862 Dt:N LEICEST1~RSHIRE [KELLY'S Dunnicliff Thomas, 25 Church street, Elligott KM.B.A. 12St.Stephen's rd.L'str EvansRev. T.R.Shepshed,Loughborough Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Ellingworth Josiah, Eddystone villas, Evans Rev. Thomas VaughanM.A. 105 Duns Jamcs, Bishop street, Leicester Fosse I'd. New Found pool, Leicester Asbby road, Loughborough Duplock Chas. M. 62 Granby st. Leicester ElIiott A. Coventry rd.Market Harboro' Evan sRev. Wm. 2 Lincoln st.. Leicester Durant Richard,Eureka house,Stockers- Elliott J.G.Coventry rd.MarketHarboro' Evans Artbur, II The Newarke, Le'ster ton road, Uppingham ElIiott J. W. 29 Brookhouse a,'en.Le'ster Evans Charles, 95 Regent st. Leicester Durno Mrs. 37 New walk, Leicester ElIiott J. 17 Laundry la.Belgl'ave,Le'stI' Evans Edward, 12 Tower st. Leicester Durrad Frank, 21 Gotha street, Leicester Elliott John J. 21 Cbandos st. Leicester Evans Geo. 21 Uppingbam rd. Leicester Durrad Henry, Oadby house, Leicester Elliott Joseph, 78 Melbourne I'd. Le'ster Evans Mrs. Bath house, Moira, Ashby- Durrad Jas.26 Up. Tichborne st. Leicester Elliott Miss, Belton, Uppingham de-Ia-Zouch Durrad Jas. Wm. 39 St. Peter's I'd. Le'ster Elliott Saml. 78 Evington rd. Leicester Evans Mrs. 77 King street, Leicester Durrad Mrs. Kirby Muxloe, Leicester Elliott T. Coventry rd. Market Harboro' E,ans Thos.Guy,6I High Cross st.Le'str Durrad Mrs. 12 Lincoln street, Leicestr Elliott William, 40 Catesby st. Leicester Evans ThomasMerI'ett, Portland house, ])m-rance Rev. Wm. Sileby, Loughboro' Ellis Rev.John M.A. The VIcarage, Hun- London road, Stoneygate, Leicester l)utton Edmnnd,I8St.James' rd.Le'ster garton, Leicester Evans Wm.AshLeigh,Narboro' I'd. Le'str Duxbery Mrs. 59 Princess st. Leicester Ellis Benjamin, 124 Regent I'd. Leicester Evans William, New Parks ho. Leicester Dyball Mrs. 50 Gopsall street, Leicester Ellis Erne"t K Abin,g-don I'd. Leicester Evatt Mrs. Enderby, Leicester byer Robt.8S Hnmberstoue gate,Le'ster Ellis Frederick, 56 New walk, Leicester Eveleigh Robt. 92 Stoughton st. Leicester Dysart Right Hon. Earl of J.P. Buck- Ellis Frederick, West walk, Leicester Evelyn Henry, Hope cottage, :::icaiford, minster hall, Grantham; & Ham Ellis Geoffl'ey, 4 Prebend street,Leicestr Melton Mowbray house, Petersham, Surrey & 5 Ennis- Ellis G. H. ISUp. Tichborne st. Leicester Evemrd John Bl'eedon,Woodville,Knigh- Inore gardens, London s w Ellis Herbert, II2 Regent rd. Leicester ton Park road, Leicester Eacott Rev.C.B.A. Rectory,Galby,Le'ster Ellis I.L. TheGrange,Ellistown, Leicester Everard John Miller, Prospect bouse, Eady J.C.St.Mary's,MarketHarborough Ellis James M.P., J.P. The Gynsills,Glen- Earl Shilton, Hinckley Ea!,rle Henry, Kenwyn house, Upping· field, Leicester; & National Liberal Everal'd Miss, 13 East street, Leicester ham road, Leicester club, London sw Everard Mrs. Bardon Hill ho. Leicester Eagle Samuel, Rotton row, Coleorton, Ellis J.D.St.John'srd.Stonygte.Leicester Everard Thomas, The Gables, St. Mary's Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Ellis John, 148 London road, LClcester road, Knighton, Leicester Eaglestone Joseph, 3 Hazel! st. Leicestr ElIis Miss, Drumasbie, London road, Everard Thomas William, The Gables, Ealand John Frederick, White bouse, tltoneygate, Leicester