S3768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 26, 2017 ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, JUNE 27, and receive less as a result. A 64-year- The people I have heard from have 2017 old making almost $57,000 will go from prescriptions to fill, appointments to Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask paying $6,800 under the Affordable Care make, lives to live, but they have come unanimous consent that when the Sen- Act to $20,500 under the proposal before to these hearings on very short notice ate completes its business today, it ad- this body. This jump in cost is abso- in Hartford and in New Haven, literally journ until 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 27; lutely staggering. filling rooms so that there was stand- further, that following the prayer and It will destroy the financial well- ing room only. pledge, the morning hour be deemed being of middle-class Americans who I challenge my colleagues to hold the expired, the Journal of proceedings be also, when they need nursing home same kinds of hearings, to delay this approved to date, and the time for the care, after they have exhausted their vote so that they can go home at the two leaders be reserved for their use savings, will be thrown to the wolves. I end of this week and hold hearings in later in the day; finally, that following visited one such facility just last Fri- their State and listen to their constitu- leader remarks, the Senate be in a pe- day, where two-thirds of its 60 beds will ents about what they have to say and riod of morning business for debate be unaffordable when those middle- what the consequences will be. Nearly 1 in 10 veterans has Medicaid only, with Senators permitted to speak class families find their savings will no coverage, meaning that a staggering therein. longer cover it. These facts are the reason for the Re- 1.75 million veterans, including 18,000 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without publican chaos. One of our former col- veterans in Connecticut, would be im- objection, it is so ordered. leagues, my mentor, Senator Daniel pacted by these reckless cuts. Let me f Patrick Moynihan, famously said: ‘‘Ev- repeat that number for all of us who re- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT erybody is entitled to his own opinion, joiced in the recent Accountability and but not to his own facts.’’ The adminis- Whistleblowers Act. Some 1.75 million Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, if there is tration’s statement that the CBO is not veterans—18,000 of them in Con- no further business to come before the to be blindly trusted—nobody has to necticut—will be harmed by this reck- Senate, I ask unanimous consent that trust the CBO blindly. Those facts are less and needless insult and injury. it stand adjourned under the previous driven by reality. Their report speaks Put simply, this bill would make it order, following the remarks of our truth to power and to the American hard for veterans with mental health Democratic colleagues. people, and the American people get it. disorders like post-traumatic stress The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without None of us can look our constituents disorder to get care. Nearly a quarter objection, it is so ordered. in the eye, look ourselves in the mir- of all veterans receive care for mental The Senator from Connecticut. ror, look inside ourselves, in our health disorders outside the VA sys- f hearts, and justify a vote for this bill. tem, meaning they rely on protections The American people are angry, many that guarantee their access to afford- HEALTHCARE LEGISLATION of them because we are even consid- able care. Under this proposal, those Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I ering it. It is not an anger that is kind protections would be severely threat- am proud to be on the floor today, of a shrug of the shoulders; it is a deep, ened, and the veterans who need that proud to stand with my colleagues, and vocal, vehement, vitriolic anger. I have care would see that care at risk. I hope that at the end of this week, I seen it and heard it at those hearings, Here we are talking about a choice will be proud of all of my colleagues where I listened to people coming for- program that enables veterans to seek when we vote to defeat this measure, ward and talking about this bill, recog- care outside the VA system, privately, or at least to delay it, because we owe nizing it for what it is. It is not a and we are endangering care for mil- the American people the right to be healthcare bill; it is a massive tax cut lions of Americans—veterans—who heard. for the wealthy. need and seek it by using Medicaid. Our responsibility as elected rep- Just Friday afternoon, one of the If my colleagues listen to their con- resentatives is at the very least to lis- folks who attended the hearing came to stituents, they will hear from many of ten. I have been listening over the last the microphone and said: Don’t call it the people who have come to my town- week but really over the last year to a healthcare bill; it is a wealth care halls, like Christine Girassi. Christine constituents of mine in the State of bill. In fact, she is absolutely right. has two beautiful 4-year-old twins Connecticut and over the last week at This bill cuts hundreds of millions of named McKenzie and Cameron. two emergency field hearings that I dollars in taxes for the richest so that McKenzie was born with Prader-Willi conducted because no hearings were they will do better, but it also cuts $800 syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that held by the Senate and no markups and billion in Medicaid spending and in- her mom described as ‘‘including low no votes in committee. What we saw vestment to provide for that kind of muscle tone, seizures, temperature in- here in Washington was complete se- tax cut. It is not a healthcare bill; it is stability, sleep apnea, infertility, OCD, crecy, a bill produced behind closed a wealth care bill. And for most Ameri- intellectual disabilities, and develop- doors, only seeing the light of day for cans, it is a catastrophic, cruel, and mental delay.’’ the first time last Thursday. costly insult to their intelligence, their In the first few weeks of her life, Our Republican colleagues have gone health, and our American values. It is McKenzie was in the hospital for 57 from total secrecy to total chaos. The a sham and a charade, making possible days, accounting for $2 million in reason for the chaos is the facts that those cuts for the rich—tax cuts for costs. Their family was spending $30,000 were most dramatically revealed them—at the expense of our most vul- a year to help their daughter thrive. So today—just hours ago—when the Con- nerable citizens. And it has been the when Christine learned that her daugh- gressional Budget Office told us, not result of a profoundly undemocratic ter had received a waiver to become a surprisingly, that 22 million Americans process—secrecy and speed. Medicaid beneficiary, she was over- would be thrown to the wolves as a re- Despite the best efforts of our Repub- joyed. sult of this measure—thrown to the lican colleagues to keep Americans in Christine told me: wolves of no healthcare coverage—and the dark about what this proposal When we received McKenzie’s diagnosis, we eventually 49 million Americans would would do, I have seen growing aware- were told that she wouldn’t do a lot of be without healthcare insurance by ness, again, not only at these hearings things, and at only 4 years old she’s already 2026. but as I walk through the airport, as I defying the odds. I have no doubt in my mind that if we are able to continue down our cur- Next year alone, 15 million more peo- march in parades—twice over this rent path of the proper therapies and doc- ple will be uninsured under the Repub- weekend—as I attend public gath- tors, McKenzie will be able to have her fruit- lican plan, TrumpCare 2.0. Low-income erings. Whether it is Boys State, spon- ful life. I am terrified if the rug comes out Americans would be unable to afford sored by the American Legion for 16- beneath her that she will become just an- any plan at all, and anybody who does and 17-year-olds, or nursing facilities other statistic. would be paying higher costs for fewer for elderly citizens, there is a growing Another statistic? There are enough services of lesser quality. Americans awareness that this bill is bad—pro- statistics in that CBO report. We will will pay a higher share of their income foundly bad—for the American people. hear a plethora of statistics on the VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:00 Jun 27, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G26JN6.026 S26JNPT1 June 26, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3769 floor, but a picture is worth a thousand ability to care about our neighbor, to Insurance companies currently are words and many more than a thousand fight for what is right, and to listen to not allowed to deduct the bonuses they statistics, and no one—no one should the people who represent here in the pay to their CEOs.
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