MINUTES 403.'I MEETING STATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY-TAMIL NADU Date: 13.10.2020 T,IINUTES OF THE 403'd MEETING OF THE STATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSf,SSMENT AUTHORITY HELD ON I3.IO.2O2O Agenda Description File )linutcs No No, Confirmation of the minutes of The minutes of the 4o2nd meeting of the Authority a) the 402nd meeting of the held on 07.10.2020 was confirmed. Authority held on 07.10.2020 The Action taken on the decisions The Member Secretary tabled the action taken b) of the 402nd meeting of the report on the decisions of the 402nd meeting and Authority held on 07,10.2020 discussed the details. l. To consider the proposal for the 75s3 After detailed discussion the Authoritv noted the grant of Environmental Clearance followings. fbr the Proposed Rough Stone & 1. As per MoEF&CC Notification dated Gravel quarry lease over an 01.07.2016. which states the following among extent of 2.34.50Ha in S.F.Nos. other things. 3ll, 3/2, 3t3, 3/4, 4^A,. 4AB. "A cluster shall be formed v,hen the distance 4ltc, 4/lD, 4/lE, 4/2A1, 4t2A2, berween the petipheries of one lease is less than 412A3, 4/2A4, 4t2A5, 4/2A6, 500 meters from the periphery of other lease in 4/2Cl- 4/2C2 and 412C3 of a homogeneous mihetol area which shall be Avirimedu Village, applicable to the mine leases or quarry licenses Madhurantakarn Taluk, granted on and ofler 9th September, 201 3. " Chengalpattu District, Tamil 2. tn this case the two expired and abandoned Nadu by Thiru. S. Murali quarries have executed the mining Iease in the molth of June 2013 which is before 9rt Septemb$ 2013 which may not be considered for the cluster calculation as per the above said notification {eaving the 2 two expired and abandoned quarries, the area of cluster is less ^'h"--" MtrMBER StrCI{E'I'AITY NIEMBER cHMx SEIAA-TN Page 2 of l8 than 5 hectares. I In view of tle above. the euthoritv decided ro grant I Environmenla! Clearance subject to the conditions as recommended by lhe SEAC and subject loL Ceneral conditions in addition to normal conditions. I l. All the condition imposed by lhe Assistanl I Director. Depanment of Ceology andl Mining vide Rc.No.505/Q3/2020; dated I 15.05.2020 should be strictly followed. ] 2. The EMP Cost shall be deposited in al nationalized bank bl opening separate I account and head wise expense stalemenl] shatl be fumished lo TNPCB with a copy to SEIAA annually. l. The proponent should strictly comply with. Tamil Nadu Govemment Order (Ms) No.84 Environment and forests (EC.2) Depanmenl daled 25.06.2018 regarding ban on one time I ,r" and throw away plastics irespective of I thickness with effecr from 01.01.2019 under I (Protection) Act. 1986. ] Environment 4. A derailed post-COVID health management I ptrn for *orkers as per ICMR and MHA I the Slale Covt. guideline may I euidelines or be followed and repon shall be fumished. L 5. If there is any change in rhe production or | ,.ura area application for amendmenr has to I be submined to SEIAA for turther approval N,IEMBER SEC \IhlIl|1lR cHATCN SEIAA-TN Page 3 of l8 To Consider the Proposal for 72.68 detailed discussion rhe Aurhority decided ro lAfier issue of Terms of Reference for grant standard Terms of Reference for undertaking the Proposed Expansion of IT Environmenl lmpacr Assessment and preparation of Park and Change in Concept from Envirorunent Management Plan with specific Terms lT building , Hostel, Residential of Reference for assessment of ecological damage. Complex & Retail Shop (Built up remediation plan and natual and community area 3,75,328 Sq.m) to IT Park resource augmenlation plao and it shall be prepared comprising Block A-F and Utility as an independent chapler in the 6rvironment Block, Serviced Apartment & fmpa"t frsess..nt repon as recommended by Conventional Centre with Hotel SEAC and subject to General conditions in addition (Built Up area 6,65,940 Sq.m) by lo the following conditions: N4/s. TzuL Info Park Limited.. in I Details ofsrudy on social impacr. including Block No 6, Survey No 2/3, & lirelihood of local people. 