Monthly Monetary Bulletin-May 2007

Monthly Monetary Bulletin-May 2007

W‡‡¹œUB²�ô« U‡‡‡ÝUO��« …—«œ≈ ≤∞∞∑ u¹U� رقـــم إاليـــــــداع بـــدار الـكـتــب الـقـطـريــــة : 559 / 2007 الــرقــــم الـــدولـــي ) ردمــــك ( : 8 - 1 - 758 - 99921 For correspondence and Inquires: «—U‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡�H²Ýô«Ë ö‡‡‡‡‡Ý«dLK� Department of Economic Policies W‡‡‡‡¹œUB²�ô« U‡‡ÝU‡‡‡O��« …—«œ≈ Qatar Central Bank ÍeÖd*« d‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡D� ·d‡‡B� P.O.Box: 1234 ±≤≥¥ ∫» Æ’ Doha - Qatar dD� ≠ WŠËb�« Tel.: +(974) 445 6456 ´©π∑¥® ¥¥µ ∂¥µ∂ ∫ÊuHOKð Fax: +(974) 441 6771 ´©π∑¥® ¥¥± ∂∑∑± ∫f�U‡‡� [email protected] website: Monthly Monetary Bulletin, MayMay. 20072007 2 ≤∞∞∑ u‡‡¹U� ¨W‡¹dNA�« W‡¹bIM�« …dAM�« Qatar Central Bank ÍeÖd‡‡‡‡‡*« d‡‡‡‡‡‡D� ·d‡‡‡‡‡‡B� £ Monthly Monetary Bulletin, MayMay. 20072007 3 ≤∞∞∑ u‡‡¹U� ¨W‡¹dNA�« W‡¹bIM�« …dAM�« Qatar Central Bank ÍeÖd‡‡‡‡‡*« d‡‡‡‡‡‡D� ·d‡‡‡‡‡‡B� Table Subject No. Page ± أاهم√¼r ؤم��صرات�dýR» القطاع»�w�dB*« ŸUDIامل�صرفـي Main Indicators of of Banking the Banking Sector Sector 7 1 Money and Banking 2 Currency Issued 8 —b‡‡‡‡‡B*« b‡‡‡IM�« ≤ 3 Monetary Survey of the Banking System 9 w‡‡‡�d‡B*« “U‡‡‡N−K� Íb‡‡‡IM�« `‡‡‡�*« ≥ 4 Banks’ Claims on Government & Private Sector 10 ’U)« ŸUDI�«Ë W�uJ(« vKŽ „uM³�« U³�UD� ¥ 5 Money Supply 11 b‡‡‡‡‡‡‡IM�« ÷d‡‡‡‡‡‡Ž µ 6 Changes in Money Supply 12 b‡‡IM�« ÷d‡‡‡Ž w‡‡� d‡‡OG²�« ∂ 7 Changes in Factors Affecting Money Supply (M2) 13 ©≤® bIM�« ÷dŽ vKŽ …dŁR*« q�«uF�« w� dOG²�« ∑ 8 Financial Statement of Qatar Central BankBank(Assets) (Assets) 14 © «œu‡‡łu*«® Íe�d*« dD� ·dB* WO�U*« UÐU�(« ∏ 9 Financial Statement of Qatar Central BankBank(Liabilities) (Liabilities) 15 © UÐuKD*«® Íe�d*« dD� ·dB* WO�U*« UÐU�(« π 10 Reserve Money (M0) & The Counterpart Assets 16 UN� WKÐUI*« «œułu*«Ë WOÞUO²Šô« œuIM�« ±∞ 11 QCB’s International Reserves 17 Íe�d*« dD� ·dB� Èb� WO�Ëb�« UOÞUO²Šô« ±± 12 Commercial Banks’ Assets 18 W¹—U−²�« „uM³�« «œułu� ±≤ 13 Commercial Banks’ Liabilities 19 W¹—U−²�« „uM³�« UÐuKD� ±≥ 14 Deposits of Commercial Banks 20 W¹—U−²�« „uM³�« lz«œË nOMBð ±¥ 15 Distribution of Credit Facilities 21 WO½UL²zô« öON�²�« l¹“uð ±µ 16 Banks’ Clearings 22 „u‡‡‡M³�« ’U‡‡‡‡Ið ±∂ £ 17 Banks’ Groups (Assets) 23 © «œułu*«® „uM³�« UŽuL−� ±∑ 18 Banks’ Groups (Liabilities) 24 © UÐuKD*«® „uM³�« UŽuL−� ±∏ 19 Banks’ Groups (Deposits) 25 ©lz«œu�«® „uM³�« UŽuL−� ±π 20 Banks’ Groups (Credit Facilities) 26 ©WO½UL²zô« öON�²�«® „uM³�« UŽuL−� ≤∞ 21 InterInterbank Banks Interest Rates in Qatari Riyal 27 „uM³�« 5Ð ö�UF*« vKŽ …bzUH�« —UFÝ√ ≤± 22 Interest Rates on Customers’ Deposits in Qatari Riyal 28 Íd‡DI�« ‰U‡‡‡‡‡‡¹d‡�UÐ ¡öLF�« l‡‡‡‡z«œË vKŽ …b‡zUH�« —UF‡‡‡‡Ý√ ≤≤ 23 Interest Rates on Credit Facilities in Qatari Riyal 29 ÍdDI�« ‰U¹d�UÐ WO½UL²zô« öON�²�« vKŽ …bzUH�« —UFÝ√ ≤≥ 24 QMR & Repo Operations 30 ¡«dA�« …œUŽ≈ UOKLŽË ÍdDI�« bIM�« ‚uÝ ≤¥ Public Finance 25 Domestic Government Bonds 31 WOK;« WO�uJ(« «bM��« ≤µ Foreign Trade & Balance of Payments 26 Exchange RatesRate of GCC and Major Currencies 32 WO�Ozd�«Ë WO−OK)« öLF�« r¼√ ·d� —UFÝ√ ≤∂ Doha Securities Market 27 Doha Securities Market 33 WO�U*« ‚«—Ëú� WŠËb�« ‚uÝ ≤∑ Monthly Monetary Bulletin, MayMay. 20072007 4 ≤∞∞∑ u‡‡¹U� ¨W‡¹dNA�« W‡¹bIM�« …dAM�« Monthly Monetary Bulletin, May. 2007 3 ≤∞∞∑ u‡‡¹U� ¨W‡¹dNA�« W‡¹bIM�« …dAM�« Qatar Central Bank ÍeÖd‡‡‡‡‡*« d‡‡‡‡‡‡D� ·d‡‡‡‡‡‡B� Qatar Central Bank ÍeÖd‡‡‡‡‡*« d‡‡‡‡‡‡D� ·d‡‡‡‡‡‡B� Definitions INTRODUCTION: ∫W‡‡‡‡�bI� This bulletin contains a comprehensive data on money and W�Ëœ w� w�U?*«Ë Íb?IM�« ŸU?DI�« sŽ WK�U??ý U½U??OÐ vKŽ …d??AM�« Ác¼ Èu?²??% banking in Qatar. It is issued individually every month and it is W‡‡‡‡?‡OKB?H�« —u??N?A�« «b?Ž U?L??O?� ¨d?N?ý q� œd??HM� qJAÐ U¼—«b??�≈ r²¹Ë ¨dD� included in the Quarterly Statistical Bulletin in the 3rd, 6th, 9th, WOzU?BŠù« …dAM�« w� UNMO?LCð r²¹ YOŠ ¨©d?³L�¹œ ¨d³?L²³Ý ¨u?O½u¹ ¨”—U�® and last month of the year. ÆWOKBH�« I. Exchange Rate Policy: ·dB�« dFÝ WÝUOÝ ∫ôË√ÎÎÎ The Qatari Riyal (QR) is pegged to the US Dollar at QR 3.64 per qÐU?I?� ÍdDI�« ‰U¹dK� XÐUŁ ·d?� d?F?Ý W?ÝUO?Ý Íe?�d*« dD� ·d?B?� l³?²¹ Dollar. Æ—ôËbK� ‰U¹— ≥[∂¥ ‰œUF¹ U0 wJ¹d�_« —ôËb�« II. Money: b‡‡‡‡‡‡IM�« ∫ÎUO½UŁÎÎ Monetary Base (M0): The sum of currency issued by QCB and أال�صا�س »_U?Ý” النقدي »�Íb?IM∫ )م.(: q¦1 ميثل �?−?Ÿu?L جمموع »�b?IM النقد »*b?B— امل�صدر و أاb?�—√Ë… ر�صدة »�uM³„ البنوك »�W¹—U?−?² التجارية �Èbلدى balances of commercial banks held with QCB (the required lz«œu�« ¨W???�U??I*« UÐU??�??Š ¨w�«e?�ù« wÞU??O??²??Šô«® Íe??�d*« d?D� ·d??B??� reserves, clearing balances, and short term deposits). Æ©qł_« …dOB� II.1 Money Supply: ∫bIM�« ÷dŽ ≠√ 1- M1: The sum of currency in circulation (notes and coins held W?O½b?F*« ö?L?F?