Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1955 The eopleP of the North Central Louisiana Hill Country: a Demographic Analysis. Robert Oren Trout Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses Part of the Sociology Commons Recommended Citation Trout, Robert Oren, "The eP ople of the North Central Louisiana Hill Country: a Demographic Analysis." (1955). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 8145. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/8145 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE PEOPLE OF THE NORTH CENTRAL LOUISIANA HILL COUNTRY! A DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Sociology by Robert Qren Trout B, A., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, 1933 M. A.) Louisiana State University* 1942 August, 1954 UMI Number: DP69523 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI Dissertation Publishing UMI DP69523 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 MANUSCRIPT THESES Unpublished theses submitted for the master!s and doctor*s degrees and deposited in the Louisiana State University Library are available for inspection. Use of any thesis is limited by the rights of the author. Bibliographical references may be noted* but passages may not be copied unless the author has given permission. Credit must be given in subsequent written or published work. A library which borrows this thesis for use by its clientele is expected to make sure that the borrower is aware of the above restrictions. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 119-a ACKNGWLEDQSiW the writer wishes to acknowledge the guidance, assistance, and encouragement of Dr, Homer L, Hitt, Head of the Departments of Soci­ ology and Rural Sociology at Louisiana Stats University, is the wri­ ter’s major adviser * he has given natch in the way of time, effort, and sound adviee. Sr. Hitt is in no way responsible for the errors and shortcomings of this study, feat hie invaluable suggestions are largely responsible for whatever of merit it nay possess# Of equal or greater importance is the fact that his constant encouragement has given the writer the confidence necessary to complete this work. The writer wishes especially to thank Dr, Vernon «J. Barenton, Professor of Sociology and a member of the author’s special advisory committee, for his stimulating instruction in sociology, and his help­ ful counsel over a period of several years. Dr. Paul H* Price, of the Departments of Sociology and Rural Sociology, has provided technical advice and friendly encouragement to the writer throughout his graduate career. Dr. Fred B« Knlffen, Head of the Department of Geography and An­ thropology and also a member of the author’s special advisory committee, has shown a keen interest in the study from the beginning and has offered many valuable suggestions* Dr. H, J« Sachs, Head of the Department of English and Foreign languages at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, has given much helpful ad­ vice and constructive criticism relative to the composition of the work. His editorial advice has been of great value. Special thanks are d m to Mr* D. 1* Fontenot, State Soil Scien­ tist, for technical and scientific information concerning the topography of the area of atedy* Thanks are also d m to Hr* and Mrs* Travis Be Freese for their assistance with the tables and figures and to Jan Bedding Storla for typing the manuscript* The writer*s wife, Virginia Galloway Treat, has been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement and has been responsible in large measure for making this study a reality* ill TABU OF CONTENTS PAGE k c w o m m m m .*•*♦#*.*......... * . * * ....... 11 U S ? OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES.......... xy ABSTRACT........ .*..*................. xviii CHAPTER i* i m m m m «**»•»**•*,»*«**.*.* i Statement of the Problem *•••**•*««••• 1 Delineation of the Area *«**••**««*•«* 2 Ia$ortaaee of the Study............. k Sources of the Bote .«.**••«#•••**.* 7 Uadtatione of the Beta • ••«•#**«•••*• 7 Methods *.*..* ......... ********* S IX* REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE * * ................. 9 Studies of Similar Type *•«,•••»•••«•* 9 Literature Presa*$ing Valuable Techniques in Population Analysis ••**••«*.