02E1 G-78 April 1979 Beef Program 1978 Report This publication is a reprint of the Beef Program section, 1978 CIAT Annual Report Centro Intemacional de Agriciultura Tropical (CIAT) Apartado A6reo 6713 Cali, Colombia S.A. PERSONNEL OF THE BEEF PROGRAM Office of Director General LuL Alfredo Le6n, PhD, Soil Chemist (IFDC Phosphorus Project) Senior staff C. Patrick Moore, PhD, Animal Scientist John L. Nickel, PhD, Director General (st3tioned in Brasilia, Brazil) Alexander Grobman, PhD, Associt., Gustavo A. Nores, PhD, Economist Director General, International Coceration Osvaldo Puladines, PhD, Animal Scientist, *Kenneth 0. Rachie, PhD, Associate Director Nutrition General, Research Jos6 G. Salinas, PhD, Soil-Plant Nutritionist *Kenneth D. Sayre, PhD, Legume Breeder Otherprofessional :taff RainerSchultze-Kraft, DAgr, Legume Agronomist Cecilia Acosta, Administrative Assistant James M. Spain, PhD, Soil Scientist, Pasture Development (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Luis E. Tergas, PhD, Agronomist, Training/ Regional Trials Beef Program Derrick Thomas, PhD, Forage Agronomist (stationed in Brasilia, Brazil) Senior stall Visiting scientists Pedro A. Sinchez, PhD, Soil Scientist Thomas T. Cochrane, PhD, Land Resources (Coordinator) Specialist Eduardo R. Aycardl, PhD, Animal Health E. Mark Hutton, DAgrSc, Breeder Specialist Nobuyoshl Maeno, DAgr, Legume Agronnmist Walter Couto, PhD, Soil Scientist, Pasture Development (stationed in Brasilia, Brazil) Postdoctorallellows William E. Fenster, PhD, Soil Fertility Mario Caldcr6n, PhD, Entomology (IFDC Phosphorus Project) Jillian M. Lennk, PhD, Plant Pathology John E. Ferguson, PhD, Agronomist, 2,ugetia de Rublnstein, PhD, Economics Seed Production "Bela Grof, PhD, Forage Agronomist Visi.ing specialists (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Rolf M inhoist, MS, Animal Management Jeke Halliday, PhD, Soil Microbiologist (stationed in Brasilia, Bres,l) C. Allan Jones, PhD, Grasses Agronomist Peter Kammer, MS, Animal Management Ingo Klehlhelsterkamp, DAgr, Animal Scientist (stationed in Maturin, Venezuela) Management * Left during Research associates 1978 Edgar Burbano, MS, Seed Production On sabbatical leave. Transterred to Carimagua as of January 1, 1979. Left during 1978 Carlos Castilla, MS,Pasture Development Martha Lucia Escand6n, Ing. Agr., Legume (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Breeding *Rubn Dario Estrada, MS,Econo',ics *Jalme Escobar, Zoot., Pasture Utilization Clemencla G6mez, MS,Training/Regional Trials (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) *Victor H. Guzm~iu, MS, Animal Health Luis E. Forero, Biologist, Plant Introduction Libardo Rivas, MS, Economics Luls H. Franco, Ing. Agr., Pasture Development Fabio Nelson Zuluaga, MS, Animal Health (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Duvin Garcia, Ing. Agri.,Seed Production Visiting research aysociates Hernin Giraldo, Ing. Agr., Legume Agronomy Fabio Calvo, Ing. Agr., Pasture Development Ram6n Gualdr6n, Ing. Agr., Soil Science Guido Delgadillo, MS,Soil-Plant Nutrition (stationed in Carimagota, Colombia) Jorge Luis Dlaz, MS,Pasture Utilization Fablo Gutllrrez. Ing. Agr., Soil Microbiology William F. G6mez, DVM, Pasture Utilization Urlel Gutitrrez, Lconomist, Economics Hendrik Jansen, MS,Legume Agronomy Silvio Guzmin, DVM, Training/Regional Trials *Herbert Jenrich, MS,Pasture Utilizat; n Pharar Hoyos, Zoot., Pasture Utilization Joel Levine, MS, Economics (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) *Javier Marin, BS, Phosphorus Project *Jorge Leal, Zoot., Pasture Utilization Frank MUller, MS,Legume Agronomy *Orlando Lozano, DVM, Animal Management (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Henry Llanos, lng. Agr., Soil Chemistry Luis Fernando SAnchez, MS,Land Resources C'irlos Humberto Molano, lng. Agr., Grass Agronomy (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Rodrigo F. Mutds, Zoot., Animal Management Research assistants (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Amparo V. de Alvarez, Ing. Agr., Plant Pathology Martha Stella Peila, Chemist, Pasture Utilization *Miguel A. Ayarza, lng. Agr., Soil Science *Bernardo Rivera, DVM, Animal Health Daniel Javier Belalci.ar, lng. Agr., Plant (stationed in carimagua, Colombia) Introduction Manuel Siinclez, Ing. Agr., Legume Agronomy Francisco Bonilla. Ing. Agr., Seed Production (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Raul Bolero, DVM, Animal Management Roberto Sdnchez, Ing Agr., Soil-Plant Nutrition (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Jos6 Ignacio Sanz, Ing. Agr., Soil Science Arnulfo Carabaly, Ing. Agr.. Grass Agronomy Gustavo Adolfo Urrea, Ing. Agr., Manuel Coronado, Ing. Agr., Legume Breeding Training/Regional Trials Jos6 Misael Cortes, DVM, Animal Health Bernardo Velosa, Ing. Agr., Legume Breeding Patricia Chac6n, Biologist, Entomology Fernin Alberto Varela, Ing. Agr., Entomology Luis