E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2016 No. 148 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, November 14, 2016, at 2 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2016 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS will see fewer nominations confirmed called to order by the President pro Mr. REID. Mr. President, in this Re- than any President in many, many dec- tempore (Mr. HATCH). publican Congress—especially as we ades. f head out for yet another unearned re- Republicans have not done their basic work of government, and they PRAYER cess—I feel compelled to comment on how Republicans have treated the have not stood by their commitments The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- President of the United States during to restore regular order or to pass a fered the following prayer: the last 8 years. budget. Let us pray. History will look back and note that Republicans have spent their time Eternal God, You sustain us with the Republicans in Congress treated doing everything in their power to dis- Your unfailing love, for Your faithful- President Obama with unprecedented credit President Obama and empower ness reaches beyond the clouds. Use disrespect. No one expected them to Donald Trump. That is not a legacy our Senators to accomplish Your pur- agree with everything that he did or that any Senator should be proud of. poses in our Nation and world. May tried to do, but Americans deserve bet- I listened to public radio this morn- they tackle the complex challenges of ter than the way Republicans behaved ing, and the Arizona Republic, from the our times with the confidence that toward President Obama. big city of Phoenix, right next to Ne- Your providence will prevail. Train A day or two after President Obama vada, for the first time in its history of them in the school of humility so that was elected the first time, Republicans more than 120 years—for the first time they will walk safely without stum- met here in Washington—all the Re- in its history—endorsed a Democratic bling. May they remember that humil- publican big names—and they came to Presidential nominee. It had never two conclusions. No. 1, Obama would ity precedes honor. been done before. It is a Republican not be reelected. They failed on that Lord, bless and protect America, newspaper. I listened to the editor of one quite miserably. But No. 2, they making it a land that provides free- the newspaper on the radio this morn- would oppose everything that Presi- dom’s lamp to our world. Incline each ing saying they couldn’t. Why? Because dent Obama tried to do, and they have citizen to hear Your words of truth and of Donald Trump. to apply his or her heart to knowledge. stuck by that without any question. The legacy of Donald Trump should We pray in Your great Name. Amen. America would be better off with a responsible opposition party that found not be anything the Republicans are f a way to make its differences with proud of. The only thing Republicans PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Obama clear without treat- have done this year was to prove that The President pro tempore led the ing him with such contempt. But, they are the party of Trump. They are Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: sadly, that is not what they saw from the party of Trump. They say they are Republicans over the past 8 years. not the party of Trump, but they are. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the They would have us believe that Trump United States of America, and to the Repub- President Obama is the first Presi- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, dent to be denied a hearing on his just fell out of the sky and somehow indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. budget. He is the first President to be mysteriously became the nominee of f denied a hearing on a Supreme Court the party, but that is not the way it is. nominee. President Obama is the first Everything he has said, stood for, RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY President to be asked to show his birth done in this bizarre campaign he has LEADER certificate. President Obama is the run has come, filtered up, from what The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. BAR- first President who has faced over 500 has gone on here in the Republican RASSO). The Democratic leader is rec- filibusters here in the Senate. In this Senate—disagreeing with everything— ognized. Republican Senate, President Obama anything—President Obama wanted. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6251 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:39 Sep 29, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE6.000 S29SEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 29, 2016 They filibustered things they agreed TRIBUTE TO DALLAS POLICE More importantly, perhaps, is the with just to slow things down. CHIEF DAVID BROWN support for veterans programs and Trump is no anomaly. He is the mon- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I want military construction. It is important ster the Republicans built. He is their to start today by offering a word of that we pass legislation to meet our re- Frankenstein monster. They own him. gratitude to retiring Dallas police chief sponsibilities to support our men and All we have to do to see that the Re- David Brown, who will retire from his women in uniform wherever they may publicans are the party of Trump is to long career of public service this Tues- be serving, whether here at home or look at the way they have treated day. abroad. President Obama. He is a good man, a Chief Brown became the face of a ter- Thanks to the leadership of the Sen- good family man. He has a great edu- rible tragedy that occurred in Texas a ator from Ohio and the Senator from cation. He is a good communicator. He few weeks ago when five police officers New Hampshire, we passed legislation has written two best-selling books. Ev- were gunned down in cold blood. that will provide additional funds to eryone knows he can communicate Frankly, I had many colleagues and deal with the opioid epidemic that is orally. He deserved better than the un- other people whom I have run into ask ravaging many parts of our country. As precedented disrespect the Republicans me about him because he made such a a medical doctor, the Presiding Officer have shown toward him. positive impression with his calmness knows that people unfortunately get America, which twice elected Barack under difficult circumstances and his hooked on opioid prescription drugs. Obama to be its President, deserves leadership qualities. Frequently, when that runs out, they better—much, much better. It is a The incident occurred last July when shame what has not been done, and it often opt for cheaper, more plentiful 12 law enforcement officers were shot, heroin, which, when mixed with other is a shame what has been done. and 5 were killed. I remember attend- Mr. President, I note that my friend ingredients such as fentanyl, makes it ing the memorial service with Presi- even more deadly and more likely that the Republican leader is not here. I will dent Obama and the First Lady, as well suggest the absence of a quorum, and they will overdose with the use of this as President George W. Bush and Laura heroin laced with fentanyl. We have the Chair can announce the business of Bush, and the chief spoke then along the day following his appearance here. provided additional funds in this con- with Mayor Rawlings. I can’t tell you tinuing resolution to deal with that. I suggest the absence of a quorum. how grateful I am that, at a time when The PRESIDING OFFICER. The people think Washington has lost its Finally, but very significantly, we clerk will call the roll. way, we still have strong, articulate, also were able to break the impasse The senior assistant legislative clerk compassionate leaders like Chief over funding for Zika. As we have come proceeded to call the roll. Brown and Mayor Rawlings. to learn, Zika is a mosquito-borne Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask Chief Brown is retiring after 33 years virus that has the potential of causing unanimous consent that the order for of service to the Dallas police force. As terrible birth defects in children. We the quorum call be rescinded. a result of the attention he got from have seen pictures of children with The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without all of the publicity surrounding this shrunken skulls from the microcephaly objection, it is so ordered. terrible tragedy in July, the chief be- caused by this terrible mosquito-borne virus. f came a little bit of a folk hero, I guess, and people began to listen to what he We had been trying since last May to RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME had to say about a lot of different get that Zika funding done. For some The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under things. One of the things he would like reason, even though the amount of the the previous order, the leadership time to say is ‘‘Dallas loves.’’ He made that funding, $1.1 billion, was agreed upon, is reserved.
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