G E N O M E A N A L Y S I S OF PROTOZOAN PARASITES PROCEEDINGS OF A WORKSHOP HELD AT ILRAD NAIROBI, KENYA 11–13 NOVEMBER 1992 Edited by S.P. Morzaria THE INTERNATIONAL LABORATORY FOR RESEARCH ON ANIMAL DISEASES BOX 30709 • NAIROBI • KENYA The International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD) was established in 1973 with a global mandate to develop effective control measures for livestock diseases that seriously limit world food production. ILRAD’s research program focuses on animal trypanosomiasis and tick-borne diseases, particularly theileriosis (East Coast fever). ILRAD is one of 18 centres in a worldwide agricultural research network sponsored by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. In 1992 ILRAD received funding from the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank and the governments of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Production Editor: Peter Werehire This publication was typeset on a microcomputer and the final pages produced on a laser printer at ILRAD, P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya, telephone 254 (2) 632311, fax 254 (2) 631499, e-mail BT GOLD TYMNET CGI017. Colour separations for cover were done by PrePress Productions, P.O. Box 41921, Nairobi, Kenya. Printed by English Press Ltd., P.O. Box 30127, Nairobi, Kenya. Copyright © 1993 by the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases. ISBN 92-9055-296-4 The correct citation for this book is Genome Analysis of Protozoan Parasites: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at ILRAD, Nairobi, Kenya, 11–13 November 1992, ed. S.P. Morzaria. Nairobi: The International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases, 1993. Contents Listofauthors Foreword Openingaddress A.R.Gray MAJORMAPPINGPROJECTS Physicalstrategiesforthemoleculardissectionofgenomes C.L.Smith,R.Oliva,D.Wang,D.GrothuesandS.Lawrance Bovinegenomeresearch A.Teale Establishingalaboratoryforparasitegenomeanalysis:focus ontheparasiticprotozoaToxoplasma,TrypanosomaandLeishmania J.M.Blackwell,J.W.AjiokaandS.E.Melville Summaryofdiscussion GENETICANALYSISOFTHEILERIAANDPLASMODIUM GeneticrecombinationinfieldpopulationsofPlasmodiumfalciparum D.Walliker,L.C.Ranford-CartwrightandH.A.Babiker GenomemappingandlinkageanalysisinPlasmodiumfalciparum: towardidentificationofthechloroquineresistancedeterminant T.E.Wellems Theileriaparva:currentstatus V.Nene,R.Bishop,T.T.Dolan,D.McKeever,O.K.ole-MoiYoi, S.P.Morzaria,A.J.Musoke,M.K.Shaw,P.ToyeandA.S.Young GenomicpolymorphismsinTheileriaparva R.Bishop,H.Baylis,B.Allsopp,P.Toye,V.Nene,T.Dolan, P.Spooner,M.KibeandS.Morzaria CONTENTS iii Theileriaparva:arestrictionmapandgeneticrecombination S.P.Morzaria,J.R.Young,P.R.Spooner,T.T.DolanandR.P.Bishop Summaryofdiscussion GENETICANALYSISOFTRYPANOSOMES Anintroductoryreviewoftheimportanttrypanosomesoflivestock P.R.Gardiner VariabilityofTrypanosomacongolense P.Majiwa Geneticrecombinationandkaryotypeinheritance inTrypanosomabruceispecies A.Tait,N.Buchanan,G.HideandM.Turner TheidentificationofgenesofimportanceinTrypanosomabrucei bruceithroughtheuseoftransfectiontechniques N.B.Murphy,A.Muthiani,P.Pandit,S.Kemei,S.K.Moloo, K.Hirumi,H.HirumiandA.S.Peregrine ChromosomepolymorphisminTrypanosomabruceibrucei andtheselectionofchromosome-specificmarkers S.E.Melville,M.P.Barrett,J.P.Sweetman,J.W.AjiokaandR.W.F.LePage Summaryofdiscussion TECHNIQUESFORPHYSICALAND FUNCTIONALANALYSIS Markersformappingtrypanotolerancegenes S.J.Kemp Derivationoflargeinsertclonesfromhumanchromosome22 usingthebacteriophageP1vectorsystem N.S.Shepherd,J.N.CoulbyandS.L.Ackerman Yeastartificialchromosomes:cloningandanalysisofcomplexgenomes G.A.Silverman,K.M.LiaandS.S.Schneider Yeastartificialchromosomecloningandcontig constructioninprotozoanparasites J.W.Ajioka,J.EspinozaandJ.T.Swindle Summaryofdiscussion iv CONTENTS ROUNDTABLEDISCUSSION RECOMMENDATIONS LISTOFPARTICIPANTS CONTENTS v List of authors Workshop Organizing Committee P. Majiwa S. Morzaria N. Murphy Ackerman, S.L. Blackwell, J.M. Research and Development Microbiology and Parasitology Division The Du Pont Merck Pharmaceutical Company Department of Pathology Wilmington, Delaware 19880-0328, USA Cambridge University Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK Ajioka, J.W. Microbiology and Parasitology Division Buchanan, N. Department of Pathology Wellcome Unit of Molecular Parasitology Cambridge University University of Glasgow Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK Glasgow, G61 1QH, UK Allsopp, B. Coulby, J.N. International Laboratory for Research Research and Development on Animal Diseases The Du Pont Merck Pharmaceutical Company P.O. Box 30709 Wilmington, Delaware 19880-0328, USA Nairobi, Kenya Dolan, T.T. Babiker, H.A. International Laboratory for Research Division of Biological Sciences on Animal Diseases Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology P.O. Box 30709 University of Edinburgh Nairobi, Kenya West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JN, UK Espinoza, J. Barrett, M.P. Department