DARLA MOORE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA PRIORITIES Our academic programs are strong and rigorous — but they must be even stronger to prepare students for the jobs that are coming. • Further strengthen the academic rigor of our programs • Deepen the content of our majors • Infuse business analytics across our curriculum • Enhance the soft skills of our students • Enhance opportunities for real-world experiential learning • Enhance our ability to conduct world-class research while delivering world-class teaching • Ensure that our students are well-prepared for their first jobs and the launch of their career FOUNDATIONS • One of our foundations over the next five years will be a fundamental transformation of the fabric of the school. We need all of our stakeholders to be engaged in and part of our efforts to enrich our students, develop our programs, and enhance our culture. • Engaging corporate partners in focused, deeper ways, including projects that allow students to solve significant real-world problems • Hiring world-class research and clinical teaching faculty • Expanding our support staff in student advising and the Office of Career Management • Delivering of world-class education: undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, and executive development RESULTS • Business-ready graduates who meet the needs of our global business partners • High-quality job opportunities for all students, positioning them for successful careers • A stronger reputation in the academic marketplace • A stronger brand for our school, our faculty and our alumni I am honored to present the Dean’s Report on the 2016 State of the Darla Moore School of Business. The report summarizes where the Moore School is, and driven by the changing nature of productive work reveals the historic changes now underway within the halls of our spectacular new building. These changes demand the engagement of all: facul- ty, staff, students, our corporate partners and alumni, and every other stakeholder committed to the school’s future. Within these pages you will encounter a school built on a solid foundation, but with the steadfast ambition to do much more. The Moore School’s state is strong; over the coming years it will become even stronger. This report documents how resources are being marshalled to serve our unprecedented undergraduate student body growth. You will read of more focused and comprehensive majors, of the building of stronger quantitative and qualitative fundamentals, and of combining business analytics with experiential learning so students solve business problems our corporate partners cannot. Together, these efforts enhance academ- ic rigor and equip students (both graduate and undergraduate) for the complex work now characterizing 21st century high-value employment. Corporate partners report our students are up to this challenge, and the upward trajectory of average starting salaries indicates employers are showing their support with real investment. To those already giving of their time, talent or treasure, many thanks for your support. To those not yet engaged, please find the place that best suits your interests, and join the journey. Whether an alumnus helping with internships or full-time employment, a corporate partner working with one of our centers to solve an intractable business problem, a donor offering much needed student scholarships or a business executive wish- ing to support a path breaking academic initiative, your contribution will help us change lives, one student at a time. Simply put: Connect, Engage, Invest! Dean Peter Brews DEANS REPORT 2016 | 1 Business in the future cannot be business as usual. OUR GROWING UNDERGRADUATE POPULATION Successful business will require new levels of func- Our story starts with success. The Moore School tional knowledge, advanced business analytics and has been attracting a growing number of under- innovative thinking. Problem-solving skills and a pro- graduate students. The following pages provide de- fessional approach to teamwork will continue to be tails on our many initiatives to ensure each student the foundation of success for new graduates. That’s receives a quality education backed by the required why the Moore School’s curriculum and experiential career education. emphasis embodies leadership, collaboration, inno- vation, integrity, creativity and hard work. We are building on more than 40 years of research and education leadership in international business, combined with academic program and research excellence in many of our programs — risk and uncertainty management, global supply chain and operations management, accounting and human resources. Our combination of faculty thought leadership and research, diverse academic program offerings and real-world learning opportunities make the Moore School a valuable partner to businesses within our state — and the starting point for business careers in South Carolina, the United States and around the globe. Undergraduate = 5,543 Alumni provide Masters = 220 leadership in nearly MBA = 550 100 COUNTRIES Ph.D. = 75 Currently, there are no validated comparisons for We are proud of our school and the strong pro- MHR programs. However, the Society Human Re- grams we offer our students. We have the opportu- source Management Society (SHRM), the largest HR nity to continue to improve our rankings overall and professional association, designates 113 programs in other program areas. Here are some of the rank- around the world as masters-level human resource ings we will be working to improve in coming years: programs. Among these, eleven programs stand out #43 Best Undergraduate Business Program in terms of size, reputation, and our primary compe- – U.S. News & World Report tition. Compared to these programs, our Master of #71 Top Business School Human Resource program is in the top 3 on starting – U.S. News & World Report salary, placement, return on investment, and number 1 in terms of faculty research impact. #96 Best Full-Time MBA – The Economist We have much to be proud of, but as Gamecocks, we know there are no limits. We continue to strive to be even better and to build recognition for the great work we do and will do together in coming years. DEANS REPORT 2016 | 3 The Moore School’s curriculum is evolving to be just as demanding as the global marketplace. To achieve this, we have launched the Undergraduate Excellence Initiative. This integrated effort will make our already strong programs even stronger by increasing the rigor of course content and the depth of what is covered across all majors, requiring business courses from the moment students start college, higher GPA and statistics advancement requirements and the infusion of high-level business analytics — the foundation for strategic problem solving now and into the future. PRIORITIES • Ensure the Moore School, its students and the state of South Carolina are globally competitive • Ensure the Moore School is delivering business-ready students who will excel for their new employers — making the Moore School a destination for business-school recruiting • Ensure students graduate with a well-rounded foundation for ongoing personal and professional fulfillment The overall goal of the Undergraduate Excellence Initiative is to thoroughly prepare students for both their careers and their first job. Our globally competitive graduates become future business leaders who fuel economic develop- ment and prosperity both locally and in markets worldwide. As part of our Undergraduate Excellence Initiative, the Moore School is raising standards, strengthening curricula and better-preparing students for work in business. THE UNDERGRADUATE EXCELLENCE INITIATIVE 4 | DARLA MOORE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ESSIONA Increased academic rigor will pro- PROF LISM business knowledge and skills more A duce higher-caliber graduates. ON TT effective. Students with these TI IT A UD V E Our corporate partners will O S skills get great job offers and N N continue to value and seek I earn promotions earlier in C our graduates to strength- O their careers. Our goal is M S S M en company talent and E N U to elevate these skills E N N I M I management teams. S C in all of our students U U A C T B A I through new and ex- O Creating excellence N panded course work in our students re- I continuing through N quires developing T E all four years of their L R S both hard and soft A S P K C education. L I E I L L R N I skills. For our em- L K S H S S O C ployers, excellent E N We are committed T A functional skills are a L to preparing busi- cost of entry. Our new ness-ready graduates A R E D curriculum now raises for our hiring company S G A N I N L P I O I T E I the bar: our students will K A partners. N S A I C B M C Y I L E now have an even stronger I D T Y / functional foundation. Yet our L E K A R D O E W R M S H research shows that our students A I E P T stand apart when they also have MOORE SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATE outstanding soft skills. It is these compe- STUDENT COMPETENCY CRITERIA: tencies, such as interpersonal skills, leadership, EMPLOYER CALIBRATION (N = 58) SOURCE: SURVEY OF MOORE SCHOOL HIRING innovation, teamwork and professionalism that make COMPANIES AT OUR SPRING 2015 JOB EXPO OUR GROWING FACULTY AND STAFF DEEPENING OUR MAJORS Undergraduate majors are being focused the program, which comprised 16 students, and deepened at the Moore School. For ex- 10 of whom are seniors. We are expanding ample, three tracks - sales, brand and prod- this program with a goal to include at least uct management,and analytics and market the top 10 percent of finance majors. BB&T is very proud research, are under development in Market- to support the Finance ing. In Management, the HR track is being Participating students started the pro- Scholars Program.
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