112 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 1 January 18, 2012 Billy Ingraham of Seattle, Washington; and Seth Packrone was awarded a teaching RECOGNIZING THE VIRGINIA NA- Lisa and Michael Gavin of San Jose, Cali- assistantship at Inonu University in Malatya, TIONAL GUARD’S 400 YEARS OF fornia, grandfather of seven, and soon-to-be Turkey. Seth’s passion is education reform. In SERVICE TO THE COMMON- great-grandfather of one. He has lived at the the summer of 2007, he interned with Advo- WEALTH OF VIRGINIA Costa Family Farm since 2002 and has be- cates for Children, a nonprofit that works to come proficient in the farming of a vineyard. promote access to quality education for low-in- HON. ERIC CANTOR Mr. Speaker, I applaud Scott for his diligent come, minority and special needs students. OF VIRGINIA work and many years of dedicated service to Seth has also been the recipient of an Arthur IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California. I invite Liman Public Interest Law Fellowship. As a Wednesday, January 18, 2012 my colleagues to join me in recognizing Scott Liman Fellow, he researched and developed Costa’s commitment, dedication, and success Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to education policy with the Center for Law and recognize the selfless service of the Virginia and wish him well as he embarks on new en- Education in Washington, DC. Seth’s unwav- deavors. National Guard, which is now celebrating 400 ering desire to unlock the potential of young years of service to the Commonwealth of Vir- f students everywhere speaks to his inherent ginia and our nation. RECOGNIZING 2011–2012 FULBRIGHT selflessness and kindness. With its roots dating back to the Jamestown GRANTEES JULIA BAILEY, GREG- Mr. Speaker, these four individuals possess Colony in the early 1600s, the Virginia Guard ORY DE ST. MAURICE, JAY an exemplary work ethic, profound intelligence has established itself as one of the oldest in- EVICK AND SETH PACKRONE and a precociously broad worldview. I am stitutions of our nation’s armed forces. From overjoyed that they have been granted such a protecting the colonies during the earliest days HON. MARK S. CRITZ prestigious and coveted opportunity to study of the Commonwealth to its role in the Revolu- tionary War, the Virginia Guard was an essen- OF PENNSYLVANIA and work abroad. tial force in the inception of our great nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For over four centuries, Virginia’s guards- f Wednesday, January 18, 2012 men have come from all walks of life and vol- Mr. CRITZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize RECOGNIZING THE 125TH ANNIVER- unteered to be ‘‘a guardian of freedom and the four intelligent and accomplished students SARY OF BENET ACADEMY American way of life.’’ These men and women from my district for receiving one of the have gone into harm’s way time and time world’s most competitive, merit-based grants again to preserve peace and ensure their fel- to perform research in a foreign country. Since HON. PETER J. ROSKAM low citizens of the Commonwealth are kept 1946, the Fulbright program has been fos- safe. Members of the Virginia Guard also have tering cross-cultural understanding and schol- OF ILLINOIS a proud history of public service to the nation arly excellence by sending some of the world’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at large, including five Virginia Guard officers brightest minds abroad to undertake innova- who later went on to become U.S. Presidents: tive research projects. Julia Bailey of Latrobe, Wednesday, January 18, 2012 George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, PA, Gregory De St. Maurice, also of Latrobe, James Madison, James Monroe, and John Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Jay Evick of Waynesburg, PA, and Seth Tyler. Packrone of Uniontown, PA, each received a commemorate the 125th Anniversary of Benet More recently, the brave men and women of Fulbright grant for the 2011–2012 academic Academy, a Catholic Benedictine college pre- the Virginia Guard have again selflessly an- year. They were given this honor on account paratory high school located in Lisle, Illinois. swered the call to duty. Since the terrorist at- of their outstanding leadership skills, excep- On March 2, 2012, Benet will celebrate its tacks on September 11, 2001, over 14,000 tional academic credentials and penetrating in- Founder’s Day, representing 125 years of Virginia soldiers have been deployed across terest in foreign cultures. dedication to academic excellence and Chris- the world to protect our country. The enor- Julia Bailey was awarded a Fulbright-Nehru tian morality. mous sacrifice of these soldiers and their fami- English Teaching Assistantship. She is cur- Benet Academy was founded in 1887 on the lies is something for which we will forever be rently a graduate student at George Mason Benedictine motto ‘‘Ora et Labora,’’ ‘‘Pray and grateful for. Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing University, where she studies international de- Work.’’ Generation upon generation of the the sacrifice and service of all past and velopment in Africa, as well as social anthro- Academy’s devoted faculty and promising stu- present Virginia Guardsmen as we celebrate pology. She has a wealth of education policy dents have upheld this motto in a tradition that and classroom teaching expertise, having per- 400 years of courage and bravery in pro- carries back 1,500 years to the Order of Saint tecting the Commonwealth of Virginia and our formed a significant amount of research to Benedict. promote education in the developing world, country. and taught English in the United States and I applaud Benet Academy’s commitment to f nurturing an atmosphere of prayer, work, and Egypt. Her worldliness, intellect and wide- THE PALMER CENTER ranging experience make her well-suited to stability among its student body. Its distinctive serve as an ambassador for American culture qualities draw students from six counties, in- HON. SAM GRAVES and scholarship abroad. cluding many in Illinois’ Sixth Congressional OF MISSOURI Gregory De St. Maurice was given a grant District. Benet Academy has helped students IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to study Anthropology in Japan. He is cur- consistently achieve at rigorous academic lev- rently working toward a Ph.D. in Cultural An- els while instilling the Benedictine core values Wednesday, January 18, 2012 thropology at the University of Pittsburgh. At of community, hospitality, respect, stewardship Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I present, his research focuses on the food cul- and love of learning. proudly pause to recognize The Palmer Cen- ture of the city of Kyoto. Gregory’s in-depth On this special occasion, we recognize ter of Missouri’s Sixth District. The Palmer understanding of the people and traditions of Benet Academy’s rich history and faithfulness Center is being honored by The National Insti- Japan is laudable and will serve him well in to God. We thank the Academy for its partner- tute for Senior Centers for meeting and ex- his future studies. ship with parents, who strive to educate the ceeding the NISC standards of accreditation. Jay Evick received a grant to serve as an Of the 11,000 senior centers in the country, current generation that will become our na- English teaching assistant at the Tyumen only 126 senior centers are able to achieve tion’s future leaders. For well over a century, State University of Oil and Gas in Tyumen, accreditation. The Palmer Center is one of Russia. He has spent the last four years Benet Academy has contributed toward this only two sites in all of Missouri to earn that studying Russian and linguistics at the Univer- brighter future. lofty distinction. Throughout the year-long sity of Pittsburgh. Jay’s ability to grasp the in- Mr. Speaker and Distinguished Colleagues, process to receive the accreditation, the NISC tricacies of Eastern European culture and please join me in honoring the legacy of Benet noted the Palmer Center’s innovative partner- complexities of the Russian language is a tes- Academy, and in wishing them continued suc- ships with various organizations and busi- tament to his tremendous scholarly abilities. cess. nesses throughout the community, its dynamic VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:45 Feb 22, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E18JA2.000 E18JA2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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