Page 1 1 IN RE: 2 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI 3 PRESENTATION AND MEETING 4 5 LOU FOUNDERS HALL 6 1550 Brescia Avenue Room 102 7 Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Wednesday, October 7, 2015 8 6:11 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 Page 2 Page 4 1 APPEARANCES 1 And that condition required the 2 JANET GAVARRETE, University of Miami 2 construction of an internal road through the Associate Vice-President Campus Planning & 3 campus, the northern part of the campus, so 3 Development 4 4 that it would take University traffic off the 5 JEFFREY S. BASS, ESQ. 5 local residential streets by linking parking [email protected] 6 lots together. And the route of that 6 SHUBIN & BASS 7 internal street would obviously destroy the 46 S.W. 1st Street 8 Arboretum. 7 Suite 300 9 We have, throughout the years, lived Miami, Florida 33130 8 Counsel for University of Miami 10 with this condition. And we have undertaken 9 11 some rather aggressive, symptomatic, 10 12 strategic steps that have given way to very 11 13 positive results. 12 14 These collective initiatives have indeed 13 15 proven to reduce the traffic in the 14 16 residential areas by 31.6 percent between 15 16 17 2011 and 2015 specifically, and that's an 17 18 amazing number in terms of the reduction of 18 19 traffic. 19 20 An internal road is no longer necessary 20 21 and is not the only way to reduce traffic. 21 22 We've shown that. And there's no need to 22 23 23 destroy the Arboretum. 24 24 So we would like to rephrase, reframe 25 25 the discussion, and then this is about saving Page 3 Page 5 1 (Thereupon, the following was taken at 1 the Arboretum, and, plus, giving you 2 6:11 p.m.:) 2 information about the University's commitment 3 MS. GAVARRETE: Good evening, everyone. 3 to its Mobility Plan and its initiatives that 4 Thank you so very much for everyone attending 4 support, maintain the reduction of traffic in 5 this community meeting regarding the Proposed 5 the residential areas. 6 Amendment to the Development Agreement. 6 As a point of just some housekeeping in 7 We're very pleased to host this meeting 7 addition to this introduction, is we filed 8 for the community, the broad community. And 8 this amendment with the City on July 2 for 9 we just want to make -- I'll take care of a 9 the start of a process that starts to go to 10 few housekeeping items. 10 the Development Review Committee. 11 My name is Janet Gavarrete, and I work 11 We went to the City's Development Review 12 in the Planning Department for the University 12 Committee on July 24. There were comments 13 of Miami. 13 from staff as part of that review, and we 14 We'd like everyone to please sign in, 14 have engaged with the City staff in 15 because it's important so that we can keep 15 responding to those. 16 you updated on this application as time -- as 16 In August, we had many of those meetings 17 it moves through the process at the City. 17 with staff. 18 And we'd like to start the presentation 18 In September, we filed this application 19 so that we can get to your questions as soon 19 before the Planning Board, which is what 20 as possible. 20 requires us to have this neighbor meeting as 21 This discussion here tonight is about a 21 an information meeting prior to the Planning 22 proposed amendment that seeks to modify a 22 Board meeting and then the subsequent two 23 condition that was placed on the University 23 commission meetings that are held as part of 24 of Miami as part of development approvals. 24 the process to change these conditions. 25 We want that condition modified. 25 We have mailed out notices to over 1200 2 (Pages 2 - 5) Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 Page 6 Page 8 1 people, inviting them to this meeting. 1 see those bars up there. And what it has -- 2 The property has been duly posted and 2 what it measures totally is the trips, the 3 there will be an additional mailing that's 3 traffic volume of the University. 4 done by the City prior to the Planning Board. 4 And you can see that in 1990, we had 5 We'd like to also share the presentation 5 just under 14,000. In the year 2000, we had 6 a bit with Jeff -- I can't get this to work. 6 like 16,000. 7 Just one second. 7 In the year 2007, it starts to come 8 (Pause in proceedings.) 8 down. It inches back up a bit in 2012. And 9 MS. GAVARRETE: There we go -- with Jeff 9 it's substantially down in 2015. 10 Bass. He's the counsel to the University on 10 What's also important -- Now, that's 11 this application. 11 total volume of the University. That's 12 Jeff, do you want to make any comments 12 throughout all these years, our growth, if 13 before we get going? 13 you go from 1990 to 2015, we're almost at the 14 MR. BASS: Why don't you go, and then 14 same. I think it's .04 difference in terms 15 I'll go. 15 of our traffic volume from 1990 to today. 16 MS. GAVARRETE: Okay. I'll go. 16 So I want us to understand that, because 17 So the discussion outline -- figured I 17 everyone who sees the University grow and all 18 would just give you this little roadmap of 18 of us put buildings up and all of us do all 19 how we're going to approach this discussion. 19 of the things that we do for the University 20 First, we'd like to talk to you about 20 and the community, we are, in fact, measuring 21 University traffic, because that's the point 21 an equal amount of traffic volume 25 years 22 that we were first at in trying -- that's how 22 later. And there is a reason why we have 23 we got into this condition. 23 reduced that amount of traffic or maintained 24 And we want to cover University traffic 24 that traffic volume throughout these years, 25 yesterday and what it is today. And we want 25 and we're going to tell you how we've done Page 7 Page 9 1 to move you into some information about our 1 that. 2 Mobility Plan: The projects, the policies, 2 The other important part of these bars, 3 the initiatives, and the programs that 3 is it tells you, the green and the orange -- 4 actually reduce traffic and that we have 4 it splits up the volume of traffic north of 5 demonstrated that this is not something we 5 the lake and south of the lake. 6 make up. It's something that is counted by 6 South of the lake for the University 7 engineers, who are licensed to do this kind 7 means the Ponce-corridor area. And there's 8 of stuff in the State of Florida. 8 higher volume of traffic in that area. We've 9 Then we want to talk a little bit about 9 been shifting the higher volume of traffic 10 the Arboretum and the priceless value to the 10 towards the south. And you can see that with 11 broader community that that resource has. 11 the bars. 12 The internal road which is the subject 12 They're used to be a lot more traffic 13 of this condition, we want to talk and 13 north, with the orange, in the early years. 14 explain to you what the original condition 14 But as you move down throughout the years, 15 was and what today's proposal is. It is that 15 there's less traffic in the residential 16 is reframed to reflect the current status of 16 areas. 17 traffic. 17 So two things that these traffic numbers 18 And we want to discuss a little bit some 18 do. 19 potential neighborhood improvements that can 19 One, is they demonstrate that the volume 20 be made available. And then we're just going 20 of traffic that's generated by the University 21 to recap what the specific request is 21 is essentially flat after 25 years. And that 22 regarding this and, hopefully, move on. 22 it is substantially less by 31 percent north 23 Let me talk to you first about 23 of the lake. 24 University traffic yesterday and today. 24 So it's important to drive home those 25 In 1990, 2000, 2007, 2012 and 2015, you 25 points, because that's what we want to tell 3 (Pages 6 - 9) Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 Page 10 Page 12 1 the world, that we've fixed the problem, so 1 What happens when you add more students 2 we don't need to destroy the Arboretum, and 2 living on campus is you don't increase the 3 we don't need an internal road.
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