1 .,'-. AIX theNBWBof SECTION i r> >B1D BANK ', ,and Snrroeaidtag'Towns Bold resuipssly and Without Mas EGIS VOLUME LXI, NO. 16. RED BANK^N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 14.$ Sea Bright Gets Record Entry List For Haskell Meet Chain Letters Are Federal Funds Annual Race Meet For Sewer Plant Newest Wrinkle in PWA Makes an Outright Saturday On Farm Grant of $S3,253—Bond I County's Politics Ordinance Passed Of Amory Haskell The borough of Sea Bright has -*•.... been allotted an outright grant of George H. Roberts Enlists Surprise Store *t3.%3 by the Public Works Ad- Quadrangle Dance 13th Event of Monmouth ministration at Washington for the His Office Employees to Observing Birthday construction1 of a sewage disposal Saturday Night County Hunt Has Larg- The Surprise Store on Broad street, system. Notification of the grant Miss Eleanor Daly will be vocalist Praise and Glorify Him otherwise known as "the store of was, received by Mayor Walter J. for Lee. Temple's Rutgers Collegians, est Entry List in History; 1,001 bargains," Is staging Its semi- Sweeney in a telegram' from Con- who will play Saturday night at tbe for Coming Election . annual, sale as It rourfdo out four gressman, William H. Sutphln. The annual fall semi-formal dance to b of Meet / yean of. business at Red'Bank. It total cost of the project is estimated held by the Red Bank Quadrangli has been gradually enlarging In at $121,760, and the borough's share club at the Molly Pitcher hotel. of the cost which is approximately $68,800, Is to be financed with a.bond Sheriff Office Staff Issue. Dinner, Auction At An ordinance, providing for the sale; of bonds was adopted' by the Rumson Country Club Also Join In Drive mayor and council Thursday night No objections were made to the or- dinance at the public hearing. Theo- Officiating at the 18th annual re- Chain letters, a new wrinkle In pol- dore Markthaler of North Beach Above is a scene at one of the far-turn brush hurdles during last year's running of the Gold cap race. newal of the Monmouth County Hunt itics, are being employed by George. spoke about the extension of the Racing association's race meet Sat- H. Roberts,.,Democratic candidate sewage system to North Beach In urday-' afternoon on the Mlddletown' * for county clerk, ill Bis campaign. the future. He asked If and when Matawan Girl To township estate of Mr. and. ltn. .. He was appointed county cMrjr- last tb)s. la done would the cost be borne Dry Goods Firm Safety Patrol Amory L. Haskell, will be the race spring following the death of Jo- by the taxpayers of the entire bor- Wed Lincroft Man committee headed by W. .Strotler seph McDermott,. who had held the o.ugh, as Is the case with the pres- Is Celebrating \ Jones chairman, and including Ru- offlce 40 years.'According to al] ac- ent project which Is to serve only Mr. and Mrs. Philip Egan of littl For Fair Haven fus C. Finch, Joseph M. Roebllng, Jid, counts, employees ot tbe /county the central part of Sea Bright He street, Matawan, have announced win Stewart, E. Gaddls Plum. Ed. clerk's offlce, the sheriffs office and was Informed that any enlargement, Straus Company Observ- the engagement of their daughter, Boys to Stand Watch on ward M. Crane, Amory L. Haskell, , various other persons are being be- of the system would be paid for by Miss'Mary Madeline Egan, to M. W- B. Ruthrauff, Thomas S. Field. sought to startvthe.chain. The let- general taxation. It was also stated ing Its 42d Anniversary Harold Kelly qf Lincroft, son of th Street Corners Thomas 8. Field. Jr.. Edward A! ' ters praise: and glorify Mr.; Roberts the borough anticipates enough rev- late Mr. and Mrs.. Martin J. Kelly. Hurd, Manton B. Metcalf, Jr., G. and implore citizens to vote fo^hufi. enue from sewer charges to provide Miss Bgan is a graduate of St. Jo- Maury Jones and F. Bourne Ruth- Straus Qompany, Red Bank's-old- The Fair Haven mayor and coun- rauff. • •-.-• -. - . — Following .lit facsimile, of the for the maintenance of the system est dry goods firm, Is celebrating Its seph's sohool, Keyport; St. Mary'B and to amortize the debt. high school, South 'Amboy, and cil Monday night voted to establish original; chain letter:., .': . , .', '- 42d anniversary. Beginning today a boys' safety patrol for the protec- J. C. Mahoney will act as starts* ' I am liwltlng.thls totter to the In Th Present project comprises the and continuing until. Saturday, Oc- Coleman's Business college, Newark. of the seven races carded, the fea- .' She is employed in the* office of Fred tion of school children orosslng the terests of George -H.