Community Bushfire Protection Plan GEEVESTON AREA Including: Cairns Bay, Castle Forbes Bay, Port Huon, Kermandie, Doodys Hill October, 2014 | Version 1.0 Tasmania Fire Service may Know what to do and not be able to protect you where to go when GXULQJVRPHEXVK¿UHV WKUHDWHQHGE\EXVK¿UH Receive bushfire updates from Tasmania Fire Service 0RVWRI7DVPDQLDLVEXVK¿UH ZZZIDFHERRNFRP7DVPDQLD)LUH6HUYLFH prone. Every summer you QHHGWREHEXVK¿UHUHDG\ ZZZWZLWWHUFRP7DV)LUH6HUYLFH #7DV)LUH6HUYLFH This plan sets out the things you should do ZZZ¿UHWDVJRYDX RSS feeds WRVXUYLYHDEXVK¿UHGet the latest version and use it to update your personal For more information please call %XVK¿UH6XUYLYDO3ODQ. 1800 000 699 or visit our website www.fire.tas.gov.au Please refer to TFS website for lastest version of this document. Page1of6 PREPARE | before the fire 3UHSDUH\RXUKRPHIRUEXVK¿UH NSP NEARBY SAFER PLACES • Use the Tasmania Fire Service %XVK¿UH3UHSDUHWR6XUYLYH ERRNOHWRU'9' (YHQLI\RXSODQWROHDYHHDUO\SUHSDULQJ\RXUKRPH A nearby safer place is somewhere close by you should be JLYHV\RXDQRWKHUVKHOWHURSWLRQDQG¿UH¿JKWHUVDEHWWHU DEOHWRUHDFKTXLFNO\DQGVDIHO\DQGWKDWJLYHVVKHOWHUIURP FKDQFHWRVDYHLW UDGLDQWKHDW 'HFLGHZKDW\RXZLOOGRDQGZULWHGRZQ\RXUSODQ Using nearby safer places is not without risk. :LOO\RXOHDYHHDUO\RUZLOO\RXVWD\DQGGHIHQG\RXUKRPH" They are a last resort, not your only option. 'HFLGHnowDQG¿OORXW\RXU%XVK¿UH6XUYLYDO3ODQ ,I\RXFDQWDONZLWK\RXUQHLJKERXUV Nearby safer places may include town centres; ground level :KDWDUHWKHLUSODQV"$UHWKH\DZDUHRI\RXUSODQV" ZDWHUHJULYHUVLQJURXQGSRROVGDPVODUJHRSHQDUHDV 5HYLHZ\RXULQVXUDQFHSROLF\ HJEHDFKHVSORXJKHGRUJUHHQ¿HOGVJROIFRXUVHV $UH\RXUKRPHDQGFRQWHQWVFRYHUHGIRUEXVK¿UH" UHFUHDWLRQJURXQGVDQGFRPPXQLW\SDUNVZLWKYHU\VKRUW JUDVVDQGDSSURYHGEXVK¿UHEXQNHUV | when fires are likely, or nearby ACT Tasmania Fire Service has identified some .HHSLQIRUPHG nearby safer places in this area (see below). &KHFNWKHZHDWKHUIRUHFDVWDQG)LUH'DQJHU5DWLQJGDLO\ /LVWHQWR$%&/RFDO5DGLRPRQLWRUWKH7DVPDQLD)LUH 6HUYLFHZHEVLWHZZZ¿UHWDVJRYDXDQGZDWFKIRUVPRNH DQG¿UHV ,IEXVK¿UHVDUHLQ\RXUDUHDGRQ¶WZDLWIRUDQRI¿FLDOZDUQLQJ /LVWRWKHUQHDUE\VDIHUSODFHVFORVHWRZKHUH\RXOLYH 3XW\RXU%XVK¿UH6XUYLYDO3ODQ into action. in your personal %XVK¿UH6XUYLYDO3ODQ • The safest option for allEXVK¿UHVLVWROHDYHHDUO\ 3UHSDUH\RXUKRPHDQGLGHQWLI\QHDUE\VDIHUSODFHV EHIRUHDEXVK¿UHWKUHDWHQV\RXDQG\RXUKRPH 2WKHUZLVHOHDYHHDUO\ &RQVLGHUOHDYLQJLPPHGLDWHO\LIµ6HYHUH¶µ([WUHPH¶RU µ&DWDVWURSKLF¶)LUH'DQJHU5DWLQJVDUHIRUHFDVWIRUWKH 7UDYHOOLQJWKURXJK¿UHLPSDFWHGDUHDVLVXQVDIHDQG IROORZLQJGD\ VKRXOGEHDYRLGHGHYHQLQDFDU /HDYLQJWKHGD\EHIRUHEHFDXVHRIDEDG¿UHGDQJHU IRUHFDVWLVQ¶WDOZD\VSUDFWLFDO6RLIZDLWLQJXQWLOD Nearby Safer Places: EXVK¿UHEUHDNVRXWLQ\RXUGLVWULFWOHDYHHDUO\EHIRUH URDGVDUHFXWE\¿UHIDOOHQWUHHVRUSRZHUOLQHV • Heritage (Community) Park %HS UHSDUHGWRVWD\DZD\IRUVHYHUDOGD\V+HDGDZD\ Honeywood Lane, Geeveston IURPDQ\¿UHVWRZDUGVDWRZQFHQWUHLVRIWHQEHVW Map Grid: G3 (Geeveston) • A safe option for someEXVK¿UHV )RUOHVVLQWHQVHEXVK¿UHV\RXPD\VWD\ GHIHQG\RXU home if: • Regatta Ground D <RXKDYHSUHSDUHGLWIRUEXVK¿UHVZLWK¿UH¿JKWLQJ HTXLSPHQWDQGSOHQW\RIZDWHU Huon Highway, Shipwrights Point E <RXDUH¿WDQGHPRWLRQDOO\SUHSDUHG LWLVEHVWWR Map Grid: H2 (Cairns Bay) HYDFXDWHFKLOGUHQDQGRWKHUGHSHQGHQWVHDUO\ • An