r , value; tin- ' 1 lie saysl owan needs Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Member ot AsSOCIated PreSS-AP Leased WIre an Iowa (;Ity, Jowa, ay, • By ELDON LIBBY The giant "Skyhook" balloon, made of polyethylene plastic thin­ ner than human hair. flew more than 700 miles after being launched at the Iowa City aiJ;port at 7:47 1ANCHESTER, N.H. I.fI - Sen. a.m. Tuesday by SUI physicists, Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) piled up The balloon dropped its load of cosmic ray research instruments an early lead over Adlai Stevenson new ncar Mount Morris, N. Y.• about 40 Tuesday night in the New Hamp­ miles south of Rochester and 30 shire presidential primary's fea­ miles cast of ;ouffalo. ture fight - a batUe for control of The rescarch balloon, Creed oC the state's delegation to the Dem0- its weight. wiII rise until the ex­ panding hclium breaks the balloon cratic National ConvcnUon. and i~rops about ten miles away Kefauver also opened up a wide from the instruments. Icad over Stevenson in the other I Wind, V.ry secUon of this firsl-In-the-nat1on The scientists had estimated that primary - the prC!idcntlal prefer· (AP Wlr.p"o'.') the balloon would travel about 400 ence poll . HAPPILY EMBRACING HIS WIFE after learning that "a Sumner, miles due east but as Otto C. Wln ­ 135 Precinct. R ....rt Miss., jury found him innocent of murder, Elmer Kimball smile, for zen explaJne~, the atmosohprlc the camer •. Kimball was charged with the shotgun ,Iilying of 33· winds vary greatly and the landing With 135 out of 'J!J7 preclitcta re­ year-old Clinton Melton, a Negro filling station attendant. It wu the arca must always be a rougn OS.,­ porling at midnight, K fauver led same courtroom in which Ro:' Br:'ant and J. W. Milam were found male. lhe Democrallc poll with 5.741 innocent six months ago of the murder of Emmett Till, a Negro youth. Winzen is 'Ilresidcnt of the Win­ zen Research Company, a balloon votes. Stevenson had received 1,017 contractor for the Ofrice o{ Naval wrile-in votes. Jury Frees Southern Research which helped finance the In the Republican poU, 125 or '61 project with the Atomic Energy I pr cincts reporting. Mr. Eis"nhow­ Commission. er had 12,635 voles and led all other The baUoon was tracked by a l White in Negro Slayin9 Twin Beecllcraft airplane, bul write-ins by an enormous margin. SUMNER. Miss. II1'I-A 12-man all-white jury Tuesday acquitted EI· overcast skies and snow. after the Chief Ju lice Earl Warren was the more OUs Kimbell , a white cotton gin o!>(lrator, of murder in the shot­ balloon had travcled 250 miles , cIo e t with 82 ,otes. gun slaying of a Negro service station attendant. made It impossible to see the bal­ Meanwhile, Mr. Eisenhower was Kimbell testified he shot Clinton Melton, 33, in sell-defense at a Glen­ loon. cru hing delegates favorable to dora servicc station last December, Electronic Tracer Sen. William Knowland !RoCalll.) State wItnesses, one a white Edward Lewis, chief flight ell­ ir: the battle {or 14 scats at the~· man , COlJtended Melton was un­ gineer Cor Wlnzen, said the pilot publican National ConvenUon_ tis­ armed when Kimbell returned with Young told him he was flying "blind" enhower candJdales were leading 8 Demos, shotgun aftC! r an argument. most oC the way, traefng the bal­ by impressive margins In all con­ Jury Deliberated loon by means of electronic equip­ tests. The jury deliberated 30 hours ment. Support for Ik. and 20 minutes before returning its GOP To.Hold The balloon was flying at C5 verclict. miles per hour at 113,000 teet. The President's supporters were I . 0 "I don 't know what to think," A truck following the baBoon al endorsing him by a whoppln, I said the 35-year-old Glendora cot- turned back after 200 miles when majority in !.he preference poll ton gin operator. " 1 sure am hap­ Debate-Here the balloon had far out-raced it. where hI' - like Kefauver - was 1 py. though." Plans had called for the truck to unopposed on Ule ballot. The two-day trial took place in A debate between the national return the equipment. It will now Anothl.'r highlight o{ the early re­ the same courthouse where half- chairmen of the Young Democrats be returned by the plane. turns was a growln write-In move· br~thcrs Roy Bry ~lI1t, and J, W. I a~:d .the Young ItepubliclllIS will The, plane landed at Rochester, ment for Vice President Richard Milam wetc found mnocent six highlight the Iowa Collegc Stu· N. Y, after the equipment had Nixon on the GOP vlcl.'