iÜÊÌÊ`iiÀÊ Photo: Errol Mason. www.sambardeer.com Join the Australian Deer Association today UÊÊÊ Ý«iÀiVi`Ê>`ÊVÌÌi`Ê`iiÀÊ ÕÌiÀÃÊ and conservationists UÊÊÕÃÌÀ>>Ê iiÀÊ>}>âiÊÃÕLÃVÀ«Ì UÊÊÊiLiÀà «ÊÃÊ>Ê}iÕiÊÀi>ÃÊÌÊ Membership inquiries to hold a firearm licence National Membership Office, Australian Deer Association inc. UÊÊ Ì ÞÊiiÌ}ÃÊÜÌ Ê}ÕiÃÌÊëi>iÀÃÊÊÊ P.O. Box 454 Croydon, UÊÊÊiLiÀÃÊ«ÕLVÊ>LÌÞÊ Victoria 3136. & personal accident insurance Phone: (03) 9870 1175 Fax: (03) 9870 1173 UÊÊÊ7iÊÀi«ÀiÃiÌÊ>ÊëiViÃÊvÊ`iiÀÊÊ Email: [email protected] ÕÃÌÀ>>Ê>`Ê>ÊvÀÃÊvÊ`iiÀÊ ÕÌ} Web: www.austdeer.com.au UÊÊÓ£ÊLÀ>V iÃÊÕÃÌÀ>>ÊÜ`i “Conservation24 Victorian Hunting is a State Guide of2009 Harmony between Men and the Land” Aldo Leopold ÕÌ}¶ Want to learn the ropes from experienced hunters? The Association’s Hunter education program The very best and most experienced `iiÀÊ ÕÌiÀÃÊÊÕÃÌÀ>>Ê>iÊÌ iÀÊÌiÊ available at our hunter education course held at Rawson and other courses so you can learn from their experience and be successful too. The Association’s Deer Management Program / iÊÃÃV>ÌÊv>VÌ>ÌiÃÊ>ÊÕLiÀÊvÊ iiÀÊ>>}iiÌÊ *À}À>ÃÊÊVÕVÌÊÜÌ Ê>`Ê>>}iÀÃ]ÊLÌ Ê«ÀÛ>ÌiÊ >`Ê«ÕLV]ÊÌÊ>>}iÊ`iiÀÊ««Õ>ÌðÊÃÃV>ÌÊ members have the opportunity to play a very important «>ÀÌÊÊÌ iÃiÊ«À}À>ÃÊLÞÊ}iÌÌ}ÊÛÛi`ÊÊ >ÀÛiÃÌÊ «iÀ>ÌÃÊÕÃ}ÊÌ iÀÊ ÕÌ}ÊÃð Membership PREFERRED BRANCH (Tick One) I enclose a cheque for the sum of $......................... in full APPLICATION *Melbourne (Heidelberg) payment for the above subscription OR please debit my *Gippsland (Moe) Bank Card MasterCard Visa Card *East Gippsland (Bairnsdale) * * * *Westernport (Cranbourne) New Member Membership Renewal the sum of $....................... in payment for the above * * Central Victoria (Bendigo) * subscription. (Please delete cards not applicable.) First Name: .................................................................... *Murray Valley (Wangaratta) *Western Victoria Sub (Willaura) Name of Cardholder/Remitter: Surname: ....................................................................... *Other (interstate Applicants refer to website for nearest branch) ............................................................................................. Address: ........................................................................ TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP (Tick One) ...................................................... Postcode: ............... Card Number: ...................................................................... *Ordinary - $80 Junior (Under 18) - $40 D.O.B: ...................... Occupation: ................................. * Expiry Date: ................................ *Family (includes spouse and Telephone: ( ) ...................................................... children under 18) - $100 *Disability (DSP) - $60 Signature: ............................................................................ Email: ............................................................................ *Overseas - $48 *Extended Family Post your Membership I hereby apply for membership of the (Family & voting spouse) - $120 Application to: AUSTRALIAN DEER ASSOCIATION and DSP must include copy of Pension Card NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP agree to abide by its Code of Conduct. Family Names & Dates of Birth: OFFICE AUSTRALIAN DEER ASSOCIATION inc. ....................................................... PO BOX 454 Signed: .............................................................................. ....................................................... VictorianCROYDON VICHunting 3136 Guide 2009 25 What do I do if I fi nd a dead native bird? Risk to Recreational Bird Hunters A bird is a living creature and will eventually die The risk to recreational bird hunters is considered naturally as all animals do. You do not need very low, however, as with all wildlife and game, to immediately assume that the bird has died basic personal hygiene practices should be of Avian Infl uenza. However, if you observe observed when handling waterfowl. unusual circumstances, such as birds dying one after another or a group of dead birds without Even apparently healthy waterfowl can be an obvious cause, please take the following infected with microorganisms and parasites precautions: that can move between wildlife and people. It is recommended that the following practical guidelines be followed. 1. Do not touch the dead birds or bury them in the ground. 2. Take note of where the birds are on the ground, and location of where you found them. Inform your local Veterinary Surgery or DPI Animal Health and Welfare staff immediately. Report the details and location 6 2009 Duck Season (continued) of the birds. Try to be as specifi c as possible. 3. If either cannot be contacted straight away, call the Emergency Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888. 