Y\^. 8 reference to the type of dazzling gilding seen in the (+/01 Line engraving of e Arrest For this practice, see Z. Véliz, ‘Wooden and furiously driven”: I. Ragusa and R. monographs by D. Angulo Íñiguez (Seville, present panel. Ceán Bermúdez further relates that there of Christ, from S. Reinach, Panels and 3eir Preparation for Painting Green (trans. and ed.), Meditations on the *7:) and M.L. Martín Cubero (Madrid, Répertoire de peintures were smaller retables by Fernández in the church as from the Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Life of Christ: An Illustrated Manuscript of *), the very complete entry by C.R. Century in Spain’ in e Structural the Fourteenth Century (Princeton, *:) , Post in A History of Spanish Painting, vol. du moyen âge et de la well, including one showing the Last Supper. Fernández renaissance, Paris, *%< Conservation of Panel Paintings, ed. K. p. 68$. “We should notice the meekness X (Cambridge, Mass., *$%), pp. –*6, and began his career in Córdoba, so Ceán Bermúdez’s pos- Dardes and A. Rothe (Los Angeles, **), of our Lord” and “Hence we read that also D. Angulo Íñiguez, ‘Varias obras de sible observation of the work there may corroborate the pp. 6–7%. ‘the band’ of soldiers ‘and the tribune’ Alejo Fernández y de su escuela’, Anales de 8 First published in R. Ramírez de Arellano, commanding them, all the servants of the la Universidad Hispalense , , no. 8 (*6*), early date proposed for this panel, prior to the painter’s ‘Ordenanzas de Pintores’, Bolétin de la Jews, rushed violently and all together pp. 7–:6. For documents concerning the move to Seville in $%. However, despite this tempting Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San like wolves upon a lamb, and laid their painter, including his very detailed will of Fernando , segunda época, vol. *, no. 66 sacrilegious hands irreverently and $78, see J. Gestoso y Pérez, Ensayo en un evidence, the substantial output of Fernández’s work- (*$), pp. 8:–7:; translated in Z. Véliz, ‘3e insultingly upon [him], and they ‘held him’ diccionario des los artí"ces que 1orecieron en shop and the signi&cant number of lost altarpieces Ordenanzas de Córdoba for Regulating by his own permission, for He was held Sevilla desde el siglo XIII al XVIII inclusive , the Profession of Painting’, Hamilton Kerr when he chose, not before, and was thus vol. II (Seville, *%%), pp. 66–67; vol. III whose iconographies are not known caution against a Institute Bulletin, no. 6 (8%%%), p. 6<. taken prisoner by his own free will”: (Seville, *%*), pp. 6%*–86, and especially &rm identi&cation. On the other hand, as two panels 6 As indicated in an unpublished Condition H.J. Coleridge (trans. and ed.), e Hours of the much more thorough Documentos para Report by the Daniele Rossi conservation the Passion taken from the Life of Christ by la historia del arte en Andalucia, vol. , from this altarpiece have survived in good condition, studio dated February 8%8. Ludolph the Saxon (London, <), p. <6. pp. 8–88, 66–7% and 7:; vol. 8, pp. <–; it is possible that more might resurface in the future, 7 3ese observations are drawn from I. Tylers, % P. Silva Maroto, ‘In?uencia de los grabados vol. 6, p. $; vol. 7, p. 7*; vol. :, pp. $6, <*, ‘Tree-ring analysis of paintings from the nórdicos en la pintura Hispano-?amenca’, –8; vol. , pp. –8%; vol. *, pp. 8–88. perhaps miscatalogued as ‘German’ in a similar way. Sam Fogg Gallery’, London, August 8%$, Archivo español de arte, :, no. 876 (**), * J. Valverde Madrid, ‘La pintura sevillana en Eventually, the identi&cation of further scenes might pp. *–8. pp. 8<–*%. la primera mitad del siglo XVI ($%–$:%)’, provide &rmer evidence of the exact original context of $ 3e number of sapwood rings for trees M. McDonald, e Print Collection of Archivo Hispalense , 87, no. <: (*$:), in the Baltic varies between nine and Ferdinand Columbus ($%&&–$')*): A pp. 6–6<. the present impressive work. () thirty-six, with a median value of &=een. Renaissance Collector in Seville, 8 vols. 8% Orto hispalensis: Arte y cultura en la Sevilla Seasoning time (in Netherlandish (London, 8%%7), nos. $, :7, 8*<, 7$, 866<, del Emperador , exh. cat. (Madrid, 8%%), workshops) is estimated to be between two 878%, 8 and 8%:. pp. 8–6. and &=een years, with the upper range more 8 On Ferdández’s Northern borrowings see 8 For this work see C. Rahn Phillips, likely. See P. Klein, ‘Dendrochronological J.M. Covelo López, ‘La in?uencia de los ‘Visualizing Imperium: 3e Virgin of the Analyses of Netherlandish Paintings’, pintores nórdicos en la estética sevillana Seafarers and Spain’s Self-Image in the Early in Recent Developments in the Technical durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI’, Sixteenth Century’, Renaissance Quarterly , Examination of Early Netherlandish in El emperador Carlos y su tiempo: actas, $, no. 6 (8%%$), pp. $–$:. Painting: Methodology, Limitations and IX Jornadas Nacionales de Historia Militar 88 Mateo Gomez, undated. Perspectives, ed. M. Faries and R. Spronk (Madrid, 8%%%), pp. *$–$*. 