Rural Health The Prayer Book and Unity Royal Wedding June 3, 2018 THE LIVING CHURCH CATHOLIC EVANGELICAL ECUMENICAL Cooperation across Québec $5.50 Parish Administration livingchurch.org CAVECAVAEVO COMPANYCOMPPANYANANY SUPPLIERSUPPLIER OFOF FINE ECCLESIASTIECCLESIASTICALICAL PRODUCTSPRODUCTS & & SERVICESSERVICESSE New! Bronze & Marble Life-Sized Statues Starting at $9,000 TREE OFOF LIFE )RU )XQGUDLVLQJ %HDXWLIXO DQGG HIIIIIHHFWLYH GRQRU UHFRJQLWLRQ Our third generaattion company is committed to bringing ELECTRICELECTRIC CANDLESCANDLES 6DIH DQG HII¿¿FLHQW GHYRWLRQDO FDQGGOHV personalized services and uniqunique productsd to our customers in the orp ffesessional mannn er they deserve. POOR BOXES FINE 6HFXUH DQG VHGDWH FROOHFWLRQV ECCLESIASTICALECCLESIASTICALAL PRODUCTS & SESERVICESRRVIVICESSCE WWe still make PEWPEW REFINISHINGREFINISHING house callsl CARVEDCARRVEDVED CHURCHCHURCH SIGNSS Other Cave Products 5HVWRUDWLRQ 6DQFWXDU\\ 6WDWXHV DQG %UDVVZDUH 3DLQWLQJ 5HGHFRUDWLQJ GregoryrgoeGr y P.P. CaveCaavevve *ROG /HDI &XVWRP::R RRGZRUN .QHHOHUV DQG 3HZV 0XUDOV %DQQHUV (516) 676-1231 )XQGUDLVLQJ ,GHDV 6WDDLQHG *ODVV 2LO &DQGOHV 77DDEHUQDFOHV &KDOLFHV otal RemoRemodelling (800)( ) 989-CAAVEVE (2283)((228 We do Renovations We do To TotalT Remodelling Fax: (516) 676-9695 )ORRULQJ 7LOH IQFOXVLYH RI DOO (OHFWULF DQG 33OXPELQJ IRU WRWDO UHPRGHOOLQJ DQG UHVWRUDWLRQ RRI DQ\ LQWHULRU [email protected] &DUSHWLQJ Our talented and professional staff can renovate a basement, wwww.c.churchgoods.ns.net bathroom or even a kitchen. NoNo job is too big oro too small! “Celebrating““CCelebratinngg 100 yearsyears ofof sserviceervice servingservinngg thethe Church throughoutthror uugghout NewNNeew YYoYork,ork, NewNNeew EnglandEEnnngglandd anda thethe World.”WWoorld.” THE LIVING CHURCH ON THE COVER “The sound of very English bells echoes down the stone streets of Old Quebec” THIS ISSUE June 3, 2018 (see “Treble Is Going,” p. 29). ́ | Frederick Legault photo NEWS 4 On Love — and Fire — in Windsor 5 Time for a President’s Salary? 4 8 Church Arsons Prompt Ecumenism FEATURES 18 Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? | By G. Jeffrey MacDonald 22 Cooperation across Québec | By Matthew Townsend 30 NECESSARy OR ExPEDIENT? This Source of Doctrine and Unity Requires Our Care By John C. Bauerschmidt BOOKS 33 Systematic Theology | Review by J. David Moser 35 1 Samuel as Christian Scripture | Review by Cole Hartin 36 Walk in Love | Review by Andrew McGowan OTHER DEPARTMENTS 38 Letters 40 Sunday’s Readings LIVING CHURCH Partners We are grateful to St. Philip’s in the Hills Church, Tucson [p. 40], the Episcopal Church Foundation [p. 41], and Trinity Church, Vero Beach [p. 43], whose generous support helped make this 18 issue possible. THE LIVING CHURCH is published by the Living Church Foundation. Our historic mission in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion is to seek and serve the Catholic and evangelical faith of the one Church, to the end of visible Christian unity throughout the world. news | June 3, 2018 On Love — and Fire — in Windsor In the lead up to the May 19 wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, many unusual elements, not least the mar- riage of a British prince and an Amer- ican actress, captured the attention of the press. But on the day of the wed- ding, it was the preaching of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry that surprised worldwide media, the Twitterverse, and those inside St. George’s Chapel. Curry began his 13-minute sermon, which Vanity Fair’s Katey Rich described as feeling “entirely different from a traditional royal wedding service,” by quoting the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.: “We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. And when we do that, we will make of this old world a new world. Love is the only way.” Curry continued to extol the power of love — and not just the love of a young couple. “Jesus of Nazareth, on one occasion, was asked to sum up the essence of the teachings of Moses,” he said. “And he reached back to the Hebrew Scriptures of Deuteronomy and Leviticus. And Jesus said, ‘you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. This is the first and great commandment, and the second is youTube/CBC News photos like it: love your neighbor as yourself.’” Curry described the new earth that God will establish through love: Curry’s sermon “powerful.” But the Bromwich. “What if the surprise “When love is the way, there is plenty consensus among many — including biggest star — the Pippa Middleton, if of good room for all of God’s children. the Telegraph, The Washington Post, you will — of this royal wedding was a Because when love is the way, we actu- The Guardian, news.com.au, The Inde- sermon about love?” The Times wrote ally treat each other