Knighton, Leicester Leicester road, Loughborough ElIis Miss, G-lenfield }<'rith boo Leicester Everard 'William, Narborough wood, Eales George, Narborough I'd. Leicester Ellis Misses, Blaby, Leicester Enderby, Leicester Eales James, 58 Castle st. Hinckley Ellis 1\Irs. Knighton Hares, Ratcliffe I'd. Everard Wm. Narboro' Wood ho. Le'ster Ealey Mrs. 5 Evington road, Leicester Knh;hton, Leicester EverardWm.Thos.J.p.Bardon hall,Le'str Eals E. 218 Humberstone rd. Leicester EllisMrs.Stoneleigh,StoneygRie rd.L'str I Everett Rev. Edward Hawley, Rectory, Eames Harry WiIliam, Clarendon Park Ellis Mrs. The Brand, Wood house Eaves, Tinwell, Stamford road, Knighton, Leicester Loughborough EverittWm.I Cliffe vils.Melton rd.Le'str Earl Charles, 35 :Melbourne st. Leicester Ellis Mrs. WYllgarth, Central avenue, Ewen Amos, 8 Park I'd. MeltonMowbray Earl Joseph, 88 St. Saviour's I'd. Le'ster Kni~hton, Leicester Ewen Arthur J. tltoneygate rd. Leicester Earl Mrs. Burton Overy, Leicester Ellis Owen, 3 Fosse road, Leicester Ewen Mrs. 7 Hobart street, Leicester Early In. Wm.I7 Garendon st. Leicester Ellis Theo. H. 5 St. James' I'd. Leicester IEwing Arth. SI. lI2 Evington I'd. Le'ster Earp John, Kibworth Harcourt, Le'steI' Ellis T. 9 Upper Tichborne st. Leicester Ewing Mrs. 18 De l\Iontfort st.Leicester Barp William, 14 Mere road, Leicester Ellis W. H. Kirby I'd. Fosse I'd. Le'ster Exton C. 9 Victoria av.London rd.L'ster Earp William, 24 Newtown st. Leicester Ellis Wm. Hy.J.p.Anstey grange,Le'ster E..xton Henry, 13 New walk, Leicester Easam H. Fairfield ho.Aylstne. pk.Le'str Ellis Willoughby Frederic, Hill Crest, Exton Mrs. Forest ho. Bardon pk. Le'ster East Nathl. 28 Melbourne rd. Leicester Woodville, Burton-on-Trent Exton Mrs. 62Victoria rd.Belgrave, Le'str Eastburn Hev. Charles Fryer JlI.A. Med- Ellison Rev. William B.A. Blaston St. Exton Rt. 61 Flax I'd. Belgrave, Leicestr bourne, :Market Harborough Michael & St. Giles, Uppingham Eyre Capt. Vincent Thomas,Lindley hall, Eastwood Jsph. 10 Filbert st. Leicester Ellison J. R. I4Cross rd.Knighton,Le'ster N uneaton EatherallsMiss,Lansdowne road,Stoney- Ellmore William, Olive villa, Upping- Eyres Thomas Wm. 7 Napier st. Le'ster gate, Leicester ham road, Leicester Facer Jabez, 14 Turner street, Leicester Eaton Charles Ormston .LP. Toletborpe ElImore William Palg:rave, jun. Clare- Facey GeOl'ge, 12 Newtownst. Leicester hall, Little Casterton, Stamford brook vi.I. Humberstnne rd. Leicester FaggeHerbertWm.Regent st.Lutterwl'th Eaton GeoqeTrussell,Cavendish bridge, Ellwood Rev. Charles Edward, Hectory, Fai're Albert Chas. 79 Princessrd. Le'str Castk Donington, Derby Cottesmore, Oakham Faire Arthur William, Elmcote, Elm EatonJ.Chesham ho.Knighton drv.Le'str Elmhirst Rev. Edward B.A.,J.p.Rectory, road, Knighton, Leicester Eaton John, 52 Gopsall street, Leicester tlhawell, Rugby Faire Frederick, oSyston, Leicester Eaton William Sanford,Cavendish brdg. Elphick Wm. Uppingham rd. Leicester Faire G. H. 8 De MOlltfort sq. Leicester Castle Donington, Derby Else Alfred, 4 De Montfort sq. Leicester Faire Geo. R.24 Saxe Coburg st. Leicestr Eayes Warren, 80'Noble street, Leicestr Else Misses, l08 New walk, Leicester Faire In. E. 7 De Montfort sq. Leicester EcclestonR. W. 17Brook Ho. aven.Le'ster Elston Miss, 56 