MP-18-07/Z-18-10/CU-18-18/V-18-10 12.21.18 AMENDEDBROOKFIELD PROPERTIES/ NORTH POINT MALL Or ApHARETTA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Cw Cose # PuBLrc HrnntNG AppucATtoN I Fee Poid lniriol Com,rauNrry DrvrropMENT DrpRnrmrNr o 2 Pnnr Pnzn o ApnRnrnR, GA 3ooo9 I . This poge should be the first poge in eoch of your completed opplicotion pockets. 2. lt is preferred thot oll responses be typed. lllegible opplicotions will not be occepted. 3. Prior to signing ond submitting your opplicotion, pleose check oll informotion supplied on the following poges to ensure thot oll responses ore complete ond occurote. lncomplete opplicotions will not be occepted. 4. Poyment of oll opplicoble fees must be mode ot the time of opplicotion. Poyment moy be mode vio cosh, credit cord (Americon Express, Moster Cord or Viso), or check mode poyoble to "City of Alphoretto." 5. Applicotions will be occepied only on the designoted submittol dotes befween ihe hours of 8:30 AM ond 3:30 PM. 6. lf you hove ony questions regording this form, pleose contoct the Community Development Deportment by colling 678-297-6070. Contoct lnformotion: Contoct Nome: North Point Mall, LLC c/o Kathryn M. Zickert Telephone: 404-815-3704 Address: 1230 Peachtree St., NE 5uitg.3100 city Atlanta Stote: GA Zip: 30309 Fox: 404-685-7004 Mobile Tel: Emoil: [email protected] Subiect ProperV lnformotion: Address: See attached Current Zoning: PSC Dishict: Seclion Lond Lot: porcel lD: See Attached Proposed Zoning: MU Currenr Use: Shopping Center / Mall This Applicotion For fChecl<A// IhotApply/: I Conditionol Use I Moster Plon Amendment fl Rezoning I Moster Plon Review [l Vorionce I rubtic Heoring ! Comprehensive Plon Amendmeni ! Othe, (Speci[y): MP-18-07/Z-18-10/CU-18-18/V-18-10 12.21.18 BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES/ NORTH POINT MALL Public Hearing Application for GGP SUBJECT I'ROPERTY INFORMATION And PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 1) 1000 North Point Parkway (12 26i006880440) North Point Mall, LLC P.O. Box 617905 Chicago, IL 60661 2) 4500 North Point Place {122610A6880358) North Point Mall, LLC P.O. Box 617905 Chicago,IL 60661 3) 5000 North Point Drive (12260007000123) North Point Mall, LLC P.O. Box 617905 Chicago, lL 60661 4) 0 North Point Drive (12 272007430432) North Point Mall, LLC P.O. Box 617945 Chicago,IL 60661 5) 6000 North Point Circle (12 272007430416) North Point Mall, LLC) P.O. Box 617945 Chicago, IL 60661 6) 1000 North Point Parkway (122nA07420431) North Point Mall, LLC. P.O. Box 617905 Chicago,IL 60661 7) 2000 North Point Circle (12273007420399) North Point Mall, LLC P.O. Box 617905 Chicago,lL 60661 sGR/1 8805725. 1 MP-18-07/Z-18-10/CU-18-18/V-18-10 12.21.18 BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES/ NORTH POINT MALL AppucnNr RrouEST ANp lNrrNr Whot is the proposed use(s) of the property? See attached Amended Letter of lntent Applicont's Request (Pleose itemize the proposol) See attached Amended Letter of lntent Applicont's lntent /P/eose describe whot the proposal would focilitote): See attached Amended Letter of lntent MP-18-07/Z-18-10/CU-18-18/V-18-10 12.21.18 BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES/ NORTH POINT MALL Pnoprnrv OwNEn AurHoRtzATtoN ProperV Owner lnformotion: Telephonel Contoct Nome: (grrff.ua -Tl'r16 a qbo - g+L Address: Clo 6t" g.tc, i9O r.Jlr{A Or!p.qrt S+.c*.-t Suite: ,oO Srore: Zip: Cily Crtrc*c0 6l_ 0olr5.{ Authorizqtion: I do solemnly sweer ond otlest, subiect to criminol penalties f9r fg.lse swearing., thot I am the legalowner, as reflected in the records of Fuhon County, Georgio, of the propeiy idenlified below, which ls lAe sublect of the attached Application for Public Hearing before the City of Alphoretto, Georgia. As the legal owner of record of the subiecl property, t hereby authailze the individuol nomed below to acf os fhe opplicon{in he pursuit of the Applicotion for Public Heoring in request of the ilems indtcated below. n Annexotion t] Speciol Use m Rezoning M ConditionolUse M Vorionce m Moster Plon n Lond Use Applicotion n Other ldentify Authorized Appl icont: 404'815'3704 Nome of Authorized Appliconl North Point Mall, LLC c/o Kathryn M. Zickert Telephone: Address: 1230 Peachtree St., NE 5116.3100 ciry Atlanta Srrc: GA Zipr 30309 So Sworn ond Attested: N ?o,rr M*l*, LuC Owner Signoture: .!-1d,*_ Dote: -' to ?AI Name, Title: fr*etE l-|gesa'\t, r*',rrra{troo trl^+nd.