**«**• 11 Sources of Specific Infonaation Concerning the Area of Study ....... 13 HI* THE AREA .*«*******»»•.......... *. 17 Geography * * .......... * ............... * . 17 History •*«•**••••***«•••••••• 23 XV* THE HUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF THE NORTH CENTRAL LOUISIANA HILL GGUNTHI ******* 35 EMber of Inhabitants by Parishes and Parish Segments «•**••• ....... ******** 39 Density of Population by Wards .«•••***•• 41 V* RESIDENCE .********** ............... 45 Census Definition of Urban, Rural, Rural-Farm, and Rural-Nonfarm Populations •*«*••*,*••• 47 iv 6| m PAGE Urban and Rural Residence * • • * ........ * « 4? Urban Places . « ........ * 47 Fans Population-~Urban and Rural * . • * *...*. 47 Rurad-Nenfara Population . « ........ * * * 4$ Rural and Urban Population . * * ♦• * . # * . * . 4$ Urban, Rural-Nenihm, and Raral-Parm Populations of the Pad North Central Louisiana Hill Par­ ishes ....... * « . » * ........ 5® Changes In Residence Composition of the Population of the fen North Central Louisiana Hill Parishes ire* 1% 0 to 1750 . « #..*»• 53 , pi. sags m m m m ................... 63 Number and Distribution of the Population of the Ten North Central Louisiana Hill Parishes by Hace and Nativity 64 Changes in the Race and Nativity Composition of the Population from 1740 to 1350 .«*.».••••« 69 Residence Composition of the Native White and Negro Populations . ...... • «•••.••* 70 Residence Composition of the Foreign-Born White Population . ...... 79 VII. AGS ANN SSX ............ 61 the Age-Sex Pyramid 63 Index Numbers of Age 84 Sex Ratio Charts .................. 85 Reliability of Date 86 Age sad Sex Composition of the fen North Central Louisiana Hill Parishes 87 The total Population 87 The White Population 94 The Nomrhite Population 100 Populatioii of Urban Places »•*».•.»*.... 106 The Rural-Nonfanu Population Ill Rural-Farm Population 116 Urban* hural-Nonfam# and Kural-Fam Comparisons • • 121 Proportion of the Population Under Five Years of Age 124 Proportion of the Population Five to Nineteen Tears of Age *»**««»...*..»«.*«. 129 Proportion of the Population Sixty-Five Tears of Age and 0ver 131 Proportion of Persons in the Dependency Ages ...» 133 v CH4FTSH M O B m i * r n m m m m ....... ,******..•**. *'*« Limitations of Census Data on Marital Statu® « * . « 136 Tim Total Population * * • * * » *#*,.♦#.*#*. 13# K a l s s ....... .*•...•• 136 Females • ••#***«**»«•»* **««** 140 The White Population *...**♦*♦........ 140 Males «*«.*».«.•»•«* t«•»»»• « 141 Finales * * ......................... * » U 1 The Nenshit© Population ........ * • * • 143 Males «*«*•*#**•«#«*•#»****» 143 Females • •*•«•»****«»••*•»»*» 145 The Nrban Population ......... * • * 146 Males ...***.**♦***........ * * . 146 Females , f , » « . 146 The Sural Population .**.♦*«♦**.•*••• 148 Males , .................. 150 Females ****•*»« ........ «««*«»• 150 IX* EDUCATIONAL STATUS................... « . « 152 Indexes of Measurement....... 153 Median Tears of School Completed 154 Variations from Parish to Parish **•»•«*»•« 157 Per Cent With Me Tears of School Completed * * • * * 157 Variations from Parish to Parish *«••»*••• 160 Per Cent Completing High School* #*•••»•**« 162 Variations from Parish to Parish «•«•*•«•• 165 X. RELIGIOUS COMPOSITION *..**.* ............ 168 The Church Population of the Ten North Central Lou­ isiana Hill Parishes in 1936 *•••««•**•• 171 Percentage Distribution of Major Denominations * * * 173 Distribution by Parishes *•««*•#*••»»*» 178 XI* OCCUPATION ............... 177 The Labor Force of the Ten North Central Louisiana Hill Parishes . ........* ....... * • * * 182 Comparison of the Labor Force in the Ten North Cen­ tral Louisiana Hill Parishes! Louisiana, and the Doited States •••«••*••«•••*•»». 183 Classification of Workers *»«••*»« 185 Class of Wericer »•*«•••»»•••«•*•»# 186 Major Occupation Groups by vi CHAPTER f Jm rnimt . ............. .................. * m Females •••*'•«»«•*«•«*••»•*» 192 Major Oceiapfttion Groupa % Color »•««*••«• 193 Distribution of Workers by Industry Croups * * * * 197 Distribution of Workers la Industry Groups by Sex m i Color ................... 199 X II.C0HCU3SIW AWD BflPUOATIOHS ............................. 204 BIBIIOGRAPHT , , . .................... 213 AFHWSIS ...................
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