unsafeRSWLRQLVWRµZDLWDQGVHH¶WKHQÀHHDWWKH • Port Huon Marina last minute. ,I\RXGRQ¶WKDYHDSODQOHDYHLPPHGLDWHO\ Huon Highway, Port Huon ,IDEXVK¿UHFDWFKHV\RXE\VXUSULVHDQGLW¶VXQVDIH Map Grid: E1 (Cairns Bay) WRVWD\DWKRPHEXWWRRODWHWROHDYHWKHDUHD JRWRDQHDUE\VDIHUSODFHDQGZDLWIRUWKH¿UHIURQWWR • SDVVWKRXJK Recreation Ground (Cricket) Meredith Street, Castle Forbes Bay SURVIVE | after the fire Map Grid: F4 (Castle Forbes Bay) 0DNHVXUHHYHU\RQH¶VVDIHFKHFNRQ\RXUQHLJKERXUVLI\RXFDQ 7XQHLQWRWKH,QIRUPDWLRQ6RXUFHV OLVWHGRQWKHPDSRYHUOHDI • Kermandie Recreation Ground ,IDWKRPHSXWRXWDQ\HPEHUVDQGVSRW¿UHVWKUHDWHQLQJ Huon Highway/Scotts Road, Kermandie \RXUKRPH Map Grid: B3 (Cairns Bay) ,I\RXUKRPHLVGHVWUR\HGFRQWDFW\RXUORFDOFRXQFLOIRU DVVLVWDQFH In an emergency dial triple zero 000 or if a TTY user call 106 Add nearby safer places to your Get your free %XVK¿UH6XUYLYDO3ODQ & Bushfire Survival Plan. %XVK¿UH3UHSDUHWR6XUYLYHERRNOHW '9' ZZZ¿UHWDVJRYDX_)UHHFDOO Please refer to TFS website for lastest version of this document. Page2of6 Disclaimer: The following map product has been produced by Emergency Services GIS (ES-GIS) on behalf of the Map: Tasmania Fire Service. While all efforts have been taken to ensure Plan: Geeveston Area the accuracy of this product, there maybe errors or omissions in the data presented. Users are advised to independently verify all Issue date: Oct 2014 data for accuracy and completeness prior to use. Castle Forbes Bay FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 3 (2014) A B C D E F G H I H a r w To o Ca o stl Huonville d e F s or be (11 km) R s 1 d R 1 i vu le t Bradys Hill 2 2 rtys Rd H Fleu a r Heriots w Point o C o a d stl s e Forbes Castle Forbes R d Bay Rivulet HWY R N Kiles Rd O d Bridge HU let s Rivu be r 3 Ca o 3 stle F CASTLE FORBES BAY reek s C Smith M e ³ r Hynes e A6 d Hill it 4 hS 4 t (!NPS C ro w T th r e i f rs f Recreation (Cricket) GLAZIERS et R s L n d CROWTHERS Ground BAY BAY 5 5 HU ON H W Legend Y (!NPS Nearby Safer Place C 6 a Evacuation Routes 6 r te rs R RISELEY " Fire Station d F BAY Doodys !A Ambulance Hill ! Police Station D P w y e !G Medical Centre r s 7 R 7 d Percy St "S School d R rs H e lm " Hall y Pa H n d Garths * ® e s Point P 0 250 500 750 1,000 o R D r oo t d d S V y o d s Portre Huon Marina ie R l w Metres kfords H l S Oa ill t D R r Y 8 d Crooke St W Emergency ROBERTS BAY 8 To H 936 AM Arthur St Geeveston N Broadcaster: NPS O (2 km) (! U Brow H ns A B C D E F G H I Disclaimer: The following map product has been produced by Emergency Services GIS (ES-GIS) on behalf of the Map: Tasmania Fire Service. Plan: Geeveston Area While all efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, there maybe errors or omissions in the data presented. Users are advised to independently verify all Issue date: Oct 2014 data for accuracy and completeness prior to use. Geeveston FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 3 (2014) A B C D E F G H H ow a rd 1 s 1 A R R d V E R Hankins-Robertson Rd D W Fourfoot Rd i ls o n s R d Heritage ARVE RD (Community) t Croo et le kes Rivul u iv Park R s 2 ke Kerma 2 o S vulet nd ro cot Ri ie C ts R iv er Costains Rd S Cemetery Rd " To Huonville (!NPS (21 km) S !P c h o d o R n St l l h R l o i d H J View St Judds 3 "F 3 "H Duke St Judds