLG ,Q0D\ODVW\HDUWKHJRYHUQPHQWJUDQWHGDIUHVK for years just not meet these tests and called for the deal to be rejected. waiver to windfarm vessel operators, enabling them 7KH78&KDVDOVRFDOOHGIRUDQH[WHQVLRQWR$UWLFOHWR to continue recruiting from outside the EU. It must to get £15m allow negotiations to continue and remove the chances be said, though, that the government does at least more for RIDCQRGHDO %UH[LW EHOLHYHWKDWWKH1DWLRQDO0LQLPXP:DJH 10: 7KHVLWXDWLRQZLOOKRSHIXOO\EHFRPHFOHDUHULQWKH DSSOLHVWRWKHVHZRUNHUVDQGKDVSOHGJHGWRFODULI\ the SMarT ZHHNVDKHDGDQGLWGRHVORRNLQFUHDVLQJO\OLNHO\WKDW LQODZWKDWDOOVHDIDUHUVRQDQ\VKLSZRUNLQJLQ8. scheme WKHUHZLOOEHDVHFRQGUHIHUHQGXPRQD%UH[LWGHDO ZDWHUVZLOOEHSURWHFWHGE\WKH10: although what that deal will look like, or what the ,QWHUPVRIIXWXUHLPPLJUDWLRQSROLF\LWUHPDLQV TXHVWLRQRQWKHEDOORWZLOOEHUHPDLQDUHDVRIOLYHO\ WREHVHHQLIWKHSRVW%UH[LWSURSRVDORQO\WRDOORZ GHEDWH7KH&RXQFLORI1DXWLOXVZLOOQHHGWRFRQVLGHU UHFUXLWPHQWRI(8ZRUNHUVLQWRMREVSD\LQJRYHU these issues in due course. dD\HDUZLOOEHQHoW%ULWLVK01RIoFHUVZKR :KDWHYHUWKHRXWFRPH1DXWLOXVZLOOFRQWLQXHWR W\SLFDOO\ZLOOEHHDUQLQJDERYHWKDWOHYHOVRZLOOVWLOO call on all those involved to agree an outcome which face competition. protects the interests of our maritime professionals. February 2019 5 nautilusint.org LETTERS What’s on your mind? Tell your colleagues in Nautilus International – and the wider world of shipping. Keep your letter to a maximum 300 words if you can – though longer contributions will be considered. Use a pen name or just your membership INBOX QXPEHULI\RXGRQ WZDQWWREHLGHQWLoHGqVD\ so in an accompanying note – but you
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