University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy Volume 6 Issue 1 Fall 2011 Article 8 January 2011 Bibliography: Life Issues in Legal Scholarship Valerie Aggerbeck University of St. Thomas School of Law, [email protected] Deborah Hackerson University of St. Thomas School of Law Mary Wells University of St. Thomas School of Law Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.stthomas.edu/ustjlpp Part of the Family Law Commons, and the Health Law and Policy Commons Recommended Citation Valerie Aggerbeck, Deborah Hackerson & Mary Wells, Bibliography: Life Issues in Legal Scholarship, 6 U. ST. THOMAS J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 206 (2011). Available at: https://ir.stthomas.edu/ustjlpp/vol6/iss1/8 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by UST Research Online and the University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy. For more information, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at [email protected]. BIBLIOGRAPHY: LIFE ISSUES IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP COMPILED BY VALERIE AGGERBECK, DEBORAH HACKERSON, AND MARY WELLS, LAW LIBRARIANS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS SCHOOL OF LAW This bibliography is a compilation of scholarly treatises/books and articles (published in legal periodicals from 2005-present) covering the following topics related to right to life issues: abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and suicide. ABORTION TREATISES & BOOKS RANDY ALCORN, PRO-LIFE ANSWERS TO PRO-CHOICE ARGUMENTS (Multnomah Books 2000). FRANCIS J. BECKWITH, DEFENDING LIFE: A MORAL AND LEGAL CASE AGAINST ABORTION CHOICE (Cambridge Univ. Press 2007). THE COST OF CHOICE: WOMEN EVALUATE THE IMPACT OF ABORTION (Erika Bachiochi ed., Encounter Books 2004). THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW: THE DEBATE SINCE ROE-MAKING THE CASE AGAINST ABORTION (1975-2010) (Anne Conlon ed., Pro-Human Life Review 2010). SARA DUBOw, OURSELVES UNBORN: A HISTORY OF THE FETUS IN MODERN AMERICA (Oxford Univ. Press 2010). The citations for books and treatises in this bibliography deviate from Bluebook format. Publisher information is included to provide users of this bibliography with full citation information for these sources. 206 2011] BIBLIOGRAPHY: LIFE ISSUES IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP 207 TIMOTHY P. JACKSON, THE PRIORITY OF LOVE: CHRISTIAN CHARITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE (Princeton Univ. Press 2003). GEORGE F. JOHNSTON, ABORTION FROM THE RELIGIOUS AND MORAL PERSPECTIVE: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY (Praeger Pub. 2003). PATRICK LEE, ABORTION & UNBORN HUMAN LIFE (2d ed., Catholic Univ. of America Press 2010). PAUL BENJAMIN LINTON, ABORTION UNDER STATE CONSTITUTIONS: A STATE-BY-STATE ANALYSIS (Carolina Academic Press 2008). CONSISTENTLY OPPOSING KILLING: FROM ABORTION TO ASSISTED SUICIDE, THE DEATH PENALTY, AND WAR (Rachel M. MacNair & Stephen Zunes eds., Praeger 2008). GILBERT MEILAENDER, THINGS THAT COUNT: ESSAYS MORAL AND THEOLOGICAL (ISI Books 2000). GILBERT C. MEILAENDER, BODY, SOUL, AND BIOETHICS (Notre Dame Press 1995). MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE & ETHICS: CATHOLIC VOICES (John F. Morris ed., Catholic Univ. of America Press 2007). ZIAD W. MUNSON, THE MAKING OF PRO-LIFE ACTIVISTS: How SOCIAL MOVEMENT MOBILIZATION WORKS (Univ. of Chicago Press 2009). GEORGE