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If. ... f .• /'i.'° 1 l . ; . , . :.: .' ·· .. u r- •.'t.-;:l>JUJ.-!) ... Family Group Record Page lofl Husband Georae Allison Webb Bom Place 13 AQr 1865 Favetteville. Washinoton. Arkansas Otrlstened Place ----- ·-- - ----------·--- -- ·---- Died Place 1 Jun 1930 Walla Walla. Walla Walla. Washinaton Buried Place 4 Jun 1930 Walla Walla. Walla Walla. Washinoton Married Place I 10 Dec 1891 Davton. Colum. Wa Husband's father Webb --~-- --·· Husband's mother Mrs Webb Wife Sarah Sedila (Delia l Duckett Bom Place 17 Oct 1874 Grand Junction. Mesa. Co Otristened Place _,. ___ - Died Place 16 Mav 1941 Walla Walla. Walla Walla. Wa ·---- Buried Place Walla Walla Mountain View Cemetarv Volumel 1 100f section Wife's father Duckett Wife's mother Mrs Duckett Children List each child in order of birth. 1 M George Clyde Webb Born Place 23 A~r 189~ Covella. __Q>l!Jm,. Wa -.. -----~ -----··- - Christened Place - -------·------· Died Place 6 Febuarv 1982 Davton. Columbia. Washinaton ·-- Buried Place 9 Feb 1982 Davton. Columbia. Washinaton Spouse Lula Melissa Jones ... ----~-··----.--- ----- --- Married Place 24 Seo 1913 2 F Venus Gertrude Webb Born Place 2 NQY..J894 Covella. Colum. Wa Christened Place - --- ---·--·--- ------- Died Place 18Jan 1965 --·----- Buried Place Spouse Eohriam Williams ---- -·--· Married Place 3 IM Lee Simnson Webb I Bom Place 18Jan 1897 Covella. ColunJ, Wa -·-··--··-·------- ~---- ···- l Christened Place ---------·- --- ----- --- --- Died 15 Seo 1963 Place Buried Place Salt Lake Citv Utah I Spouse Unkr)own - ····-·-·----- -- . -· Married Place Prepared by ~ Maril~ne We.e.d 1.2Jl£aUsJ~O. Phone 3..6-.~LS.6.39 Ra.m:t.le#-WA 98.377 E-mail address 1~- .. weedpatcb..@lewiscoun~.com Date prepared 6..J..yj_20.0_6_ __ U.olted..S.tale.s_oLAme.riat. ___ Family Group Record Page 1 of 1 Husband Georae Clvde Webb Bom Place 23 Aor 1893 Covella. Colum. Wa -------- Christened Place -------- .. Died Place -----~--- 6 Febuarv 1982 Davton. Columbia. Washington ·-·--- Burled Place 9 Feb 1982 Davton. Columbia. Washinaton Married 24 Seo 1913 Place Husband's father George Allison Webb --------·----·-··-·- --- .....----------·-··· -~---·--- Husband's mother Sarah Seema (Delia l DudcPtt W'lfe Lula Melissa Jones Bom Place 5 Oct 1896 Willow Creek. Columbia. Washinaton Christened Place -------- -----------------· - Died Place 5 Mar 1993 Davton. Columbia. Washinaton ·------ Buried Davton Cemetarv Place Davton. Columbia. Wa. Wife's father Martin Beard Jones Wife's mother Sarah Amanda Pointer Children List each child in order of birth. 1 F Clara Mildred Webb Bom Place ·---- 16Aua 1914 Turner. Columbia, Washington ----------·-- .. ----------- - ··-·----·---··-·- Christened Place ··-------- --------- Died Place ----- 3 Seo 1999 Davton. Columbia. Wa. ... ·-------·-·--- Burled Place Davton cemetarv Davton. Columbia. Wa. Spouse -· Cecil Eugene Williams ____ Married 30 Seo 1935 Place Davtnn. Columbia. Washinaton 2 M Darrell William Webb Bom Place 1 Oct 1918 Tumef. Washinaton Christened Place .. ------ --·------ ---- ---~~--- ------- - ... Died Place ~- --- -------------- --- ------------- Burled Place Spouse _____ ., ______ -·--·----- -· --- - .. -----~----~--- •-·- ···- Married Place ----~- Prepared by Address ~oe. W_eed 120.fallsJ~JOL------------------, Phone 3,;n 497 5639 Randi~-8.3.77_.£.._ w ________ _ E-mail address [email protected]:n.. ____ .. - -------------·~-···-- Date prepared 6Jul 2006 Umteg_Sta_t;e.s_Qf erica , I 50th Wedding Anniversar; --= Observed by Clyde Webbs Tuesday, September 24, marked the Golden Wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. G. Clyde Webb, 616 E. Dayton Avenue, native son and daughter of Colum- bia county. - The anniversary date was ob­ served Sunday, September 22, at the Webb home as relatives and friends congratulated the local couple. The pair exchanged wedding vows in 1913 at the Congrega­ tional church parsonage in Day­ ton before the Rev. Gilmore. They were the first couple mar- ried in the new parsonage. Cly.de Webbs 60th Retired from Farming He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Webb and she is the Anniversary ·Celebr.