PH 39 September 23, 1966 lt Chairman Mao Once More fteeeiyes a Million Young Revolutionary Fighters 4 In Proise of the Red Guards A by Hongqi Commentotor Heroic Chinese People's Air Force Punishes lntruding ,{L IJ.S. Air Pirotes Sept. 23, 1966 PEKING RE\TIEW Vol. 9, No. 39 Published in English, French, Sponish, Joponese ond Germon editions IniICuS AND DOcUMENTs Choirmqn Moo Once More Receives o Million Young Revohtionory Fighters b. s) Comrode Lin Pioo's Speech tn. tol Comrode Chou En-loi's Speech tn. rz) EG Ue& &#ury &qde &ddy Lrm €hirmn Ftoo (p. t3f b Eldra ef lhe &pd. (iuordi * tln tssi comrncntsry (p. 1,5), A Greot Historic Event in tire life of the Chinese Communist Porty ond the Froternol Chinese People Zeri i Popullit (p, 17) Chino's Culturol Revolution ls- in the lnterests ol the People of the World V. G. Wilcox (p. 18) Chino's- Culturol Revolution ls o Crushing Blow Agoinst lmpericlism ond Re- visionism Vanguard, (p. 18) Chino's Greot- Culturol Reyolution ls. Choirmon Moo's Mognificent ond Greot Achieyement Jocques Grippo (p. 19) Peruvion Communist- Porty Wormty Hcils Victory ol Chino'i Greot Protetorion Culturol Revolution ond of Moo Tse-tung's Thought (p. 20) .Hold Fost to the Moin Orientotion in the Struggle Hongqi, editoriol (p. 22) Solute ond Leirrn From the Workers, Peosonts ond -Soldiers Renmin Ribao editoriol (p. 24) - Heroic Chinese People's Air Force Punishes lntruding U,5, Aircroft (p. 25) Dore to Struggle ond Be Good ot Struggle - Jief angjun Bao editoriol (p. 27) ' An Army ond o People Equipped With Choirmon Moo's Thinking on Peo.ple's Wsr Are lnvincible (p. 29) I Will Fight Throughout My Life for the Proletorion Revoluticn Wong Chin-hsi (p. so) - THE WEEK 8th Anniversory of Choirmon Moo's Inspection Tour Celebroted; Chinese ond Austrolion C.P, Leoders Hold Tolks; Premier Chou Receives Members o Joponese Zenshinzo Kobuki Componyl Helping Csmmunes With the Autumn Horvest; Chinese Foreign Ministry Refutes lndion Government's Slonders; "S.S. Kuons- huo" Lecves for lndonesio to Bring Bock Persecuted Chinese Notionols; SoIo Government's Obstruction of Joponese Youth's Visit.to Chino Condemned; For Promoting Sino-.loponese Friendship ond Trode (p. 35) ROUND THE WORLD Vietnom: The Gre.ot Power of People's Wor; U.S. Pown Agoinsl Chino: lndion Government Colludes With the Chiong Gong; feulh of J6pon: Bottling to Visit Chino (p. 38) Pubtished every Fridoy by PEKTNG REVTEW i po"r orrli" Ags l;'J,t,,*'1,"". r.0* Cqble Address: Peking 2910 Printed in the Peoplers Republic o{. Chino 1 I I i I ) Chairmaa Mao Tse-tung, our great leatler, great teacher, great supreme oomnu.nder and grea[ helmsman, on the Tien An Men rostrum f-i A Quotation From Chairman Mao Tse.tung The world is yours, as well as ours, but in the last analysis, it is yours. You young people, full of vigour and vitality, are in the prime of life, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning. All hopes are placed on you. "A Talk With Chinese Students Studging in the Souiet [Jnion" (Nouember 77, 1957). Choirrnon Moo Once More Receives o Million Young Revolutionory Fighters To Greet the New Upsurges in the Greot Proletorion Culturol Revolution ond in Sociolist Construction Comrode Lin Pioo emphoticolly pointed out ot the rolly: To bombord the heodquorters is to bombord the hsndful of persons in power who ore toking the copitolist rood. The hondful of reoctionory bourgeois elements, ond those belonging to the five cctegories of I londlords, rich peosonts, counter-revolutionories, bod elements ond Rightists who hove not reolly turned over o new leof, ore trying to bombord our heodquorters of the pro- letorion revolution. We must smosh the plots of these ghosts ond monsters, we must see through them, we must not let their schemes sueceed. Comrode Chou En-loi soid: We rnust tqke o firm hold of the revolution with one hcnd ond spur production on with the'other so os to ensure victory in both the culturol rev- olution ond in industriol ond ogriculturol production. fN the afternoon of September 15, in the centre of the On that day a clear sky hung over Peking. From r great proletarian cultural revolution the capital early morning yoLrng revolutionary fighters of colleges of our great motherland, in magnificent -Tien An Men and middle schools in the provinces, municipality and Square, Chairman Mao Tse-tung, our great leader, autonomous regions of the nation and of . the capital great teacher, great supreme commander and great in high spirits converged from all directions on Tien helmsman, once again received a million Red Guards An Men Square and the broad East and West Changan and revolutionary sludents and teachers from aII parts Boulevards. They held aloft portraits of Chairman