rl-8687 $ 11.75 The Southwick Press­ B-8588 17.16 Community Dairy, Inc. B-8689 3'7.93 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. B-8590 7.70 Portland GaS & Coke Co. B-869l 13.00 A.G. Rushlight & Co. B-8692 18.00 Shaw Supply Co. B-8693 36.60 Northwestern Electrio Co. B-8694 1.50 Friedman's Alder Market B-8695 8.00 Goldberg Bros. Bag Co. B-8696 31.59 Bureau of Water Works B-8697 1.91 Hirsch-Weis Manufacturing Co. B-869S 6.29 MCKesson & Robbins, Inc. B-8699 250.90 The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. B-8700 707.5'3 Portland General Electrio Co. B-870l 4.11 Marshall-Wells Company B-8702 10.42 Daily Journal of Commerce B-B703 13.37 Ranson Blue Print eo. Inc. B-8704 9.17 North Coast Electric Co. B-8705 211868 Crane Roofing Servioe B-8705 5.75 Premier Gear & Machine Works B-8707 6.29 Woodbury Company B-8708 2.45 General Electric Supply Corp. B-8709 10.71 Roberts Bros. B-8?10 3.82 Simonds Saw & Steel Co. B-8?ll 2.45 The George Lawrence Co. B-8?12 1.35 Goodyear Rubber & Asbestos Co. B-8713 70.15 Acme Red "Eft Mix Co. B-8714 578.00 Jacobsen Construction Co. B-8?l5 176.93 The Clark and W~lson Lumber Co. B-8?15 1.92 Pacific Ship Chandlery Company B-8?1? 5.48 Consolidated Supply Co. B-8?18 1 .. 50 Munnell & Sherrill B-8?19 9... 60 Casey Tractor Appliances Co. B-8720 1,050.00 M.F. Brady Equipment Co. B-8721 1.10 Tarola Motor Car-Company B-8'722 305.94 L.S. Kaiser, Supt. B-8'723 2.88 The-Beebe Company B-8724 6.08 Westinghouse Eleotric Supply Co. B-8725 2.78 J.J. Kadderly Comp_any B-8726 68.70 W.P. Fuller & Co. B-8?27 574.39 John H. Burgard; Chairmen- B-8728 4.31 The Mi++er Paint & Wallpaper Co. $ 15,078.34 Report of the Executive Secretary for the month of September was ordered placed on file. Report of the Engineer on maintenance expenditures for the month of September was ordered placed on file. Resolutions Nos. 10 to 14, inclusive, adopted by the Pacifio Coast Association of Port Authorities at its convention in August, were presented- for the consideration of the Commission. Upon motion it vms deoided to take no action regarding same at the present time and they were ordered placed on file. The Assistant Secretary reported that, in the matter of liability and property damage insurance covering the lOO-ton shear leg at Terminal No.1, he had not yet received definite advices from the insurance company on property damage. He was instructed to write the insurance company, -2- 168 Ib9 calling its attention to the matter and requesting prompt aotion on same. In the matter of cancelling liability policies protecting the Commission and re-writing as or October 1st, the Assistant Secretary stated that this would effect a saving on the public liability policy of $170.00 in the three years' premium and on the employers liability and compensation polioy the saving would be about $480.00. Upon motion this change was authorized. Communioation dated September 28 from the Conference on State Defense, requesting an expression of opinion from the Commission upon certain proposals of the federal government to tax the bonds and revenues of state and municipal agencies, also a letter dated October 5th from Counsel, embodying an opinion in the matter, were read and upon motion Counsel was requested to draft a letter in reply. A ciroular from the Inland Empire Wa~erways Assooiation, announcing its firth annual meeting at Lewiston, Idaho, on October 25th was read and ordered placed on file. The Executive Secretary reported that the Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission has granted an extension of time to October 31 for filing the 1939 budget estimate. Mr. Bailey explained to the Commission the need for changing the wording of Note 7, page 24, of the Comnissionts tariff, covering the pump- ing of lubrioating oil. Upon motion this ohange was approved and the fol- lowing ordinance was introduced. No objection being made, it was placed on its final passage. The roll was called and the ordinance declared passed by the following vote: Aye: Mr. Burgard, Mr. Averill, Mr.