Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 7-15-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 15, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1983 Volume 68, Issue 174 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 15, 1983." (Jul 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Rep. Dan Crane named in sex scandal 1 7-year-old page involved \\.\"III\I.TII\ .\1' H,'p' qlt'fl. III ~f'r~ltlnt~ ot" t Ilrfl~:dtr"f' ('lJn .... ·n~ual ·~tn(i 'hal I '.lrlu'l ('I"'lllt'. H lliti. ~ '1",: ncr .1 ....... l&!;rlnlt·Tit .... prl'lt'fl'nt,al lro'alnwnl ", .om "nel f ;I'rr, ~tll(t.b /l \1 .. " Ttll" '·"llIfl1lt1.·.· -,,«I If ·tll!(i-. kind "as .,f1,'ro·r!llr ;(1\"11 t" Ihi· "IIIII"""'d . Thur,da\ lro 1"1111<', IiI;II 'HI\ ,1':>'lIal rl"i"IIOn,.hlp 1'.11(1' . '·Ojn"IIHf~t· (·harF!.t·; 01 .' '\.ltd I 1>.·1·.' .... 11" III .. Tld~·r .. 1 Ilu' II "u,,;,' f ·"mTIlIIl('t· 'p"I'la I 1'01lll,-,t·I n\,s~:onrllH'r \\ Ith I{"t'fl d~.· "I H"pro''''nlall\''" .'lId ., .Joseph A (,alrfano Jr saId 'hat pa~('" Thl' paIli'I .. ~k,·r1 Ih.· i.·I)rl!:U·f·:-. .... lun,d pit!;!t· or (H~~ Crane and Studds \\ alvt'd iht>lr Ilnuso' In tlt'dan' tho'lr adillns oj .. t'Xllal i..HhtJrll't' h~ ~t rta'Tl1ht'r to rl~hts to a publIC h!'arrng ··,,·nnll,. II' I,ut hn'ach" lIuI\. oJ P~h!" n'pn·~f·nr~ \I s('nous ",\no; slI('h >;"xual rdal; .. n· ,oll)(hl nn furlht'r punl,l;ml'1l1 bn'adl lit llit' dUl~ 1.\, "d h~ Iht· shIps' ,'or strlult· a \ lolatllln "f Thl' I'Omlllllto'\' ,;rId ",,1111' ('(aust' I lIf Ii." {"ndf' of offlnal ~j'. "ha,. ,H"knll\\ Il'rl~t'd IIndt'r f ."ndud " h."h . til It's '\ oath Ihat h!' had Sf·, lIal ·rm human and in mt'mht>r. offlcl·r. or "mpioyl'f' n'la1ions" In It.... -prln)( lit "'1\,, of the linuS(' Ilf H'"prl'sl'nlatl\('S \\Ith "il 17·.\t·ar,"ld [t·m,"., P'I\:I' no "'a~' did I "iolate shall {'ondu('1 hlms('lf ;11 all t'mpl()~t·d h~ Ihl' II "1I,"," 1', limO's III a manru'r "hleh ... hall Ht'pn'sl'nliIIIH'S .. JlI~' unth or Urn('f" • n,f1t'd ('rl"dit"hl\ nn Ih" lIoust· Sludds. \\ ho adwlt! I'd " "f Ht'pn'Sl'ntati\'I'l' St'xual rt'lationshlp \\lth a ,; - (:rane. ('a Ii fa 110 selld he n"('ognll(o(j year·old mall' Pil)(, III ~t'ar" thaI tht' <;(")(11011 mort's have ago. ilekFlowlt'dgt'cl 10 rhl' lull Sf"f" I·a~e 2 ("hangt'd dr"m,lIl('alh O\'er tht' lIouse thilt he is a hOll\n"l'xual past 'dt'('adt's - The veteran {·ongrl"SSman. ~Ii Hut ht, add('d "ror Ihf' Hnm;·~. told reporters "of ('our~I'" In' i!IIU~" .Ind lIs IndiVidual Ihe lSSU\' is \\ helh!'r th(' HilUM' intends to ser\'(' out his lerm 1Il"m h.· 1'''; I I) I hi' ~ tlune I'\'"pll' of Hl'presl'ntatlves h"" a duty to The report nf Ihe ethics paflt'1. \I ho ,..I'I'\!· thl' IIlIu,,1' as pact's [ak,' som(' nlfil"wl <ll'llon 10 officiallv called the Cnmmittt'e "Such nJlldul"l brlll~s t'xpn'ss Its dIsapproval of Ih'" on Standards of Official ('on· <lisen'lill upon thl' linus!' IIf ("Ilnclud of a mt'rnht'r \I ho hi'S duct. said members had voted Ht'pn·st'nlatl\"l's. In \"lolalltln of sexual relalions \\ Ith a I('('na!'!!' 11-1 to recommend the (']ause I of the ('OOt' of Official pagt'. away from hom!'. reprimand of each of the ('ondu{·t of the lIousl'." II said. dept'ndf'nt on th(' House fur lawmakers But it did not call ('rane and the female page. sl'('ondary s{'honllllg and C.roI Fr~m.n _Ips re.dy 1M new C.r...... u ..... ry. for their removal or other the report said. Inld the com· punishment such as stripping New library building to open mittel' the relationship was The Carbondale Public Library will officially set up shop in its new quarters Monday. To a~quaint the public with the new building. located at 4(l; W. Main St .. the Library Board of Trustees is holding a ribbon­ cutting ceremony and reception Sunday afternoon. The ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. at the new facilitiy 'Daily 'Egyptian and the reception will follow immediately and last unti! ~ p.m. The new library. which cost about SI.15 mil!inn o;.as funded by a property tax increase approved overwhelmingly by referendum in February 1981. Southern Illinois University Although the new structure is about four times larger than the original building. bead librarian Ray Campbell said that Friday; July 15. 