October 18, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 33915 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRESSIONAL SALUTE TO the respect and admiration of friends and col­ tually all but the lowest occupations in both SACRAMENTO COUNTY SUPER­ leagues in Scouting and throughout Sacra­ the public and the private sector. Housing mento. was allocated on the old gerrymandered pa­ VISOR JOSEPH E. "TED" tronage system. Any outbreak of unrest or SHEEDY Norm has taken time out of his busy work dissent by Catholics had always been quick­ schedule to serve our community in countless ly and ruthlessly suppressed under the Spe­ HON. ROBERT T. MATSUI ways. From his effective participation in the cial Powers Act which gave the authorities Air Force Association and the American Red OF CALIFORNIA power to hold suspects incommunicado and Cross to his work with the Crocker Art indefinitely without lawful arrest, charge or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Museum and the Friends of light Rail, Norm trial. Thus, in 1969, the systematized dis­ Saturday, October 18, 1986 has demonstrated his concern for Sacramen­ crimination against Catholics <assumed na­ Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to's present and future. Norm's involvement in tionalists> and entrenched Protestant <as­ the community far exceeds the few examples sumed united empire loyalists> patronage honor a fine, dedicated public servant Mr. and privilege was enforced by the much Joseph E. "Ted" Sheedy, who is retiring next I present here today, and I can assure my feared Royal Ulster Constabulary <RUC>. month after 16 years of exemplary service as fellow members the Golden Empire Council of an almost totally Protestant para-military a Sacramento County supervisor. the Boy Scouts of America has demonstrated police force, which had a proved capability On November 12, 1986, his friends, col­ great wisdom in recognizing Norm Phillips; a of operating oppressively with almost unfet­ leagues, constituents, and community leaders true leader and exceptional role model to our tered discretion conferred by the Special will gather to pay tribute to this outstanding young men who are active in the enormously Powers Act. elected official for his sacrifice and his contri­ successful Scouting program and to citizens The year 1969 was a watershed for North­ of Sacramento. em Ireland. Hitherto opposition to discrimi­ butions to the people of Sacramento County. nation had occurred <at least once in every Ted's exceptional leadership and devotion Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I decade since 1920) in the form of Irish Re­ of our community and to the region is evident congratulate Norm for receiving Scouting's publican Army <IRA> guerrilla campaigns in his long list of accomplishments, including "Man of the Year" award. I thank him for his focused largely in the rural border areas. In establishment of the first county consumer many years of generous, sacrificial service to 1969 middle-class urban Catholics and liber­ protection bureau in California, implementation the people of Sacramento, and I wish him the al Protestants took to the streets in protest of a comprehensive ordinance to control noise best of luck with his future endeavors. against discrimination. A rather leftist-liber­ al Labor government in London was non­ pollution, and an effective Affirmative Action plussed by the protests and the traditional Program is Sacramento County. He is also au­ CIVIL RIGHTS IN NORTHERN and practiced violence with which the RUC thored the State's toughest financial disclo­ IRELAND-BACKGROUND AND sought to stifle the peaceful protests of oth­ sure law for local elected officials and fought DEVELOPMENTS erwise law-abiding citizens. to maintain adequate flows in the lower Ameri­ The Northern Irish Prime Minister was can River. summoned to London and ordered to insti­ Through his hard work and service as chair­ HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN tute the most elementary reforms to allevi­ man of the County Supervisors' Association's OF NEW YORK ate the glaring abuses of power. However, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES every time a gesture was made in the· direc­ Revenue and Taxation Committee and the Sa­ tion of the Catholic community pressure cramento Regional Area Planning Commis­ Saturday, October 18, 1986 from Protestant extremists would intensify sion, he has earned the respect and admira­ Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to call my to counterbalance the London pressure. A tion of his friends and colleagues. colleagues attention to a most interesting messianic Protestant preacher, the Rever­ Mr. Speaker, there is no way that we could essay prepared by the Prof. David Lowry on end Ian K. Paisley, instigated and capital­ ever repay Ted for his service to the commu­ ized upon this "Protestant-blacklash." the human rights situation in Northern Ireland. Sadly for the north's Catholics and na­ nity, but I would like to add my voice to those Professor Lowry, of the Pace University Law wishing him a productive future and thanking tionalists a Conservative ("Tory") govern­ School, is legal consultant to the American ment was returned to power in London in him for a job well done. Irish Political Education Committee of Stony 1970 and foolishly committed itself to a Point, NY. The committee, an independent or­ stance of "law and order First; reform ganization, was founded in 1975, and has later." After 50 years of intense and com­ plete repression this was hardly likely to as­ CONGRESSIONAL SALUTE TO been kind enough to bring this essay to my at­ tention. suage the fears of the Catholic minority. NORMAN J. PHILLIPS One month after the election the Conserv­ I believe that reviewing these materials will atives allowed the British Army and the HON. ROBERT T. MATSUI bring to my colleagues a most interesting per­ RUC to "curfew," quite illegally, the Catho­ spective-one which is lacking from most dis­ OF CALIFORNIA lic Falls Road ghetto in Belfast for 36 hours cussions of the "Irish question" in the Wash­ while pouring gas and troops into the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ington area. Accordingly, I request that the ghetto. Saturday, October 18, 1986 essay to which I have referred be reprinted in At this juncture the IRA did not exist as a Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to full at this point in the RECORD. credible military force or a major political factor in northern Ireland and this is now pay tribute to an outstanding citizen of Sacra­ CIVIL RIGHTS IN NORTHERN IREL/ :m­ conceded by all observers. But now that the mento, Norman J. Phillips. My close friend BACKGROUND AND DEVELOPMENT British Army had turned from its original Norm is being honored on November 20, CIVIL RIGHTS ·'peace-keeping" role to one of aggression 1986 by the Golden Empire Council, Boy To understand the current violations of the resulting escalation of violence was inev­ Scouts of America, as Scouting's "Man of the human rights in Ireland it is necessary to itable. Early in 1971, some eight months Year." sketch briefly the political and legal back­ after the British Army had taken the offen­ Norm, who is Northern California Vice Presi­ ground since 1969. The civil rights move­ sive, the first British soldier was killed. The ment in 1969 demanded, inter alia, an end to dent for Pacific Bell, has worked tirelessly to IRA had <in January 1970) split assunder religious discrimination against Catholics in between marxists <"Officials") and national­ promote the ideals of Scouting in our commu­ housing and employment as well as the abo­ ists (''Provisionals"). While weapons were nity and his dedication to encouraging young lition of the notorious Special Powers Act of few there was no shortage of recruits. This men to become good citizens, combined with 1922. Catholics had been openly and system­ time many recruits had tried the peaceful his unique sense of humor, has earned him atically excluded from participation in vir- route towards reform. They had protested e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 33916 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 18, 1986 and been beaten. They had petitioned for protection. The Special Powers Act and Army intelligence estimate of the IRA London and, ultimately, London had turned the use of internment and torture totally <Ieaked in May of 1979) noted that the IRA its troops on them. But in 1971 the IRA was alienated the regular law enforcement agen­ could sustain the current level of action able to draw from a huge reservoir of young, cies from the Catholic population. At this through 1983. The report, complied by the well-educated urbanized youth who were de­ point very many Catholics turned to the Chief of British Army intelligence for termined not to be pressured into emigra­ IRA for protection, albeit often with some London, notes that the British Army cannot tion <to Britain and unable, under the new misgivings. win. Indeed, as the army admit, as of 1985 U.S. law, to come to the United States) COUNTER-INSURGENCY the IRA is even stronger. which had always been the desired goal of Total police alienation from the communi­ What strengthens the resolve of the IRA the authorities so as to keep the Catholics ty made intelligence gathering even more and the ghetto community is the ongoing in a numerical and hence electoral minority. difficult for the British and the RUC. Con­ cause celebre of the deprivation of human INTERNMENT sequently, from 1972 to today the authori­ rights to the inmates of H-Block in Long As violence escalated the Northern gov­ ties adopted a "counter-insurgency" policy.
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