- Roberts, candi- construction of a sewer system and' tober 29, the company will observi streets going to and coming from ture of which will be the famous 1 date for county, clerk. His record 0 works. Including the necessary land,' M. Burlew, Matawan attorney. Miss three-mile Monmouth Gold Cup race. I full-time service, honest .effort and Egan Is a past president of the Mat- school. Approval of the board of ed- to serve the business district A ucation Is necessary and the matter Edward H. Carle, Henry L. Bell and 3 efficiency merits your support • . •• pumping station and treatment plant awan Junior Women's club and Is J. Schuyler Casey will be the Judges; » Will you-do this'for: me?- Work WILLIAM GERSTENFELD welfare chairman of the state feder- will be discussed, by that body to- for him and vote for JUm, for we are to be erected and about 7,500 morrow night. Charles P. Cross, Nicholas Blddle. paddock judge; 'j feeT of eight-Inch to 15-inch sewer ation of Junior Women's clubs. Deed men like him In public offlce. - eyery department and: it now . In- president of the board of education, Thomas S. Field, assistant paddock: J ' I will consider, it a personal favoi pipe: are to be laid. Mention was Mr. Kelly Is a graduate of Middle- judge; Edward A. Hurd, Edward M, 5 cludes In Its stock general drygoods, town township high school at Leon- told tbe mayor and council Monday MISS ELEANOR DALY if you will make: two or more exact made of a contemplated tie-up ot the night he was in favor of tbe patrol Crane, Newcombe C. Baker, Howland ' i copies of this letter today. Sign clothing for Infants, children, ladies Sea Bright plant with a proposed ardo and Columbia college, New 9r Jones ana EdwiiTStewsftV patrol * them and mall them to two or more and men., suits for boys and men's York. He Is a member of Sigma Ch and believed the other members Everything Is In rcadlncsa for th' sewage system In Rumson. This werealso In favor ot it " judges; Frank J. Bryan, racing stc- "j of your frleridr who, >you know will working -clothes. New fall mer- Would result in addition revenue.for fraternity and a past president o danoe according to P. KirkpatricI retary; Edwin D-JBransoMe, olerk of "i not break this chain. We'must put chandlseV from the general stock Is Sea Bright borough. Installatlqn of the Mosmouth County Press club. Establishment of the patrol was Carman and B. Allen Parker, co this fellow over!; ,'. ; recommended by Councilman Tony the course: Bourne Ruthrauff, assist- < also offered at bargain prices. The the plant at Sea' Bright Is In com- He Is associated with The Register chairmen of thin year's affair. Th) ant clerk of the course; Fred H. i How much effect .these chain let- management states that prices have pliance with i orders from the state In the editorial and reportorlal dc Hunting, chairman of the police com. committee has planned an entertain mlttee, who told of the successful Parks, clerk of the scales; John E. f ters will haye In Influencing the elec- been substantially reduced and that board of health. , partments. Ing night with four novelty dancei Cooper, assistant clerk of the scales; I tion Is a matter of speculation.. Re- manufacturers have, co-operated/ by patrol now In operation In Red Bank. There will be a contest for those This patrol, Mr. Hunting said, was Frederick P. Alexander, timer; Ed- J publican leaders, scoff, at; the idea making price concessions. knowing the Lambeth Walk, a lucky ward Feakea, superintendent of the " that they will'sway, votes; One; of The public has been Invited to at- started by Policeman Frank Reuther, number dance, a broom dance an Raising Funds At who will be glad to give his time course; Dr. Irving K. Lovett. physic- them,'in commenting' on the chain tend, regardless ot whether pur- Wild Dogs Cause a balloon dance. There will be prizes ian; and Dr. H. C. Ticehurst veter- letters, said "Prince George" should chases are! made or not "No red tape gratis to establish and train the pa- In- the Lambeth Walk contest an trol in Fair Haven, The badges and inarian. The Farmers' - committee have consulted, with "Prince Yogi," in making adjustments—money re- Sea Bright For Poultry Losses balloon dance. will Include Cbrlney 8. Cononr', a fortune teller at Asbury Park, be- funded on request" is the slogan ot white belts are furnished without Reservations are requested to bi charge by the Automobile Associa- Charles Read, Joseph Klnhafer sad fore starting the chain. the. store. • ^ made with Mr. Carman or Mr. Park Forman Hunt. • ..',.-. na Following is a. copy of a letter «en Some of the Items on sale are men- New Ambulance Near Scobeyville tion of America, Mr.
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