Wiit.;""em t VSSVftEV/t* Volume XLIX, No. 10, May 15, 1980, Oshawa, Ontario The massed choir, conducted by James Bingham of Kingsway College, performed an oratorio by Dr. Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse at the General Conference in Dallas. Kingsway College Symphonic Choir and the New England Youth Ensemble were joined by choirs from Southwestern Adventist College, Montemorelos University, Antillian College, Oakwood College and the male chorus from Loma Linda University. Read more about the General Conference meetings inside. Report of General Conference 1980 General Conference Session Report by A.N. How, Secretary, S.D.A. Church in Canada Over 25,000 people attended the closing recently president of the Lake Union, was ladies came down the aisle, followed by exercises of the 1980 General Conference elected as a general vice-president, along Elder Bob Spangler of the Ministerial Session in Dallas, Texas, on April 26. The with Max Torkelsen, formerly president of Association. The lady in the middle was Grand Hall and the Arena of the Convention the North Pacific Union Conference. being assisted by her friends, but walked up Center were filled as Adventists from 190 The Nominating Committee also dipped the steps to the platform. It was then countries celebrated the Sabbath together. into the Canadian Union Conference staff to announced that this lady, Mrs. Carmen The Session was brought to a close with the nominate Donald E. Crane as an associate Paredes, had come to the Session in a wheel regular Sabbath services: Sabbath School, director of the Ministerial Association and chair. She had not walked for 17 months as Lay Activities period, and Worship service. Stewardship and Development Department. the result of an automobile accident. She had In addition, a program of music and a mission Canadians will be sorry to lose Don and been baptized by Elder R.S. Folkenberg, a pageant were featured in the afternoon, Diane Crane. Don has been the Stewardship close neighbour, on August 10, still crippled leading up to a presentation by the General Department director while Diane has been from her accident. During the program she Conference Oratorio Chorus and Orchestra working in the It Is Written office. had whispered to Mrs. Folkenberg that she of The Three Angels of Revelation, an Bekele Heye, formerly president of the had feeling in her legs and believed she could oratorio written by Virginia-Gene Ritten- Ethopian Union, was elected president of the stand. She tried, and stood. Then she and house and directed by James Bingham. Afro-Mideast Division, replacing C.D. Mrs. Folkenberg had a prayer of thanks- Elder Neal C. Wilson, president of the Watson who has retired. Elder Heye giving. At this point a message was sent to General Conference, brought the Session to (pronounced Hay-yea) is the first African Elder Spangler and he asked that Mrs. a close with a challenge to go forth "By His national to head up this large Division with a Paredes walk to the platform if she could. Spirit" and carry the Three Angels' Message membership of over 215,000. This actual healing made a deep impression to all the world. Elder R.H. Pierson, former president of on everyone in attendance. Two days later During the business sessions a con- the General Conference, who has been Mrs. Paredes was interviewed again. She siderable amount of time was spent on serving as an S.O.S. pastor in Inter-America, walked on to the platform without assistance wording the Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh- spoke at the Friday evening service, April and gave her testimony of the healing power day Adventists as a revision to the Church 26. of God. Cont. on p. 4 Manual. These revised beliefs will appear in One of the most dramatic events of the an early issue of the Messenger. Session occurred during the Ministerial Many new appointments were made to Association presentation of "The Worth of a the General Conference and the Division Soul" on Sabbath night, April 19. The plat- administrations due to the retirement of a form was the home of the angels who had the number of church leaders. G. Ralph books of record before them. Down the aisles Thompson, formerly a general vice-president, came many people, some "blind," some was elected to the top secretarial position in "crippled," some "aged," who discarded the church. L.L. Butler, formerly of the their crutches and canes and doddering foot- Australasian Division, is now the treasurer. steps on being welcomed into the "home of L.L. Bock, formerly president of the Mari- the saved" by the "angels" on duty. Then just time and Ontario Conferences, and more as the program was ending a group of three A.G. Rodgers signs in with Elder and Mrs. How