\ Dodson, IVIr. Teeple - 4 Absent: Mr. Banfield - 1 ORDINANCE NO. 278 An Ordinance Amending Terminal Tariff No.2-A, As Amended, of The ; Commission of Public Docks By-Cancelling Note 7 of Section 3 and Reference to Said Note Under Item No. 165 of said Tariff, and By Adding New Nate No. 7-A and Giving Reference to Said Note Under Item No. 165 Ttl~ COMMISSION OF PUBLIC DOCKS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Note 7, of Section 3, of Terminal Tariff No. 2-A of The Commission of Public Docks and reference to said note under Item No. 165 be cancelled and repealed and new Note 7-A to which Item No. 165 shall give reference be added to said Tariff, reading as follows: *Note 7-A Rates named for pumping lubrioating oil are oonditional upon oil -3- o being properly liquefied by vessel (oil heated to not less than 75 F.) and, when thlS condition is not compIled Wlth, r1ght is reserved to-assess pumping on basis or actual cost, plus 20%. Vessels are required at their own-expense to remove all strongbacks, tank covers and hatch covers and to furnish gear and winchmen for hoisting pumping equipment to or from vessels and for lowering, ralsing or holding said equipment in position while in use on board vessels. All standby time of labor incurred through delay in vessel docking, failure to have strongbacks and covers removed and failure to have gear in readiness to hoist pumping equipment aboard vessel will be assessed against vessel at actual cost, plus 20%. In pumping oil from vessels to tank trucks, standby time of labor incurred in awaiting tank trucks will also be assessed against vessels for account of consignees at actual cost, plus 20%. Section 2. Inasmuch as this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace and safe~ of the City of Portland in this -- that the proposed amendment is necessary to protect and develop the commerce of thlS port, and it is necessary and expedient that amend­ ment be made as proposed, thererore an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall go into force and effect from and after October 13, 1938. Attention was oalled to\_a bill of $280.00 for the rental of two small boats used to replaoe the "F.W. Mulkey" while it was temporarily disabled in 1936, which bills were rererred to the Commission by Aoting Harbormaster Karl A. Prehn. Upon motion the Commission definitely denied liability for this expense and Counsel was requested to draft a letter to this effect. Counsel was requested also to draft a letter to Karl A. Prehn, asking him, in case of damage to the patrol boat in the future, to take the matter up with the Commission and permit the Commission to handle claims for damage with the insurance company. The Executive Secretary reported that at a recent meeting of the Portland Dock Operators Association it was declded to submit the Associa­ tion's revised agreement to the membership for signature and when signed to file the agreement with the U.S • Maritime Oomnu ssd.cn for Section 15 approval. The Engineer reported that the contractors have experienced con­ siderable trouble straightenimg out the end of the mast on the shear leg at Terminal No.1, which was damaged when the shear leg tell during the attempt to erect same; however, this difficulty has been overcome and the Engineer believes the contractor will be able to satisfactorily stralghten out the mast. On account of delay caused by this accident, the Engineer re­ commended granting the general contractor an additional extension of three weeks time. It was decided to hold up action on this request until it was determined whether or not the Commission 'viII be subjected -4- to any loss due to failure to complete the work as per contract and extension of time previously granted. The Engineer stated that the Morton Salt Co. is desirous of ar­ ranging for a 14 x 20 ft. office at Terminal No.2, which he estimates will cost about $600.00. Action on this matter was deferred, pending receipt of a promised letter from the Morton Salt Co., outlining their __ requirements. The Englneer oalled attention to the need of new tires and repairs on the Plymouth oar used by him. The Engineer was instructed to submit an estimate of the cost of tires and needed repairs for oonsideration at the next meeting. Upon motion, authority was granted to advertise for bids for a new 1939 model,with an alternate bid on a 1938 model, Wlth allowance offered for the 1937 Plymouth Sedan. The Executive Secretary reported that, to pay all bills covering the convention, have the proceedings printed and pass on a sufficient amount to the Port of Oakland, the Pacific Coast Association of Port Authorities will require $1,750.00. Upon motion authority was granted to contribute thls amount to the Association. Absence of C.A. Whitney, Superintendent of the Elevator, 10 days aocount illness, no previous absenoe, ¥res allowed. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. -5- October 20, 1938. At a speoial meeting or The Commission or Public Docks, held at 10 A.M.
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