Sparkenhoe st. Leicester Faire Jsph. Louis,Humberstone,Leieestr Eddowes A. B.J.6 Market pl.Loughboro' Elswortb 'rhos. 15 Well and st. Leicester Faire Samuel, Ingledene, St. John's Eddowes John Henry IIl.D., J. P. Bur- Elton John, Shaftesbury road, Leicester road, Stoneygate, Leicester 1eigh fields, Loughborougb Elton Jsph. Wm. 34 West st. Leicester Faire Watkm L. 17 Melbourne rd.Le'str Edey Mrs. KibwofthBeauchamp,Le'ster Elwes Misses, Ketton, Stamford Faithfull Hev. Robert Colquhoun M.A. Edgell Edward, 39 Hazell st. Leicester Emberlin :Mrs. The Hermitage, Oadby, Vicarage, Quorn, Loughborough Edlin In. Oak viI. HinckJey I'd. Leicester Leicester Falkner Hobert Andrew, The Ashlands, Edmonds G.TheHolmes,Ketton,Stamfrd Embraugh Abraham, 5 Gresham ter- Ilston-on-the-Hill, Billesdon Edmonds T. 18 Mecklenburgh st.Le'ster race, .Bel grave road, LeICester Falkner Samuel, Richmond houses, Edwards Rev. John, Rectory, Staunton EmersonJn. J. 289 Belgrave gt. Le'ster Newport st. New Found pool, Le'ster Wyville, Market Harborough Emerson John Joseph, r Cromwell viis. FardellRobert, 21 Rawsonst. Leicester Edwards Rev. Raymond de Courey M.A. Loughborough road, Leicester Farmer Rev. Ernest B.A. Kirby Bellars, Church street, Lutterworth Emery Re,. Aloysius, Catholic college, Melton Mowbray Edwards David, 7 Brandon street, Bel- Ratcliffe, Leicester Farmer George, 33 Tamworth road, grave road, Leicester Emmerson William Lindsay M.D. 21 Ashby-de-la-Zouch Edwards Edwd. 46 Lincoln st. Leicester Stockdale tel'. London road, Leicester Farmer J.4 TheCrescent,Kingst.Leicstr Edwards E. Sbeepy Magna, Atherstone Emmerson William Lindsay, Waltham- Farmer Job, 77 Welford road, Leicester Edwards Jas. In. 43TheNewarke,Le'ster on-the-Wolds, Melton Mowbray Farmer John Ashley, Thornfield house, Edwards John, 30 New walk, Leicester EmmsAlf.WilsonJ.pLoughboro'rd.L'str Stoke Golding, Hinckley Edwards Mrs. Glenrosa, Stoneygate I'd. England C. Fern bilk. Six acre, Hinckley Farmer John H. 10 Upper Kent st. Le'str Leicester English Alfred,28 Garendon st. Leicester Farmer Miss, Park lane, Castle Doning- Egglestonc Wm. Wigston Magna, Le'ster English Miss, TinweIJ, Stamford ton, Derby Eggleton Robt. 95 Laurel rd. Leicester Ensor H.ChurchGresley,Burton-on-Trnt Farmer :Mrs. Osgathorpe,Loughborough Eland Mrs. IOUp. Tichborne st. Leicester Ensor Mrs. Clarendon Park road, Farmer Mrs. 'I am worth road, Ashby· Eldred Hy. P. 24 Nelson st. Leicester KnightOll, Leicester de-Ia-Zouch Eldridge Rev.C.O.40 Highfld.st. Le'ster Entwisle John Bertie Norreys J.P., D.L. Farmer Thomas, Ivanhoe villa, Tam- EIgar Thos. II6 Melbourne rd.Leicester Kilworth house, Rugby worth road, Ashby·de-la-Zouch Elgood John E. 32 West st. Leicester Entwistle George William Harvy, 375 Farmer T. B. 38 Newtown st. Leicester Elgood :Mrs. 22 Princess street,Leicester Humberstone road, Leicester FarmerWm.GraYJ.p.Thorntld.ho.Hnkly Elgood Richard, 29 Castle st. Leicester Esam Rd. 13 St. Stephen's I'd. Leicester Farnham Wm. EdwardJohn Basil M.A. Elgood Thos. Scott, 82 New walk,Le'str Evans H.ev. J. Harby, Melton Mowbray J.P., D.L. Quorn ho. Loughborough Ellen Rd. H. Loughborough I'd. Le'ster EvansH.ev.Richd.Lit.Ashby,Lutterwrth Farquhar James, 28 West st. Leidester .
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