�«Ë W?O?�—u�« œu?IM�«® ‰Ë«b?²�« w� b?I?M�« Ÿu?L?−?� q¦1 ∫±Â ≠± by the public) and resident customers' demand deposits in QR with commercial banks. ÆÍdDI�« ‰U¹d�UÐ VKD�« X% ©5LOI*«® ¡öLF�« lz«œËË ¨©—uNL'« Èb� 2- M2: The sum of M1, time and saving deposits in QR, and all ‰U¹d�U?Ð qł_Ë W¹—U??šœô« lz«œu�«Ë ¨©±Â® b??IM�« ÷d??Ž Ÿu?L??−??� q¦1 ∫≤ ≠≤ types of resident customers' deposits in foreign currencies. ÆWO³Mł_« öLF�UÐ ©5LOI*«® ¡öLF�« lz«œË w�ULł≈Ë ¨ÍdDI�« 3- M3: The sum of M2 and government and government U???�???ÝR?*«Ë W???�uJ?(« lz«œËË ¨©≤® b???IM?�« ÷d???Ž Ÿu???L???−???� q?¦1 ∫≥ ≠≥ institutions' deposits placed with commercial banks. ÆW¹—U−²�« „uM³�« Èb� WO�uJ(« II.2 Resident Deposits: ∫5LOI*« lz«œË ≠» 1. Deposits of Qatari’s Individuals, companies, and institutions. Æ U�ÝR�Ë U�dýË «œ«d�√Î ¨5¹dDI�« lz«œË ≠± 2. Deposits of non-Qataris living in Qatar for one year or more. Æd¦�√Ë WM�� dD� w� 5LOI*« V½Uł_« lz«œË ≠≤ 3. Deposits of foreign companies and institutions. ÆWO³Mł_« U�ÝR*«Ë U�dA�« lz«œË ≠≥ II.3 Non Resident Deposits: ∫5LOI*« dOž lz«œË ≠‡ł 1. Deposits of non-Qatari residing in Qatar for Less than one year. ÆÂUŽ s� q�_ …—U¹“ …dOýQ²Ð 5LOI*« V½Uł_« lz«œË ≠± 2. Deposits of Embassies, Foreign Consulates, and their non-Qatari ÆUN¹b� V½Uł_« 5K�UF�«Ë WO³Mł_« UOKBMI�«Ë «—UH��« lz«œË ≠≤ employees. w�dB*« “UN−K� ÍbIM�« `�*« ∫U¦�UŁÎÎÎ III. Monetary Survey of the Banking System.: ∫wK;« ÊUL²zô« ≠√ III.1 Domestic Credit: ÆdD� qš«œ ¡öLFK� „uM³�« s� W�bI*« WO½UL²zô« öON�²�« ŸuL−� q¦1 The sum of credit facilities extended to the domestic economy. ∫WO³Mł_« «œułu*« ≠» III.2 Foreign Assets: ×U)« w� ·dB*« «œu?łu� w�ULł≈ q¦1Ë ∫Íe?�d*« dD� ·dB� Èb� ≠± 1. QCB: All claims of QCB on non-residents, which contain ¨V¼c�« ¨W??O�U*« «—U??L??¦??²?Ýô« ¨Ã—U??)« w� „u?M³�« Èb� …b??�—_« qL??AðË balances with foreign banks, foreign securities, gold, IMF ÆW�U)« V×��« ‚uIŠ lz«œË ¨w�Ëb�« bIM�« ‚ËbM� w� WL¼U�*« reserves, and SDR holding. w‡?‡‡� W????OK?;« „uM³?�« «œu???łu????� w�U???L????ł≈ q¦9Ë ∫W????OK?;« „uM³?�« Èb� ≠≤ 2. Local Banks: All claims of local banks on non-residents, which vKŽ W??I??×??²??�*« …b??�—_« ¨W??O?³?Mł_« ö??L?F?�UÐ b??IM�« ∫qL??AðË Ã—U‡‡?‡‡)« contain cash in foreign currencies, balances with foreign W?ŠuML?*« W‡‡‡‡‡O½U??L?²zô« ö‡‡‡‡?‡‡O?N?�?²?�« ¨W‡‡‡‡‡‡‡?O�U*« «—U‡‡‡‡‡?L?¦?²?Ýô« ¨„u‡‡?