3/2 Kanagam Village of cuindy- 2. A detailed plan on plastic *u.tel Mambalam Taluk, Block No 4 management shall be fumished. Furrher. rhel Survey No 2/1 Thiruvaomiyur proponenr should srrictly comply wirh,l Village of Mylapore-Triplicane Tamil Nadu Covemment Order (Ms) No.84l Taluk. Chennai Envirorunenr and forests 1EC.2t Depanmenr ] dated 25.06.2018 regarding ban on one rime I use and throw away plastics irrespective ofl thickness with effect from 01.01.2019 underl Enrironrnenr (Proreclion) act. t086. tn rhisl conneclion. the project prononent has tol fumish the acrion plan I 3. A detailed posFCOVID health managemenr plan fbr workers as pe r ICMR and MHA guidelines or lhe Slate Cofl. erridellne mar] be followed and repon shall be fumished I /\,/ NIENIBEII SECRETARY CIIAIA{llAN ";;K SEIAA-TN I'age { of l8 To consider the proposal of 7651 After detailed discussion the Authority decided to Proposed Rough stone quarry granl Environmental Clearance subject to the lease over an extent of 1.00.0 ha conditions as recommended b) the SEAC and ar S.F.Nos. 4512C(PNi-2) in subject to General conditions in addition to normal Athipadi Village, Tiruvannamalai conditions. Taluk, Tiruvannamalai District. l. All the condition imposed by the Assistant Tamil Nadu by Thiru. Director. Department of Geology and R.Anbazhagan- For Mining vide Rc. No.43,4(animam,/2020 Environmental cleamnce dated; I 1.06.2020 should be strictly followed. 2. The EMP Cost shall be deposited in a nationalized bank by opening separate account and head wise expense statement shall be fumished to TNPCB with a copy to SEIAA annually. 3. The proponent should strictly comply with, Tamil Nadu Govemment Order (Ms) No.84 Environment and forests (EC.2) Department dated 25.06.2018 regarding ban on one time use and throw away plastics inespective of thickness with effect from 01.01.2019 under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 4. A detailed post-COVID health management plan for workers as per ICMR and MHA guidelines or the State Go!t. guideline may be followed and report shall be fumished. 5. If there is any change in the production or lease area application for amendment has to MEMBERsoc$p(f,) MEMBER^> -"*n( SEIAA.TN Page 5 of 18 be submifted to SEIAA for further approval 4. Proposal seeking Envircnmental 6't26 The Au itvrd{c'iddd uiianimous[v io iiform rhe lria t-r ;+4+1 + \^ Clearance for the existing Lime SEAC t] fqa&of-q!e$O!-1!r."-r..a;l,r'r.r-, declsrorts taken bL^ '167 stone mines at SF No. Lo 790 rt " 4,,'t o,;r\and also decided ro inform SEAC ro and '19112 over an extent of rP of Auffiiryaiffi ",-,n.10., \o*endarion 31.092 Ha in Ramayanpatti r^a'h mee'io8\ and {. fumish necessary Village, Thirunelveli Taluk, reconrmendation w\hout further delay. Thinmelveli District. Tamil Nadu JL* 'r55 tt) by of N,I/s.Krishna Mines under a-lk^JAtttJ h^^J Category "B" 1(a) 'wt- YLAJEDLH of ltem ,+r\ "Midng of Minerals Projects" of i^i !r 7 ru!l. .k+-,,.^ the Schedule EIA ^-h^r\5 to the .*.r( C.,,"-^--: 'i-r'l ' a-)-*\4. Notification. 2006 under , J E-e!- a-u-,r'*t-. xr -h^- l.€ v;vs<-ovt Violation 1..-.-a,. ''-"-...-.--.t^t".^ l- \.^Il.a- 5. To Consider the Proposal for 7172 After detailed discussion, the Aurhority decided to^ issue of Tems of Reference for request the Member Secretary, SEIAA to request the Proposed Manufacturing unit the TNPCB to fumish the detail ofpresent status of of Polyester resins and the existing shed available in the project site and Formulated products by l\rs. Sri place the proposal in the ensuing Autho ty meeting Balaji Resins & Polymers at Shed after receipt ofthe details from TNPCB No: 7, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kakkalur. Thiruvallur District 6. To consider the proposal for grant '7',718 After detailed discussion the Authority decided to Terms of Reference Proposed gmnt Terms of Reference with public hea ng for Black Granite quarry lease over the preparation of EIA Report with additional ToR an extent of 12.25.0 ha at as recommended by SEAC and subject to Ceneral S.F.Nos. 1193/1 (Part-I1) & conditions in addition to the following conditions: 7'y MoMsnntZfrA.nv N{EMtttrl{ CHAIRTI/AN SEIAA-TN Page 6 of 18 lrgl/r (Pan-r2) in Kodakkall L Details of study on social impact. includingl Villase, SholinghurTaluk. livelihood of tocal people. I Ranipet District, Tamil Nadu byl 2. A specific study should include impact on M/s. Tamil Nadu Minerals flora & fauna. dislurbance to migratory I I.imited panern of animals. I Reserve funds should be earmarked forl proper closure plan. -+. A detailed plan on plastic waste management shall be fumished. Further, the proponent should strictly comply with, Tamil Nadu Govemment Order (Ms) No.84 Environment and forests (EC.2) Department dated 25.06.2018 regarding ban on one time use and throw away plastics irrespective of thickness with effect from 01.01.2019 under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. ln this connection, the project proponent has to fumish the action plan. 5. A detailed post-COVID health management plan for workers as per ICMR and MHA guidelines or the State Go!'t.
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