- L 0 LXIV--X 21.017. r~^?^F3»r&g t M NEW-YORK, V» WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1. 1904. -SIXTEEN PAGES.- t, tJ%S3LVj££u**u. PRICE THREE CENTS. THE AMERICAN TANGIER, GUNBOAT CA-STTXE. SQUADRON AT AFRICA. CJUTISKTR ATTaANTA. GtTN'BOAT MARIETTA. FRANCE TAKES A IIAM\ PORT ARTHUR'S J'LH.lir. TO HELP PERDICARIS. PROVISIONS RUN SHOUT. — — Result of Fleet fit Tangier and Japanese Enter Dalny Prizes A Diplomatic Representations. Battle on Line of Railroad. IFF. "HE TtaXOKK BCBUBMJ.I Chinese who re.ichrd Xew-Ch«-ang from \u25a0n"ashir.sto:i. Slay President Roosevelt's Port Arthur s.iitl thnt the situation in the so-called 1»« tricger" diplomacy. ezempUfled Tangier largest repre- fortress was desperate. Food was scarce and by his haste:.::-; to the of the American navy that ever vis- the hospitals were filledwith wounded. Wotk fentation vindl- a foreign port, has once more been on the damaged warships had ceased, and all l:e*s tJßjissurance France she csJsd by of that will civilians had been impressed into service. -•use her good offlces" to rescue Messrs. P?rdi- which Japanese troops occupied Dalny on May car and Varley. The suddenness with Iegan to arrive at Tangier \u25a0a American Beet SO. The Russians, who evacuated the town in efter the Utoapplng of the men named pro- after the battle at Nan-Shan, destroyed sfssiement, not only in Morocco, but In haste iMßfl big pier, but left intact the jetties and IYar.ce. Human lives were in dancer, one of the citizen, and the Presi- them that of an American CRTJTSEK F.TtO-iKr.TN. REAR ADMIRALFRENCH EL CIIADWICK. many storehouses. Two hundred railway dent wasted no time either with his ear to the <Ph.«to»frarh». copyright by E. Stull<>T.) cars were found uninjured. Brigands who pens' or In diplomatic correspondence, but or- were pillaging town were repressed by dered immediately :o the scene the American the fleet which- at that moment was beginning its LAW itYDER BLOCKED 4'20-ST. Bid fOTTON FIRM FAILS. GAVKMIiS.H $685,000 the Japanese. European cruise. Then diplomatic representa- BUILDINGS PASSED. LIAS Official dispatches received to St Peters tions were made to France. burg told of a battle at a point near the Port Ambassador Porter was instructed to advise TAKE ACTION. the French government that the United States ALDERMEN CANCEL HIS CONTRACT. HEAD CLERK DISAPPEARS. J. 7?. PLATT SUES FOR IT. Arthur-Moukden railway. The Russians, ap- V.as prepared to show all duo deference to the parently, were compelled to retire, although claim of France of a sphere of Influence over — by Monday Him the Japanese losses were reported heavy. Morocco, provided that no danger to an Amer- Tribune's Ordinance Will Prevent Street WillBe Restored Announcement of S. Munn. Son $$ iS Woman Blackmailed was occasioned thereby. Mr. "Porter A Japanese gunboat and two destroyers ican citizen Without Curb Cocks. (—( — Expected. *NaijExplain Green Mystery. had hardly ended bis representations when the Disasters Like the Darlington. Resu mption were reported sunk by the fire flogs Port r.ewF Paris that the Brooklyn, the At- an abatement of the Declaring that she has blackmailed him for reached yesterday adopted the building The Tribune's fight for The suspension of the old and well known forts while an attempt wa» being made lanta, the Casti: c the Marietta were at The aldermen In Forty-see- years, John FL Platt, an aged white man. re- Arthur and ordinance drawn by ex-Justice Slayer, at the re- intolerable obstruction nuisance house of S. Munn, Son & Co. was announced from !Tang'»r, and that other American \u25a0warships yesterday a "good thing" Tam- puted to he exceedingly wealthy, Is bringing to block the channel. The report came quest of The Tribune, and Introduced by Alder- ond-st killed yesterday on the Cotton Exchange, the reason hastening thither, and the necessity for contract, it accomplished a saving of suit in the Supreme Court against Mrs. Han- •were man John R. at the Instance of The many but for the step being explained In the following Moukden. or. the part of France became D&vfefl th» work nah Ellas, the negress who came promi- prompt action County two weeks' time In completing ditch from the firm, from the ros- late march to re- to Tribune and the Republican Committee. formal notice read General Kuropatkin's alleged manifest. The result was an assurance given between Madison ami Sixth nve«. In Forty-sec- exchange by Superintendent King: nence at the time of the murder Of Andrew H. Briefly, it will(ire the Superintendent of Build- trum of the lacks confirmation, and w*s Ambassador Porter to-day that Franco \u25a0would There will be Tammany tears over the Green. Mr.Platt seeks to recover about 9683.