DENNIS O'BRIEN, THE CHURCH AND ABORTION: A CATHOLIC DISSENT (Rowman and Littlefield 2010). CATHERINE AND WILLIAM ODELL, THE FIRST HUMAN RIGHT: A PRO-LIFE PRIMER (Our Sunday Visitor 1983). MICHAEL J. PERRY, CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, MORAL CONTROVERSY, AND THE SUPREME COURT (Cambridge Univ. Press 2008). STEVEN D. SMITH, THE DISENCHANTMENT OF SECULAR DISCOURSE (Harvard Univ. Press 2010). BONNIE STEINBOCK, LIFE BEFORE BIRTH: THE MORAL AND LEGAL STATUS OF EMBRYOS AND FETUSES (2d ed., Oxford Univ. Press 2011). 208 ST. THOMAS JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY [Vol. 6:1 AMERICAN CATHOLICS, AMERICAN CULTURE: TRADITION AND RESISTANCE (Margaret O'Brien Steinfels ed., Rowman & Littlefield 2004). MICHAEL TOOLEY, ABORTION AND INFANTICIDE (Oxford Univ. Press 1993). MICHAEL TOOLEY, CELIA WOLF-DEVINE, PHILIP E. DEVINE & ALISON M. JAGGAR, ABORTION: THREE PERSPECTIVES (Oxford Univ. Press 2008). ELIZABETH WICKS, THE RIGHT TO LIFE AND CONFLICTING INTERESTS (Oxford Univ. Press 2010). ARTICLES Jane F. Adolphe, A Response to Amnesty International'sAbortion Policy in Light ofMulieris Dignitatem, 8 AVE MARIA L. REV. 311 (2010). Helen M. Alvare, Gonzales v. Carhart: Bringing Abortion Law Back into the Family Law Fold, 69 MONT. L. REV. 409 (2008). Robert John Araujo, Abortion-From Privacy to Equality: The Failure of the Justifications for Taking Human Life, 45 HOUSTON L. REV. 1737 (2009). Hadley Arkes, Great Expectations and Sobering Truths: Partial-Birth Abortion and the Commerce Clause, 1 U. ST. THOMAS J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 5 (2007). Evelyn Atkinson, Abnormal Persons or Embedded Individuals?: Tracing the Development of Informed Consent Regulations for Abortion, 34 HARV. J.L. & GENDER 617 (2011). Erika Bachiochi, Embodied Equality Debunking Equal Protection Arguments for Abortion Rights, 34 HARV. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 889 (2011). Y. Michael Barilan, Her Pain Prevails and Her Judgment Respected - Abortion in Judaism, 25 J.L. & RELIGION 97 (2009-20 10). Samuel W. Calhoun, "Partial-BirthAbortion" is not Abortion: CarhartII's FundamentalMisapplication ofRoe, 79 MIss. L.J. 775 (2010). Teresa Stanton Collett, Judicial Modesty and Abortion, 59 S.C. L. REV. 701 (2008). 2011] BIBLIOGRAPHY: LIFE ISSUES IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP 209 Teresa Stanton Collett, Gonzales v. Carhart: Women Tell the Court About Abortion: An Introduction, 1 U. ST. THOMAS J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 175 (2007). Teresa Stanton Collett, Transporting Minors for Immoral Purposes: The Casefor the Child Custody ProtectionAct & The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, 16 HEALTH MATRIX: J. LAW-MEDICINE 107 (2006). Larry Cunningham, Can a Catholic Lawyer Represent a Minor Seeking a JudicialBypass for an Abortion? A Moral and Canon Law Analysis, 44 J. CATH. LEGAL STUD. 379 (2005). Dena S. Davis, Contraception,Abortion, and Health Care Reform: Finding AppropriateMoral Ground, 29 Miss. C. L. REV. 379 (2010). Joseph W. Dellapenna, Abortion Across State Lines, 2008 BYU L. REV. 1651 (2008). Rita M. Dunaway, The PersonhoodStrategy: A State's Prerogativeto Take Back Abortion Law, 47 WILLAMETTE L. REV. 327 (2011). Adam Fulginiti, Note, The Soul and Its Impact on Life and Death Choices: A Constitutional Study of Abortion, The Right to Die, and Other Bioethical Dilemmas, 11 RUTGERS J.L. & RELIGION 