Foley o t New street, 4 n a test ntebt elected treasurer of ANNUAL MAY SALE Mrs. Sidney French Renders Dleldoii No. 1. A. O. H., to fUl t ^ Tonight VOL. U V .. NO. 185. (ClaasUM Advartlalng «■ Page U.) ^•cmoy ouB6<1 by Um tfMth of Annual bantiuet of Anderaon-Bhea Number of Piano Selections MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 6, 1935. (FOURTEEN PAGES) ' Jsmes office Post, V. F. W., and Auxiliary at at Yesterday’s Meeting. MAY 4 th - n th PERCY NELSON for » years. Mr. Foley U one «rf State Armory. tlie oldest nebers of the local <11- Also annual Young People's con­ The Cosmopolitan club held Ita AND fflS ORIGINAL NIGHT HAWKS Ttsion, In point of membership. He ferences of Salvation Army Central regular meeting yesterday at Center Celebrate Their Slver Jubilee Today waa for many years financial secre­ District a t local cltadsl, sesaions a t church parlors. Mrs. Sidney French , -------- PLUS -------- tary of the division and has also 3:10 and 7 p. m. gave the members a delightful after­ SEN. CUTTING KILLED served as president Next Week noon of music, old and modem com- 10 to 33% May 8.—Annual meeting of T. M. SILVER JUBILEE DRAWS poaers with pianoforte selections. | Mr. and Mrs. Blnlsey W. Proctor C. A. Mrs. French’s first numbers were | of Milford, N. H., and Mr. and Mrs. Also Mothers' and Daughters' composed by Bacb, Handel, and ‘ REDUCTION ON ALL FLOOR SHOW AS PLANE CRASHES; Herman S. Woods and daughter Bar­ banquet at Emanuel Lutheran Haydn. She gave a very Interest-; bara of Peterbor, N. H., are the church. Ing talk about the composers In he-. Featuring week end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Also "The Ginger Girl", 8-act tween the numbers played. Beetho- . DRESS SILKS TALENTED TAP DANCERS THOUSANDS TO LONDON Archie Kilpatrick and family of 80 play at Wblton Memorial hall. Mar­ ven, she said, wrote many styles of > Spruce street ried Couples' club, Sec<md Congre­ composltlona, overtures, sonatas, etc. Come One And All For A Real Good Time! THREE OTHERS DIE gational church. Mrs. French next spoke of Schubert,! Mrs. K. M. Gorman of 27 Locust May 10-15.—Tercentenary exhlbl whose greatest Instrumental (impo­ street and her daughters, the Mlsse< tlon a t Trade school by public sitions are hla Symphony In C major Vera and Alice, have returned home schoola and the unfinished Symphony In B . Progressiye Repoblican Leg­ after spending the past week in May 10-19.—Memorial hospital minor. Aa for the Italian composers, HIGHEST COURT m o’s m oofUading^Zo^ ill Washington, D. C. drive for fimds. Puccini's first opera attracteef much Coming Events notice In Italy. Our favorites are SILVER GRILL islator Meets Deadi m May 12.—Communion Breakfast La Boheme and Mhdame Butterfly. SCHUTZ BEER and RED FOX ALE and DeL^XE LAGER ON DRAUGHT. Figures at the Services on Their Way to Thanin- Enlghet Lodge. I. O. G. T., will of Campbell Council, K. of C. VOIDSRAILROAD meet tonight at 8 o'clock at Orange Among modem composers, she Missoari— Nme Persons May 13.—(Tentative). Concert spoke of EMward Grieg and Mc­ giving Services at SL hall. by High school chorus and orchestra Dowell and played two sea songs by London, May 6—(AP) — A Who'ai 29, 1934. The Duke, youngest of the i at High school hall. McDowell. Are Injured m Accident PEN SIW S LAW Who of the leading figures In the ! King’s sons. Is 32; bis wife, 28. i F. A. Montle of 221 Hartford Also annual Mothers’ and Daugh­ The hostess for the afternoon waa silver Jubilee thanksgiving service. Princess Victoria, 66 and Queen PanTs Cathedral — Many Road who is In New York for a few ters' banquet at Concordia Luther­ Mrs. E. A. Legg. today in St. Paul's Cathedral fol- I Maud of Norway, 65, slatera of the days will return to town on Mon­ an church. Iowa; King. day. May 17.—Junior Prom at High Atlanta, Mo., May 6.—(AP)— S 4 Decision Declares Re­ King George, who will be 70 June \ Prince Arthur of Connaught, 52, Spend Nigbt Along Route school. • SHOWER MISS WARNER United States Senator Bronson M. 3. Today marked the completion of | cousin of the King, and Princess Sunset Council, D. of P., wrlU hold May 19.—Annual confirmation re­ Cutting of New Mexico and at least tirement Act Invalid, as 25 years on the throne. I Arthur, 43, daughter of the first of Procession — Imperial Its regular business meeting Mon­ union of Omcordla Lutheran church. three other persons were killed be­ <3ucen Mary, who will be 68 on I Duke of Fife and the late Princess day evening In Tinker hall. A good May 23.