The IndypendenT #250: SepTember 2019 • IndypendenT.org bernIe’S SecreT Sauce p16 puerTo rIco: afTer The uprISIng p18 The 21ST cenTury femInIST p20 unlockIng our TIFFANY PAI SchoolS The cITy IS relaXIng gIulIanI-era polIcIeS ThaT have crImInalIZed a generaTIon of publIc School STudenTS. crITIcS wanT Them Scrapped. p8 2 COMMUNITy The IndypendenT CAlENDAR THE INDYPENDENT, INC. 388 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 212-904-1282 www.indypendent.org Twitter: @TheIndypendent facebook.com/TheIndypendent BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, records and other Alina Mogilyanskaya, Ann music related good- Schneider, John Tarleton ies all day. SMORGASBURG EXECUTIVE EDITOR: SEPTEMBER East River State Park, John Tarleton Bklyn MANAGING EDITOR: THRU SEPT 29 THE GREEN NEW DEAL and collectives, small presses, Peter Rugh THU 1PM–9PM, FRI–SUN 12PM– Join renowned author Naomi institutions, galleries, antiquarian SAT SEPT 21 5PM • FREE Klein a public discussion of her booksellers and distributors. 12PM–3PM • FREE CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: EXHIBITION: RESISTANCE RADIO latest book, On Fire: The (Burning) MOMA PS1 PROTEST: BURY THE PLAN NOT Ellen Davidson, Alina Learn how grassroots move- Case for a Green New Deal, which 22-25 Jackson Ave., Queens THE PARK Mogilyanskaya, Nicholas ments use the people’s airwaves. gathers for the fi rst time more The city’s plan to demolish East Powers, Steven Wishnia Features talks and fi lm screenings than a decade of her impassioned FRI SEPT 20 River Park and bury it under eight about rebellious broadcasters. writing about the climate crisis. 12PM–3PM • FREE feet of landfi ll has sparked an ILLUSTRATION DIRECTOR: INTERFERENCE ARCHIVE THE COOPER UNION PROTEST: CLIMATE STRIKE uproar on the Lower East Side. Frank Reynoso 314 7th St., Brooklyn 7 E. 7th St., Mnhtn Ahead of the UN Climate Summit, Opponents of the plan will march demand action to address the at noon from Tompkins Sq. Park to DESIGN DIRECTOR: Mikael Tarkela MON SEPT 9 WED SEPT 18 climate crisis with a march and the Labyrinth just north of the Wil- 9PM • $35–$60 5:30PM–7:30PM • FREE rally featuring Fridays For Future liamsburg Bridge where there will DESIGNERS: MUSIC: GHOSTFACE KILLAH TALK: STANDING WITH STAND- founder Greta Thunberg. be songs, speeches, art for kids Leia Doran, Anna Gold, Evan The Wu-Tang cofounder takes ING ROCK Foley Square to Battery Park, and a mock burial of the plan. Sult the mic. Dispatches of radical political Mnhtn East River Park, Mnhtn SONY HALL engagement from people taking a ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER: 235 W. 46th St., Mnhtn stand against the Dakota Access FRI SEPT 20 SUN SEPT 22 Dean Patterson Pipeline. 1PM–5PM • $17.50 7:30PM • $69 FRI SEPT 13 PEOPLE’S FORUM HISTORY: SLAVERY AND UNDER- MUSIC: JOAN JETT & THE INTERN: 7PM–9:30PM • $20–$25 320 W 37th St., Mnhtn GROUND RAILROAD TOUR BLACKHEARTS Garret Reich MUSIC: LOUISIANA DANCE Follow the Freedom Trail, where a Catch hard-rocking legend Joan PARTY WITH THE REVELERS WED SEPT 18 band of brave men and women in GENERAL INQUIRIES: Jett, the voice behind such classics [email protected] Get freaky on the dance fl oor 7PM–9:30PM • FREE NYC formed the hidden networks as “Bad Reputation,” “I Love Rock with the Revelers, Louisiana’s LIT: LGBTQ LITERATURE that became the Underground ‘N’ Roll” and “Crimson and Clover.” SUBMISSIONS & NEWS TIPS: Grammy-nominated supergroup THROUGH THE AGES Railroad. BERGEN PERFORMING ARTS [email protected] that combines swamp pop, Cajun, Scott Alexander Hess celebrates Bowling Green to City Hall Park, CENTER country, blues and zydeco into a the launch of his newest LGBTQ Mnhtn 30 N. Van Brunt St., Englewood, N.J. ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: powerful tonic of roots music that historical novel River Runs Red [email protected] could only come from Southwest with an evening of sizzling read- FRI SEPT 20 SAT SEPT 28 Louisiana. A brief dance lesson for ings and discussion with author 7:30PM–9:30PM • FREE 10AM–5PM • FREE VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: beginners will be offered at 7 p.m. Robert Levy and writer Darley MUSIC: ¡VAYA! 63: BOBBY SPIRITUALITY: NYC PAGAN Linda Martín Alcoff, Charlyne with music and dancing to follow. Stewart. The trio will talk about SANABRIA PRIDE DAY 2019 Alexis, Bennett Baumer, Sue STARR BAR Hess’ novel, set in 1891, as well as Bobby Sanabria and his Multi- Meet pagans, Wiccans, Druids, Brisk, Valerio Ciriaci, Rico Cleffi , Renée Feltz, Lynne 214 Starr St., Bklyn the evolution of queer fi ction. verse Big Band pay tribute to the Voodoo practitioners, Thelem- Foster, Emma Gaffney, BLUESTOCKINGS BOOKSTORE, mecca of all Latin dance halls, the ites, etc. for multi-denomina- Esteban Guerra, Lauren Kaori SUN SEPT 15 CAFÉ, & ACTIVIST CENTER legendary Palladium Ballroom, tional rituals and workshops. Gurley, Theodore Hamm, 12PM–6PM • FREE 172 Allen St., Mnhtn where the fusion of big-band Experience tarot card readings or David Hollenbach, Manvi PARADE: 50TH ANNUAL AFRI- mambo with jazz reigned supreme. join a drum circle. Jalan, Sophia Lebowitz, CAN AMERICAN DAY PARADE SEPT 19–SEPT 22 DAVID RUBENSTEIN ATRIUM AT Battery Park City Park, Mnhtn Derek Ludovici, Leonardo Celebrate black culture in Harlem. Times vary • FREE LINCOLN CENTER March, Gary Martin, Lydia Marching bands, dancers, fl oats, LIT: PRINTED MATTER’S NY ART 61 W. 62nd St., Mnhtn SUN SEPT 29 McMullen-Laird, Farid Nassif, the works. BOOK FAIR 2019 12PM–4PM • FREE Brady O’Callahan, Tiffany 111th St. to 136th St. along Adam An international gathering cel- SAT SEPT 21 FESTIVAL: BRONX NATIVE Pai, Donald Paneth, Libby Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd, Mnhtn ebrating the full breadth of the 11AM–6PM • FREE AMERICAN FESTIVAL Rainey, Mark Read, Reverend art publishing community. This MARKET: BROOKLYN FLEA RE- A celebration of the indigenous Billy, Chelsey Sanchez, Steven Sherman, Naomi Ushiyama, TUE SEPT 17 event welcomes more than 350 CORD FAIR peoples of the Western Hemi- Isobel van Hagen, and Chris 6:30PM–8PM • FREE exhibitors from around the world, Record labels, stores, plus sphere. Native music, dance, Wright. BOOK LAUNCH: NAOMI KLEIN ON including a broad range of artists vintage collectors will be selling storytelling and vendors. Featured VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTORS: Erik Anders-Nilssen, Eric Brelsford, Chris & Pam Brown, Hank Dombrowski, Joseph Epstein, Kim Frazcek, September 2019 Lew Friedman, Mindy Gershon, Tami Gold, Priscilla Grim, Laura Kaplan, Michael Korn, Jane LaTour, Dave adverTISe In The Indy Lippman, Ashley Marinaccio, unIQue audIence • affordable raTeS • perSonal aTTenTIon Christine Miller, Saul Nieves, for more InformaTIon, emaIl [email protected] or call 