Private and not for Publication Notice No. W.W.75 BRITISH RAIL WAYS (WESTERN REGION) Pyle West Junction-Raglan Loop Multiple Aspect Signalling Scheme Introduction of Final Stage 3 Between the hours of 12.1 a.m. on SUNDAY, 20th OCTOBER, 1963, and 6.0 B.m. on MONDAY, 21st OCTOBER, 1963, or until completion of work, the Chief ignal and Telecommunications Engineer will be engaged in carrying out the above stage of this scheme which will consist of extending the multiple aspect colour light ignalling and continuous track circuiting on all running lines from Margam Middle to Margam Moors. Also the transfer of signalling at present worked by the control panel in Pyle West Junction Signal Box to Port Talbot Signal Box. The signalling will be in accordance with the attached diagram. The aspects displayed by the new signals and the identification plates borne by them will be generally in accordance with the description on pages 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of the Regional Appendix. CLOSING OF SIGN,AL BOXES Margam Middle, Margam East and Margam Moors Signal boxes will be closed and all existing semaphore signalling worked from these boxes will be recovered and certain colour light signals will be transferred to Port Talbot as detailed below. TRANSFER OF SIGNALLING The following existing multiple aspect colour light signals worked from existing boxes as detailed, will now be worked from Port Talbot and will have new identi­ fication numbers as detailed. Existing Signals To Become Margam Middle Port Talbot MD84 PT22 Margam Moors MMIO PT35 MM58 (3 Aspect) PT6 (4 Aspect) Pyle West PWIOl PT37 PWI02 PT2 PW103 PT239 PW104 PT4 ALTERATIONS TO LAYOUT In the Margam Moors area Up Sidings Nos. 1 and 2 will be brought into use as through sidings, also the line between the Up Sidings and the Newlands branch will be brought into use. In the Margam East area, the facing connection from Up Goods to Up Main at the east end of Margam Halt will be brought into use. In the Margam Middle area the remodelled layout in the down lines as shown on the ttached plan will be brought into use. (iii) At all hand crank release instruments. (iv) Adjacent to the Up side shunters cabin in the Margam Middle area and . The ~ TO •.2 Up Goods line will be brought into use as a through line and the pomts m the No. 1 Up Goods at 201 miles 60 chains will be worked from the at Heol-y-Delaid crossing. box. TRAIN DESCRffiER APPARATUS EED OF LINES The train describer apparatus will be brought into use between Port Talbot 'ignal Box and the fringe boxes at Baglan Loop, Pyle West Junction, Oopper Works The maximum permissible speed of the Up Goods line between Port Talbot Junction, Margam Yard, Abbey Works West, Abbey Works East and Margam and Mnrgam Moors area and the Down Goods line between Margam East area and P rt Talbot will be increased to 25 m.p.h. Hump Yard. ~e maximum permissible speed over No. ~ Up Goods Line between Signal