Contents Volume 4, Number 1, February, 2002 Special Features Guests Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Steering Group Meeting ............................. 1 Tom Sokolowski - WC/ATWC Special Section: Disaster Mitigation and Business Continuity ............ 12 Project Impact is Only One Step in a Long Process, by R. F. Shea ...... 17 Vasily Titov - NOAA Do Warning and Mitigation Conflict? .................................................. 18 Charles McCreery - PTWC CREW Workshop, "What Businesses Learned from the Nisqually Marie Eble - NOAA Earthquake"--Executive Summary, by Barry McDonnell ................... 22 Hal Mofjeld - NOAA U.S. Crisis Officials Seek Emergency Alert System, by A. Gribbin ..... 23 A Description of a Community Emergency Response Teams Program, Angie Venturato - NOAA by D. M. Simpson ............................................................................. 24 Creating a Caribbean Disaster Information Network, by B. Lashley .... 25 Old Business: Book Review--Tsunami: The Underrated Hazard, by Edward Bryant, Review of action items reviewed by Costas Synolakis and G. J. Fryer ................................... 31 Principles for Science in the Internet Era ............................................. 32 Action items open prior to the May 17 meeting: Departments 1. ACTION ITEM: Final Local Tsunami Warning Systems Disaster Preparedness News.................................................................... 7 and Procedures: Guidance for Local Officials document to New Library Materials........................................................................... 11 be placed on the Oregon web site prior to the May 14-15, Conferences........................................................................................... 28 Websites................................................................................................ 29 2001 Workshop and Steering Group meeting. Infrequently Asked Questions................................................................ 33 ACTION: Mark Darienzo Video Reservations ............................................................................... 34 STATUS: Document is being refined and will go up on Directories............................................................................................. 35 the web. OPEN 2. ACTION ITEM: For FY 2001, $2.3 million has been SUMMARY REPORT OF THE TSUNAMI HAZARD appropriated for the Program. There is an add-on of $1 mil- MITIGATION STEERING GROUP MEETING lion for the Tsunami Warning and Environmental Observa- November 6-8, 2001, Seattle Washington tory for Alaska (TWEAK), a letter of intent by Ray High- downloaded 12-28-01 from: smith at the University of Alaska. It was suggested that Ray http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tsunami- Highsmith include Roger Hansen and Zygmunt Kowalik in hazard/nov01meetingsummary.html writing the proposal for TWEAK. ACTION: Ray Highsmith, Roger Hansen, and Zygmunt Attendees Kowalik to write a proposal for TWEAK. Steering Group STATUS: Proposal has been written and reviewed by Eddie Bernard - NOAA Steering Group members. Proposal was funded with the James Godfrey (Alt) - State of California money going to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Some Frank González - NOAA bathymetry studies were done and a physicist was hired to Lori Dengler - State of California help with modeling. CLOSED James Weyman - NOAA Brian Yanagi - State of Hawaii Action items from the May 17, 2001 meeting: Chris Jonient-Trisler - FEMA 1. ACTION ITEM: Find out what information customers David Oppenheimer - USGS want on earthquakes to NWS and USGS Regional Net- Gerard Fryer (Alt) - State of Hawaii works so the MOU can be updated in light of new technolo- Craig Weaver - USGS gy so there will be a clarification of procedures and better Mark Darienzo - State of Oregon coordination of warnings. Dick Hagemeyer suggested the Scott Simmons - State of Alaska following four steps: 1) find out what the customers want 2) George Priest - State of Oregon agree to a standard format, 3) obtain headquarters approval Taunnie Boothby - State of Alaska to place on NOAA Weather Radio and EMWIN, and 4) George Crawford - State of Washington determine how to get the information to those who will put Roger Hansen - State of Alaska (continued, p. 3) Tim Walsh - State of Washington TsuInfo Alert is published bi-monthly by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources. This publication is free upon request and is available in print (by surface mail), electronically (by e-mail), and at http://www.wa.gov/dnr/htdocs/ger/tsuinfo/index.html TsuInfo Alert and the TsuInfo document delivery program are made possible by a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency via the Washington Military Department, Division of Emergency Management. Participants in the TsuInfo program can request copies of reports listed in this issue from: Library Washington Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Earth Resources P.O. Box 47007 Olympia, WA 98504-7007 ph: 360/902-1472 or 360/902-1473 fax: 360/902-1785 e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] prepared by Connie J. Manson, Senior Library Information Specialist and Lee Walkling, Library Information Specialist The views expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Washington Department of Natural Resources or of the sponsors of TsuInfo Alert. 