‡‡M³�« banks, foreign securities, credit facilities granted to customers Èd???š_« «œu????łu*« ¨qł_« W?K¹uÞ «—U????L???¦???²????Ýô« ¨dD� ×U????š ¡ö‡L????F� outside Qatar, long-term investments abroad, and other assets Æ×U)UÐ holding outside Qatar. ∫WO³Mł_« UÐuKD*« ≠‡ł III.3 Foreign Liabilities: ∫Íe�d*« dD� ·dB� vKŽ WO³Mł_« UÐuKD*« ≠± 1. QCB: All claims on QCB for non-residents, which contain WIײ�*« …b�—_« ¨Èdš_« W¹e�d*« „uM³K� WIײ�*« …b�—_« ŸuL−� qLAð �ÆwÐdF�« bIM�« ‚ËbMB، عمليات الريبو خارج قطر. amountamounts duedue to otherother centralcentral banks banks, and Arab Arab Monetary Monetary FundFund current account.account, and Repo Operations outside Qatar. ∫WOK;« „uM³�« vKŽ WO³Mł_« UÐuKD*« ≠≤ 2. Local banks: All claims on local bank for non-residents, which ¨Ã—U?)« w� „uM?³K� W?OK;« „uM³?�« vKŽ W?I?×?²??�*« …b?�—_« Ÿu?L?−??� qL?Að contain amounts due to foreign banks, non-resident ÆdD� ×Uš …—œUB�« WM¹b*« WO�U*« ‚«—Ë_«Ë ¨5LOI*« dOž ¡öLF�« lz«œËË customers deposits and debt securities issued outside Qatar. Monthly Monetary Bulletin, May.May 20072007 5 ≤∞∞∑ u‡‡¹U� ¨W‡¹dNA�« W‡¹bIM�« …dAM�« Qatar Central Bank ÍeÖd‡‡‡‡‡*« d‡‡‡‡‡‡D� ·d‡‡‡‡‡‡B� Definitions Definitions Definitions INTRODUCTION: IV. Interest Rates: ÎÎÎ ∫W‡‡‡‡�bI� …bzUH�« —UFÝ√ ∫UFЫ— This bulletin contains a comprehensive data on money and IV.1IV. Interest Official Rates: Interest Rates: …bzUH�« —UFÝ√ ∫UFЫ—ÎÎÎ W�Ëœ w� w�U?*«Ë Íb?IM�« ŸU?DI�« sŽ WK�U??ý U½U??OÐ vKŽ …d??AM�« Ác¼ Èu?²??% ∫WOLÝd�« …bzUH�« —UFÝ√ ≠√ banking in Qatar. It is issued individually every month and it is 1.IV.1 QCB Official Rate: Interest Overnight Rates: interest rates announced by QCB on ∫WOLÝd�« …bzUH�« —UFÝ√ ≠√ W‡‡‡‡?‡OKB?H�« —u??N?A�« «b?Ž U?L??O?� ¨d?N?ý q� œd??HM� qJAÐ U¼—«b??�≈ r²¹Ë ¨dD� 1. QCB Rate: Overnight interest rates announced by QCB on Íe?�d*« dD� ·dB?� s� sKF*« …bzU?H�« dF?Ý q¦1 ∫·dB?*« …bzU� d?FÝ ≠± included in the Quarterly Statistical Bulletin in the 3rd, 6th, 9th, lending and deposit transactions of local banks with QCB Íe?�d*« dD� ·dB?� s� sKF*« …bzU?H�« dF?Ý q¦1 ∫·dB?*« …bzU� d?FÝ ≠± WOzU?BŠù« …dAM�« w� UNMO?LCð r²¹ YOŠ ¨©d?³L�¹œ ¨d³?L²³Ý ¨u?O½u¹ ¨”—U�® lending and deposit transactions of local banks with QCB ‚UD?½ w� ·d??B?*«Ë „uM³�« 5?Ð r²ð w²?�« ÷«d??²???�ô«Ë Ÿ«b¹ô« U??O?KL??Ž v?KŽ and last month of the year.

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