Critical Cultural Policy Studies Editorial material and organization # 2003 by Justin Lewis and Toby Miller 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148±5018, USA 108Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia KurfuÈ rstendamm 57, 10707 Berlin, Germany The right of Justin Lewis and Toby Miller to be identified as the Authors of the Editorial Material in this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2003 by Blackwell Publishers Ltd, a Blackwell Publishing company Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Critical cultural policy studies : a reader / edited by Justin Lewis and Toby Miller. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-631-22299-5 (alk. paper) ± ISBN 0-631-22300-2 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Cultural policy. 2. Cultural policy ± Study and teaching. 3. Civilization, Modern ± 1950± 4. Politics and culture. 5. Popular culture ± Political aspects. 6. Popular culture ± Economic aspects. 7. United States ± Cultural policy. I. Lewis, Justin, 1958± II. Miller, Toby. CB430 .C75 2002 001.3 ± dc21 2002066440 A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. Set in 9.5 on 11.5pt Stempel Garamond by Kolam Information Services Pvt. Ltd, India Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com Contents List of Contributors viii Acknowledgments x Introduction 1 Justin Lewis and Toby Miller Part I Cultural Studies and the Cultural Industry 11 1 Cultural Studies from the Viewpoint of Cultural Policy 13 Stuart Cunningham 2 Cultural Policy Studies 23 Jim McGuigan Part II Radio 43 Introduction to Part II 45 Justin Lewis 3 From Inventing American Broadcasting 48 Susan J. Douglas 4 The Backlash against Broadcast Advertising 55 Susan Smulyan 5 The Effects of Telecommunication Reform on US Commercial Radio 71 Nina Huntemann Part III Television and Film 81 Introduction to Part III 83 Justin Lewis and Toby Miller 6 Embedded Aesthetics: Creating a Discursive Space for Indigenous Media 88 Faye Ginsburg 7 Doing it My Way ± Broadcasting Regulation in Capitalist Cultures: The Case of ``Fairness'' and ``Impartiality'' 100 Sylvia Harvey vi 8TV Viewing as Good Citizenship? Political Rationality, Enlightened Democracy and PBS 114 Laurie Ouellette 9 Burning Rubber's Perfume 129 Isaac Julien 10 The Film Industry and the Government: ``Endless Mr Beans and Mr Bonds''? 134 Toby Miller Part IV The Internet 143 Introduction to Part IV 145 Toby Miller 11 The Marketplace Citizen and the Political Economy of Data Trade in the European Union 149 Richard Maxwell 12 ``That Deep Romantic Chasm'': Libertarianism, Neoliberalism, and the Computer Culture 161 Thomas Streeter Part V The Arts and Museums 173 Introduction to Part V 175 Justin Lewis and Toby Miller 13 The Political Rationality of the Museum 180 Tony Bennett 14 Art 188 Owen Kelly 15 Object Lessons: Fred Wilson Reinstalls Museum Collections to Highlight Sins of Omission 192 Pamela Newkirk Part VI Sport 197 Introduction to Part VI 199 Toby Miller 16 Hegemonic Masculinity, the State, and the Politics of Gender Equity Policy Research 202 Jim McKay 17 Sports Wars: Suburbs and Center Cities in a Zero-Sum Game 211 Samuel Nunn and Mark S. Rosentraub Part VII Music 225 Introduction to Part VII 227 Justin Lewis 18Radio Space and Industrial Time: The Case of Music Formats 230 Jody Berland vii 19 Musical Production, Copyright, and the Private Ownership of Culture 240 Kembrew McLeod 20 ``We Are the World'': State Music Policy, Cultural Imperialism, and Globalization 253 Roy Shuker Part VIII International Organizations and National Cultures 265 Introduction to Part VIII 267 Toby Miller 21 Television Set Production at the US±Mexico Border: Trade Policy and Advanced Electronics for the Global Market 272 Mari CastanÄ eda Paredes 22 Trade and Information Policy 282 Sandra Braman 23 Crafting Culture: Selling and Contesting Authenticity in Puerto Rico's Informal Economy 302 Arlene DaÂvila Part IX Urban Planning 311 Introduction to Part IX 313 Justin Lewis 24 Re-inventing Times Square: Cultural Value and Images of ``Citizen Disney'' 316 Lynn Comella 25 All the World's a Mall: Reflections on the Social and Economic Consequences of the American Shopping Center 327 Kenneth T. Jackson 26 Citizenship and the Technopoles 335 Vincent Mosco Index 344 Contributors Justin Lewis is Professor of Communication Thomas Streeter is Associate Professor of Soci- and Cultural Industries at the University of ology at the University of Vermont. Wales, Cardiff. Tony Bennett is Professor of Sociology at the Toby Miller is Professor