> ■ ■ ' ' V , MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 196t ■ * in Street Stores Open Tonight and Thursday Until 9 p. m. PAGE EIGHTEEN Hattrb^Blfr iEuftting if^raU* The Weather Average iWly Net Press Ron Forecast of C. S. Wembrn Bureau About Town osk any soios For the Week Haded September 7, 1968 Fair and cool tonight. Low around SO. Wedneeday mnny bi Tile Chapman Joy drola oC^the OPEN parson North Methodist Church will meet 13,560 the morning, partly sunny later Wednesday at 2 pjn. at the church Member of the Audit High 75 to 80. ,nn Parker St. Memhers are re* a char9n account.., BnreM of OiroidaUaB Manchester-^A City of Village Charm minded to bring their earned dol­ -L lars Hostesses for the meeting will TUESDAY PRICE SEVEN CENTS be the club officers. Free Main St. and Rear of Storo Parking MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1963 (OlaasUied Advertising on Page 14) Main Street, Manchester.. .643-4123 VOL. LXXXn, NO. 290 (SIXTEEN PAGES) The BJighth District Fire Dept, And will hold a department meeting, oonoemlng the parade on Satur­ day, tonight at 7:30 at the fire- houM, Main and Hilliard Sts. THURSDAY ... the store with yillage Charm... OPEN 6 DAYS , The executive board of the Man­ For chester A.uxlllary of the Children’s Kennedy Federalizes Alabama Guardsmen Servicao of Connecticut will meet Your Cenvenieneo tomorrow at 10 am. at the home ^ OdondsUcuuL of. of Mrs. Paul Marts, 176 W, Ver­ till 9 non St. r ” The executive board of the Buckley School PTA will meet to­ The ABC’s of a Warm and night at 8 in the teachers’ kmnge Married Men Excluded from Draft by Presidential Order of the school. New officers and committee chairmen will meet Wonderful Ski Pajama with a teach er representative j and Vincent RamiEi, principal, to WASHINGTON (AP) ^ Integration make final plans for the year’s President Kennedy today or­ State News activities. 7 will be the first 73 of 100 Senators general meeting of the s e a s o n dered a halt to the drafting of when family night will be ob­ married men so long m Orderly at served. enough single men are avail­ Roundup able to maintain the strength Favoring N-Treaty of the armed forces, Kennedy signed ■ an executive 4 S ch ools order which- provides that mar­ WASHING’TON (AP) __comfortable but not an interna- Students Protest ried men shall be inducted only tionally Impressive margin. If all Now Open! Soundest Sleepers of All after all single men in the 19-25 Seventy-three of the Senate’s 100 senator.-! voted, ratification In Waterbury age group have been drafted. 100 members either are com­ would require 67 affirmative Wallace Silent Military sources said that, for mitted to or are inclined now votes. ...................... WATERBURY (AP) — the foreseeable future, enough to vote for ratification of the Senate leaders .are confident JOHN single men will be available so that some of the uncommitted ‘ More than 600 high school In Shoivdotvn that there will be no need to draft limited nuclear test - ban eventually vvlll vote for ratlfica- gtudents staged a rally at City husbands. treaty, an Associated Press tlon Unless there are unexpcct-1 protest the im- Only a major increase ki mil­ survey showed today. ed developments they do not be-1 . e \ i_ BIUMINT.HAM, Ala. (AP) POSTMA itary strength, they said, would But 27 senators either are op­ lleve they will lose many of those | Pkct of a teachers boj cott on — Pre.siclent Kennedy took again place married men within posed to approval or have grave who have indicated their present extra - curricular activities. | Control of 17,000 Alabama EXPERT the scope of the draft. reservations about a treaty that intention to support the treaty The students paraded through National t7uanlsnien away Lt. Qen. Lewis B. Hershey, Se­ would ban all but undeiground Republican Leader Everett M. the aldermanic chambers. WATCH and CLOCK lective Service director, esUmated testing. Of thle group 12 have el Dirksen of Illinois said he hopes The rally was planned originally from t’lov. George C. Wallace that about one out of every five ther announced ttieir opposition or that a letter President Kennedy when it was announced that the today and 20 Negro children REPAIRING! men now classified as lA—avail­ have voted in committee against Is addressing to him and to Dem­ annual football jamboree, the tra­ integrated • public .schools at Pick A Bouquet of able for s'ervlce—Is married and the treaty. Fifteen are listed as ocratic Leader Mike Mansfield of ditional opening day program for Birmingham, Mobile and Tus- 310 Main St., Manchester without children. doubtful. Montana will resolve "some of the the football aeaaon, would be can­ A previous executive order last If this lineup held, the treaty, fears and misgivings” about