HE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR FEBRUARY, 1920. ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Changes, in the department, 969. Resolution granting use of Aldermanic Chamber to the Marshall, Charles A., fixing compensation of, as Official ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- City Parliament of Community Council, 723. Examiner of Title, 891. Annual report of the Court of Special Sessions for Resolution recommending establishment of various . New York Homeopathic Medical College and Flower Year 1919, 97$. grades and positions- Hospital, permit granted to collect funds publicly, Aldermen, Board of, sympathy of, 73. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 1233. 889. Authorization to purchase various articles without pub- City Departments, 1232. Permission granted to the Oscar Hammerstein Memo- lic letting- City Record, Board of, 1231. rial Association to erect banner across Broadway, Chief Medical Examiner, 721. District Attorney, Kings County, 1230. Manhattan, 891. Education, Board of, 714, 715. Education, Department of, 1231. Resolution for special revenue bonds- Purchase, Board of, 715, 721, 1112. Law Department, 1231. Aldermen, Board of, 887. Supreme Court Library, Richmond County, 715. Various grades of positions, 1232. Committee on General Welfare, 887. ' Board meetings, 651. Resolution requesting Board of Education to explain Street Cleaning, Department of, 886. Comptroller, statement setting forth the, amount by non-payment of bonus to Men Teachers on Schedules Resolution for special revenue bonds, to be credited to law authorized to be raised by tax in the . current VI. and VII., 723. the General School Fund for 1919 to pay salaries of year, 1223. Resolution designating Alexander Hamilton Park, teaching and supervising force, etc., 887. Committee on Rules, report of, relating to-- Manhattan, 1120. Resolution establishing various grades of positions for Appointment of a committee to investigate the value Resolution changing names of various streets in Man- the several bureaus and divisions of the Department of transit properties, 1116. hattan, 1120. of Education, 889. Condemning the action of the Assembly in ousting Resolution favoring legislation to abolish capital pun- Resolution for special revenue bonds, for payment of five Socialist members, 1116. ishment in the State of New York, 1121. increased compensation to certain employees, 886. Regarding methods of getting up City Budget, 1116. Resolution in reference to condition of streets, 1121. Street Cleaning, Department of, authorized to contract Requesting the Police Commissioner to explain the Resolution calling upon the Commissioner of Street for repairs to dumping scows without public letting, purpose of the so-called "Riot Regiment," 1116. Cleaning Department to procure men at any wage, 888. Cooper Union, for the advancement of science and preferably unemployed ex-service men, to imme- Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, art, annual report, for year ending June 30, 1919, 977. diately clean the streets of the City, 1121. authorized to contract for repair of engines, boilers, Code of Ordinances, amendment of, relating to- Resolution relative to allowance to widows under pro- etc., Animals and the impounding thereof, 987. visions of the Child Welfare Law, 1234. ART COMMISSION- Establishing a fund, known as Manufacturing Fund, Resolution authorizing the Jewish Temporary Shelter Minutes of meeting of December 22, 1919, 649. Department of Correction, 986. of Friendless Children to collect funds publicly, 1234. ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- Licenses, etc., 1235. Resolution relative to rent profiteering and calling Annual apportionments and assessments, 900. Communications from- upon the Legislature for enactment of law, making Assessments and awards, completion of- Common Council of the City of Troy, N. Y., 1109. the offence punishable by imprisonment, 1235. Bronx, Borough of The, 1216, 1302. Justice John F Davies, chairman, Committee on Special revenue bonds, request; for- Brooklyn, Borough of, 632, 1216, 1302. Court Houses, i109. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 716, 1233. Queens, Borough of, 632. Rode, Joseph W., relative to duplication of street City Clerk and Board of Aldermen, 718, 1228. Richmond, Borough of, 1216, 1302. names, Brooklyn, 1109. County Judge, Bronx County, 715. Report for quarter ended December. 31, 1919; 749. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing various County Clerk, Kings County, 983. BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS-- persons, 721, 722, 987, 989, 1119, 1120, 1234. District Attorney, Richmond County, 988. Auction sale, 971. Docks, Commissioner of, request for special revenue Education, Department of, 988. Minutes of meeting of December 30, 1919, 727. bonds to complete work of removing Dock Depart- Public Charities, Commissioner of, 715. Minutes of meeting of January 15, 1920, 1188. ment's yard from foot of East 24th street, Manhat- Richmond, President, Borough of, 988. BRONoX for quarter ended June 30, 1919, 932. tan, to foot of Nott avenue, Long Island City, 1227. State Legislation Affecting the City of New York, BRONX, BOROUGH OF THE- Docks, Department of, amendment of, special revenue Committee on, 721. Bureau of Buildings, weekly report of, 650, 1011, 1205. bonds for repairs to certain recreation piers by ex- APPEALS, BOARD OF- Changes in the department, 996. tending time for use thereof, 1227. Board meetings, 651. Local Board meetings, advertisement of, 751. Establishing various grades of positions- Changes in the department, 1201. Minutes of Local Board meetings, 1026. Proposals- Asphalt Foreman, 1232. APPROVED PAPERS- Clerk, 1231. Asphalt wearing surface sand, 1018. Authorized to purchase various articles without public Asphaltic cement, Carpenter and Woodworker, 1232. letting-_ ' 1018. Janitors in various schools in The Bronx, 1230. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 886, :4•;. Bituminous road surfacing material, 1018. Janitor, Public School 35, Queens, 1231. - Purchase, Board of, 888. Binder stone, 1018. Machine Woodworkers, 1232. Comptroller authorized to Broken trap rock stone screenings, 1018. advance $5,000 to the Com- Constructing sewers, 1302. Nurse and Attendant, 1233. missioner of Health as an emergency fund emergency the Fine sand, 1018. Process Server, 1230. care of sick people in their homes, 891. Patternmaker, 1233. Forage, City Clerk authorized to make requisition on Supervisor Limestonea dusvus t, 1018. Sheetmetal Worker, 1232. the City Record for publication of the Manual of Pavingg gravelgravel, ,1018. Steamfitter and Pipefitter, the Board of Aldermen for the Years 1920-1921 :,:, Paving pitch, 1018. Tinsmith and Roofer, 1232. Collins, James P., fixing compensation of, as Official Portland cement, 1018. Welder and Mechanic, 1232. Examiner of Title, 891. Regulating, grading, curbing, etc., 1301. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, requested to Contingent expenses, to draw on account of- Repaving with granite blocks, 1302. take steps for necessary repairs to the Speedway so Accounts, Commissioner of, 886. Sand grit special, 1018. that the same may be used for general vehicular Art Commission, 886. Tar road oil, 1018. traffic, 720. Bronx, President, Borough of, 885. Weekly reports, 1011, 1026, 1301. General Welfare, Committee on, reports of, relating to, Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 887. vesting power to continue work of Mayor's Com- City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, 888. BROOKLYN, BOROUGH OF- mittee on Rent Profiteering and providing an appro- County Clerk, New York County, 889. Local Board meetings, advertisement of, 752. priation therefor, 1226. County Clerk, Bronx County, 886. Proposals- Messages from the Mayor, 1109, 1221. Chief Clerk of the Court of Special Sessions, 761. Collecting, laundering and delivering towels to the Minutes of meeting of February 3, 1920, 685. Chief Clerk of the Children's Court, 886. various public buildings, etc., during the year 1920, Minutes of meeting of February 10, 1920, 977. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court, New York County, 1194. Minutes of meeting of February 17, 1920, 1109. 761. Cannel coal, 1194. Minutes of meeting of February 24, 1920, 1221. Correction, Commissioner of, 886. Erecting one (1) steam engine, 1194. Ordinance selecting a •site for use as a Magistrates' District Attorney, New York County, 886. Four (4) tractors, 1194. and Municipal Court Building under the jurisdiction District Attorney, Bronx County, 761. Hand towels, 1194. of the President, Borough of Brooklyn, 986. District Attorney, Richmond County, 886. Ice to the various public buildings during the year Public Letting, Committee on, reports of, relating to-- Docks, Commissioner of, 886. 1920, 1194. Docks, Commissioner of, 1114, 1229. Education, Board of, 887. Kerosene oil, 1194. Education, Board of, 1114. Elections, Board of, 887 Manhole heads and covers for the year 1920, 1194. Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 1230. Fire Commissioner, 886. Quicklime at the several Sewage Disposal Stations, P,plice Commissioner, 989. Justices of the Supreme Court, 888. Borough of Brooklyn, 1194. Purchase, Board of, 1114. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 886. Toilet paper, 1194. Queens, President, Borough of, 1114. Park, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 761. Weekly reports, 1187; 1199. Supreme Court Library Trustees of Richmond Public Charities, Commissioner of, 887. CHAMBERLAIN, OFFICE OF THE- County, 1115. Public Markets, Commissioner of, 887. Banking Commission, minutes of quarterly meeting of Police Commissioner, annual 'report of the Police Pen- Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 887. February 2, 1920, 932.
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