Hill St Hill M emo Fo rial rds Rd Dr J 4 arrettsR 4 d k e t Geeves Rd d re S R C t y n r s e e le y Riv r ile K ie u R Knights Rd d h n a T m Ker Geeveston X arden Golf Course Rileys River Rd Creek die an Bridge erm 5 K A6³ 5 McKibbens Rd H eRi U andi ve O Kerm r N Britcliffes Rd H W Y d 6 R 6 k e e r C s y e l i ee Kermandie River R Cr k Rileys To Dover (19 km) Rileys 7 Creek 7 Legend Reservoir (!NPS Nearby Safer Place Haul age Evacuation Routes Rd South Creek "F Fire Station ! Ambulance 8 A 8 !P Police Station !G Medical Centre School Honeywood "S Hill " Hall H ® Rileys C 0 250 500 750 1,000 9 HA 9 U L Metres A Emergency G E 936 AM R Broadcaster: D A B C D E F G H Disclaimer: The following map product has been produced by Emergency Services GIS (ES-GIS) on behalf of the Map: Tasmania Fire Service. While all efforts have been taken to ensure Plan: Geeveston Area the accuracy of this product, there maybe errors or omissions in the data presented. Users are advised to independently verify all Issue date: Oct 2014 data for accuracy and completeness prior to use. North Geeveston FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 3 (2014) A B C D E F G H I H a D r o w n o n o Legend e l l y 1 s 1 R (!NPS Nearby Safer Place d Evacuation Routes ourfoot Bradys lain t " le Hill Fire Station u F iv R s tt !A Ambulance co S 2 !P Police Station 2 H a !G r Medical Centre w o o d "S School s R "H Hall ® d 3 0 250 500 750 1,000 3 Metres Emergency Broadcaster: 936 AM Hynes 4 Hill 4 D o n Fairy n e l Falls ly s tts Rd co R S iv u l e t O 'Ha llora Fa ns F i o ry F Cr 5 all eek u 5 s R r d f o Rd o Ha oods t rw Rd 6 6 Doodys Hill 7 Fourfoot Rd 7 Arve Valley D oo d So y re s l H H l S o ill w R 8 a d 8 rd To s A R Geeveston R d V Spion E (1 km) Kop R Hankins-Robertson Rd D Riv kes u oo le Cr A B C D E F G H I Disclaimer: The following map product has been produced by Emergency Services GIS (ES-GIS) on behalf of the Map: Tasmania Fire Service. Plan: Geeveston Area While all efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, there maybe errors or omissions in the data presented. Users are advised to independently verify all Issue date: Oct 2014 data for accuracy and completeness prior to use. Cairns Bay FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 3 (2014) A B C D E F G H y n d G * e P s P D o R To Huonville o r d o S t d o V (16 km) y r i s el ew H l S ill t D R r Y d Crooke St W 1 H 1 Arthur St N A6 ³ NPS O (! U H E v Port Huon Marina a "H n s R d HOSPITAL (!NPS BAY Shipwrights Kermandie Point 2 2 Recreation Shipwrights Point Ground Regatta Grounds To int Rd Kerma Whale Po Geeveston nd ie R (500 m) iv er HUON H WY 3 (!NPS 3 d s R lloran O'Ha T h Whale ie Point s s e Whale n s Point Rd Hill 4 4 owesRd S R C O T T S R D PILLINGS 5 BAY 5 Ashlin Hill Rd 6 Pillings 6 To Geeveston (2 km) 7 Legend 7 Bar Rd nard d CAIRNS ps R illi Ph BAY(!NPS Nearby Safer Place Evacuation Routes H D a U D w R " Fire Station O F s N S o T n T R H O ! Ambulanced W C A 8 Y S 8 !P Police Station !G Medical Centre "S School "H Hall ® 0 250 500 750 1,000 H 9 U 9 O N Metres Ri To Dover ley ek s Cre H Emergency W (15.5 km) Y 936 AM d Broadcaster: R s A n s J o A B C D E F G H.
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