![1901. Monthly Weather Review](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OCTOBER,1901. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 463 tion 6 seconds; gh 30" p. m., light shock, NNW-SSE, inten- MElXICAN CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA. sity 11, duration 6 secouds. October 35, 11" 35" p. in., slight but prolonged tremors, NNW-SSE, iiiteiisity 11, duration 32 Through the kind cooperation of Sefior Manuel E. Pastrana, seconds. October 31, 6h 30'" p. m., very slight tremors. Director of the Central Meteorologic-Magnetic Observatory, TABLES.-RainJall at skations Ob Rim, October, 1901. the monthly sumniaries of Mexican data are now commu- nicated in manuscript, iu advance of their publication in G the Boletin Mensual. An abstract, translated into English Statlons. measures, is here given, iu continuation of the similar tables published in the MONTHLYWEATHER REVIEW since 1896. 14 The barometric meane are now reduced to standard gravity. Mm. Lull&. 1. Slpurlo ITalamanca) ........... ...... 14. Juan Vlnas. .............. 859 M&n data for Octobm, 1901. 8. Boca Banano .............. ll 18 15. Santlago...... ............ 258 - 3. Limon. .................... 163 16 16 Paraiso .................. La 4. Swamp Mouth. Po7 16 17. La8 Concavas 866 Prevalllng ............ ............. d dlreotlon. 6. Zent ...................... 146 16 18. Partsgo .................. 316 Statlons. * -. 6. ante HOffUUng ............ 104 8 19. Tree 10s ................ 316 id 7. Slqulrres .................. 404 16 e0. 8. FranclscoQ ......... 14 3 8. anapilea .................. 489 21 21. San Jose .................. 478 IS f! 9. Sara lqul ................. 801 30 22. La Verbena ............... 7'20 la Pl 10. san8arlos................. at I23. Nuestro Am0 ............. 325 - 11. Las Lomas................. 449 !% ?A. Alajnela ................. 351 Ftet. 12. Peralta ................... 4961 27 1. San Isidro Alajuela ...... 698 Inch Turrialba Chlhuahua ........... 4,669 2.29 13. ...................... Guadalajara ......... 5,186 4.60 nw. .......... (Obs del. Est.) Uuanajuato .......... 6.640 89.69 83.3 0.98 ene. .......... Leon (Qnanajuato)... 5, 906 24.29 78.3 0.94 ne. ......... Linares ............... 1,188 93.44 88.7 3.89 8. .......... HAWAIIAN CLIMATOLOQICAL DATA. MasatIan ............. 25 B.R4 89.4 72.9 81.1 78 2.18 nw. .......... Merlda ............... 50 :?.Si 95.0 1.28 ne. .......... By CUBTISJ. LTONS.Territorial Meteorologist. Mexlco (Obs. Cent.). 7,472 23.05 74.5 45.888.1 1.878.3 8166 1.14 n. .......... Monterre (8em ). ... 1.6.26 28.34 101.1 49.3 71.4 74 3.b ene. .......... Membgienl obsc~-r*llion8at Honohr.lzr.,October, 1901. Mowlia tkminado). 23.87 75.9 47.5 61.7 73 1.59 ne. ......... The station 1s at 810 18' N 1570 50' W. Pnebla (Col. Cat.) ... ;; % 23.35 76.6 4i.l R2.4 66 0.86 ene. ......... Bawallan standard tlme lob slow of Ureenwlch tlme. Honolulu local mean Puabla (Col. d. Est.). 7,118 1.83 77.0 43.0 62.1 65 0.26 ene. .......... 5 Qneretaro 6. OiW 86.8 01 0.15 tlme is 1Oh 31" slow of Qreenwioh. ............ %.eo 78.3 47.3 e. .......... Pressnre is corrested for temperature and reduoed to sea level, and the gravlty S. Isldro(IIac.de Qto] ....... ...... 75.8 61.7 ............ 1.38 ................... oorrectlon -0.06. has been ap lied. ToInca .............. s, 812 21.86 70.9 94.9 54.9 68 1.18 .......... The adagedirection and krce of the wind and the average cloudineqs for the Zapotlan ............. 6, oi8 25.06 80.6 53.3 6i.8 68 4.21 whole day are glven nnless the have varled more than usual 111 which ease the ex- ~- - tremes are glven. The scale o!wind force is 0 to Is or Beaufort scale. Two direc- *Reduced to standard temperature and gravil tlons of wind or values of wind force. or amount's of cloudiness, connected by a dash. indlcattd change from one to tha_I_ nthnr.- - ___-. The rainfall for twentyfour hc aura is measured at 9 a. m. local, or 7.31 p. m , --. - -.---- Qreenwlch tlme on the respectlve dates. Tbe rain gage: 8 lnche! in diameter, is 1 foot above gronnd. Thermometer, 9 fcet REUENT PAPERS BEARINQ ON METEOROLOGY. above ground. Qroand IS 43 feet.. and~~ the barometer 50 feet above sea level. - -- __ W. F. R. PEILLTPS.In charge of Llbrary, etc. Durlnp twenty-four hours preceding I p. m.. Green- a wich tlme. or 2.2Q a. m.. Honolulu time. =ai The subjoined titles have been selected from the con- ;p= tents of the periodicals and serials recently received in the :- Date. - sz library of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected are of nu papers or other communications bearing on meteorology or cdk 2" $2 ge cognate branches of science. This is not a complete index s of the meteorological contents of all the journals from which --sf __ it has been compiled; it shows only the articles that appear tt to the compiler likely to be of particular interest in connec- 1 .... 