80 071 680 LI-004.075 AUTHOR Lubbock, Georgette, Ed., TITLE International Conference on.Ttaining forInformation Work; The Proceedings (Rome, 15-19 November, 1971): INSTITUTION International Federation for Documentation, TheHague (Netherlands).; Italian National InformationInst., Rome: PUB DATE Sep 72 NOTE 507p.;(194 :References); V.I.M..Publ. 486 AVAILABLE FROM Italian National-InformationInstitute, Via Tiberio Imperatore, .794 4)0145 Rome, Italy (10,000 Lire, Approximately $20.00) EDRS PRICE NF-S0.65 HC Not:Availabielfrom EDRS.. DESCRIPTORS Conference Reports; *Information,Fleds;Information Science; *Information Scientists; International . Organizations; Librarians; *Training IDENTIFIERS *Information Science Education ABSTRACT The purpose of this internationalconference was to analyze and discuss the fundamental aspects ofeducation and training in information work both for specialists andusers..This proceedings volume is divided into two parts..SessionI concerned the training of inforiation specialists and contains 51.invitedand submitted papers.. The training of informationusers was the topic of Session I/ and has 15 invited and submitted papers.,Alsoincluded in this volume are conclusions of,the conference, three closingaddresses, a summary, author index, list of conference attendeesaddresses, and principal abbreviations used in the text..(sJ) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRAINING FOR INFORMATION WORK Rome, 15'11119th November, 1971 ORGANIZED BY THE ITALIAN NATIONAL INFORMATION INSTITUTE UNDER THE SPONSORSHIP OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR DOCUMENTATION ,Lj "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. RIGHTEO MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY EDUCATION & WELFARE HAS BEEN GRANTED BY OFFICE OF EDUCATION STA LIA A/414 1-10/1/41- THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM. Tivro R M /11-To IV IND.: THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING INACING IT. POII.TS OF VIEW OR OPIN- UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE US OFFICE IONS STATED 'JO NOT NECESSARILY OF EDUCATION- FURTHER REPRODUCTION REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEDU OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PER. CATION POSITION OR POLICY. MISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER" THE PROCEEDINGS Joint publication of the Italian National Information Institute- Rome and The International Federation for Documentation- the Hague F.I.D. publ. 486 September 1972 Edited on behalf of I.N.I. Rome by Georgette Lubbock B.A. INI Via Tiberio Imperatore, 79 00145 Rome, Italy FID 7 Hofweg The Hague, Netherlands The ideas and opinions expressed herein are solelythose ofthe authors and arenot necessarily representative of or agreed upon by the Italian National Information Institute or the Inter rational Federation for Docu mentation. © Copyright by the Italian National Information Institute Rome, 1972 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRAINING FOR INFORMATIONWORK Under the High Patronage. of the President of the Italian Republic The Hon. GIUSEPPE SARAGAT CHAIRMAN The Hon. MARIO ZAGARI Minister of Foreign Trade and Chairman of the Italian National Information Institute HONORARY 'COMMITTEE The Hon. AMINTORE FANFANI The Hon. FLAMINIO PICCOLI President of the Senate Minister of State-Controlled Enterprises The Hon. SANDRO PERTINI The Hon. FRANCO RESTIVO President of the Chamber'of Deputies `Minister of Internal Affairs The Hon. EMILIO COLOMBO The Hon. CAMILLO RIPAMONTI President of the Council of Ministers Minister of Scientific and Technological Research The Hon. FRANCESCO DE MARTINO Vice President of the Council of Ministers The Hon. MARIO TANASSI Minister of Defence The Hod. ALDO MORO Minister of Foreign Affairs Admiral ENZO ZANNI Chairman of the Technical and The Hon. GIACINTO BOSCO Scientific Council of the Defence Ministry Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Prof. BENIAMINO SEGRE The Hon. CARLO DONAT CATTIN President of the Academia dei Lincei Minister of Labour and Social Security Prof. VINCENZO CAGLIOTTI The Hon. SILVIO GAVA Presidente of the Italian National Minister of Industry, Research Council Trade and Artisan Industries H. E. ANTONIO ALVAREZ RESTREPO The Hon. ANTONIO GIOLITTI Ambassador of Colombia and President Minister of the Budget of the Itaio Latin-American Institute and Economic Planning Prof. PIETRO D'AVACK The Hon. LUIGI MARIOTTI Rector, University of Rome Minister of Health The Hon. Prof. GIULIANO VASSALLI The Hon. RICCARDO MISASI Professor of Penal Law Minister of Education at the University of Rome INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRAINING FOR INFORMATION WORK ORGANIZING COMMITTEE RUGGIERO FIRkAO, Italy - Chairman HELMUT ARNTZ, Germany DANTE' BELLAMIO, Italy FERMIN BERNASCONI, Italy ALFONSO CARACCIOLO, Italy GEORGETTE LUBBOCK, U.K. EDOARDO MARAFFI, Italy