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BOOTS 2 pairs for 57.50 3 pairs for 84.95 Same Low Price: Haband D Widths: 7 714 8 8!4 '"^ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue pair 3 9 9% 10 11 12 13 Peckvllle, PA 18452 and the *EEE Width (Add $2 more per pair): Send pairs of boots. 8 814 9 9% 10 1014 11 12 13 ^^^'^se Postage is h ' $ ° purchase pnce plus WHAT WHAT HOW 7T4-4B1 WIDTH? toward postage. FREE © SIZE? MANY? '01 Black sales t Check Enclosed 02 Tan/Navy Visa MasterCard 05 Brown/Navy Lace-Up Discover/NOVUS® Card # _Exp.: Mr./Mrs./Ms. Address Apt. # City/State. Zip. [T:^cau|.800.742-2263 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or Full Refund of Purchase Price at Any Time! For God and Country Vol. 149, No. 6 The Magazine for a Strong America December : ARTICLES NATIONAL COMMANDER TAKES VETEItANS ISSUES TO Hill By John Raughter .^^ The Legion pushes for increased miiitary spending and accessible VA health care. I i WARTIME CHRISTMASES Vets recall how the cold reality of the Korean War couldn't smother the spirit of Christmas. SLAVERY IN THE 21ST CENTURY By Georgie Anne Geyer . Human-rights efforts haven't eradicated a centuries-old evil. rl INTHELINEOFFIREfiyPe/erfi./?ose Legionnaires pitch in to put out some of the l\/latchbox West's worst blazes yet il THE BAHLE FOR AMERICAN ALLEGIANCE By John Fonte Some want to "dumb-down" citizenship requirements. Il DR. BALINT VAZSONYI: A CONVERSATION WITH AMERICA interview „ The immigrant-activist is hard at work on a documentary about our nation 's founding principles. £§ HEPATITIS C: A DISEASE WITHOUT SYMPTOMS By Phyiiis zauner „ Ten percent of veterans may be infected with the mystery virus. M MOUNTAIN LANDING GARNERED MEDAL OF HONOR By Edward f. Murphy „ One wingman risked it all trying to save a Navy aviator during the Korean War m lO P ARTMENTS J ISSUES Should Internet-based commerce be taxed? SI VETVOICE 4 DB>AiniViBVTCOMIVIAniDffisi LEGION NEWS COMMANDER'S MESSAGE I NEC MEMBERS II VETS WASHINGTON WATCH 38 VETERANS UPDATE H PARTING SHOTS II COVER "Christmas Watch in Korea, " by Sean IVIcNally The American Legion Magazine, a leader among notional general-Interest publications, is publistied monttily by The American Legion for Its 2,55 million readers. These wartime veterans, working through nearly 1 5,000 community-level Posts, dedicate themselves to God and Country and traditional Ameri- can values; strong national security; adequate and compossionote care for veterans, their widows and orphans; community service; and the wholesome development of our nation's youths. DECEMBER 2000 • THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • ] DIABETES BENEFITS FOR r VETERANS HAVE CHANGED!! ^ For Cod and Count 700 N. Pennsylvania St. P.O. Box 1055 If you are having problems getting your diabetic supplies Indianapolis, IN 46206 317-630-1200 from the VA, call us. able to help. We may be National Commander Ray G. Smith Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Dick McNally Test Strips Lancets Editor John Raughter & £d/tor/a/ IVIanaging Editor Ron Hyink at little or Contributing Editor Steve BrOOkS Assistant Editor IVlatt Grills Assistant Editor Elissa Kaupisch NO COST TO YOU! Editorial Administrator Patricia Marschand General Administrator Robyn Black General Administrator Robin Bowman Call Today To Start Saving! Graph/cs/Producf/on Graphics/Production Manager Jon Reynolds Art Editor Holly K. Soria 1 -800-DIABETIC Designer Douglas Rollison Advertising Manager Diane Andretti (1-800-342-2384) Advertising Assistant Laura Baker Advertising Assistant Sara Palmer The American Legion Magazine P.O. Box 7068 diabetic com Indianapolis, IN 46207 Publisher's Representatives Fox Associates, Inc. Chicago: 312-644-3888 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE @ www.diabetic.com New York: 212-725-2106 Los Angeles: 310-841-0280 Detroit: 248-543-0068 Atlanta: 404-252-0968 San Francisco: 415-989-5804 The Dennis J. Henkemeyer, Chairman, Sauk Rapids, MN; Samuel Barney, Vice Chairman, Lancaster, OH; Robert H. Allen, MyLegion.com National Representative, Mechanicsburg, PA; Commander's Theodore R. Hartmann, Smithton, IL; Donald R. Conn, South Bend, IN; James W. Conway, Charlestown, MA: Hoy M, Haught, Huntsville, AR; James H. Hall, Hopewell, NJ; Bettylou Visit www.MyLegion.com for: Evans, Laurel, DE; Eugene J. Kelley, Savannah, GA; James P. Comiskey, Pittsburgh, PA; George G. Sinopoli, Fresno, CA; O Online Legion news and polls Philip B. Finley, Colby, KS; Joe D. Mercer, Oklahoma City, OK; Russell H. Laird, Des Moines, lA; J. Fred Mitchell, Brew- O Online Legion discussion forums ton, AL; J.O. Berthelot, Gonzales, lA; Everett G. Shepard III, Woodstock, CT; Dolores Zegler, Bellevue, WA; Silas M. Noel, O Online Legion shopping discounts Frankfort, KY; Frank C. Ward, Greenville, SC; Robert E. Vass Sr., Huntington, WV; James J. Charleston, Arlington Hgts., IL Casimir F. Sojka, New Rochelle, NY, consultants. O Online nnilitary news and Copyright 2000 by The American Legion The American Legion (ISSN 0886-1234) is published monthly by The American Legion, 5745 Lee Road, India- Plus the best napolis, IN 46216. Periodicals postage paid at Indiana- polis, IN 46204 and additional mailing offices. Annual non-member and gift subscriptions, $15 ($21, for- of the Web! eign); Post-sponsored and widows' subscriptions, $6; sin- gle copy, $3.50. Member annual subscription price $3.00, which is included in annual member dues. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The American Legion, input Ser- Make vices, P.O. Box 1954, indianapolis, iN 46206. Internet address: htlp://www.legion.org. www.IVIyLegion.com Change of Address: Notify The American Legion, Input Services, P.O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, IN 46206. (317) your gateway to the Internet 860-3111. Attach old address label, provide old and new addresses and current membership card number. and support the American Legion Canada Post International Publications Mall (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 546321. Re-entered every day! second-class mail matter at Manila Central Post office dated Dec. 22, 1991. Printed in USA Member Audit Bureau of Circulations 2 • THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • DECEMBER 2000 magtiMcent sculptured A Please mail by December 31, 2000. collector plate created by America's The Franklin Mint Franklin Center, PA 19091-0001 foremost eagle sculptor Ronald Van Ruyckevelt. Please enter my order for Wings Over America by Ronald Abold American eagle soars high above majestic mountains, against the Van Ruyckevelt. I need SEND NO MONEY NOW. 1 will be billed $39.50* when my plate is ready to be sent. Limit: one plate per collector. backdrop of the "Stars and Stripes." It is an image that symbolizes .^^^^ j^^^^ and $495for s. courage, strength, freedom, the beauty of our country and our cherished fl^—all that we treasure most about our great nation. ALL ORDERS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE This is the power of "Wings Over America," a magnificent sculptured PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY collector plate by acclaimed eagle artist Ronald Van Ruyckevelt. In the tra- dition of the most prized collectibles, this heirloom collector plate is beautiftilly crafted with a wealth of detail. It is intricately sculptured, and painted by hand and individually hand numbered. Each plate bears the TELEPHONE # artist's signature mark on its reverse side. ( ) 20390-01-001 This Limited Edition will be closedforever after just 95 casting days. Satisfaction Guaranteed. If you wisli to return any Franl<lin Mint purcha,se, you may do so witliin 30 days of your receipt of ttiat purcfiase for replacement, credit or refund. Available exclusively from The Franklin Mint. THE FRANKLIN MINT Sharing Your Passion For Collecting www.franklinmint.com now am more convinced than ever. I aged to bombard Wonsan Harbor, Tribute long Dverdue felt guilty returning home alive and in Hungnam, Tanchon, Songjin, Yong- I read every article in the September one piece while thousands of good peo- don, Chongjin, Kojo and some of the issue concerning the personal experi- ple were killed, maimed and missing in frontlines themselves. We also man- ences of Kore- action. The lack of civilian leadership aged to rescue three downed pilots. an War veter- to give unlimited support to the troops And we were the screen and escorts for ans. I laughed, in the field compounded the casualties the carriers, battleships and cruisers of cried and was and the lack of accounting of POWs. Task Force 77 that Brady thinks were deeply moved War requires a 100-percent commit- manned by Marines. by these gal- ment. We did not receive it. - Alex Sanchez, Yuma, Ariz. lant veterans - Gerald "Pete" Brooks, Union, Maine whose service to their country was not afford- Sacrifioe appreciated ed the wonder- I am a veteran of World War II and ful treatment Korea. Our armed forces liberated we World War II veterans received. It's many countries from tyranny. But of about time they received the tributes all the countries and all the people we they deserve, and this issue was one freed, the only people I have ever way to let them know we do care. heard thank me on a personal basis - Helen Anderson Glass, Tucson, Ariz. are the Korean people. Many times I have had a Korean person take my hand and say, "Thank you for saving TnanKpu' orlngs tears Lesson for next generation my country." I enjoyed the article written by Jack The Korean War stories cry out - Ret.
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