89. d 71 0 18 tion with the work of the Weather Bureau: Z.... 89.m 73 72.9 2.79 s.... 89. Q6 7) 69.8 0.14 h'cieiiti@ Ainerican. Nera Tork. Vol. 85. 4.... M.00 74 66.6 0.00 !5.... 89.95 70 66.5 0.00 -Santos Domont wins the Dentsch Prize. P. 312. 6.... es. BB 75 68.1 8 3 29.Q9 '29.91 0.01 Hopkins, Qeorge 116. A few Meteorological Instruments. P. 7.... 89. 98 72 6Q.8 2 4 29.99 18.110 0.14 312. 8.. 30.0 76 67.3 2-3 5 3o.oci .2o.Q5 0.01 9 :.. es.DB 75 70 0.09 Scierilijk ,4aie?9an Supplumatit. Nm Tork. T701. 52. IO.... 89.86 7268 0.08 -The Rose "Aviator." P. 31632. 11 .... 89. SB 88 66 0.00 &knee. New Tork. Tlol. 14. la.... 89.91 71 68 67.3 81 ns. 0.01 18 ..... 89.69 76 68 67.7 74 1 nne. 0.08 Abbe, Cleveland. Cannonade against hailstorms. Pp. i38-739. 14.... 29.89 74 68 6S.51 68 ne. 0.01 l'errestriol Mizgnetisrn. Bdlinwia. l>l. 6. 15.... 89. 00 72 69 66.0 69 nne. 0.00 Ebert, H. Verteiliing der elektrisrhen Ionen in den hcheren 16 .... 89. 911 To 68.5 67.5 74 ne. 0.01 17.... 89. 95 74 69 66.51 75 nne. 0.02 Schichten der Atmosphlire. Pp. 9i-I 19. la.... 89.m 71 88.8 66.81 69 nne. 0.01 Kesslits, Wilhelm. Report on the Magnetic Observations made IS.... 89. 96 69 67 67.7 76 ne. 0.04 at Pola, Ailstria, during the time of the Total Solar Eclipse of m.... es. 99 6966 67.71 75 ne. 0.02 21 .... es. 98 66 61.7 86.5 72 ne. 0.00 May 17, IS, lfml. Pp. 123-135. !a8....89. Q3 70 68 60.71 E nne. 0.00 Moureaux, Th. Report on the Magnetic Observations made at 1....89. Q!a 78 70.5 69.7 81 ne. 0.07 the Magnetic Observatory at Val-Joyeux, France. during the a.... 89. 99 6Q.0 78 nne. 1-5 7-1 29.m Jb.8Q 0. rn %.... 29.91 68.7 t?4 ne. 8 .d 29.99 29.00 0.oa Total Solar Eclipse of hIay 17, 18, 1901. Pp. 135-128. M.... 89. 95 68.5 8.2 ne. 24 8-6 29.99 129.93 0.28 Haga, W. Report on the Magnetic Observations made at the zi.... es. 94 76 70.6 68.8 75 ne. 3 42999.391 0. la Universitv of Groningen, Holland, during the Total Solar Eclipse sa.... Bo. 0 76 71.5 69.0lm ne. 4-5 4 s0:Os h:9r 0.01 m .... B9.99 76 70 BH.7 73 eoe. 3-1 4 80.04 29.95 0.00 of Mav 17, lS, 1501. P. 129. so.... 89.961 74 70.3 68.7 74 ne. 8-4 8 30.05 Q.95 0. 00 Snelleic Maurits. Re >art on the Magnetic Observitions made at 31.. .. BIJ. 00 71 69.7 71.0 88 me. 2 4 30.09 89.91 0.00 the de Bilt Meteoro\ogical and Magnetic Observatory near - Utrecht. Holland, during the Total Solar Eclipse May IT, 18, sums. ...... , .......... ................... 4.14 of 1901. Pp. 131)-134. Meana B.941 72.2 88.7 67.8 76.0 ......... ..... Rijckevorsel, van. Report on the Magnetic Observations made Depar at Ylissingen (Flushing) Holland, during the Total Solar Eclipse turn. -0.01( I.. ........ {-1.7 +3 ........ .l.G8 of May 17, 18, 1901. PI>.135-143. ___-5,. _- Ph&wophiccrl Mirgclgcvciiie. hnaon. 6th 8eries. Vol. 2. *Thls pressure is 88 recorded at 1 p. m.. Qreenwich time. tThese temperatures Jeans, J. H. The Meclianiam of Radiation. Pp. 421456. are observed at 6 a. m local or 4-31 p m (Jreenwich time. $These values are the Geographical Jozcrnnl. London. I-ol. meansol l6+9+2+91'14. kBeauf& s&e. 18. Mean temperature for October, 1901 (6+3+9) i3=75.8'; normal 1s 76.30. Mean Dickson, H. N. The Mean Tern eratiire of the Atmosphere and pressure for Ootober (9+3)+2=2Qe.950: normal 1s 29.966. the Causes of Glacial Periods. Sp. 516-533. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 09:57 AM UTC 454 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. OCTOBER,1901 ____~_________________ ~ Natwe. Londoa. Vol. 64. Hergesell, H. Die Berliner wissenschaftlichen Luftfahrten. Pp. Shaw, W. N. The London Fog Inquiry. Pp. 649450. 43949. -Ocean Circulation. PD.66k-666. Ereherzog Leopold Ferdinand. Selten schiiner Regenbogen. Alpine Journal. New Tork. I'OZ 30. Pp. 459460. Hepburg; Malcolm L. The Influence of High Altitudes in Erzherzog Leopold Ferdinand. Zum Kapitel der Staubregen. Mountaineering. Pp 3584393. PI,. 460. Phydeal Rsoho. hncaeter. Vol. 13. -Charles Meldrum. P. 460. Pender, Harold. On the Magnetic Effect of Electrical Convec- -Vorliiufiger Bericht iiber die internationale Ballonfahrt vom tion.
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