PITYROSPORUM OVALE, the strange "Bottle Bacillus” regarded by many authorities as a causative agent of infec- tious dandruff. Ly H!! SCALES It may be Infectious Dandruff! START TODAY WITH THE TESTED LlSTERIHE TREATMEHT THAT HAS HELPED SO MANY ELL-TALE flakes, itching scalp and Antiseptic and massage. that this grand, simple treatment has relief from dan- Tinflammation — these "ugly custom- Listerine Antiseptic kills millions' of brought them welcome ers” may be a warning that you have the Pityrosporum ovale and other germs druff’s distressing symptoms. infectious type of dandruff, the type in associated with infectious dandruff. Start tonight with the easy, delightful which germs are active on your scalp! Those ugly, embarrassing flakes and home treatment—Listerine Antiseptic and They may be a danger signal that mil- scales begin to disappear. Itching and in- massage. It has helped so many others, it lions of germs are at work on your scalp flammation are relieved. Your scalp feels may help you. Buy the large, economy- size today save . including Pityrosporum ovale, the fresher, healthier, your hair looks cleaner. bottle and money. strange "bottle bacillus” recognized by Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. Louis, Mo. many foremost authorities as a causative 76% Improved in Clinical Tests agent of infectious dandruff. And here’s impressive scientific evi- Don’t delay. Every day you wait, your dence of Listerine’s effectiveness in com- *THE TREATMENT condition may get worse, and before long bating dandruff symptoms: Under the you may have a stubborn infection. exacting, severe conditions of a series of MEN: Douse full strength Listerine on the scalp morning and night. clinical tests, 76% of the dandruff sufferers various Use Medical Treatment* who used Listerine Antiseptic and massage WOMEN: Part the hair at places, and apply Listerine Antiseptic. Your common sense tells that for twice daily showed complete disappear- you Always follow with vigorous and ance of or marked improvement in the a case of infection, in which germs are persistent massage. Listerine is the active, it’s wise to use an antiseptic which symptoms, within a month. same antiseptic that has been famous for more than years as a gargle. quickly attacks large numbers of germs. In addition to that, countless men and 50 So, tor infectious dandruff, use Listerine women all over America report joyously — ! — — ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION TITLE REGISTERED U. S. PATENT OFFICE Contents for July, 1942, Vol. XXIX, No. 5 John W. Campbell, Jr., Editor, Catherine Tarrant, Asst. Editor Novelettes SECRET UNATTAINABLE A. E. van Vogt ... 9 Hitler’s secret weapon? Yes—there was one—but the secret was such that it was—for Hitler’s type—forever unattainable. PENANCE CRUISE David V. Reed ... 46 The trouble was that the Exotican general, in his bright-orange uniform, looked so much like a space-mine—round three ways, and explosive—to a pair of overcelebrating spacemen COLLISION ORBIT Will Stewart ... 80 A new author introduces a new theme in science-fiction—the dan- ger and the possibilities in “seetee” drift matter made up the inverse of terra's stuff—contraterrene hell in chunks 1 TOOLS Clifford D. Simak . 118 The life form of Venus was definitely not “life as we know it,” and it needed tools to work with. Man didn’t mean to be so generous Short Stories BRIMSTONE BILL Malcolm Jameson . 27 Bill was a hell-fire-and-damnation orator—with gadgets—and purely for personal profit, not prophet. But a bad actor can be turned to good use, Commander Bullard figured. THE CONTRABAND COW L. Sprague de Camp . 38 Author de Camp suggests a sidelight on the Union Now theme— a question of customs, and population and voting powers SPACE CAN L. Ron Hubbard . 71 If your ship is riddled, on fire, unable to maneuver, an obvious hopeless wreck in the midst of a space battle, there’s only one way out—take over the heavy enemy shin! Article STARS ALSO HAVE RINGS ...... R. S. Richardson . 78 No telescope can possibly see the "geographical” make-up of an- other stellar system—they’re too immeasurably remote. No am- plifier can help that—except the amplifier system known as brain-power Readers’ Departments THE EDITOR'S PAGE 6 IN TIMES TO COME 108 Department of Prophecy and Future Issues. THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 108 An Analysis of Readers’ Opinions. PROBABILITY ZERO 109 Calling All Liars! BRASS TACKS . 115 Concerning Purely Personal Preferences. Cover by Rogers Illustrations by Kolliker, Orban and Kramer OCT THIRD FRIDAY Monthly publication Issued by Street & Smith Publications, Incorporated, 79 Seventh Avenue, BACH MONTH New York City. Allen L. Crammer, President; Henry W. Ralston, Vice President; erald H. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer. Copyright, 1942, in U. S. A. and Great Britain by NEXT ISSUE ON Street & Smith Publication*. Ine. Reentered as Second-class Matter, February 7, 1938, at the SALE JULY 17 Post Office at New York, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscriptions to Countries In *an American Union, $2.75 per year; elsewhere, $3.25 per year. We cannot accept responsibility $2.50 per YEAR Jor unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Any material submitted must Include return postage. The editorial contents of this magazine have not been published before, are protected by copy- 25c per COPY right and cannot be reprinted without the publisher’s permission. All stories In this magazine are fiction. No actual persons are designated either by name or eharacter. Any similarity Is coincidental. Printed In the U.8.A. 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