like we are actually pendent, Reuters, Vox, The Sun, Huff- that the service had been “staid, stuffy family. When love is the way, we know Post UK, and GQ — was that Curry, in even” until Curry’s sermon. that God is the source of us all. And we fact, “stole the show.” Indeed, the presiding bishop’s sermon, are brothers and sisters, children of On Twitter, T.J. Holmes of ABC’s delivered with the welcoming energy God. My brothers and sisters, that’s a Good Morning America said, “We have and evangelizing flair to which Episco- new heaven, a new Earth, a new world, a breakout star of this #RoyalWedding: palians are accustomed, may have a new human family.” Rev. Michael Bruce Curry.” caught unawares royals expecting a Curry’s sermon drew laughs at his The New York Times compared staid, stuffy homily. Or, as WxyZ promise to end with alacrity to “get Curry’s sermon to the presence of Detroit’s Brad Galli tweeted, “Watching ya’ll married” and at a reference to the Pippa Middleton at Prince William the royals watch American Bishop social dysfunction instilled by social and Princess Kate’s 2011 wedding. Michael Curry has become an unex- media. It also drew high praise from “Keep your fascinators, tiaras, regalia pected highlight of this #RoyalWed- traditional media. The BBC, the Inde- and romance,” wrote Margaret Lyons, ding. This man is fantastic.” pendent, and CBS News all called Anna Schaverien, and Jonah Engel Matthew Townsend 4 THe LIVInG CHURCH • June 3, 2018 Time for a President’s Salary? By Kirk Petersen as I know there is no minority report Rt. Rev. William Michie Klusmeyer, out there.” Bishop of West Virginia and a task For the fourth time in two decades, Two of the three bishops on the task force member. General Convention will include a force see things differently. They plan “My take on it was there was an faceoff between bishops and deputies to vote against the resolution in its cur- expectation that we would all eventu- about whether the church should pay a rent form and said the task force ally agree that full-time and salary and salary to the president of the House of seemed to be moving toward a prede- everything was the right way to go. Deputies (or PHoD), which has always termined result. That seemed like the only choice,” said been a volunteer position. “It was a fait accompli for which the the Rt. Rev. Carol Gallagher, Assistant In 1997, 2000, and 2015, the House bishops really had no voice,” said the (Continued on next page) of Deputies passed resolutions calling for compensation for the president. Each time, the House of Bishops voted no. Early indications are that the same thing may very well happen again. There’s more at stake than just one person’s paycheck. The dispute touches on issues going to the heart of the Epis- copal Church’s polity and its bicameral governing body. The two houses look at the issue through very different filters. The deputies see it as a fairness issue, while the bishops believe it’s important to protect the authority of the episcopacy in the Episcopal Church. The president has always had important duties under the Constitu- tion & Canons of the church. By all accounts, the role has become increas- ingly broad and powerful in recent decades, and has grown into a full-time job, or something close to it. At the 2015 General Convention, a conference committee hammered out a compromise between the two houses. After rejecting the original resolution, the bishops agreed to create a joint task force to study the issue and report back in 2018. In a 14-page report issued earlier this year, the Task Force to Study Church Leadership and Compensation makes the case that a salary should be provided. The group drafted a resolu- tion calling for the Executive Council to determine and establish the salary. TLC asked Diane B. Pollard, who chaired the 11-member task force cre- ated by the 2015 General Convention, if the members unanimously endorse the report. “yes, when we sent it out for approval, no one came back and said that they did not like it,” she said. “It was unanimously approved, and as far June 3, 2018 • THe LIVInG CHURCH 5 third and final three-year term, previ- news | June 3, 2018 ously declined to say whether she President’s Salary? intends to do so. She may have to decide before the compensation issue (Continued from previous page) is settled. The canons specify that the Bishop of Montana. “It was never put president “shall be elected not later to a vote.” than the seventh day of each regular The third bishop on the task force meeting of the General Convention.” June 12 said that while he did not agree with This year that is July 11. Legislative ses- Liturgy: What’s Really Going On? everything in the task force report, he sions continue for another two days.
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