October 18, 2020 Papal Intentions for October 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Respect for the Planet’s Resources We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered, (Year A) but shared in a just and respectful manner. Noteworthy Days—29th Week of Ordinary Time Eucharistic Celebrations Oct 17— St. Ignatius of Antioch October 18, 2020—October 24, 2020 Oct 18— St. Luke Oct 19— St. Isaac Jogues, 10/17 Sat 5:00 PM Mass (Sacred Heart) Jean de Brébeuf & Companions Roger Raboin & Family by Thérèse Lorenz Oct 20— St Paul of the Cross Oct 21— St. Hilarion 10/18 Sun 8:00 AM Mass (St. Vincent) Oct 22— St. John Paul II Open for Intention Oct 23— St. John of Capistrano 10/18 Sun 9:30 AM Mass (St. Ignatius) Oct 24— St. Anthony Claret Open for Intention 10/20 Tue 8:30 AM Mass (Sacred Heart) This Week’s Parish Events/Youth Programs Calendar Oct 21 Wed 6:00-7:00 PM Holy Hour SI Open for Intention Oct 23 Fri 6:00 PM S.I.T. SHJ 10/21 Wed 8:30 AM Mass (Sacred Heart) The Lorenz Family by Thérèse Lorenz PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO 8:30 AM MASS ON FRI- 10/22 Thu 8:30 AM Mass (St. Vincent) DAY, 10/23 AT SHJ. INSTEAD THERE WILL BE A Open for Intention MASS AT 6:00 PM AT SHJ FOR AN END TO RACISM. 10/23 Fri 6:00 PM Mass (Sacred Heart) Mass for an End to Racism MIRACLE APPROVED! FATHER MCGIVNEY TO BE 10/25 Sat 5:00 PM Mass (Sacred Heart) BEATIFIED OCTOBER 31, 2020! Open for Intention Pope Francis approves decree recognizing mira- 10/24 Sun 8:00 AM Mass (St. Vincent) cle attributed to intercession of founder of Open for Intention Knights of Columbus, Venerable Father Michael 10/24 Sun 9:30 AM Mass (St. Ignatius) J. McGivney, a Connecticut priest who served his Open for Intention flock during the pandemic of 1890, before himself becoming ill and dying of pneumonia. Father McGivney’s beatification Mass will be broadcast live This Week’s Prayer Intentions by EWTN, Salt + Light TV and CatholicTV. You can also vis- it www.kofc.org/beatification For all who are sick, for the homebound of our parish- PRAYER VIGIL: Friday, October 30 at 7PM - 9PM ET at es, and for those who have asked for our prayers, espe- Saint Mary’s Church in New Haven, CT cially Bonnie Day, Casey Bonneau, Michelle Warman, BEATIFICATION MASS: Saturday, October 31 at 11:00 a.m. Edward Quintal, Denise (Laramee) King, Lise & Con- ET at Saint Joseph’s Cathedral in Hartford, CT rad Coulombe, Craig Hansen, Donald St. Onge, and MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR BEATIFICATION: Sun- Wilma Therrien. day, Nov 1,12 p.m. ET at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, “Lord, look upon all the above with Mercy. May Your Healing Hand CT rest upon them. May Your Life-Giving Powers flow to the depths of their souls, cleansing, purifying, restoring them to health of mind and Many thanks to the Ladies of St. Vincent for the wonderful boy. Amen” dinner put on last week. They had an enjoyable time together and managed to serve between 90-100 dinners even though they only had res- Prayer for the Dead ervations for 65! The Ladies have generously Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light donated the profits—$1,072.72— to our Parish shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, to offset the budget deficit. A huge thank you for all who donated supplies, vegetables, and through the Mercy of God, rest in Peace. Amen. pies, and to Janice Kruse for helping to prepare. Please submit Mass Intentions and bulletin announcements before Wednesday to [email protected]. Parish Stewardship Reports Weekend of 10/10/2020—10/11/2020 St. Vincent’s October Steeple Cross Memorial St. Andre Bessette Parish Dedicated to the Memory of Offertory $1,584.00 Elizabeth Ash, Catherine & Gerald Talty Weekly Budget $1,771.00 By Deb and Jerry Talty Difference +/- ($187.00) WINTER MASS TIME CHANGES ~ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNOUNCEMENT ~ (October 31 to April 30) People suffer unjustly because of the color of their skin or their natural origin. Ac- Saturdays at 4:00 PM at SHJ knowledging the sin of racism and work to Sundays at 9:30 AM at SHJ combat it in our social structures, our insti- tutions, and our hearts, the Knights of Co- ~ HARVEST DINNER AT SACRED HEART ~ lumbus of Fr. Stephen Meany-Fr. George St. Onge Council 7943 invites you to attend a special Stations of The Ladies of Sacred Heart are the Cross: Overcoming Racism service at Sacred Heart hosting a Harvest Dinner on of Jesus, October 23rd, at 6:00 PM with the celebration October 25th 11:30 