PROCEEDINGS e oth f Societ Antiquarief yo s of Scotland SESSION 1960-61 VOLUME XCIV NATIONAL MUSEU ANTIQUITIEF MO F SCOTLANO S D QUEEN STREET, EDINBURGH PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY ROBERT CUNNINGHAM & SONS LTD, ALVA 1963 TABL CONTENTF EO S PAGE i x Lis Fellowf o t s The Excavation of the Chambered Cairn at Crarae, Loch Fyneside, Mid Argyll i By J. G. SCOTT, M.A., F.M.A., F.S.A.SCOT. Excavations in Whalsay, Shetland, 1954-5 28 CHARLEy B . CALDERT . SS , A.R.I.A.S., F.S.A.SCOT. The Badden Cist Slab 46 By MARION CAMPBELL OF KILBERRY, F.S.A.SCOT., J. G. SCOTT, M.A., F.M.A., F.S.A.SCOT. d STUARan , T PIGGOTT, B.LITT., D.LITT.HUM., F.B.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. A Short Cist Burial on North Uist and Some Notes on the Prehistory of the Outer 2 6 Secone Isleth n si d Millennium B.C. MEGAWSIMPSONS A . V D B . yJ ,D , M.AM.A.d an . , F.S.A.SCOT. 9 7 Unenclosed Platform Settlements . FEACHEMW . R y B , M.A., M.SC., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. Excavations at Mumrills Roman Fort, 1958-60 86 By K. A. STEER, M.A., PH.D., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. Roman Coins found in Scotland 1951-60 133 y ANNB . ROBERTSONES , M.A., F.M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. Some Vine Scroll Othed san r Pattern Embossen si d Metal from Dumfriesshire 184 y LIAB PAORE MD , M.A. Excavation t Loursa , Stobo, 1959-60 196 By J. G. DUNBAR, M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. and G. D. HAY, A.R.I.B.A., F.S.A.SCOT. Graveyard Monument Easn si t Lothian 211 By ANGUS GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. The Church and Other Bells of Aberdeenshire, Part III 272 By THE LATE F. C. EELES, O.B.E., D.LITT., F.S.A.SCOT. and RANALD W. M. CLOUSTON, B.SC.ENG., F.S.A.SCOT. e EcclesiasticaTh l Significanc t Ninian'S e th f seo Isle Treasure 301 VERE TH Yy B REV. MONSIGNOR DAVID McRoBERTS, S.T.L., F.S.A.SCOT. NOTES Lane 1Th .g Cairn, Dumbarton Muir 315 By EUAN W. McKiE, M.A. 2. A Cinerary Urn Cemetery at Easter Culbeuchly, near Banff 317 y IAI B . WALKERC N , M.A., . WALLACEF.S.A.SCOTC . J d an ,. M.A., F.S.A.SCOT. 3. Two Rock Carvings Discovered in Argyll 320 By MARION CAMPBELL OF KILBERRY, F.S.A.SCOT. v i CONTENTS PAGE 4. Excavation Antonine th n o s e Wal Polmonn i l t Deata Pard nk an Hous e in 1960 322 . STEERA . K ,y M.A.B , PH.D., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. 5. Rock-Cut Symbols in Caiplie Caves 324 By JOAN E. L. MURRAY MedievaA . 6 l Midde Castled 5 Re 32 t na , Inverkeillor, Angus By JOHN WILSON, F.S.A.SCOT. 7. Further Coins from the Lockett Collection 325 . STEVENSONK . B . R y B , M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. Donations to and Purchases for the Museum and Library 327 Meeting Societye th f so , Anniversar6 y Meetin33 Annuad gan l Report Index 341 LAWS OF THE SOCIET ANTIQUARIEF YO SCOTLANF SO D INSTITUTED NOVEMBER INCORPORATE D 178AN 0 Y DB ROYAL CHARTER STH MAY 1783 (Revised ist December 1947, sgth September 1950, h Octobernt zpj^d 1an goth November e purpos1Th . thif eo s Society studANTIQUITIEe e shalth th f e yo b l S AND HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, more especiall meany yb Archaeologicaf so l Research. 2. The Society shall consist of Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Corresponding Members Ladd an , y Associates. 3. Candidates for admission as Fellows must sign the Form of Application prescribed by the Council, and must be proposed by a Fellow and seconded by two member Councile th f so . Admission Ballot y shalb e b l . 4. The Secretaries shall cause the names of the Candidates and of their Proposers to be inserted in the billet calling the Meeting at which they are to be balloted for. Candidatee th l takee al b Balloe r y nTh fo s ma t name billee th t f oncei a n td i t bu ; three or more black balls appear, the Chairman of the Meeting shall cause the Candidates to be balloted for singly. Any Candidate receiving less than two thirds of the votes given shall not be admitted. Honorar5 y Fellows shall consis f persono t s eminen brancy an f antin i o ht - quarian study muso recommendee wh ,b t Councile th e y balloted b th an ,n i r dfo same way as Fellows; they shall not be liable for any fees of admission or annual subscriptions e numbeTh . Honorarf o r y Fellows shal t exceeno l d twenty-five. Correspondin6 g members mus recommendee b t Councie th y balloted db an l d Fellowss a sam e y th the d foe n wa i feer an y , y admissioliablf e so an shalb r t efo lno n r annuao l subscriptions. 