2 TsuInfo Alert, v. 4, no. 1, February, 2002 (continued from p. 1) *at least 150-100m cell size is required for inundation com- the messages on NOAA Weather Radio and EMWIN. putations to produce useful guidance (regardless of rav ACTION: Oppenheimer, Weyman, Hansen bathy-topo data density) STATUS: The feed from the University of Washington *models with 50-30m cell size seem to capture most of the needs to be expanded. Reviewed text messages are to go important local inundation features onto EMWIN. The USGS is ready but needs a NOAA con- *use the best resolution bathy-topo data available tact to proceed. Software needs to be developed. D. Oppen- F. González will chair a working group to prepare a heimer will provide background to J. Weyman before pro- draft of mapping certification procedures. Working group eeding. OPEN named includes: Rich Eisner, Tim Walsh, Gerard Fryer, 2. ACTION ITEM: Update WC/ATWC, PTWC, and Doug Luther, George Priest, Lori Dengler, Vasily Titov, PMEL web sites showing buoy locations for better Costas Synolakis, Elena Suleimani, and Antonio Baptista. indication of events. This item will be carried forward as November 2001 Action ACTION: WC/ATWC, PTWC, PMEL Item number 8. OPEN STATUS: Completed. CLOSED 5. ACTION ITEM: The Subcommittee suggested that a 3. ACTION ITEM: Frank González to check on DART web dialogue with NOS on bathymetry/coastal zone manage- site vulnerability to too many hits at one time. Cross refer- ments issues was needed. ence with November 2001 Action Item number 6. ACTION: Eddie Bernard will contact the Acting Assis- ACTION: Frank González tant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone STATUS: A mirror or duplicate site needs to be estab- Management and initiate a dialogue on this issue. lished. J. Weyman and E. Bernard to work out an arrange- STATUS: Eddie Bernard contacted NOS and instituted ment between NWS and NOAA. This item will be carried a dialogue. CLOSED forward as November 2001 Action Item number 6. OPEN 6. ACTION ITEM: States were asked for video and photos 4. ACTION ITEM: Each state is to plan their mapping of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program in strategy using either coarse grid or fine grid. The TIME action including captions or explanations, as needed. Center is available to help with this process. Cross reference ACTION: states to send video and photos to Eddie Ber- with November 2001 Action Item number 8. nard NLT May 30, 2001. (Oregon to provide video clip on ACTION: George Priest, Frank González to determine school evacuation) the grid issue STATUS: Videos and photos were sent for use at the STATUS: Technical issues related to the coarse grid August Review. CLOSED modeling are twofold: 7-9 ACTION ITEMS: were logistics for the August 7 1. Bathymetric and topographic data quality. The density Review. of raw bathymetric and topographic data determines the ACTION: PMEL details of the shoreline and numerical grids for the area of STATUS: Completed. CLOSED the inundation mapping project. Small-scale structures such 10. ACTION ITEM: Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Laura Kong, as jetties, offshore reefs, even beach-breaks can affect tsu- Frank González, Scott Simmons, David Oppenheimer, nami inundation. If those features are not present in the raw Richard Hagemeyer, Eddie Bernard, and Mike Hornick data, an inundation model may produce inaccurate results, were named as the TWEAK Review Panel to review the no matter how dense the numerical grid used. proposal. 2. Numerical model requirements. Any numerical model of ACTION: TWEAK Review Panel to send their com- tsunami inundation requires a certain amount of nodes pow- ments via e-mail to Eddie Bernard NLT May 25. A confer- er wavelength to produce accurate results. This problem has ence call with all Panel members is planned for 2 p.m. on been the subject of many scientific studies. These results May 30. show that model inundation estimates compare well with STATUS: The panel met and reviewed the TWEAK observations if at least 100m grid size is used nearshore. A proposal. CLOSED more coarse grid does not provide enough details of tsunami 11. ACTION ITEM: Develop defendable matching
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