AM-1:00 PM. of Holy Mass and Adoration of the Eucharist. Take out only. Roast Pork Loin Dinner— $12.00 Online Giving Is Up and Running Beautiful quilt to be raffled off. St. Andre Bessette Parish is offering Online Giving on Tickets will be available. the Parish website: https://shsvsi.com/ This is a secure website and donations are made simple. Go to “GIVE” from the home page. Where you see Let us welcome into the Family of God Blake “Donate Now”, you can use the drop-down menu to Matthew Geoffrey, son of Matthew and Me- choose how you want your gift to be used. Thank you gan Geoffroy, who is to be baptized on Octo- for your generosity! ber 18, 2020 at Saint Ignatius. May God grant him a long and happy faith- filled life in Our Lord. This Week’s Reflections… Congratulations to Blake and his family! “To always be close to Jesus, that’s my life plan”.With these few words Carlo Acutis, the boy who died of leu- Proverbs 19:17: “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the kaemia, outlines the distinguishing feature of his brief LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.” existence: to live with Jesus, for Jesus, and in Je- sus. (…)“I'm happy to die because I've lived my life without wasting even a minute of it doing things that The Christ Our Hope: Building a wouldn't have pleased God”. Carlo also asks the same Vibrant Church campaign offers thing of us - to emulate the Gospel with our life, so that the opportunity to serve the we can be a beacon lighting the way for others. most vulnerable among us. A A teenager of our time like many others, going to school portion of your gift will help and seeing his friends, and an expert for his age in com- fund an endowment for Catholic Charities, an organization puters. His encounter with Jesus Christ fitted into all of that has aided individuals and families throughout the state this. for 91 years. Chances are you know someone who’s benefit- Carlo Acutis is witness to the Resurrection, he places his ed from the work Catholic Charities provides. trust in the Virgin Mary, lives a life of grace, and tells his Please prayerfully consider how you may help this worthy contemporaries about his incredible experience with cause, while also supporting our needs at St. Andre Bessette God. The beatification of Carlo Acutis took place Oct. 10 Parish. Remember 60% of your gift will help us to realize after the miracle of the healing of a Brazilian boy named our goals! Mattheus is attributed to his prayers and the grace of The success of this campaign does not rest on the backs of a God. Upon the opening his tomb by his mother, Carlo was found to have an uncorrupted body. few, but it’s our responsibility. Working together as one, we will reach our goal. Prayer to Blessed Acutis To stay current with all campaign news, please visit https:// Oh Father,who has given us the ardent testimony, of the young Blessed Carlo Acutis, who made the Eucharist the www.christourhopevt.org/. core of his life and the strength of his daily commitments so that everybody may love You above all else, let him soon be counted among the Saints in Your Church. DIVINE MERCY TEAM Confirm my faith, nurture my hope, strengthen my chari- ty, in the image of young Carlo who, growing in these Calling all volunteers who wish to serve in a virtues, now lives with You. most sacred devotion to Our Lord. We are Grant me the grace that I need looking for lay ministers to start a Divine (Mention your request here) Mercy Group. We would meet every Friday I trust in You, Father, and your Beloved Son Jesus, in the at 3:00 PM at SHJ. Please contact Father Paul, Virgin Mary, our Dearest Mother, and in the intervention or leave a message at the Parish Office. of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Amen. October 24–30, 2020 FOR THE DIOCESE OF BURLINGTON s Covid–19 changed the way society functioned, it also changed the way Catholics in Vermont prayed together. Covid-19 prompts creation In-person prayer was halted and moved online along withA the rosary. of Daily Rosary Apostolate The Daily Rosary Ministry began as a Facebook livestream from the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization. It then switched and Language Ministry to daily rosary videos with Valerie Parzyck, administrative assistant for the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. Each day she prays with a different person from the community including parishio- ners, seminarians and Bishop Christopher Coyne.
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