Volume LVI JUNE 2012 No. 5 General Conference Sends Delegates on Rollercoaster Ride of Emotions From April 24-May 4, 2012, thou- proved church restructuring plan, to be sands of people around the world unconstitutional late on the final day. watched, thanks to the online live “That undid a lot of what was done. It stream, as delegates deliberated and was very overwhelming for everyone, voted on the direction of the United but I was relieved that everything that Methodist Church at the 2012 General must be finished was voted on.” John Conference (GC2012) in Tampa, Bishop said this decision is what made Florida. There are many mixed emo- his committee’s work during the ear- tions coming from delegates, clergy, lier sessions to be very important be- and laity as the legislative changes cause many of the plans to shrink the begin to be understood. General Agencies were what the con- As a first-time delegate, female, ference fell back on when Plan UMC young person, and clergy member, was ruled unconstitutional. Rev. Jessica Campbell, Senior Pastor Caterson expressed frustration dur- of Thiells Church in Thiells, NY, could ing moments but for different reasons relate to many of the hot topics from Campbell, “Many delegates obvi- broached at GC2012. Campbell com- ously did not know the process. Pro- pared GC2012 to an exciting cess errors led to the craziness sur- rollercoaster. “It was a thrilling ride. Bishops Grant Hagiya and Sudarshana Devadhar celebrating holy com- rounding the restructuring proposals. There were low moments but they were munion at the Common witness worship service, Sunday the 29th of April Process errors led to the petition elimi- followed quickly by high moments. The at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Fla. nating guaranteed appointment for high moments left me very optimistic A UMNS photo by John C. Goodwin. clergy from being discussed in a ple- for the future.” nary session. Central Conference del- General Conference was held over GC2012. One of the highs for her was to agree on some of the other petitions. egates were voting ‘no’ to items sim- the course of two weeks. The first “serving with five others to totally re- The second week of GC2012 really ply because the materials they were week was spent primarily in delibera- write the clergy judicial complaint pro- made the comparison to a rollercoaster given were only in English.” There tions with the smaller legislative com- cess. It is actually my words which will and having mixed emotions come true were also the moments that hurt oth- mittees, which were assigned the task be in the Discipline, doing away with of weeding through the proposals for the Committee on Investigation and their particular area and deciding which creating a new system.” ones they would recommend for adop- John Bishop, lay delegate for the tion to the larger plenary during the second time, said he could best de- next week. Campbell’s committee was scribe GC2012 as “chaotic.” John very united in their decisions but that Bishop, was a member of the General can’t be said for all of the committees, Administration Legislative Committee, according to many reactions posted by which had the job of discussing the Young People’s Ad- dress at the 2012 United Methodist Genera Conference Krin Ali (left), Denver, Colo., listens while co-presenter Eva Algodon-Bohol, Cebu, Philippines, gives a part of the Young People’s Address by video during an April Opening worship at United Methodist General Conference 2012 25 session of the 2012 Bishop Larry M. Goodpaster preaches during the April 24 opening worship United Methodist service of the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Florida. General Conference A UMNS photo by Paul Jeffrey. in Tampa, Fla. for Campbell and Caterson. Campbell ers. Caterson said, “The lowest of lows A UMNS photo by Mike DuBose. said, “There were frustrating and heart- were the incidents where hurtful words delegates on social media outlets three very different plans for restruc- breaking moments, but there were were said by one delegate to another. throughout the process. turing, as well as many smaller peti- other moments where there was a tre- And I believe it hurt our Lord as well.” Lynn Caterson, lay delegate and tions from each of the General Agen- mendous amount of solidarity among John Bishop, having been to a Gen- elected Chair of the General Confer- cies to reduce their sizes. Ultimately, delegates.” The biggest shock came eral Conference before, said he knew ence Committee on Reference, said the committee couldn’t agree on any to the entire delegation when the Judi- what to expect of the proceedings. He she has “mixed emotions” about of the three major