of Pathology Microbiology and Parasitology Division University of Cambridge Department of Pathology Tennis Court Road Cambridge University Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK Gardiner, P.R. Baylis, H. International Laboratory for Research International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases on Animal Diseases P.O. Box 30709 P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya Grothues, D. Bishop, R.P. Department of Molecular and Cell Biology International Laboratory for Research Division of Structural Biology on Animal Diseases University of California P.O. Box 30709 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Nairobi, Kenya Berkeley, California 94720, USA LIST OF AUTHORS vii Hide, G. Majiwa, P. Wellcome Unit of Molecular Parasitology International Laboratory for Research University of Glasgow on Animal Diseases Glasgow, G61 1QH, UK P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Hirumi, H. International Laboratory for Research McKeever, D. on Animal Diseases International Laboratory for Research P.O. Box 30709 on Animal Diseases Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Hirumi, K. International Laboratory for Research Melville, S.E. on Animal Diseases Microbiology and Parasitology Division P.O. Box 30709 Department of Pathology Nairobi, Kenya Cambridge University Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK Kemei, S. International Laboratory for Research ole-MoiYoi, O.K. on Animal Diseases International Laboratory for Research P.O. Box 30709 on Animal Diseases Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Kemp, S.J. International Laboratory for Research Moloo, S.K. on Animal Diseases International Laboratory for Research P.O. Box 30709 on Animal Diseases Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Kibe, M. International Laboratory for Research Morzaria, S.P. on Animal Diseases International Laboratory for Research P.O. Box 30709 on Animal Diseases Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Lawrance, S. Life Sciences Department Murphy, N.B. Otterbein College International Laboratory for Research Westerville, Ohio 43081, USA on Animal Diseases P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Le Page, R.W.F. Microbiology and Parasitology Division Department of Pathology Musoke, A.J. Cambridge University International Laboratory for Research Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK on Animal Diseases P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Lia, K.M. Joint Program in Neonatology Department of Paediatrics Muthiani, A. Harvard Medical School International Laboratory for Research Children’s Hospital on Animal Diseases 300 Longwood Avenue, Enders 970 P.O. Box 30709 Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA Nairobi, Kenya viii LIST OF AUTHORS Nene, V. Silverman, G.A. International Laboratory for Research Joint Program in Neonatology on Animal Diseases Department of Paediatrics P.O. Box 30709 Harvard Medical School Nairobi, Kenya Children’s Hospital 300 Longwood Avenue, Enders 970 Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA Oliva, R. Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Smith, C.L. Division of Structural Biology Centre for Advanced Biotechnology University of California Boston University Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 36 Cummington Street Berkeley, California 94720, USA Boston, Massachusetss 02215, USA Pandit, P. Spooner, P.R. International Laboratory for Research International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases on Animal Diseases P.O. Box 30709 P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya Sweetman, J.P. Peregrine, A.S. Microbiology and Parasitology Division International Laboratory for Research Department of Pathology on Animal Diseases Cambridge University P.O. Box 30709 Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK Nairobi, Kenya Swindle, J.T. Department of Microbiology and Immunology Ranford-Cartwright, L.C. University of Tennessee, Memphis Division of Biological Sciences 858 Madison Avenue Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology Memphis, Tennessee 38163, USA University of Edinburgh West Mains Road Edinburgh EH9 3JN, UK Tait, A. Wellcome Unit of Molecular Parasitology University of Glasgow Schneider, S.S. Glasgow, G61 1QH, UK Joint Program in Neonatology Department of Paediatrics Teale, A. Harvard Medical School International Laboratory for Research Children’s Hospital on Animal Diseases 300 Longwood Avenue, Enders 970 P.O. Box 30709 Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA Nairobi, Kenya Shaw, M.K. Toye, P. International Laboratory for Research International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases on Animal Diseases P.O. Box 30709 P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya Turner, M. Shepherd, N.S. Department of Zoology Research and Development Laboratory for Biochemical Parasitology The Du Pont Merck Pharmaceutical
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