BASELINE REPORT ON COASTAL RESOURCES for Culion Municipality September 2006 Prepared for: PALAWAN COUNCIL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Palawan Center for Sustainable Development Sta. Monica Heights, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines 5300 Email: [email protected] Tel.: (63-48) 434-4235, Fax: 434-4234 Funded through a loan from : JAPAN BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Prepared by: PACIFIC CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL in association with ALMEC Corporation CERTEZA Information Systems, Inc. DARUMA Technologies Inc. Geo-Surveys & Mapping, Inc. Photo Credits: Photos by PCSDS and SEMP-NP ECAN Zoning Component Project Management Office This report can be reproduced as long as the convenors are properly acknowledged as the source of information Reproduction of this publication for sale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. Printed by: Futuristic Printing Press, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines Suggested Citation: PCSDS. 2006. Baseline Report on Coastal Resources for Culion, Municipality. Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables v List of Figures vii List of Plates x List of Appendices xi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xii CHAPTER I: CORAL REEFS 1 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Materials and Methods 6 3.0 Survey Results 7 4.0 Discussions 10 5.0 Summary 12 6.0 Recommendations 12 CHAPTER II: REEF FISHES 13 7.0 Introduction 13 8.0 Materials and Methods 13 9.0 Results 14 10.0 Discussions 21 11.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 22 CHAPTER III: SEAGRASSES AND SEAWEEDS 23 12.0 Introduction 23 13.0 Materials and Methods 23 14.0 Results 24 15.0 Discussions 39 16.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 40 CHAPTER IV: MARINE MAMMALS AND SEA TURTLES 42 17.0 Introduction 42 18.0 Materials and Methods 42 19.0 Survey Results 43 20.0 Discussion 54 21.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 55 ____________________________________________________________________________________ iii CHAPTER V: MANGROVE FOREST ASSESSMENT 57 22.0 Introduction 57 23.0 Objectives 57 24.0 Expected Output 57 25.0 Methods 58 26.0 Results and Discussions 62 27.0 Recommendations 82 REFERENCES 83 ____________________________________________________________________________________ iv List of Tables Table Title Page No. No. 1 Coral Reef Survey Sites Surveyed by Werner and Allen, Culion, 2 Palawan, 2000 2 Coral Survey Sites Surveyed by HAYUMA Foundation, Culion, 3 Palawan, 2000 3 Coral Reef Survey Sites of PCSDS, Culion, Palawan, 2000 4 4 Proposed Coral Reef Core Zones (Areas with More than 50% Live 9 Coral Cover) 5 Geographic Positions of Fish Survey Stations, Culion, Palawan, 2004 13 6 Total Number of Species Recorded Per Station, Culion, Palawan, 2004 15 7 Importance and Occurrences of Reef and Reef-associated Fish Species 15 Observed from Stations, Culion, Palawan 2004 8 Number of Families and Species By Category, Culion, Palawan, 2004 16 9 Species Richness and Frequency of Occurrence of Fish Families, 19 Culion, Palawan, 2004 10 Top Ten Frequency Occurring Reef Fishes, Culion, Palawan, 2004 19 11 Top Ten Frequent Occurring Target Species, Culion, Palawan, 2004 20 12 Top Ten Frequent Occurring Major Species, Culion, Palawan, 2004 20 13 Top Ten Frequent Occurring Indicator Species, Culion, Palawan, 2004 21 14 Fish Species Richness of 14 Sampling Sites from Reports of MERF, 22 1993 and Werner in 2000, Culion, Palawan, 2004 15 Location and Characteristics of the Macrophyte Stations, Culion, 25 Palawan, 2004 16 Macrophyte Cover Diversity (as Seagrass Species Richness N and 27 Seaweed Generic Richness, Culion, Palawan, 2004 17 Seagrass Occurrence Per Stations by Species, Culion, Palawan, 2004 30 18 Composition, Diversity (as Species Richness N, Range 1 to 8), and 38 Dominant Seaweed Genera Associated with Seagrass Communities in each Station, Culion, Palawan, 2004 19 Characteristics of Coastal Environments and Seagrass Communities by 41 Category by Stations (presence/absence of epiphyte load, canopy cover on bottom, diversity, ecological group, resource value to dugongs) Used as Criteria in Pinpointing Candidate ECAN Core Zones (green highlights), Culion, Palawan, 2004 20 Estimated Number of Fisherfolks in Culion 42 21 List of True and Associate Mangrove Species Identified and Recorded 63 in Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 22 Distribution and Abundance of Top Ten Mangrove Species in Different 65 Sampling Sites of Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 ____________________________________________________________________________________ v Table Title Page No. No. 23 The Diversity Indices of 43 Sampling Sites in Mangrove Forest of 66 Culion, Culculated Using Different Diversity Formula, Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 24 The Relative