of Cultural Studies and Open University. Cultural Policy at New York University. Owen Kelly is a community artist. Stuart Cunningham is Professor and Director Pamela Newkirk is Associate Professor of Jour- of the Creative Industries Research and Ap- nalism at New York University. plications Centre at the Queensland Univer- Jim McKay is Associate Professor of Sociology sity of Technology. and Anthropology at the University of Jim McGuigan is a Reader and Sociology Pro- Queensland. gramme Director at Loughborough Univer- Samuel Nunn is Associate Professor, Indiana sity. University School of Public and Environmen- Susan J. Douglas is Catherine Neafie Kellogg tal Affairs at Indiana University±Purdue Uni- Professor of Communication Studies, Uni- versity, Indianapolis. versity of Michigan. Mark S. Rosentraub is Dean of the Maxine Susan Smulyan is Associate Professor of Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at American Civilization at Brown University. Cleveland State University. Nina Huntemann is a Ph.D. student in Com- Jody Berland is Associate Professor of Human- munication at the University of Massachu- ities at York University in Toronto. setts at Amherst. Kembrew McLeod is an Assistant Professor in Faye Ginsburg is the David B. Kriser Professor the Department of Communication at the of Anthropology and Director of the Center University of Iowa. for Media, Culture & History at New York Roy Shuker is Associate Professor of English University. and Media Studies at Massey University. Sylvia Harvey is Professor of Broadcasting Mari CastanÄ eda Paredes is Assistant Professor Policy at the School of Cultural Studies, Shef- of Communication, University of Massa- field Hallam University. chussetts, Amherst. Laurie Ouellette is Assistant Professor of Jour- Sandra Braman is Professor of Communica- nalism and Media Studies at Rutgers Univer- tion at the University of Alabama. sity. Arlene DaÂvila is Assistant Professor of Anthro- Isaac Julien is a filmmaker and writer. pology at New York University. Richard Maxwell is Associate Professor of Lynn Comella is a Ph.D. student in Communi- Media Studies at Queens College, City Uni- cation at the University of Massachussetts, versity of New York. Amherst. ix Kenneth T. Jackson is Jacques Barzun Profes- Vincent Mosco is Professor of Journalism and sor of History and the Social Sciences at Communication at Carleton University. Columbia University. Acknowledgments The authors and publishers gratefully acknow- Faye Ginsburg. ``Embedded Aesthetics: Creat- ledge the following for permission to reproduce ing a Discursive Space for Indigenous Media.'' copyright material: Reproduced by permission of the American An- thropological Association from Cultural An- Tony Bennett. ``The Political Rationality of the thropology 9(3) (1994): 365±82. Not for sale or Museum,'' from The Birth of the Museum: His- further reproduction; tory, Theory and Politics. London: Routledge, 1995. Reproduced by permission of the pub- Sylvia Harvey. ``Doing it My Way ± Broadcast- lisher and author; ing Regulation in Capitalist Cultures: The Case of `Fairness' and `Impartiality'.'' Media, Culture Jody Berland. ``Radio Space and Industrial Time: and Society 20, no. 4 (1998): 535±56. Repro- The Case of Music Formats,'' from Rock and duced by kind permission of Sage Publications Popular Music: Politics, Policies, Institutions, Ltd and the author; edited by Tony Bennett, Simon Frith, Lawrence Grossberg, John Shepherd, and Graeme Turner. Isaac Julien. ``Burning Rubber's Perfume.'' London: Routledge, 1993. Reproduced by per- Remote Control: Dilemmas of Black Interven- mission of the publisher and author; tion in British Film & TV. Edited by June Gio- Sandra Braman. ``Trade and Information vanni. London: British Film Institute, 1995, Policy.'' Media, Culture and Society 12, no. 3 pp. 55±62; (1990): 361±85. Reproduced by kind permission KennethJackson.``AlltheWorld'saMall:Reflec- of Sage Publications Ltd and the author; tions on the Social and Economic Consequences Stuart Cunningham. ``Cultural Studies from the of the American Shopping Center.'' American Viewpoint of Cultural Policy.'' Meanjin 50, nos. Historical Review 101, no. 4 (1996): 1111±21. 2±3 (1991). Reproduced by kind permission of Reproduced by kind permission of the author; the author and journal; Owen Kelly. ``Art,'' from Community, Art and Arlene DaÂvila. ``Crafting Culture: Selling the State: Storming the Citadels. London: Rou- and Contesting Authenticity in Puerto Rico's tledge,
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