~/~·c1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Webb of ·Gaines, ·_ M~rilyn -R~ff ·, (with tin B. Jones. Following their Dayton celebrated their 60th 1-{o·rmah · Roff. and family), marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Webb Wedding Anniversary Wed­ Marlene Wright (with husband farmed from 1915 until 1942 in ~Lloyd a'nd · family from Elgin, the Turner and Eckler Mountain nesday, September 24. · . districts of the county. They re­ The couple was married in Wash.) and Donna Smith and tired in 1942 and moved to Day­ Dayton on September 24, 1913 · : 19 great grandchildren. ton to make their home. Webb by Rev. Gilmore. , · Webb, who will be 81 next keeps occupied by driving the A reception was held for the April, met his wife, Lulu, who delivery truck for Freddie's couple at Mr. and Mrs. Larry will be 77 October 5, while Market. Gaines residence, NE of Day­ ranching in the Turner dis­ They hold memberships in the ton, which was hosted by trict. He then bought his own Dayton Grange and attend the Webbs' son, Dell Webb (with wheat ranch which he op­ Methodist church. Mrs. Webb is wife and:Camily), their daugh­ erated for 25 years before they a member of the Covello Thim­ ter Clara Williams (and family) both moved into Dayton where ble Bee club and the Farm & and daughter-in-law Pauline · Webb held several jobs before Home Economics club. becoming deliveryman for They are parents of two child­ Webb. ren: Mrs. Cecil (Clara) Williams Also present and act.ing as Freddies Market in 1961, a job and Darrell Webb, both of Day­ co-hosts at the reception were he still holds. ton. They also have seven grand­ the Webbs' seven grandchil­ Mrs. Turner has worked at children and ten great grand­ dren, Clfff Webb, Mary Jean the Dayton Grade School cafe­ children. Laib, Rick Webb. Beverly teria and at the cannery. Both were born in Columbia County. dl. (!)ef- lf/?o- .. .. - .., . WeblJ··ir•.,; ·1 'GianmA~Ir.' ~Clyde\ .. ~pg·-~\ ~ .J G~or;e· ciyde \Yebb 'pas~e ..• I ~ Webbs Honored On away Saturday, February tht;, '• • 6th arRofitson's Nursing Home, a~of88. He was born on April 23, 1893 62nd Anniversary at Covello, to parents George and Sarah Duckette Webb. He Mr: and Mrs. Clyde Webb was also present to honor her attended local schools and celebrated their 62nd wedding grandparents with cake and Walla Walla Business College. anniversary with a small party ice cream·. He married Lula Jones on Sept­ -Wednesday e~ening Sept. 24. Both Mr. and Mrs. Webb ember 24, 1913 in Dayton. He Helping their parents cele­ were born in Columbia County farmed in Columbia County brate were the Webb's son and and were married in the Con­ until 1942, then moved to 616 E. daughter, Darrell Webb a~d gregational Church on Sept. Dayton Avenue, in to_wn. He Mrs. Cecil Williams. Their 24, 1903. worked for the Columbia Coun­ grandaughter Bevei;ly Gaines ty Grain Growers, and the - Washington State Parks Department. More recently,_~e was employed . by Fredd~e s Market, delivering groceries .. ~ ,. • .• ;' ......·t ;.,----,. He retired in 1978. , Darrell and Pauline... Webb , ... '~ ..- . .......... .,,... ~ He was a former member of th( . .. I Darrell and ·Pauline Webb of After a Valentine's Day prq­ Grain Growers and the Upper 1028 · S. 3rd, Dayton, Wa., will posal, the couple was married ~n . Whetstone Grange. Services will be held Tuesday, celebrate their 50th wedding anni- August 9, 1942, at the Christian February 9th at 2 p.m. at t~e Church in Dayton. Mrs. Webb's fa~ the Dayton City maiden name was Lowe.
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