459 (2010). Jill Hamers, Note, Reeling in the Outlier: Gonzales v. Carhart and the End ofFacialChallenges to Abortion Statutes, 89 B.U. L. REV. 1069 (2009). Justin D. Heminger, Comment, Big Abortion: What the Antiabortion Movement Can Learnfrom Big Tobacco, 54 CATH. U.L. REV. 1273 (2005). M. Cathleen Kaveny, Prophecy and Casuistry: Abortion, Torture and Moral Discourse, 51 VILL. L. REV. 499 (2006). Peter M. Ladwein, Note, Discerning the Meaning of Gonzales v. Carhart: The End of the Physician Veto and the Resulting Change in Abortion Jurisprudence,83 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 1847 (2008). Sarah Helena Lord, Comment, The Nicaraguan Abortion Ban: Killing in Defense ofLife, 87 N.C. L. REV. 537 (2009). Charles I. Lugosi, When Abortion Was a Crime: A HistoricalPerspective, 83 U. DET. MERCY L. REV. 51 (2006). Charles I. Lugosi, Beyond Personhood: Abortion, Child Abuse, and Equal Protection,30 OKLA. CITY U. L. REV. 271 (2005). 210 ST THOMAS JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLICPOLICY [Vol. 6: 1 Kaitlin Moredock, Note, "Ensuring So Grave a Choice is Well Informed": The Use ofAbortion Informed Consent Laws to Promote State Interests in Unborn Life, 85 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 1973 (2010). Justin Murray, Exposing the Underground Establishment Clause in the Supreme Court's Abortion Cases, 23 REGENT U. L. REV. 1 (2010-2011). Michael Stokes Paulsen, Prospective Abolition of Abortion: Abortion and the Constitution in 2047, 1 U. ST. THOMAS J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 51 (2007). Ronald J. Placone, The United States Supreme Court and Abortion: A Decline in Civility, 33 T. JEFFERSON L. REV. 181 (2011). Robert J. Pushaw, Jr., Does Congress Have the Constitutional Power to ProhibitPartial-Birth Abortion?, 42 HARV. J. ON LEGIS. 319 (2005). Nicole Schrier, Comment, Wisconsin Medical Malpractice Law Fails to Fully Compensate for Negligently Performed Abortions, 26 Wis. J.L. GENDER & SOC'Y 141 (2011). Wade Schueneman, Note, What Do We Have Against Parents?: An Assessment ofJudicial Bypass Procedures and Parental Involvement in Abortions by Minors, 43 GEORGIA L. REV. 617 (2009). Bret Shaffer, Comment, The Right to Life, The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Abortion, 28 PENN ST. INT'L L. REV. 265 (2009). Susan J. Stabile, An Effort to Articulate a Catholic Realist Approach to Abortion, 7 U. ST. THOMAS L.J. 340 (2010). Seow Hon Tan, Religion in the Abortion Discourse in Singapore: A Case Study of the Relevance of Religious Arguments in Law-Making in Multi- Religious Democracies, 26 J.L. & RELIGION 505 (2010-2011). Tom Venzor, Comment, Protectingthe Unborn Child: The CurrentState of Law Concerning the So-Called Right to Abortion and Intervention by the Holy See, 89 NEB. L. REV. 1132 (2011). Stephen J. Wallace, Note, Why Third-Party Standing in Abortion Suits Deserves a Closer Look, 84 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 1369 (2009). 2011] BIBLIOGRAPHY: LIFE ISSUES IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP 211 Lynn D. Wardle, The Impacts on Education of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriageand Lessons From Abortion Jurisprudence,2011 BYU EDUC. & L.J. 593 (2011). Robin West, From Choice to Reproductive Justice: Deconstitutionalizing Abortion Rights, 118 YALE L.J. 1394 (2009). Erin Whitcomb, Note, A Most
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