The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1951-1960 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 10-19-1951 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1951-10-19 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1951-1960 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1951-10-19" (1951). The Voice: 1951-1960. 15. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1951-1960/15 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1951-1960 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hoot Mon! Fish Fry Saturday Published By the Students of the College of Woosler LXVI Volume WOOSTER, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1951 Number 5 Compton Pinch Hits flj a 2 For Oppenheimer booster m a u w u u M In Symposium National attention will be fo- 1 Gala Weekend Features cused on Wooster next week end when a five-ma- n symposium on Royalty, "Twentieth Century Concepts of Varied Program Homecoming festivities on Man" will be held in Memorial the Wooster campus will gather momentum tonight and tomorrow as Chapel. hundreds of alumni and visitors return for a weekend packed with special events in their honor. Many departments and organizations, including Robert Oppenheimer has been the sections and local clubs, Dr. J. have planned a variety of entertainment features to welcome the forced to cancel his engagement to crowd. Weather predictions are vague after weeks the symposium at Wooster three of Indian speak on summer, but the general consensus of optimistic Friday, October 26, the college opinion is that on Homecoming Saturday, 1951, could Unforeseen assign- hardly be wetter than the 1950 announced today. version. made necessary his giving i) ments have Queen Wylene Young and her appointments for the immedi- The weekend officially opened at up all court are being honored by a series according to the report. 9:30 this morning when the board of ate future, of special events to be climaxed by H. Compton, Chancel- trustees convened in Galpin Hall. Dr. Arthur crowning ceremonies tomorrow after- St. Several major issues affecting students Washington University at half-tim- lor of noon at e. were slated for consideration, in- Louis, Missouri, and Nobel Prize their Selected by the Queen to represent cluding a raise in publications allot- winner in physics, has consented to their classes on the court were Pat ments, and the financing of the Student substitute for Dr. Oppenheimer, and 1 Limbeck, junior; Marge Kurth, soph- Union expansion. will speak on the field of science in omore; and Margaret Findlay, fresh- relation to the main theme of the President Howard Lowry and man. Senior Mary Limbach, as runn- symposium. alumnus Alan Snyder, who acted er-up in the Queen contest, is also a telephone conversation with as alumni director last year, are In a member of the court. Escort for the Lowry, Dr. Oppenheimer scheduled to speak briefly the President Queen will be Dick Campbell, while at asked that his deep regret be ex- A Pep Rally this evening at 7:15 on John Keitt, Tom McCutcheon, Don the faculty' and the students Babcock field. The kiltie band, pressed to Elliot, and Bob Gerberich will escort enforced .J t the and of the college for his art. "I the attendants. team, cheerleaders will be shall endeavor to come to Wooster on hand to boost Scot spirits for The annual Queen's Ball will be at the first available opportunity," said the Muskingum game Saturday held in lower Babcock this evening well-know- " the n atomic scientist. afternoon. at 8:30 for invited guests. The court appreciation of Dr. He expressed his was honored last night by a dinner Attention will shift to Scott audi- pinch hit Compton's willingness to at Miss Kate's and a command per- torium at 8:15 when the curtains will for him. u formance of "Life With Mother." rise on the third showing of Lindsay and Crouse's "Life With Mother." 1 The Homecoming dance Saturday year Mrs. Clarence Day, widow of the The symposium, a rededication night will wind up the royal activ- feature, will begin at 4:15 on Thurs- author of the book, will be intro- Photo by Westking ities. day, Oct. 25, when Mark Van Doren, duced again this evening to theater- Pictured above are Homecoming Queen Wylene Young and her court: Bruce Becker served as Homecom- well-know- goers. n author and editor, will OSU Trustees front row, left to right, runner-u- p Mary Limbach of Massillon, Queen ing chairman, Paul Duerig the speak on man's thinking in the field Queen's Wylene, junior Pat Limbeck of Mansfield; back row, Marge Kurth, Cedar manager, and. Gordon French, pub- Saturday morning's schedule calls of literature and the fine arts. That