1983·Vol. 68. No. 174 thl' staff and operating budget will remain the same. The library is open ttl all city residents. free of charge. from 9a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I)n Saturdays. Cable commission pushes for 20 channels, local programs Iceland Ry Karen 1'orry ignorro by the previous fran· took o\·er. cnmmission Staff Writer chise holder since 1971 when l'hairman Charlt's Klast'k told It's 'lOt arhat :-"ou'd 'hink 8ays 8ludflnt Carbondalf' was wirl'd for Periea. The Carbondale Cable cable. "It is time In do soml'thlng .. Ry i}nid Baldwin career with the governmmt­ Television Commission reaf­ Cablevision manager Craig Studt-nt Writer owned radio or television firmed Wednesday its com· Periea said it rna\" take more St-(' (·UU.I-:. I'agf' :l station. where the pay is lower mitment to bringing 2tl-ehannel than si:< months to g('t equi?­ Contrary to popular wisdom. than that of the newspapers. basic service and local merat to change "96 milt'S of winter.i in Carbondale are often But. unlike American programming to the city by 19IW eJedronics" and Install ('on· . colder than in Iceland. t('levision. the Icelandic station and dismissed claims bv vertt'rs in :nor~ th,\I1 ~.:ll"1 (ius Johanna Ingvarsdottir. a broadcasts for onlv a few hours Carbondale Cablevision that It homes to switct, from Iht> junior majoring in radio­ each evening. - mav be impossible to do. prl'Sent 12 ehannels to ~tl 'Bode television and journalism. "It's not like America where •.\"t :'.londay·s City Council CommiSSIOn m('mh."r,. of laughed when she told of the everybody watches." Johanna meeting. the commission fered no sympathy for .comlnon misconc('ptions said. "Or where housewives recommended that the council Cabll'vision. cntic'zing Its :\Iidwesterners have about her watch all day. Why" For no force Cable\'ision to implement parent l·ompany. Tl'll'cnm' homeland. reason." 2()-channel serYice and local muni('ations Inc .. for falling In :- ...... ~ People ask if we live in Te!e\;sion programming is a programming. requirements of plan " ad\'anct' for the !'\\II· (;U'i -;I\S th(' T\I ('''",mis,ion igloos.' said Johanna. whose mix of Amerkan. British and the franchise agreement si!!ned chon'r ,huuld i('11 ('abl('\ision that nnh surname translates to Icelandic productions. she said. bv Cablevision and th(' cit,· III "You knl'w thl' l'OnlnllSSIOn tht' first thrt'(' I·(,·run .. IIr a tit'· "daughter of Ingvar." adding that there has recently months ago. was l'llnet'rnl'd aboul hasic t'"undl m(,f'tin~ \\BI ('Ilun! a's Iceland. an island nation of been pressure to a\low in­ 1'he same terms had bel'n sen'ie(' almost a" soon as you IIK'al pro~rammin!:. 'about 240.000 people. enjoys dependent stations to go on the four seasons a year. Johanna air. said. Summer temperatures The standard "f living in Five nuclear plallts ordered closed sometimes reach as high as 80 Iceland is high. Johanna said. degrees. while winter tem­ but citizens mu.c;t work !Mrd tor WASHINGTON IAPI - The Harold Dl'nton. hl'ad of the ht> Sl'l'n b\ :he human t·w. 'He peratures of between 20 and 30 it. The sociaiist government government on Thursday or­ NRCs Offict' of ~uc\('ar offiCials s:Jid The\ \\t'r!' found degrees are common. provides a wide array of social dered the closing of five Reador Regulation. said Iht' throu!'(h o'nphisllralt'd Summers in Iceland. though. services. but Johanna said the General Electric nuclear power cracks could cause the pipt's of ultrason,c testln~. hellit a unique charm. she said. people pay taxes at the 50 plants. including two in Illinois. a plant's primar.y ('ooling For two mooths the sun never percent level to have them. to inspect cooling pipes for system to break. creating the Six of tne l:l other liE plants really sets and at night it seems Inflation also is high. she said, cracks which could trigger a potential for a core meltdown are currt-nth' shut down to sit on the sea. bathing the reaching 80 percent a year.
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