PT.LI and ~.225 and over No. 2 Down Goods Line between Signals PT.318, PT.18 Ohief Inspector Harris, Swansea, to make all arrangements for the safe working and PT.220, will remain at 10 m.p.h. of the line including the appointment of handsignalmen in accordance with Rule 77. BLOrK ARRANGEMENTS Track circuit block working will apply on all running lines. Block Bells for emergency working are provided as follows:­ AOKNOWLEDGE REOEIPT Port Talbot to Baglan Loop Port Talbot to Pyle West . Port Talbot to Oopper Works Junction (Taibach Loop Lines) Port Talbot to Oopper Works Junction (O.V.E. Lines) Port Talbot to Margam Yard R. C. Hll..TON Port Talbot to Abbey Works West Divisional Manager Port Talbot to Abbey Works East OARDIFF The Up Departure Line and the branch line to Newlands will be described by 30th September, 1963 telephone. (W.W.jPWSj55) (Ext. 2471) The existing block switches at Abbey Works East and Abbey Works West signal boxes will be recovered. The Oopper Works Junction box·to·box telephone to Port Talbot will be switched through to the Docks when Oopper Works Junction is switched out. TRACK CIRCUITS Existing track circuits will be rearranged or renamed and new track circuits brought into use giving extended continuous track circuiting on all running lines as shown on the attached plan. ' POINT l\1ACHINES Points at present worked from Pyle West and now transferred to Port Talbot i.e. ~hose controlling the main line entrance and exit to Margam Hump Yard wili contmue to be operated by GRS type 5A machines and their emergency operation "ill remain unchanged. All other point~ wor~ed from the n~w signal box will be operated by Siemens and General ElectrIC 00. s style HB pomt machine. The relevant instructions for th ir emergency operation are given on pages 139 and 140 of the Regional Appendix. ------------~-------------~----------------------------------- - ------------- - -------- -- - Hand cranks for the emergency operation of points are located in release instru. m"nt., adjacent to the points. A hand crank can only be withdrawn when a release Received copy of Notice No. W.W.75 re Introduytion of Stage 3 of the Pyle . gi\ en from Port Talbot. West Junction-Baglan Loop Multiple Aspect Signalling Scheme. • •.••••••••••••••••••••. DATE •••••••••••.•••...•.•.•.•.••.. SIGNATURE TELEPHONES Telephones giving exclusive communication with the Port Talbot signalmen ••..••••.•••..•••••••••• DEPT. • ...•.•••.•••.••..•••.•.•..••• STATION will be provided as follows:- To: DIVISIONAL MANAGER (i) At all multiple aspect signals bearing the prefix PT. OARDIFF (ii) At position light signals 612 and 620 and automatic·signal DG201. (WWjPWSj55) ~PI ON THRO' LlNE-MOROA WITH POS 3 JNI OR ARRIVAL ....'-MWITH POS 2 JNI OR ARRIVAL '8~M WITH POS I JNIOR DOWN MAlN-M ~5 ROUTES TO MARGAM HUMP YARD ONLY SLOTTED (pw) 2 /4 ~ AA AB AC ...... 702 MAIN DOWN .. (PW) BG ~ 4 UP PWlBE HUMP YARD L, LIN£-M<?