26 Victorian Hunting Guide 2009 Deer Hunting in Victoria bow/crossbow hunters should practice judging distances and determine their own range of Eight species of deer can be legally hunted accuracy. It is critical for all hunters to be able to in Victoria. They are Sambar Deer, Hog Deer, identify and hit the target’s vital areas, generally Red Deer, Fallow Deer, Rusa Deer and Chital the heart/lung zone (just behind the shoulder). 7 Deer Deer. The hunting of deer is only permitted Therefore, it is important for bow/crossbow from half an hour before sunrise to half an hunters to practice regularly to maintain their hour after sunset during the prescribed open skills. season. Deer hunters should remember that it is illegal to use a fi rearm on or across roads or tracks and to use vehicles, spotlights, two-way radios or electronic devices to hunt or assist Victorian Sambar Diet Study in the pursuit of game. Electronic equipment may be used for safety purposes or to locate DSE’s Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental hounds after a hunt has ceased (see “The use Research, with the support of the Australian of tracking collars” on page 29 of this Guide) Deer Association, is studying the diet of Sambar Deer in order to improve our Disposal of deer remains knowledge and understanding of the To protect the environment and reputation of species and dietary requirements. In the hunters, deer hunters should be considerate of 2008 Victorian Hunting Guide, hunters were how and where they dispose of deer remains. requested to submit samples. The response Dispose all deer remains responsibly (through has been overwhelming and to date more burial if possible) and no less than 100 metres than 100 gut samples from Sambar Deer (300ft) from waterways. Remains, including harvested in Victoria have been submitted. entrails, should never be disposed of or left in The samples will be analysed later in 2009, rivers or other bodies of water. The improper with results of the study expected to be disposal of deer remains can pollute waterways, released in early 2010. contribute to sustaining wild dog populations and portrays a negative image of hunters and For further information please email dave. hunting. Look after your recreation and do the [email protected] or refer to the right thing. information sheet on the DSE website www.dse.vic.gov.au. Hunting Deer With a Bow/Crossbow Any bow used to hunt for any species of deer in Victoria must meet the following minimum Sambar Deer - Stalking specifi cations: Sambar Deer are the most successful and • A long bow having a draw-weight of no less widespread of the deer species introduced into than 22.5 kilograms (49.5 lbs); Victoria and are considered to be a premier • A recurve bow having a draw-weight of no game animal. less than 22.5 kilograms (49.5 lbs); • A compound bow having a peak-weight of no less than 22.5 kilograms (49.5 lbs); • A cross-bow having a draw-weight of no less than 36.6 kilograms (80.5 lbs). • All arrows must be fi tted with a broad-head having a minimum of two sharpened cutting blades. • All arrows must have a total minimum weight (shaft & broad-head) of no less than 25 grams (385 grains). Bow/crossbow hunters must get much closer to their target than hunters who use a fi rearm and stalking skills must be combined with effective concealment to closely approach deer. For a safe and sure shot, bow hunters should not shoot beyond a distance of 30 metres. As such, Victorian Hunting Guide 2009 27 Hunting method for Sambar Deer: 10 hunters (including junior hunters and Open season: all year. On some types of Crown interstate or overseas visitors). land, hunting of Sambar Deer is not permitted Maximum number of hounds per team: during part of the open season (see Section 12 5 hounds (including any hounds in training) “Where You Can Hunt”). when actively hunting. Bag limit: no limit. • Centrefi re rifl e - minimum legal calibre .270” Hound hunting test (6.85mm); minimum legal cartridge case Any hunter wishing to hunt Sambar Deer with length 2” (51mm); minimum legal projectile the aid of scent-trailing hounds must have a weight 130 grains (8.45 grams). Game Licence which authorises the use of • Muzzle-loading rifl e - minimum legal calibre hounds (see Section 2 for more details on the types of Game Licences available). This applies 7 Deer (continued) 45” (11.45 mm); minimum legal projectile weight 230 grains (14.91 grams). to interstate and international hunters as well. • A bow/crossbow may be used (see above Prior to applying for a Game Licence to hunt with “Hunting deer with a bow/crossbow”) hounds, you need to pass the Hound Hunting Test. The test only needs to be successfully completed once and people who pass the test Use of gundogs for hunting Sambar Deer will receive
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