Vol. 37 No. 3 the Boilerma k e r May • Jun 1998 The Official Publication of the In t e r national Br ot h e r hood of Bo i l e r makers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Re p o rt e r Helpers, AFL-CIO IN THI S ISS U E Boilermakers MOST/Common Ar c programs win NOV A aw a r d Programs honored by international group for innovation in improving efficiency, safety, cost-effectiveness HE CONSTRUCTION INNOVAT I O NF o rum (CIF) aw a r ded the Boilermaker’s MOST and Common Ar c Movement to take away T p rograms their highest honor on March 12 at the unions’ political voice tenth annual Innovation Celebration Banquet in Livonia, poses a serious threat to Mich. CIF is an international nonprofit organization ded- wo r k e r s icated to discovering, recognizing, and publicizing inno- . .5 vations in the construction industry that impro v e Dick Gephardt (D-MO, 3rd qu a l i t y , effi c i e n c y , and cost-effe c t i v e n e s s . CIF’s NOVA aw a r d has been ref e r r ed to as the “Nobel Dist.) is Boilermakers Prize of the construction industry.” The Boilermakers Legislator of the Yea r . .2 we r e one of four NOVAwinners chosen from 48 nomi- nees from four countries. Bo i l e r makers are helping MOST and Common Ar c programs were selected for scientists ‘catch the the award for reducing accidents, decreasing red u n d a n t [gravity] wave’ . .3 welder testing, and helping the industry avoid hundred s of millions of dollars in costs. In accepting the 1998 Canadian Boilermakers NO V A aw a r d – one of the most prestigious in the con- ar e orga n i z i n g ! . st r uction industry – International President Charles W. 4 Jones thanked all participants, including the many Boilermakers, contractors, and owners who have worked to make these innovations successful. First awarded in 1989, the NOVAaw a r d recognizes the innovative techniques and methods, proven on actual pr ojects, that improve the quality and reduce the cost of co n s t r uction. Nominations for the award are invited by the CIF. Adistinguished panel judges nominations based on their effect upon the construction process. The inno- vation must be a proven success, it must be a significant advance, and it must be documented. The Boilermakers MOST programs meet all these crite- Local 680 helps Port Wel l e r ria. They embody bold, new ideas, and their contribution Dr y Dock secure $100 Continued on page 3 The Construction Innovation Forum’s prestigious NOVAA wa r d, 1998. million contract . .6 (Photo by Steve Kuzma Photography.) Local News . .18 Bo i l e r makers hear about victories, Se t t l e m e n t s . .20 - 2 1 challenges at LEAP co n f e r ence Delegates hear from guest On the first two days of the confer- the dangers of deregulating the electric ence, delegates heard from a wide vari- power industry. Leg. Dir. Ande Ab b o t t speakers, talk to Congress ety of distinguished guest speakers and Leg. Aide Bridget Martin educated about proposed laws who talked about upcoming legislation delegates on the finer points of pro- and political action, including Senator posed legislation that will greatly affe c t NE A R L YTWO HUNDRED local lodge Ed w a r d M. “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.), our members and their families. delegates attended the 30th annual House Minority Whip David Bonior Many of the proposed laws before Legislative Education-Action Prog r a m (D-Mich. 10th), and Senate Majority Co n g r ess this year can seriously affe c t co n f e r ence in Washington, D.C., March Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.). us as workers and union members. It is 16-20. These politically active members Re p r esentatives Ron Klink (D-Penn., important that we educate ourselves, he a r d from numerous guest speakers, 9th), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio, 4th), and our families, and our fellow workers so discussed upcoming legislation, and Neil Ab e rc r ombie (D-Ha., 1st), also lent we are able to take the action necessary then went up to Capitol Hill to take the their wisdom to the group. Glenn to preserve our jobs and our way of life. Boilermaker message directly to their English, National Rural Electric See page nine for an in-depth look at senators and rep re s e n t a t i v e s . Cooperatives Association, talked about the 1998 Boilermakers LEAPco n f e re n c e . Long-time friend of labor Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.) addresses the Boilermakers annual LEAP co n f e re n c e . the Boilermaker Reporter 2 May • Jun 1998 G U E S T E D I T O R I A L We must keep working to protect the paychecks of those who make America run – the workers by Richard Gephardt (D – MO 3rd), We can’t stand for that. We have too c o u n t r y. Democrats have a plan to Boilermakers Legislator of the Yea r much work left to be done to accept this invest in our schools with 100,000 new, do-nothing Republican Congres s . well-trained teachers to reduce class know that many of you are doing a We have to reform our labor laws so size. And we want to help local govern- little better than you were a few that you can be rep r esented by the lead- ments modernize schools so kids can years ago. Thanks to the 1998 bud- ers you choose. I strongly believe that compete in the global marketplace. get – enacted by Congre s s i o n a l your right to organize must be enforce d Republicans don’t believe in our public I Democrats and President Clinton, by the federal government. We must schools enough to make these impor- without the vote of a single Republican re s t o re the balance of power in the tant investments. – the budget is balanced, unemploy- We must help working families make ment and interest rates are down, and ends meet. We have to enforce the equal the economy is looking up for the first pay laws that we have in this country. time in a generation. We have to fight along side It’s just not fair that a woman only But we still aren’t where we need to makes seventy-two cents on the dollar be. Workers across America are just each other this year to co m p a r ed to a man for doing the same running in place or even falling behind. ensure that we get a job. Arising tide used to lift all boats. Now, Congress that stands for And we must raise the minimum it is just lifting some boats. wage this year. If we want to call our- To d a y, the benefits of the economy your principles and your selves a moral society, we must ensure a ren’t spread around as fairly for all priorities. that the minimum wage is a decent Americans. The economy is stacked in wage, and a living wage. We can’t have favor of the wealthy and big corpora- working people living under the tions – and it just doesn’t give working poverty level. Believe me, it will be a Richard Gephardt (D – MO 3rd) people a fair shake. workplace to give you a real voice, and hell of a fight – don’t forget that many Boilermakers’ Just because Wall Street executives a real stake, in your future. Republicans in Congress don’t even a re getting and handing out re c o rd We have to protect the quality of believe that there should be a minimum Legislator of the Year numbers of million-dollar bonuses, health care for all Americans. We can’t wage in the first place. that doesn’t mean that you are seeing stand for insurance company execu- Democrats have a constructive and e fforts started a real debate about an increase in your paychecks. tives dictating to doctors what kind of common-sense agenda – based on our whether Washington is going to stand Just because the stock market keeps t reatment they can provide to your values – to move the country forward. for or against the working people of on breaking new rec o r ds, that doesn’t families. Republicans are in the hip Republicans are a “one-trick pony” – this country. mean that you are finding it any easier pocket of the insurance companies and they only know how to say “no.” They You know where I stand. I support to pay your bills at the corner market. their special interest allies – and will try just want to roll back the accomplish- the rights of working people to be And just because things are finally to kill any reform that will make a dif- ments we have fought so hard to t reated with the decency and re s p e c t getting a little better, that doesn’t mean fe r ence. We can’t let that happen. ac h i e v e . that you all deserve.
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