Values of the Average Overall Diversity Index and 67 Evenness of Mangroves in Culion, Palawan based on Fernando Biodiversity Scale (1998) 25 Comparison of Biodiversity Index of Mangrove Habitat in Other 68 Countries/Sites, Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 26 The RF, RDen, RDom, and IV of Top 15 Mangrove Species in Culion, 69 Palawan, 2003 and 2004 27 Average Stocking (N/ha) of Timber and Pole Size Trees/Transect in 69 Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 3 28 Stand Volume (MP P/ha) of Timber and Pole by Transect in Culion, 71 Palawan, 2003 and 2004 29 Mangrove Index of Degradation and Ecological Condition Indices of 77 Culion Based on Forest Structure and Ecological Diversity Parameters, Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 30 Ranking of Mangrove Ecological Indices for ECAN Zoning and 78 Potential Management Options, Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 31 Factors Considered in Choosing Appropriate Management Strategies for 80 Mangrove Areas in Culion, Palawan, 2003 and 2004 ____________________________________________________________________________________ vi List of Figures Figure Title Page No. No. 1 SPOT 5 Satellite Image, Culion, Palawan, 2003 1 2 Coral Reef Survey Sites of Werner and Allen, Culion, Palawan, 2000 4 3 Coral Reef Sites Surveyed by HAYUMA Foundation, Inc., Culion, 5 Palawan, 2000 4 Coral Reef Sites of PCSDS, Culion, Palawan, 2000 5 5 ECAN Coral Reef Survey Sites, Culion, Palawan, 2004 7 6 Coral Reef Survey Coverage from Four Initiatives, Culion, Palawan 8 ECAN Zoning Component (2004) in Red dots, Werner and Allen (2000) in Blue dots, HAYUMA Foundation Inc., (2000) in Yellow dots, and PCSDS (2000) in Green dots 7 Proposed Coral Reef Core Zones (sites with more than 50% Live Coral 9 Cover). Symbols represent the following Initiatives: Red (ECAN 2004), Blue (Werner and Allen 2000) and Yellow (HAYUMA 2000), Culion, Palawan, 2004 8 Status of Coral Reefs from Werner and Allen (2000), HAYUMA 10 Foundation Inc., (2000), PCSDS (2000) and this Study (2004). Red dots represent Proposed Coral Core Zones or Areas with more than 50% Live Coral Cover, Blue dots are Reefs with 31-50% Live Coral Cover, Yellow dots Indicate Areas with 11-30% Live Coral Cover and Open Circles are Depauperate Reefs (less than 10% Live Coral Cover, Culion, Palawan 9 Thirteen (13) Fish Survey Stations, Culion, Palawan, 2004 14 10 Distribution of 22 Stations (Station Numbers below the black dots are 23 Stations Surveyed in Feb. 11 Distribution of 22 Macrophyte Stations by Bed Width, Culion, Palawan, 26 2004 12 Cross-bed Depth Profiles (cm. mean+/-SD) in the Macrophyte Stations, 26 Culion, Palawan, 2004 13 Seagrass Canopy Cover, as Mean ± SEM, Primary Axis) and Maximum 28 Number of Species (Diamonds, Secondary Axis) with Distance from Shore (in meters). Top Graph, Profiles in Narrow Beds (≤150m); Both Graph, Profiles in Moderately Wide Beds (≥150m), Culion, Palawan, 2004 14 Mean Seagrass Canopy Cover Per Station (range 5 to 50% depicted by 29 the Size of the Symbols). Encircled Symbols are Stations with > 40% Canopy Cover, Culion, Palawan, 2004 15 Enhalus acroroides Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all Stations, 31 Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawan, 2004 ____________________________________________________________________________________ vii Figures Title Page No. No. 16 Thalasia heprichii Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all Stations, 31 Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawan, 2004 17 Halophila ovalis Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all Stations, 32 Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawan, Palawan, 2004 18 Cymodocea rotundata Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all 32 Stations, Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawan, 2004 19 Syringodium equisetifolium Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all 33 Stations, Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawan, 2004 20 Halodule pinifolia Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all Stations, 33 Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawna, 2004 21 Halodule uninervis Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all Stations, 34 Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawan, 2004 22 Cymodocea serrulata Percent Occurrence Across Transects in all 34 Stations, Overall Range 1 to 100%, Scaled by the Size of the Symbols), Culion, Palawan, 2004 23 Distribution of Staions by A. Seagrass Species Richness N, and by B. 35 Number of Seaweeds Genera. Species Seagrass Communities are Composed of 24 Diversity of Seagrass Meadows (as Species Richness N, Range = 1 to 8, 36 Culion, Palawan, 2004 25 Two Ecological Groups of Seagrass Meadows. The Dendrogram and 37 Species Occurrence Scores are from TWINSPAN’s Classification of the
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