at Canadian registry. C.E. Bradford Neal C. Wilson R.H. Pierson L.L. Bock James Bingham Wintley Phipps Pres. N.A. Division Pres. General Cont Former G.C. president Vice-president G.C. Choir Director, Kingsway Soloist Editor, A.N. How, Associate Editor, June Polishuk. Issued semi-monthly, annual subscription price in Canada $2.00. Out of Union $3.00. Printed by Maracle Press Limited. Second class mail registration number 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Official Organ of the Canadian Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: President, L.L. Reile; Secretary, A.N. How; Treasurer, R.W. Wilmot; Auditor, L.D. Dunn, Departmental Directors: Communication, L.R. Krenzler; Education, M.S. Graham; Health, R. Matiko, M.D.; Lay Activities and Sabbath School, L.A. Shipowick; Ministerial, L.G. Lowe; Public Affairs, D.L. Michael; Publishing, Walter Ruba; Revivalist, J.W. ISSN 0702-5084 Lehman; Stewardship, D.E. Crane; Trust Services, • Youth and Temperance, Bill Edsell; Consultant to Health Care Institutions, A.G. Rodgers. 2 Canadian Adventist Messenger The Miracle of Tithes and Offerings by Don E. Crane, Director, Stewardship Department, Canadian Union Conference • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The plan of tithes and offerings was "The followers of Christ should not wait for 5. This divinely created plan gives me created as a blessing to the individual and not thrilling missionary appeals to arouse them joy. Now this has to do with my attitude. You as a benefit for God. Any other approach to action. If spiritually awake, they would see, God is looking for investment brokers puts God in the role of a tax collector, and the hear in the income of every week, whether not taxpayers! "Every opportunity to help a giver in the role of a taxpayer! This is absurd, much or little, the voice of God and of brother in need, or to aid the cause of God in for if God is the Creator and Owner of conscience . ." E.G. White, Testimonies, the spread of the truth, is a pearl that you can everything, He certainly does not need my vol. 4, p. 474 send beforehand and deposit in the bank of money. What deep spiritual significance 3. I learn to depend on God. As I "test" heaven for safekeeping." E.G. White, does this divine plan have for "me" the God by putting Him first, my faith grows Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 249 individual? daily. I regularly witness a living miracle Imagine somebody so radiant with joy The tithe was given to us by God to prevent each time God's part is separated from the rushing up to you in the New Jerusalem and a false pride of ownership. income. The balance left for my needs sud- throwing his arms around you exclaiming, It is easy to become possessive. "This house denly increases in purchasing power. I receive "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Thank you so is MINE." "This is MY land." "This is MY much for making it possible for me to be bank account," etc. Through the tithe I Love lifts the here!" recognize the real Owner. The tithe is God's plan of tithes And you answer, "Who are you? What part of the profits made in my management of did I do?" His goods. "No appeal is made to gratitude and offerings "Oh," he says, "Remember the invest- or to generosity. This is a matter of simple from an obligation ments you made so the gospel could go to honesty. The tithe is the Lord's . ." E.G. to a privilege. Bangladesh, to Grand Prairie, to the Yukon, White, Education, p. 138, 139 (Malachi to your own community . ." "I am here 3:10) many spiritual blessings. Instead of leaning because of your investments!" Freewill offerings are a part of God's great on people, on banks and on credit cards, I And as you wear that crown of shimmer- saving activity, and reveal the following learn to trust the living God. ing stars, and as you stand among the character building principles: 4. It teaches me individual propor- millions of the saved upon the Sea of Glass, 1. Love to God becomes my true tionate responsibility. Selfishness causes all you can say is, "Heaven is cheap enough! It motivation. Love lifts the plan of tithes and people to compare themselves with other was worth it! It was worth it all ! !" offerings from an obligation to a privilege. In people. A by-product of this is the "equal Thank God for the heaven inspired plan heaven's records love is the all important giving plan" so common in church finance of tithes and offerings! It is truly a blessing to motive. "The Lord weighs the motives." today. In "equal giving," goals are based on the individual. It develops character. And, Proverbs 16:2 NASB. Anything else, and I numbers rather than individual ability.
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