plans but were able cial Council ruled Plan UMC, the ap- (Continued on Page 3) Come Celebrate Conference Day of Learning ”The harvest is plentiful, but the learn how to be in “fruit-bearing” min- The schedule of the day: workers are few.” (Mt. 9:37 NRSV)I istry as a Team.The intention of the day Worship 9:00 am - 10:15 am pray that we all keep each other in our is to thank the “departing” members Panel Discussion 10:15 am - 11:15 am prayers as the General Conference is who have given so much to our minis- Group Workshop 11:15 am - 12:30 pm in full session to decide how to live and try, consecrate the newly elected lead- Community Lunch 12:30 pm be in ministry for all disciples of Jesus ers, broaden our understanding of More detailed information will be Christ for this generation and genera- “connectional ministry,” and take some provided through GNJ Digests. The tions to come.We hear frequently, “We tools back home.Our Lay Leader of the main speakers for our worship and Methodists do not explain things Annual Conference, Mrs. Rosa Will- panel discussion will be Ms. Erin enough.” As we will be electing hun- iams, Ministry Team Chair, Rev. Dr. Hawkins (General Commission on Re- dreds of workers for various commit- John D Giamberdino, Leadership De- ligion and Race) and Mr. Thomas tees in our Annual Conference and velopment Team Chair, Mr. Emmanuel Kemper (General Board of Global Min- begin our new quadrennial ministry in De La Paz will join with me to invite all istry). Let us come, celebrate, and be a few months, we don’t want to assume current and newly elected (yet to be?) equipped so that we can serve the that all workers will know what their Conference-wide committee members people of God that have been en- role is to be.We have been equipping and Conference leadership to a “Con- trusted with our service and leadership, the workers in the district by providing ference Day of Learning: Our Celebra- more faithfully and effectively. Rev. Sung H. Ahn, various workshops on the District Day tion of God’s Call to Serve” event at May God continue to bless us, our Director of Connectional Ministry of Learning once a year. I believe that Calvary Korean United Methodist family, and our ministries. Rev. Sung H. Greater New Jersey Annual Conference we can do the same for the workers in Church in East Brunswick on Saturday, Ahn, Director of Connectional Ministry the Annual Conference so that we may June 9th, 2012. Greater New Jersey Annual Conference. 2 UNITED METHODIST RELAY JUNE 2012 A Message VIEWPOINT from the Bishop WHOSE MISSION IS IT ANYWAY? My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: By Rev. Héctor A. Burgos-Núñez This article appeared in the May edition with editorial errors. It is being rerun in Greetings in the precious name of its corrected form. - Ed. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Whose mission is it anyway? This is a question that I must admit I had never considered before, until recently. Since I first became active in leadership in my local congregation, I was always told that we needed as a leadership team to As we gather at Valley Forge, one of the ques- discern “our mission”. What an exhausting process that was. Every year for hours tions that our Ordinands are being asked as they and hours we went over different biblical passages, talked about the needs of the seek to be ordained and admitted into full con- community, and how we could create programs and initiatives to address these nection is, “Are you going on to perfection?” needs and make a difference in people’s life. (United Methodist Book of Discipline, 2008, paragraphs 330 and 336). What a blessing it has been for me, as a United Methodist clergy, to read John These two paragraphs also indicate, “The bishop as chief pastor shall Edward Nuessle’s book Faithful Witnesses: United Methodist Theology of Mis- engage those seeking to be admitted in serious self-searching and prayer sion (GBGM, 2008) and discern that the mission of the church is not “our mis- to prepare them for their examination before the conference. At the time sion” on behalf of God, but God’s mission in the world to which we are invited to of the examination the bishop shall also explain to the conference the join and collaborate to make God’s dreams for his creation a beautiful reality. As Nuessle’s declares in his book, “We, all believers, are called to participate in the historic nature of the....questions and seek to interpret their spirit and misssio Dei – God’s Mission in the world – as faithful witnesses to the fullness of intent.” “What is Christian perfection? Loving God with all our heart, God’s grace” (Nuessle, 21).
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