- lieve Port Arthur " ings power to enforce his orders, and it shou! i ond-st. We hereby announce to toe members of the Cot- do everything in her power effect the rescue killingof the "snap." ton exchange thai through the unexplained \u25a0«'- <>X>. With this, extorted from him by fraud and denied at St. Petersburg, although there wexo make Impossible a disaster like that of the Dar- clerk, has ef Mr. Perdicaris. accompanied by an expres- John T. Oakley, Commissioner of Water Pup- osti.-e of \u0084>ir head md trusted who lfft threats of bodily violence, the plaintiff alleges, Kin-Chow, lington Hotel. When the Darlington Hot.-l col- hi* books in an Involved condition, we are obliged further rumors of an sdvince on appreciation of this country's respect for , yesterday, con- !.. <:i!y n.- the bought the handsome house, No. 2SB sion 0! lapsed the Inspectors of the Building!Depart- I>l> Gas an.l Electricity, after suspend. We trust the suspension 111 woman the French attitude toward Morocco. suiting J. I'egnon. Cleanina; Com- temporary We would request all membsn of th«> Central Park West, where she lived when Cor- ment said that they had Sled the necessary Michael Btreet exchange BS)Vtag \u25a0•, >n contracts wttu our am te Political and strategic conditions in Morocco missioner and John McDonald, at nelius Williams shot. Mr. Green. several Other "violations" against th~ building, Woodbun B. pn>ml the uint to i.-'<. wli . accounts^ ence. assistance of France of the utmost but that the \v.. ''.tV..'-k «ate rh.i» we Imve very f«>v open con- and diamonds and clothes, regarding SUFFERING IN FORTRESS. tender tee c.»i celled a bisr plumbing contract in which ex- BtCuaage, and Houses Hamara, contractors «Ji<l sot pay any particular atten- tracta on the M*w-rorlt Cotton •. .-.: :-. Her relations with Da liaisuU's Councilman Ryder, Tammany that each which he has no particulars. He asks that repre- tion to them. Th-? new ordinance empowers Patrick J. leader these balance ether. riJet hive at least been friendly, and her the the Hid Interested. By Mann, then be an accounting of all the moneys, that superintendent, without the formality of apply- of District. is dome Inquirers at the offices of S. Bon & Co* Said To Be FuU—CiYih eenUtlons to him at this time are likely to be Beaver-st, real and accounts in banks, Hospitals ing to the court for order, thi« he enabled the Degnon Contracting Com- the Petanonlco Building, No. >'. the estate various greater respect by Raisull than those an immediately to In — accorded pany to hurry its work in Party-second t.» the firm's which he makes co-defendants^ be taken from Scarce. Morocco, domi- stop work on a building when judgment -at. were referred for further details inns Impressed Food of the Sultan of against whose In hi .I Degnon ani her control, and a receiver be appointed to col- the conditions warrant such Michael Commissioners Oakley attorney, Augustus H. Skil!ii>. of No. H Pine-st corre- nation Dv Hamnra is In revolt. Moreover, If stoppage. The new and Woodbury last night lecl the rents. London, June "The Daily Halt's" ordinance follows: united in the predic- Mr. Skllllri said: says: pacific ifiTC-seiitations do not promptly effert that Forty-second Klin? could not be found yester- spondent ai Xew-Chwang tion si would be restored to The mUwlng employe la ('larence F. Cameron, Mr*. Hannah PfrdlcarJ^'s rescue, France, -with an army corps Section !57a.— la -a^- there *h-'a be. in tde opinion Its normal condition Monday been Brooklyn. He lias not day. A Japanese rvaal at her home said she was Chinese fugitives from Port Arthur <!»- of Superintendent next morning. whose homi has In Some ad tho of Buildlnira in any borough 1..1 ;.t omce since a week ago last Saturday. situation of the then* In Algiers familiar with the country and trained having jurisdiction, This would not hay* been possible tbe out of town. August C. Nanz. who was her per- scribe tho Inhabitants danger to life tJr prr.p»-rty by ifit had n< I cam* to the otßca Ibts morning. Ha desperate. prices exist. The coat o£ 1: the of warfare In that sec- reason <t any 01 Illegal <><• work lii- father !iini from Famine methods usual defective work lii been for the cancellation the phtmbing con- \u25a0aid thai Iit- bad noi seen or beard tuna sonal counsel at the tune of the Green murder, weekly. Many persona) are violation ot or not In compliance with any of the of yesterday, when he und« ! provisions Increases tion, can more easily effect a release than could provisions »Jnc? k week ago said he was not acting for her now.
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