86 I am extremely grateful to Frédéric Elsig for (Turnhout, 8%%6), pp. :$–<*. 6 D. Angulo Íñiguez, ‘Bramante et la suggesting the links between the two works : “Carmin "no de borra o lacar sin que en ello Flagellation du Musée du Prado’, Gazette des in a personal communication. entre ningun brasil” : R. Ramírez de Arellano Beaux-Arts, :8 (*$6), pp. $–. 87 See Angulo Íñiguez *7:, pl. 6. *$, p. 6; Véliz 8%%%, p. 6<. 7 3e attribution was &rst proposed in an 8$ “Alexo Hernandez, que en Sevilla hizo < 3e iconographic separation of Christ’s unpublished handwritten essay by I. Mateo muchas obras, y en Córdoba en el betrayal from his healing of Malchus’s Gomez, undated; we are grateful to both monasterio de S. Geronimo el retablo ear becomes established in woodcut Frédéric Elsig and Guillaume Kientz for grande y otros pequeños”: transcribed in illustrations of the Bible a=er $%%. See B.A. further con&rming the attribution to Alejo J.A. Ceán Bermudez, Diccionario historico Roiser, e Bible in print: Netherlandish Fernández in conversation. de los mas ilustres profesores de las Bellas Bible illustration in the sixteenth century $ Reinach *%<, p. 6*<. Artes de Espana (Madrid, %%), vol. V, (Leiden, **<), nos. 7$8–$6, $<–, :67–6$ : See the IRR images in J. García-Maíquez pp. 6%7–%$. See also J.R. Lapaz, ‘El “discurso and <%:–%<. A painted panel by a follower and C. Garrido, ‘La Flagelación ($%$–$%)’, de la comparación de la antigua y moderna of Michael Sittow showing Christ’s healing in El trazo oculto: dibujos subyacentes en pintura y escultura” de Pablo de Sepedes’, of Malchus a=er his arrest, which includes pinturas de los siglos XV y XVI , exh. cat., ed. Goya , 8<– (**%), pp. $–8<. Peter sheathing his sword and the lantern G. Finaldi, C. Garrido and L. Alba Carcelén 8: “Ls pinturas del grande [retablo ] representan on the ground, is at Campion Hall, Oxford. (Madrid, 8%%:), pp. 86%–6*. varios pasajes de la vida de Cristo y del santo 3e detail of the extinguished lantern is < Angulo Íñiguez *$6; J.M. Serrera Contreras, doctor [san Jerónimo ]: la del medio es una relatively rare but seems to stem from a ‘Ut pictura, architectura: La arquitectura en cena del Señor [cristo] y está "rmada. El Netherlandish prototype. It is found, for la pintura del Renacimiento en Andalucía’, mérito de estas tablas corresponde a lo mejor example, in the le= wing of the Dreux Budé in La arquitectura del Renacimiento en que se hacia en '$$ tiempo en España, y como triptych of about 7$% (private collection). Andalucía , exh. cat. (**8), pp. 86–76; A. dice el misma Céspedes, la mayor habilidad * “He patiently and benignly receives the Urquízar Herrera, El Renacimiento en la de los pintores de entonces consistía en dorar treacherous embraces and kisses of that periferia: La recepción de los modos italianos y estofar ”: Ceán Bermudez %%, vol. II, wretch whose feet he had washed just a en la experiencia pictórica del Quinientos p. <. short time before …. How patiently he cordobés (Córdoba, 8%%), pp. 77–7$, $%–$6. allows himself to be captured, tied, beaten, For Fernández, see the two existing * German or Southern Netherlandish Master Southern Germany, c. !" The Virgin and Child Oil and gilding on walnut !#.# cm diameter $%&'()*)+( With Koetser Gallery, London, by -/ ; Portuguese private collection, follows the alignment of the panel’s grain in relation to before -0"; anonymous sale; Christie’s, London, July --", lot "0 ; the painted image. # @e diameter of the panel is !#.#cm European private collection, --"–! in total, but with a broad unpainted edge measuring approximately #.# cm encircling the painted area. @e 234(%*45%( exposure of worm holes around this border (9lled with Autumn exhibition of !ne Flemish, Dutch and Italian Masters , exh. a ground material that becomes clearly visible in the cat., Leonard Koetser, London, # October– December -/, no. ; A. Stange, Die Deutschen Tafelbilder vor Dürer , vol. I (Munich, -/0), X-radiograph) would suggest that it was planed back to no. 0, p. /#; H.M. Schmidt, Der Meister des Marienlebens und Sein its current level, possibly to remove integral or applied Kreis ( Dusseldorf, -0"), 9g. /# framing elements, leaving a single trace of the original moulding in the form of a shallow circular groove 9lled with a chalk ground. ! Particles of azurite, black, red and yellow earth pigments and some lead white found in +&):343&), <*4(%3*2= *): 4(+>)3?5( the same area are possibly the remnants of this early @e paint surface survives in excellent condition, with frame. Additionally, there are a series of regularly many of its 9ner details, including the Virgin’s delicate spaced radial grooves running around the unpainted eyelashes and the white highlights individuating the edge, their purpose unknown.
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