Mao, of the countr;r and the capital. placards bearing quotations from Chairman Mao and September 23, 7966 red ' banners. Red flags fluttered in the help each' othef and Iearh from'each other in a stilf "6.iriti.ss-square; songs were sung one after another filled r,vith beiter way. revolutionary vigour. A mitlion ardent hearts beat from with excitement and a million pairs of eyes looked up Representatives of the- revolutionary students to the Tien An Men rostrum with deep feeling, eagerly north China, the southwest, east'Chirra, the northeast, raliy. waiting for that happiest of moments to arrive. the northwest and the central south spoke at the They said: At 5:15 p.m- our great leader Chainnan Mao, his i'Our wish to see our great leader Chairman Mao dose comrade-in-arms Comrade Lin Piao and other which we have cherished for a very long tirne is final- leading members o[ the Central Commitlee of the Party ly realized today. This is our greatest happiness." Chou En-lai, Tao Chu, Chen Po-ta, Teng Hsiao-ping, Kang Sheng, Liu Shao-chi, Chu Teh, Li Fu-chun, Chen . "Our people of all nationalities always have the Yun. Tung Pi-,uvu, Chen Yi, Llu Po-cheng, Ho Lung, Li warmest 'love for Chairman Mao, always follow his Hsien-nien, Tan Chen-lin, Hsu Hsiang-chien, Nieh Jung- teachings, alwal,s foliow him to make revolution, and chen. Yeh Chien-fing. Li Hsueh-feng and Hsieh will never forget that greatest concern which the great Fu-chih mounted.the rostrurn of Tien An Men to the Chinese Communist Party and our most respected and strains of Tlrc East Is Red. At that moment the whole beloved leader Chairman Mao show for us." square surged with motion. A million pails of hands again and again held high the red-covered Quatations . "We are the young Eleneration of the revolution and Front Chalrrnan Mao, and under the brilliant sunshine sons and daughlers of the people, and we will temper it secmed as if a sea cf red waves flowed over lhe ourselves and mature in the big storms of class strug- square. For many minutes cheers of "Long live Chair- gle. We wili be for ever loyal to Chairman Mao, to man Mao!'' and "Long live. long live Chairman Mao!'' Mao Tse-tung's thought, to the Party and to the peo- rang out anci shook the skies of the capital. ple. Great leader Chairman Mao! We will certainiy f big More than 300 representatives cf the revolution- foilow you, marching or'"r.'at'd in the teeth of make ary siudents from all parts of the nation also mounted storms. Iearn to swim by swimming and learn to the Tien An l\{en rostrum. On all sides of Chailman revolution in carrying on the revolution. We piedge Uao they cheered and juraped in joyous excitement. oulselves to be a generation of pathbreakers u'ho dare to struggle and make revolution and are adept at wag- Ten thousand reyofutionary students arld teachers ing struggles and making revolution!" of the -*iltt"ry."iU"ges of the Chinese Pegplers Libe:a- tion Army joined the heroic Red Guards to be reviewed "We will surely raise high the great red banncl of by the great supreme comrhancler Chairman Mao. Mao Tse-tung's thought; we are determined to carry back with us Peking's experience in revolutionary Comrade Kang Sheng, Member of the Standing struggle, do everything according to Chairman Mao's Committee of the Poiitical Bureau of the Central Com- directives and the 16-point decision the Central mittee of the Chinese Communist Party and adviser to [of Cornmittee of the Chinese Communist Party concern- the Cultural Revolution Group under the Party's Cen- ing the great proletarian cultural revolution], carry tral Committee, declared the rally open. He said: On for'"vard revolutionary rebel spirit of the prolc+ta- behalf o{ the Cultural Revolution Group of the Party's the persons po\I!-er Central Committee, I welcome you, greet you and give riat, resolutely overthrow those in the militant salutations of the proletarian cultural rev- u,ho are taking the capitalist road, sweep away all job great olution to you and through you to the revolutionary ghosts and monsters, do a good in the prole- and students, teaeherx, workers and staffs of all the schools tarian cultural revolution of our own localities in the courrtry! He added: Our great leader Chair- thoroughly dig out the root of revisionism." us, man Mao will reeeive let us cheer: "Long live the After these speeches were delivered at the rally, invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung! Long live Chair- Chairman Mao walked to the eastern and western ends man Mao!" of the Tien An Men rostrurn arnid enthusiastic cheers Amid storrny applause, Conxade Lin Piao spoke to from the crowd to whom he waved continually.
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