-presldential months ago oC the murder of 14- dents' Workshop in Practlcal Poli­ parachuted to the ground. An prererence poll, where no eandl· year-old Emmett Till , South Side tics at. SUI on 'Aprii 21 : autornatic timer had been pre-set dates were entered officially. for 3:45 p,tn., and another "safely" Chicago Negro. DaVId A. Bunn,. chairman of the With returns from SO precincts, Only once in history has Missis- Y~ung Democratic Clubs of Am­ imcr set tor 4 p.m . The first timer cut the nyloh cord load line and the Nixon's boOsters gave hIm 608 sippi executed a white man in the enc~, and Charles McWho~tcr , write-in voles. Olh r recIpients of death of a Negro and that was in chairman of the Young Repubhcan equipment hit the ground an hour 1890 National Federation, will debate later from Its 21 mile height. write-in votes In the GOP vice· . the question : "Resolved: that The pilot ot the plane said the presldential poll included Gov_ Kimbell's Story there should be a change in na- equipment landed in a well-popu­ Christian Herter o( Massachusetts Kimbell told the jury he was re- tional administration in 1956," lated area and should be recovered 58. Bridges 41 and Knowland 19_ turning from duck hunting with a Richard L. Pinegar oC Des soon. First Reports rme and shotgun already in his Moines, chairman oC the Young De­ Planning the Flight car. He said he first told Melton to mocratic Clubs of Iowa, and KeiUI Two tiny towns - MiIlsfield and fill up his tank, then remembered Richardson oC Jefferson, chairman Frank McDonald, research asso­ Ellsworth - were the (irst to reo it was full and told him not to of the Iowa Young Republicans_ ciate in the SUI Physics Depart· port their \'ote_ bother. also will participate in this debate ment, said phYSiCists started plan­ In MiIlsfield. two Republicans Melton replied, Kimbell said, at the close of the one-day work­ ning the flight last March. and by endorsed Mr_ F;lsenholVer and two "I wish you would make up your shop for Iowa college students. November 1 they had started con­ Democrats wrote in Stevenson's damned mind. " The workshop is sponsored by struction of theIr equipment. name in the preference poll. An argument {ollowed, Kimbell the Iowa Citizenship Clearing "We have madc Oights in Min­ The two GOP voters also voted said, with Melton saying, ''I'm not House, whose headquarters are at neapolis, Texas, and Greenland foJ' (D.lI)· I ..... Ph" .. II, Cboek Allh) for Eisenhower delegate candi· scared oC any white ____ I SUI. Prof. Robert F. Ray, dir- these explorations. Our SUI group SILHOUETTED AGAINST THE MORNING SKY the Skyhook b_"oon afternoon, wa ••xpected to give Icl.ntl.tI valuabl. Information about dates. But the Democrats who ever saw. " ector of the clearing house, said is mainly studying the variation oC released at Iowa City's Municipal Airport Tuesd.y morning I. in· the upper .tmosphe.... The balloon came down In Mt. Morri., N.Y., voted for Slevenson in the prefer· Kimbell said he went into the Tuesday that 19 Iowa ' colleges have intensity of prlO'Ulry cosmic radia­ flated for its day-long flight Into the northe ••t. The balloon, which and will be ...turned he ... for study. ence poll did not vole ror all of bis station and told the owner, Lee indicated they will be represented tion (secondary radiation is near reached a hei9ht of 21 miles before beginning a .Iow descent In mid· delegate candidates. Each gave a tbe earth's surface) with latitude," vole to one Kerauver candJdale. McGarrh, "I certainly wouldn't at the meeting. McDonald said. want him talking to my customers Each school will send four stu- 33 on Demo a.11ot like that." dents - two Republicans and two Cosmic , tays are nuclear parti­ The Weather Democrats - and a faculty adviser cles Cropt outer space that travel Buggy Wreck In Ellsworth, Mr. Eisenhower Argument to the meeting. Purpose o{ the with tlJdusands of times more ener­ u~, s. Stays Irtlgartial won all {jve GOP preference poll When McGal'l'h refused to firo meeting is to give selected stu­ gy Ulan thllt generated in the Cold votes. him, Kimball said, he asked the dent leaders a chance to meet with worJd's most powerful "atom Injures Girl The Democratic ballot included sel'vice station owner to make up local, state and national political smashers." 33 candidates running for lhe 12 his bill on his charge account "and leaders and find out how they can L.aunching and ~liss Barbara Bender, 20, o( Ka­ allotted convention seats. The GOP I'll pay you and take my business participate in politiCS most cffect­ The Ipunching activities at th c In ·Cyprus Dispute lona, was being treated at Iowa ballot listed 36 seeking 14 seats.
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