7. Ladie havo wh se done valuabl ee fiel worf Archaeologth o d n ki e b y yma 1 The National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland Act, 1954, having relieved the Society of its respon- sibilitie managemene th r sfo Museume th f o t t becami , e necessar ameno yt Constitutioe dth d Lawnan f so the Society in certain respects. The Laws affected are Nos. 13-15. Law 14 being deleted, subsequent Laws are renumbered. VI E SOCIETLAWTH F O S Y admitte s Lada d y Associates e numbeTh . f Lado r y Associates shal t exceeno l d twenty-five. They shall be proposed by the Council and balloted for in the same way as Fellows, and shall not be liable for any fees of admission or annual sub- scriptions. Befor8 persoy name an th e f addes Lise no i f Fellowsth o t o dt , such person shall pay to the funds of the Society Four Guineas as an entrance fee and Two Guineas for the current year's subscription, provided that if such person is under thirty years of age on admission the entrance fee shall be Two Guineas. e subscriptioTh . Guineao 9 Tw f no s shal 3ote lth hbecomn o Septembe e edu r in each year for the year then commencing; and if any Fellow who has not com- pounded shall fail to pay the subscription for three successive years, due application having been made for payment, the Treasurer shall report the same to the Council, by whose authority the name of the defaulter may be erased from the List of Fellows. Fellows whose membership has lapsed, and who wish to rejoin the Society, may do so either paymen(iy b ) l arrearal f o f tsubscription—i o s n which case they shall receiv e relativeth e volume f Proceedingso s f available—oi paymenn o e ) th (2 r f o t subscription for the current year and an entrance fee of four guineas. 10. Every Fellow not being in arrears of the annual subscription shall be entitled receivo t printee eth d Proceedings Societe th f o y fro date m th electionf eo . 11. Non t Fellowebu s shall vot Societyhol r e officeo y th dan n i e . 12controe Societe .th th Subjec o t f Lawe o lGenera n d th yi o san t t l Meetings, the affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Council elected and appointed as hereinafter set forth. Five Members of the Council shall be a quorum. e Office-Bearer13Th . e Societth f o sy shall consis a President f o t , three Vice- Presidents, two Secretaries for general purposes, two Secretaries for Foreign Corres- pondence, a Treasurer, and four Expert Advisers. The President shall be elected fo perioa r fivf do eVice-Presidente yearsth d an , perioa r sfo thref do e yearse On . Vice-Presidente ofth s shall retire annuall rotatioy yb shald agait nan lno eligible nb e for the same office until after the lapse of one year. All the other Office-bearers shall be elected for one year and shall be eligible for re-election. e Counci14Th . l shall consis Office-Bearerse th f o t Keepee Museume th , th f ro , ex qfficio (who shall however have no power to vote in the election of the Society's representative Boare th Trusteef n d o so Nationa e th r sfo l Museu Antiquitief mo f so Scotland) Society'e th , s representative Boare th Trusteef n do Nationae so th r sfo l Museu Antiquitief mo Scotlandf so t otherwisno f i , e Member Councilf so nind an ,e Fellows elected by the Society. 15. Three of the nine elected Members of Council shall retire annually by rotation, and shall not again be eligible till after the lapse of one year. Vacancies amon electee gth d Member Councif so Office-Bearerd an l s occurrin completioy gb n of term of office, by retirement on rotation, by resignation, by death or otherwise, LAWS OF THE SOCIETY VU shal fillee lb electio y db Annuae th t na l General Meeting electioe Th . n y shalb e lb Ballot, upon a list issued by the Council for that purpose to the Fellows at least fourteen days before the Meeting.
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