WOIJCIECH PIROG, Poland RENATO PENNACCHI, Italy RICCARDO RIETTI, Italy GIORGIO SACERDOTI, Italy ALFREDO SIMARI, Italy GINO SPECIALE, Italy FELIX SVIRIDOV, U.S.S.R. WILLEN van der BRUGGHEN, Netherlands GIUSEPPE MAFFEI, Italy - Secretary EDITORIAL COMMITTEE RUGGIERO FIRRAO GEORGETTE LUBBOCK, Editor HELMUT ARNTZ ALFONSO CARACCIOLO FELIX SVIRIDOV CORRIGENDA P, 327, line 12: for of read or P. 329, line 8: for occupational read operational P. 330, after line 13:insert: Thirty per cent for specific lectures following participants needs P. 495, line 35, col. 2: for Rome read Milan P. 506, line 11, col. 2: for 40 read 409 P. 509 after IFAC read International Federation for Automatic control PRESENTATION by RUGGIERO FIRRAO Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Vice Chairman of the Istituto Nazionale dell'Informazipne This final, enlarged edition of the conference papers cbmpletes our Institute's undertakings in the organization of the International Confer- ence on Training for Information Work which ended in Rome on 19th November last year.It also represents our major effort itz bringing the results achieved on that occasion to the knowledge of all those co:werned with the problems of information and documentation. iBut I must emphasize that this certainly does not mean that we consider our task as completed, since it is our firm intention to continue to contribute in every way open to us to the effective achievement of the many vital conclusions reached at this meeting. We regarded the publishing of the Prloleedings as 'a duty that we could not evade even if this has- brought/with it yet more and greater sacrifices than those entailed in the organization of the Conference itself. We have gone ahead with the publication in, the firm conviction that the volume will make a qUalitative contribution to the solving of the numerous and worrying problems which lie behind the "develop- ment processes of the new technologies, whose role in the sphere of the use of information is constantly increasing in importance. With the International Conference the purpose was totackle, analyse and discuss the fundamental aspects of education and training in information work not only for specialists but also for users. Obviously the focus was mainly centred on the documentation sector which constitutes, within the sphere of information science, the aspect which we can define as traditional but which still preserves its instrinsic validity also because it is has become an integral part of the new automated systems which are overturning the concepts on which the techniques of documentation have hitherto been founded.It now faces, the difficult and important task of adapting successfully to this changing situation. The training and education of specialists and users therefore re- presented the main lines of the discussion developed by the invited speakers and the submitted papers and continued by the participants. In this context, naturally, the consideration of the technical aspect could not prescind from an investigation ofa political character, particularly in the light of the unanimous convictionof the need to press for the intervention of goVerinnents toensure a more organic and effective parti- cipation on the part of the public administrationin the processes of the regulation of information and documentation,whose roleis no longer predominantly in the scientific andtechnical fields but extends to much wider areas including the vital social andeconomic ones. Problems .of an ethical, and psychologicalnature therefore flanked the main arguements, to producea Very wide panorama of the current world situation in training in informationwork. Information and documentation in industryalso provoked a cons- tructive debate on the place that theymust take in aiding economic growth and henceon the characteristics that information workers should have in this sphere and thetype of training they should receive. While in the context of the public administrationthe need was stressed far the revision and adaptation ofexisting structures in order to bring them in line with the exigenciesarising from the dynamic function that information has assumed. The Conclusions whichwere approved at the end of the Conference demonstrate unequivocally thata minimum common denominator exists as regards the prGolems of information and documentationin all countries, including those where they haveexperienced their greatest development. The ethico-social man /machine problemwas widely debated and there was a general and hearteningconsensus on the need for the effective control of technology toensure that its immense and costly achievements are really used for the benefit andnot to the disadvantage of mankind. The computer, with allits vast implications for good or ill. must remain what it most certainly is, a valuable workinginstrument. But if we are
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