Uphold Gag Rule Rapids, Iowa; and Margaret Findlay from Honeoye Falls, N. Y. licity manager. for an hour's concert of chamber music evening Merle Curti, noted historian The trustees of Ohio State Univer- in Memorial Chapel at 10:00. Janet and 1943 Pulitzer prize winner, will Immel, senior, pianist; Elis Clouse, discuss social and political thought. sity were in Wooster last week for Bell senior tenor; and a string quartet are closed-sessio- Deadline Fixed For Whom Tolled special n meetings on the the On Friday afternoon, Oct. 26, Ar on the program. The latter is com- thur Compton, scientist and chancellor recently enacted speech control rule at posed of violinists Marie Eby and of Washington University, will discuss the university. The meetings were held For Hop Scripts Howard Mickens; Aleo Sica, viola; the scientific aspects of the topic. and Alan at the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Collins, 'cello. The evening speaker will be Reinhold Gum Shoe Hop Script competitors Station, a branch of the university. t Judging of dormitory decora- Niebuhr, eminent clergyman and received a warning this week from philosopher, who will speak on re- tions will take place at 11:30 On Monday, Oct. 15 President How- the Student Senate that scripts must ligion and philosophy. with Mr. Vik Ronningen acting as ard Lowry and Mrs. Lowry enter be completed bv December 1 and chairman student-facult- y A concluding synthesis will be given of the at Re- on Saturday morning by Theodore tained the trustees with a luncheon submitted together with at least the committee. The Class of 1927 union Green, philosopher and author, who Babcock Hall. Tours of the campus melody for the musical accompani- 7 committee will meet at 10:30 a. m. will consolidate the ideas advanced and the experiment station grounds ment. by the other speakers. the day. 1 ' were held during x A parade honoring the Homecom- Receptions for the speakers, to be A committee appointed by the Sen- ing Queen, Wylene Young, will march held on Friday and Saturday nights The gag rule, which was unan- ate and consisting of four students and J in Babcock be attended by (Continued on page four) Hall, will imously reaffirmed by the trustees, three faculty members with a student faculty and administration members. gives the president of the university chairman will review the scripts in- the power to bar undesirable speakers dividually before they meet to discuss from the Ohio State campus. The ioore To Begin Draft Tests Set trustees suggested that the president the merits of each and to interview exercis- Applications for the Dec. 13, 1951 consult with the deans before the writer and composer. trustees toby Dick Series and the April 24, 1952 College Qualif- ing the power, and that the Council of the There are no restrictions of any ication Tests are available at local meet with the Faculty A briny atmosphere is the campus date. The scripts and no set stand- Selective Service boards. Applications university at some future type on the weather prediction for the first two had made a strong for the Dec. 13 test must be post- Faculty Council ards for judging them. A prize of weeks in November when one local rule. marked by midnight, Nov. 5. protest against the is offered to the writer(s) and and two imported experts have been $62.50 ? engaged to discuss Herman Melville's composer(s), to be divided equally. Photo by Westkiiig classic sea yarn, Moby Dick. The same amount is given to the pro- "Wonderful" was the way Jeanne Crain described her reception in Speaks described Hungarian Hero duction director or directors chosen Wooster, and "wonderful" was the way Wooster Jeanne Crain. Professor Frederick Moore, head of Here Miss Crain is shown with Dean William Taeusch (right) and writer-direct- or the English department, by the Senate, usually on recommenda- will give the Ernest Pasquale (left foreground). first of the series on Nov. 1. Profes- For UN Day Chapel tion of the writer. In the past, one sor Henry A. Murray of the depart- Dr. Laszlo Jekely, Hungarian political leader and fighter against often been awarded both person has ment of psychology, Harvard Univer- communism, will make two addresses here on October 24 in con authorship and directorship. On Lib sity, and Walter E. Benzanson, Rut- nection with the of United Nations Day Actress Crain Stars Steps celebration -- '- - 1 gers yvK'rw-v--r-,-- University history professor, will He will speak in chapel Wednesday PWCWWV'W' , ' As Audience Cheers be the other two lecturers. Tentative morning and will address the Inter- Campus dates for their interpretations are Nov.
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