A. Duque, lng. Agr., Phosphorus Project (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia) Left during 1978 Left during 1978 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION B-I Germplasm B-! Technology Components B-2 Knowledge of the Target Area B-2 TARGET AREA SURVEY P-5 Climate B-6 Landscape B-8 Vegetation B-9 Soil B-10 Bibliographic References B-Il PLANT INTRODUCTION B-Il Collection and Introduction of Forage Germplasm B-12 Initital Germplasm Increase and Maintenance B-12 Preliminary Evaluation of Germplasm B-12 Reference Herbarium B-17 FORAGE BREEDING B-17 Stylosanthes capilata B-17 Centroseme pub'scens B-17 Leucaena B-18 Desmodium ovalifolium B-18 Panicummaximum :-18 LEGUME AGRONOMY B-19 Zornia latifolia B-19 Desmodium ovalifolium B-19 Stylosanthes capitata B-21 Stylosanthes guianensis B-23 Centrosemahybrid 438 B-28 Browse Legumes B-28 New Activities B-31 Germplasm Classification B-31 GRASS AGRONOMY B-32 Drought Tolerance B-32 Response to Defoliation B-36 Fertility Response B-38 Nutritional Quality B-39 Improvements in Methodology B-41 Classification of Grass Accessions B-44 SEED PRODUCTION B-44 Seed Increase B-45 Seed Production Technology B-45 PLANT PATHOLOGY B-52 Anthracnose B-52 Blight B-62 Root-knot Nematode B-62 Camptomeris Leaf Spot B-62 Cercospora Leaf Spot B-62 Rust B-62 Powdery Mildew B-63 Other Potentially Important Fungi B-63 ENTOMOLOGY B-63 Life Cycle Studies Biological B-63 Control B-64 Host Plant Resistance Population B-66 Dynamics B-66 Characterization of Effects of Anthracnose/Stemborer Attacks B-67 Field Evaluations B-68 Bases for Host Plant Resistance SOIL MICROBIOLOGY B-68 B-71 Rhizobium Collection B-72 Strain Selection Acid B-72 Tolerance by Rhizobium B-78 Inoculation Recommendations SOIL FERTILITY B-79 AND PLANT NUTRITION B-80 Nitrogen Requirements of Forage Grasses Phosphorus B-80 Requirements of Forage Grasses B-83 The Phosphorus Project B-85 Soil Test Calibration B-86 Lime/Phosphorus Experiments Phosphorus B-86 Incubation Experiment B-89 Mixtures of Phosphate Rock and Triple Superphosphate B-89 Long-term Effects of Different Phosphate Rocks Granule B-90 Size of Phosphate Rock B-94 Developing a Phosphorus Research Network Systematic B-94 Estimation of Nutrient Requirements B-96 PASTURE DEVELOPMENT Crops B-97 as Precusors for Pasture Establishment B-97 Pasture Development in the Llanos Pasture B-99 Establishment B-102 Pasture Maintenance and Management Pasture B-104 Development in the Cerrado B-107 Limiting Fertility Factors Establishment B-108 Requirements B-108 Establishment Methods Pasture B-109 Renovation B-I 10 Other Experiments PASTURE B-I 10 UTILIZATION B-110 Nutritive Value of Andropogon gai'anus B-I 10 Nutritive Value of Desmodium species Grazing B-I II Management of Legume/Grass Associations B-I 12 Animal Production Potential of Pure Grass Pastures B-I 17 Animal Production Potential of Grass/Legume Pasture:s Animal B-121 Production Trials at Brasilia B-122 ANIMAL MANAGEMENT Evaluation B-124 of Beef Production Systems B-124 Breeding Herds Management Systems Test B-135 Herd B-139 ANIMAL HEALTH Macro-monitoring B-142 Intermediate B-142 Monitoring B-144 ETES Project Miscellaneous B-144 Surveillance B-146 Brachiaria decumbens Toxicity Micro-monitoring B-148 B-148 Natural Leptospira Infection under High Nutritional Stress B- 151 Studies of Pathogenicity of Leptospirahardo B-152 ECONOMICS B-155 Cost of Pasture Establishment B-155 Selection Parameters of Herd Systems B-158 Simulation of Strategically Used Legume-based Pastures B-159 Distribution of Benefits among Consurr,.rs from Increased Beef Production B-163 TRAINING AND REGIONAL TRIALS B-169 Training B-169 Regional Trials B-169 Conferences B- 172 PUBLICATIONS B-174 Beef Program CIAT's Beef Program became fully Its principal unknown characteristics operational this year, with field research are its tolerance to Brazilian spittlebug activities at CIAT-Quilichao, Carimagua, species, animal production during the dry Brasilia and a network of 14 established season, and its weed potential in crops. The regional trials throughout the target area. Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario Following the objectives and work plan (ICA) and CIAT have agreed to a joint described in the 1977 Annual Report, the release as "Pasto Carimagua cv. 621" by main accomplishments can be summarized early 1980, provided the unknown in terms of developing germplasm, questions are satisfactorily resolved and no technology components and setting the significant negative factors are found stage for technology transfer activities, during the 1979 experiments. Gormplasm Seven accessions of three forage legume species, Zornia lanfolia (CIAT 728), Andropogon gayanus CIAT 621 has Desmodium ovalifolium (CIAT 350) and shown outstanding performance as a Stylosanthes capitata (CIAT 1019, 1078, highly productive forage grass for Oxisol- 1097, 1315 and 1405) continue
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