the celed because teachers would not kegee. March provided for deferment of on which the Senate resumes de­ treaty. Wallace, who had blocked tlielr Phone 643-6238 engage in the extra-curricular ac­ -’i entry Monday with executive or­ Layette Essentials fathers. bate today, would be ratified by It remained to be seen whether tivities. • Closed Mondays • ’The White House said the halt the "unequivocal a-ssurances” Teachers have -withdrawn from ders and state troopers, declmed Trainirig in. to induction of married men will Dirksen said Kenney will g;lve on extra duties as a means of sup­ I eoninient at Montgomery on the in the new "Petite Fleur” Print of course. mean that young single men gen­ the readiness posture of American porting their demands for im­ < Presidents (oderaliza.tion of the erally will be drafted at an ear­ defenses under the treaty would proved contracts from the board Of ■ Guard and the <ie.segregation lier age. At present the average Russia Expels satisfy the doubters. education and the city’s Demo­ which followed quickly. Wonderfid to give . a joy to get! Carter'a hin oot . in two appealing new prints draftee Is about 23 years of age. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, R- ■ Desegregation below the college babywear designed with fashion flair is made with the . in wann brushed cotton knit 3.D0 cratic administration. Some 1.7 million men are clas­ Passengers of Maine, for example, listed 16 dif­ It was announced yesterday, level in Alabama came first Mon- W e * re as comfort-giving features Carter’s is famous for: anajv sified lA. ’This pool has been ferent questions she -wants an­ however, that the jamboree would J day at Hunt.sville w-here there New Supar-Absorbant Training Ppnt fostened dosings for snappy dressing, plasticized pants Carter’s classic sleeper famous for its features, its foog growing. In recent years because swered before she makes up her 1 was normal rlassroom activity to­ n e a r as of the crop of “war babies” reach­ mind how to vote. Mrs. Smith be held as scheduled next Satur­ day. Wallace mysteriously made and lots of wiggle room. Both in oottop knit that’s wear and eaay care. two-piece with no^hafe Nevabind A floral sljAabet on white ground with sefid color eeftar China Express day. y o u r Everything about this pmt is special from the new ing the minimum draft age of 18. signed the Senate Preparedness Various commumty and par­ : no attempt to block desegregation super-absorbent type knit cotton, to the exclusive machine washable and never needs ironing. aleevea.. ..anap-faatened Gro-Feature at waist. Elas- and cuffing at waist, wrist and ankles. An extra warm Hershey and Seertary of De­ subcommittee’s report which said I \ there. ents’ clubs volunteered to take over ......-- ......... t . -.-...if,...... .......................... ........ te le p h o n e tiozed ankles and “Safety-Step" feet... machine wash- fabric with extra wear knit into every ttiteb. Madlfaie fense Robert 8. McNamara were that “serioue ^ind perhaps formi­ Thirteen of the 20 who were two-way stretch construction. Trunk length, cuff Ptoctsstd to minimue shrinkagt. MOSCOW (AP) — Irate Soviet the ticket-selling and other ad­ finish, encased all-elastic waist, double thickness aUe and no ironing needed. washable and no ironing needed. called to the White House for authorities have )x>oted out the dable military aind technical dis­ TTiefl* National Guard ti-oop.-i, w-bo were federalized while they were oil the pround.s of ,'Vlurphy tui*ned back by state troopers Kennedy’s signing of the order. ministrative jobs normally handled H)lgh School in Mobile. Ala,, today, board tniok-; to pull out. City police ti>oU over a.s two Ne­ gusset extending from front to back waist. To top it crew and Chinese passengers of advantages” will result from the by the teachers. Monday and went to school today off — a Carter’s pullover shirt with Jiffon neck and Ptoctsstd to minmite shrinkage ' Hershey told newsmen It was the Peking - Moscow E3xf>resa, treaty. With the jamboree on again, groes entered the school without incident. Troops remain on .standby duty at local armory. were at Tuskegee. There, w-ere FREE Azure, Ldlac, Pink or Yellow. Aqua or Pink. 3-6x. 1.99 his second visit to the White charging they tried to sneak In Outright opposition to ratifica­ (AP Photofax). —’ ^ ' - five at Birmingham and two at short Nevabihd sleeves. For Her: Angels Print For Him: . Cozy and House since Kennedy became tion has come from eight Southerh some of the leaders of today’s stu­ “Petite Flour’’ Print “Petite Fleur” Print in Aqua, Pink. 6 moa., Warm , Print In Blue, anti-Somet propaganda and staged dent rally spoke in favor of the Mobile.
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