—Strawberry festival at AT ROCKVniE PARTY. fore dawn today In the crash of a May 26. The former Princess Vic- ^ Royal, sister of the King, attendance Is hoped for as memori­ South Methodist church, Wesleyan twin motored transport plane of Valid Features Cannot Be toria Mary of Tcck married the : The Princess Alice, (Jountess of Services at the Cathedral al plans and other business will be Guild. For Sale then Duke of York July 6, 1893.' The j Athlone, 52, granddaughter ot Tranacontinental Western Air. <liscusaed. May 27.—Annual banquet of Miss Ednah Warner of Manches­ The other known dead: Prince of Wales, bachelor heir to Queen 'Victoria, and her husband, Young Republican club at Masonic ter was pleasantly surprised at a the throne, who will be 41 on June I the Earl of Athlone, 61. Harvey Bolton, pilot, of Kansas Separated. London, May 6.—(AP)—Loyal ana Mrs. Myra Fitzgerald of Cottage Temple. shower given In her honor Thurs­ City. 23. I The Maharajas of Jammu and street will grant the use of her May 37-28.—Kiwanta show at day evening at the boms of , Mrs. Kenneth Greeaon, co-pllot, of The Duke of York, 39, second In Kashmir, of Bikaner and of Patiala, devoted subjects of King George home this evening for a setback Hollister street school. George Madgefrau of Rockville. Kansas C8ty. Washington, May 6—(AP) —The line of succession, and the Duchess and Nawab Malik Sir Umar Hayat filled London to overflowing today to June 12.—Graduation at lo<»l The room was de(mrated in yellow party for the benefit of the'Degree An unidentified woman. entire railroad retirement act, af­ of York, formerly Lady Elizabeth Khan, Indians, honorary Eddes-de- honor their Monarch op the comple­ of Pocahontas. Sts prizes will be State Trade schixil. and orchid crepe paper. The out-, List of Injured Bowes-Lyon. camp to King George. awarded and sandwiches, home standing feature of the evening was COTTAGE There were nine persons admitted fecting more than a million em­ Their eldest daughter. Princess Prime Minister Ramsay Mac­ tion of a quarter century of hla made cake and coffee served. All a mock wedding. The participants ployes, today waa held unconatltu- Elizabeth, 9 years old. Is third In Donald, 68, son of poor farm work­ reign. players will be welcome. were; Bride, Miss Betty Benson; tlonal by the Supreme Court. The line of succession and may some ers, who emerged aa thader of the Weary eyed citizenc who had URGE SCHOOL HALL groom, Mrs. Joseph KIncman; day reign as the country's second Labor Party soon after King George spent the night along the projected bridesmaid. Mias Mabel Seifert; decision was read by Justice Miss Grace M. A<lams wdll pre­ Roberts. It upheld a lower court Queen Elizabeth. Their other came to the throne. route of the Silver Jubilee procession best man, Miss Helen Howley; min­ At Lake Waugumbaug daughter is Princess Margaret Rose, Sir Stephen Killlk, 74-year-old sent a, group of her piano pupils In FORUNiraSIONS ruling which declared the act in­ to St. Paul’s Cathedral were Joined ister, Miss Mary Orlandcr; flower 4 years old. one-time errand boy, Roman Catho­ at dawn by additional throngs pour­ a studio recital tomorrow afternoon girl, Miss Ella Dreher. Games were • Flat Crepe Prints valid. at 3 o'clock. Those who will take ■The court’s ruling waa directed Mary, the Princess Royal, only lic, and now Lord Mayor of London, ing from buses, trams and under­ played and a dainty buffet lunch daughter of the King and Queen, ranking within London aa second grounds. p ^ are Ruth Podrove, Donald was served. especially a t that section of the act inseber, Marion Selwlts, Helen Selectmen Recommend to • Krinkle Crepe Prints which made it apply to all employes 38, married to the Earl of Harewood only to the King. One of the funq- The 69 year old soverlgn and hla The bride-elect received many. Coventry 31 years old. They have two chil­ tlons of his office was to meet the Foley, Dorothy Denton, Emily Han­ lovely gifts, most of which were of interstate carriers Including em­ consort. Mary, a*nse at the usual na, Gloria Saplenza and Stella • Wa-shable Stripe Silks ployes not directly engaged In in­ dren. King at Temple Bar, the boundary hour, 7:30 a. m. They found the day Education Board That modem electrical appliances. She la The duke of Gloucester, 35, the between the cities of London and Xrleskl. Miss Adams and Miss to be married May 30, Memorial Must be sold to settle the owner’s estate. terstate commerce. warm, with the city bathed in mel­ Kricski will play selections on two • Lingerie Justice Roberta, In delivering the royal family's other bachelor. Westminister, and offer his Eliza­ low sunshine.
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