~OA WITH POS 3 JNI OR r ARRIVAL,A;-MWITH POS 2 JNI OR ARRIVAL 8-M WITH POS I JNI OR DOWNMAlN-M PYARD ONLY SLOTTED /4 AF/I AF/2 PWN .. 'Pw}BE FQ/2 .AiIIII.. 7018 37 DOwNGOODS~RA~H­ DOWN LOOP-MC DOWN MAlN- M OR NOI SIDING-~Wl T N02 SlDlNG-~ WITH N03 SIDING - [lA WIT] N04 SlDING-~ WIT IJoo\I"(up.M HUM YARD (MY) (MY)EG 6 (MY)s~-U ......... AG AH/I AH/2 FOIl FP N 3S BRITISH INDUSTRIAL SULPHATES FAC''ORY---;/' WLANDS BOX (~ o TO WATERHALL JUNCTION SLOTTED BY- I / ~NEL 610 H-MUR OA \-'I~ POS 2 IN' OR OOP-MOR DA WI7H POS I JNI OR ROUTES TO MARGAM HlJMP YAR IN-MOR - DA WI TH SI RI OR ONLY SLOTTED. -DA WITH 's:t RI OR G - Db. WITHcSJ'RI OR - DA WITHts4'RI MHY UP AR"fIl'AL-M OR OA WI-H Hy' RI OR UP MAiN-M WIT~ 'uM'RI o· V) rl <.i~ / vj­Q "OOOOSOR j(,' SIDING OR Co2 510'''''(; O~ Ei;) N03 SIDiNG OR N04 SIDING GOODS VY MH-' UP ARRIVAL I • I ABBEY WORKS EAST BOX ~E) CDOWN LOOP -.- GL DOWN MAIN0 .J UPGOODS LOS 10 AM MAIN~~AL 1 N N FL ......... UP MAIN ... UP GOODS KY 628 626 UP GOODS­ NOI SIDING N02S1DING N03S1DING N04SIDING UPMAIN-~ UPGOOOS- L....---tl NO I SIDING­ N02SIDING­ ,..,3 SIDING­ OOWNMAINOR N04S1DING UPGOODS LOS rlY uP ARRIVAL-S WITH ' HY' R I OR ROUTES TO NEWlANDS UPMAI~ S WI1H'UM' RIOR 81S. FACT SDG- S WITH'FS'RIOR OR MARGAM HUMP YARD UP GOODS - S WITH 'vG' RI OR} SRANCH- S WITH'B'RI 10101 SIDING - S WITH'S I' RI OR N02 SIDING - S WITH'S2' RI OR • ONLY SLOTTED N03 SIDllllG - S WITH '53' RI OR MHY UP ARRIVAL-M OR OAWITH POS 5 JNI OR N04 SIDING- 5 WIlH (54' RI L....--~IU?MAIN- M WITH POS4JNI OR 815. FACT. SDG-~WITH'FS'RI OR BRANCH-MORDA WITH POSI JNI o lr(' !Aa~ ~ OVE DOW~ .-UP EAST BOX ~E) !:J S UPM;'IN OR UP GOODS OR ABBEY WORKS WEST BOX (AW) NO I SIDING OR N02 SIDING OR N03 SIDING OR N04 SIDING 12 AN ..... AP ~AQ AR FJ/2 ~ FJ/I FH ~ 29 KV/3 ..- UP GOODS KV, UP GooDS-MOR DAWITH 'UG' RI FOR DA ONLY OR HEOL-Y-DE LAID CROSSING NO I SIDING-DA WITH '51' RI OR N02S1DING-DAWITH'S2RIOR N03S1DING-DA WITH~'RI OR N04SIDING- DAWITH ::.4'RI UP MAIN-M OR UPGOODS-M ORDA WITH Pes I JNI OR L----II NOI SIDING--DAWITH'~I'RI OR N02 SIDING-DA WITH SiRI OR N03 SIDING-DA WITH '53' RI OR _Il104 SlDING-DA Wl1l1's4 RI UP GOODS OR NOI SIDING OR ~-----Il N02SIDINGOR N03SIDING OR N04SIDING \ r:,t;c. COIL SIDlNGS-DAWITH'CC'RI Oil !JP OVE- M OR DAWITH'OV'RI FOR DA ONLY DOWN OVE-M OR DA WITH 'OV'RI FOR DA ONLY COIL SIDING 5 - CARR SOG OR UPOVE OR UP MAIN DOWN OVE - M OR DA WITH 'ov' RI OA~ DOWN PASS lOOP-M OR DA WITH 'oc RI OA 5.CDW. COIL DOWN MAIN - M WITH'DM' RI 314 QO os I OCINN 671 , P·V.E·I (AW) AA 634 RY RW~ 741~ 327 DOWNOVE DOWN PASS LOOP OR~OR "') DOWN MAIN 640 CARRIAGE SIDING '-~746 ___ uq. •• -. I I ~\... -- rtlLL .... · I , I t.A AR ~ 7458 ~ AU AV -~~... I ·'667---~ ~ FG EX ....... I KV/I kU KT 127 MARGAM HALT DOWN PAS5.LOOP-" OR DA W"HPOSIJNIOI1 I DOWN MAl N-t.1~ UPOVE-MOP~WlTHPOS4 JNI OR UPMAIN-M OR .UP IlAAIN-SS UP OVE-MOR~WITHPOS5JNI OA DOWN PASS LOOP UP MAIN-M WITH POS4 JNl OR UP GOODS -M OR a.
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