\'{ Notory: Notory Signolure: Dote: vtt >o\K VIRGINIA M LUNSFORD NOTARV PUBLIC . STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:08/14/18 MP-18-07/Z-18-10/CU-18-18/V-18-10 12.21.18 BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES/ NORTH POINT MALL DrscrosuRE Fonu The Official Code of Georgia Annotaled requires disclosure of campaign confributions lo governnent officials by an opplicant or apponent of o rezoning ar public hearing petition lO.C.G.A. 36-67 A-l l, Appliconts must file this form with the City of Alphorefla Communily Developnent Department wtthin ten (lA) io'yt ofter filing for rezoning or public hearing. Opponents fa o rezoning or public heoring petition must file this foim five {5) days prior to the Plonning Commission meeting at which the subiecl rezaning or public heoring petition is scheduled to be heard. Nome of Applicont or opponent, lilnf {,t fo;,fl Mall tJ& Subiect Public Heoring Cose: North Point MallMixed Use Development Compoign Conkibulion lnformqlion: Pleose provide the requested informotion for eoch contribution with q dollor qmouni or volue of $250 or more mode within the post fwo (2) yeors io on Alphoretto Officiol by the individuol identified obove. Pleqse use o seporote form for eqch Alphoretto Officiol to whom such o contribution os been mode. lf the individuol identified obove hqs mode no such contributions to on Alphoretto Officiol within the posl two (2| yeors, pleose indicote this by entering uN/Au on the opproprioie lines below' Officiol: Position: Descriplion of Conhibution Voluer Doscripiion of Conlribulion: Volue Descriplion of Conhibufion: Volue: Description of Conkibution; Vqlue: Description of Contribution : Volue: Compoign Contribution lnformotion: I do solemnly swear ond attest, subiecl lo criminal penoltres for false sweoring, thot lhe information provided in.lhis Disclosure Form is true'and occvrate and that I have disclosed herein ony ond oll compaign contributions mode la an Official of the City of Alphorefto, Georgia in occordonce with O,C.G,A. 3647 A-l ' C- xlrr*\ Mlcu r LL ( Dote: Signoture: ? r lec lt'rg MP-18-07/Z-18-10/CU-18-18/V-18-10 12.21.18 BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES/ NORTH POINT MALL DrscrosuRE Fonpt The Officiol Code of Georgia Annolated requires disclasure of campaign contributions lo government officials by on applicant or opponentof a rezoning or public hearing petition (O.C.G.A. 36'67 A'l), Applrconts must {ile this form wilh the Cily of Alphoretlo Communily Developmenl Deparlment within ten {10) doys ofter filing for rezoning or public heoring. Opponents to o rezoning or public heoring petilion must file this form five (5) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting qt which the subiect rezoning or public heoring petition is schedu/ed to be heord. Nome of Applicont or Opponenl' Kathryn M' Zickert' attorney Subiect Public Heoring Cose: North Polnt Mall Mixod Use Development Ca mpo i gn Con tri bdionlnformstiail Pleose provide the requested informolion for eoch contribution wi$ o dollor omount or vslue of $250 or more mode within the post lwo {2} yeors to on Alphoretto Official by the individuol identified obove, Ploose use o seporote form for eoch Alphoretto Olficiol lo whom such o coniribulion qs been mode. lf the individuol identified obove hos mode no such contributions lo cn Alphoretlo Officiol within the post lwo {2} yeors, pleose indicqte this by entering uN/An on lhe oppropriote lines below. Nomet of Officiol: Position: Descri plion of Contri bution Volue: Description of Conlribution Volue; Descriplion of Coniribulion Volue: Descriplion of Contribution I Volue: Descri plion of Conlribution Volue; Csmpd gn&nnihutionlnlornqlion- I do solemnly sweor ond oltest, subiecl lo criminal penolties for folse swearing, that the in{ormalion provided tn kis Drsclosure torm is true and occurate ond lhat lhave disclosed herein ony ond all compoign conlributions mode lo qn Officiol of the City of Alphoretta, Georgio in accordance with O.C.G.A. 36'67 A'l , Signo I Dqte: t/zt lt/ MP-18-07/Z-18-10/CU-18-18/V-18-10 12.21.18 BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES/ NORTH POINT MALL DrscrosuRE Fonm The Officiol Code af Georgia Annotated requires disclosure of campoign contributions lo government officiols by an appfcont or opponent of o rezoning or public heortng petition (O.C.G.A. 36'67 A'l), Appliconls must file this form with the City of Alpharetto Communily Development Department within ten (10) doys ofler filing for rezoning or public heoring. Opponenls lo o rezoning or public hearing petition must{ile this form five (5) doys prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the subiecl rezoning or public heoring pelition is scheduled to be heord, Nome of Appliconi or Opponent. Dennis J. Webb, Jr., attorney / Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP Subiect Public Heoring Ccse: Norlh Point Mall Mixed Use Development egnpqign-Ca ntrihuJio n -lnfp-rmsfior : Pleose provide the requested informotion for eoch conJribulion with o dollqr omouni or volue of $ZSO or more mqde wilhin the post two (2) yeors to on Alphorettc Officiql by the individuol identified obove, Plecse use o seporote form for eoch Alphoretto Officiol lo whom such o contribution os been mode. lf the individuol identified obove hos mode no such contributions lo on Alphoretto Offlciol within the post lwo {2} yeors, pleose indicote this by entering I'N/A'r on ihe oppropriote lines below.
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