212-904-1282 Caroline Rath, Liam Reilly, Norm Scott, Carol Smith, and The IndypendenT Becky Vaughan. The IndypendenT 3 IN THIS ISSUE The newS In brIef, p4 Getting a message across the Atlantic, A-list schools get an F, Cops lose their cool, tennis bums and silent soccer hooligans. no counTry for old men, p6 AFRICANAMERICANDAYPARADE.ORG A 77-year-old vet from Woodstock, NY has been stuck in Ireland for six months awaiting performers: the trial for protesting the U.S. Silvercloud Sing- ON THE MARCH: The nation’s military’s role there. It’s unclear ers and Cetiliztli largest African-American parade streams when he will return home. Nauhcampa. through Harlem once again on Sept. 15. Pelham Bay Park SchoolS aren’T JaIlS, p8 Watt Ave. & A new initiative in NYC aims Middletown Rd., HARRy SITUATIONS: Blonde’s to clarify this matter. Will the Bronx front woman Debbie Harry releases her new NYPD play along? memoir at a Town Hall shindig this month. MON SEPT 30 JewS agaInST cageS, p10 8PM • $44–$56 Activists across the country are BOOK LAUNCH: DEBBIE copy of Face It. standing up to the paskudnyak HARRY: FACE IT THE TOWN HALL in the White House and Join Blondie frontwoman 123 W 43rd St., Mnhtn those abetting his attacks on Debbie Harry as she intro- immigrants. duces her long-anticipated memoir. She’ll be joined by buIldIng wallS, TearIng Blondie co-founder and re- down homeS, p11 nowned photographer, Chris Israel continues its ethnic- Stein, and multidisciplinary cleansing project with U.S. artist and director, Rob Roth. blessing. All tickets include a signed RAPH_PH/FLICKR communITy makeS IT poSSIble, p12 Newspapers are dying all around, but we’re beginning our 20th anniversary year with issue 250. warren vS. SanderS, p16 Some progressives may be ready for one or the other, but the two presidential candidates have very different philosophies and political bases. whaT dId you do over The Summer?, p18 In Puerto Rico, they overthrew their corrupt president and parTy wITh islanders aren’t stopping there. eco-faScISTS, p19 Meet the far-right environmentalists in Germany who want to keep more than the air “unspoilt.” The Indy There IS power In a unIon, JoIn uS In celebraTIng p20 In Steven Greenhouse’s new 250 ISSueS of The IndypendenT book, teachers play hooky for and The begInnIng of our 20Th annIverSary year. The parTy wIll feaTure their pupils and culinary workers reverend bIlly & The STop ShoppIng choIr carve up their bosses. mulTIple bandS & more. eraSIng The redlIne, p21 A new exhibition explores September 2019 histories of housing segregation SaTurday ocT 19 7pm–1am in order to build a new future. SIXTh STreeT communITy cenTer modern-day manIa, p22 Jia Tolentino tackles the 638 e. 6Th ST., manhaTTan The IndypendenT internet, reality TV and the $10-$20, SlIdIng Scale wedding industry in her new essay collection. STay Tuned for addITIonal deTaIlS In TheSe pageS, vIa IndypendenT.org and SocIal medIa. Trump help hoTlIne, p23 The Indy’s spiritual adviser Rev. Billy on youth-led activism and See you There! the legacy of Occupy Wall Street. 4 bluestockings and radical bookstore | activist center | fair trade cafe 172 ALLEN ST • 212-777-6028 Law bluestockings.com Disorderradio Mondays at 9am WBAI 99.5 FM Download Podcasts at EVERY THURS • 9–9:45AM lawanddisorder.org YOGA: Start your day with sun salutations and a vinyasa fl ow.
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