Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry Volume-2 Editors: Dr. Shiv Mohan Verma, Mr. Sunil Kumar Pawar Mr. Indraneel Bose Bhikaji Cama Subharti College of Hotel Management Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, U.P. Swaranjali Publication Pvt. Ltd. E-mail : [email protected] www.swaranjalipublication.com Sector 10-B, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, (U.P.) 201012 Phone : 9810749840, 8700124880 Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry i All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be re- produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. © Editor : Dr. Shiv Mohan Verma : Mr. Sunil Kumar Pawar : Mr. Indraneel Bose Publisher : Swaranjali Publication Sector 10-B, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, (U.P.) 201012 Phone : 9810749840, 8700124880 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.swaranjalipublication.com Edition : 2019 ISBN : 978-81-94364-28-3 Price : 1200/- Printed By : Swaranjali Offset Printers ii Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry preface For sustainable development and effective management of all related aspects of hospitality and tourism, it is essential to learn from the best practices around the world and be innovative in finding practical solutions to ever-evolving challenges. Innovative approaches should be taken to strategically align with the visions and expectation of key tourism & hospitality industry stakeholders in planning, developing, marketing, managing, monitoring and controlling. As we advocate that industry leaders and researchers should collaborate in seeking practical and innovative solutions for the challenges in hospitality and tourism, papers jointly written by industry leaders and academics are sought for this conference. We bow our head in reverence before our loving chief patron Dr.(Prof.) Mukti Bhatnagar and Patron Dr. Stuti Kacker, Dr. N.K.Ahuja and Dr. Shalya Raj. We also show gratitude to our chief advisors Dr. Rohit Arora, Dr. Krishnamurty, Mr.DK Saxena and Dr. Heero Hito Rev. We also appreciate the kind cooperation of Dr. Amit Kumar Singh, Dr. Reyaz Qureshi, Mr. D.S. Negi, Dr. Jatashankar R Tewari, Dr. Bhola Chourasia, Dr. Vinay Rana and Dr. Neeraj Aggarwal. The book would not have been possible without the support received from our co- worker Mr. Rajeev Thakur, Mrs. Garima Jain Goel, Mr. Yajvendra Singh, Mr. Vinay Punia and Mr. Saurabh Tripathi. We also thank all the authors who sacrificed their precious time to contribute to this book. Furthermore, we wish to thank all the participants of the conference for dedicating their time and knowledge, thus contributing to very open and productivity discussions at the conference and fruitful contacts following. Thanks to all of you for your contributions! Editors Dr. Shiv Mohan Verma Sunil Kumar Panwar Indraneel Bose Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry iii iv Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry Contents 1. Ethos and nExus to hospitality sEctor promoting rEspon- siblE tourism ............................................................................1 Dr.Tushti Sharma, Mr.Yajvendra Singh, Mr.Ankit Srivastava 2. “rolE of E.tourism for dEvElopmEnt of historical tourism and socio-Economic condition of uttar pradEsh” ..........11 Mr.Harveer Singh, Prof. (Dr.) Vishal bishnoi 3. InnovativE practicEs adoptEd by rEstaurants to attract hEalthy food diEt, a casE study .........................................18 Imran Khan, Dr. Masood Aslam, 4. Staff rEtEntion: a study on rEtaining manpowEr in hospi- tality &tourism sEctor in india. .........................................29 Mahesh Kumar Bairwa, Rajni Kumari 5. AnalyzE thE impact of EmployEE motivation on productivity .........................................................................46 Meghna Raizada 6. Work lifE balancE for hotEliErs .......................................67 Nikhil Sharma 7. Innovations & thE digital futurE of thE hospitality industry .................................................................................79 Prof. P.B. Singh, Dr. Ritesh Kumar Saxena 8. RolE of soft skills in hotEl industry ................................90 Dr. Rafat Khanam 9. A study on rolE of advEnturE sports training institutEs in promotion of advEnturE tourism in uttarakhand ..........95 Mr. Rajeev Semwal Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry v 10. EffEcts of global warming on thE tourism sEctor in india .................................................................................105 Rajeev K Thakur, Dr.Shiv Mohan Verma, Garima Jain Goel 11. GuEst’s safEty (a kEy fEaturE of hospitality industry) in small hotEls- a study of thE gatEway city of kumaon, hald- wani .....................................................................................112 Ramashish, Sumit Joshi 12. FemalE EmployEE rEtEntion in hospitalityand tourism industry: issuEs, ExpEctations & ExpEriEncE.....................121 RanjeetaTripathi, Priyadarshini Seth, Deepti Yadav 13. Traditional food and gastronomy practicEs to strEngthEn currEnt food sEcurity ......................................................131 Rekha Sharma 14. SustainablE rural dEvElopmEnt through rural tourism and its practicEs: a casE study of aurangabad, maharashtra .......................................................................138 Saurabh Krishna 15. A study on patiEnt satisfaction towards hospital mEals at privatE hospitals of dElhi through focus group intErviEw – diEtician’s pErspEctivE .......................................................153 Saurav Chhabra, Prof. Dr. Garima Parkash 16. LivE grEEn fEEl grEEn-“an assEssmEnt of grEEn practicEs of fivE star hotEls in dElhi and ncr” .............163 Kumari Shiwani, Prof. Dr. Garima Parkash 17. ChallEngEs and opportunitiEs for tourism industriEs in nEr – with spEcial highlight on Ecotourism in assam (an EmErg- ing and a promising door of scopE and opportunity for upliftmEnt) .........................................................................172 Trina Deka, Dr. Bhola Chourasia, vi Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry 18. “a rEviEw study on Job satisfaction of fEmalE EmployEEs in rEfErEncE to indian hotEl industry” ..............................181 Himali Lakhera, Anil Lakhera 19. apprising fusion in thE cuisinE of uttarakhand using local ingrEdiEnts ..........................................................................191 Shweta Nripendra Lingwal, Dr. Nripendra Singh Lingwal 20. varanasi: rEstoring thE glory of spiritual capital of india ...................................................................207 Dr. Akhilesh Singh 21. Why hotEl industry is shrinking from its social rEasonability?.....................................................................214 Mr. Deepak Singh Negi, Mr. Dilip Kumar, Mr. Vishal Gautam, Mukesh Kumar 22. A casE study to implEmEnting grEEn managEmEnt initiativEs by hotEl industry and govErnmEnt in dElhi /ncr ............................................................................218 Jyoti, Himanshu Sharma, Deepak Chhikara 23. To study thE innovations and nEw approachEs in advEnturEtourism in india and how industry can undErstand thE consumErs and shapE thEir markEting communication ....................................................................225 Dr. Kamal Kishor Pandey, Dr. Manoj Kumar Tripathi 24. Measuring customEr’s satisfaction lEvEl in hotEl industry: contEnt analysis study .....................................................245 Mr. Lalat Indu Misra, Dr.Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan Dr. Ansuman Samal 25. ReviEw of litEraturE of prospEcts and problEms of Educational tourism ..........................................................269 Lala Ram Choudhary Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry vii 26. Impact of tErrorism on tourism ndustry in india: a critical analysis with spEcial rEfErEncE to Jammu and kashmir .........................................................................278 Shivani Sharma, Dr. Reena Bishnoi 27. ThE EmErging rolE of social mEdia markEting in EntrEprEnEurial succEss of womEn focusing on indian tourism and hospitality sEctor ............................289 28. Food and bEvEragE sErvicE and guEst satisfaction in local fast food chains of lucknow ................................296 Prof. Sanjay Singh 29. Reasons lEading to attrition in hotEl industry of raJasthan ........................................................................310 Shweta Upamanyu, Amit Datta, Aravind K. Rai 30. Buddha tourism ...................................................................318 Dr.Vandana Goyal, Dr. Vaibhav Goel viii Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Tourism & Hospitality Industry Ethos and Nexus to Chapter Hospitality Sector Promoting 1 Responsible Tourism 1Dr.Tushti Sharma, 2Mr.Yajvendra Singh, 3Mr.Ankit Srivastava 1Associate Professor Rahul Sankrityayan Subharti School of Linguistics and Foreign languages Swami Vivekanand Subharti University,Meerut 2Assistant Professor Bhikaji Cama Subharti College of Hotel Management Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut 3Assistant Professor Bhikaji Cama Subharti College of Hotel Management Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut The substantial growth of tourism activity clearly marks tourism as one of the most remarkable economic and social phenomena and
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