INDEX Symbols and Numbers ABM_GETTASKBARPOS message, 386 - (dashes), 78 ABN_STATECHANGE message, 386 $ (dollar sign) Access is Denied error, 1187–1188 creating shares, 150 ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) deleting files beginning with, 741 boot failures, 1175 hiding shares, 321 disabling/enabling, 90–91, 92 $OEM$ directories, 47–48, 89–90 hibernation mode, 1102–1103 % (percent sign) plug-and-play support, 5 batch file parameters, 1085–1087 shutting down vs. restarting PCs, 1112–1113 obtaining batch file’s PID, 1083 standby mode, 1105 operations on all networked computers, ACPI BIOS detection, disabling, 943–944 1078–1079 Acronyms, definitions of, 1027–1030 %% (percent signs), 1078 ACS (Admission Control Server), QoS, 664–665 %logonserver% variable, 1084–1085 Activate icon, Windows XP,290 %SystemRoot%, 186–187 Active Desktop %userdomain% variable, 310 enabling in IE 5.0, 894 %username% variable, 310 Recovery page and, 854 * (asterisk), 92 removing, 853 . (period), 1203–1204 Active Directory / (forward slash), 1091–1092 auditing, 605–607 : (colon), 320 backups, 569–570 :: (double colon), 1075–1076 circular logging, 605 @echo off command, 153 creating new sites, 541–543 \\?\, paths, 1160 defined, 5 ^ (caret), 1083 defragmenting, 572–575 _ (underscores), 78 DNS integration, 691–692 | (pipe character), 1083 garbage-collection period, 550 >> (double right angle brackets), 1064 listing printer, enabling/disabling, 930–931, 934–935 > (right angle bracket), 1063 log files, 604 (Euro symbol), 305, 1034–1035 naming conventions, 531 0x0000001E error, 1202, 1208 nonexistent domain, removing, 592–593 0x00000054 error, 1212 object searches, 597–599 3UPTIMES.ZIP,403 overview of, 529–530 “502 Proxy Error”, 1225 published printers, preventing removal, 935 restoring, 571–572 Abbreviations, acronyms, 1027–1030 searching, 614 ABM_GETSTATE message, 386 shared folders, 616 1229 1230 INDEX Active Directory database file. See NTDS.DIT file ADMIN$ share, 125–126, 194 Active Directory Replication Monitor Administrative tools (REPLMON.EXE), 564–566 configuring on Start menu, 371–372 Active Directory Schema Manager snap-in, deleting volume, 755 1196–1197 Group Policy Editor and, 1192–1193 Active Directory Scripting Interface (ADSI), hiding on Start menu, 180–181 1090–1091 importing volume, 755–756 Active Directory sites locating Disk Administrator, 753–754 creating, 541–543 Administrator accounts intrasite replication, 551–553 network lockout of, 235 moving servers between, 547 renaming, 164 multiple server membership in, 546–547 Administrator passwords renaming, 545–546 changing in Recovery Console, 447–448 Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in, 291 changing remotely, 313 Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in recovering, 437–439 administering domain users, 324–325 setting during RIS installation, 979–980 delegating authority, 330–332 unattended installations and, 92 dial-in options, 338–339 Administrators errors, 291 .NET/XP pack selection, 1025 Everyone group permissions, 335–336 AT commands and, 145 Active Setup, IE 4.0 and, 869–870 configuring Administrative alerts, 231–232 ACTIVEDS.TLB, 291 default admin shares, 458 AD database file. See NTDS.DIT file executing batch file with WINAT,139 Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller, 1147 ownership of files and directories, 739 Add Network Place Wizard, 492–493 Administrators group Add Printer Wizard, 939–940 backup permissions, 452 Add/Remove Programs CD-ROM drive access, 145 DNS configuration for Windows 2000 domains, ownership of files and directories, 739 688–691 unattended installations, 43 entries missing from, 1166 ADMINPAK.MSI, 294–295, 1025 installing applications on Terminal Server, Admission Control Server (ACS), 664–665 819–820 ADSI (Active Directory Scripting Interface), installing DHCP Server service, 706 1090–1091 installing Remote Installation Services, 56 ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), uninstalling Active Desktop, 853 1003–1004 uninstalling hidden Windows components, 283 Advanced Configuration and Power Interface. See uninstalling ISA Server 2000, 1219 ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power uninstalling MSN Messenger Service, 893 Interface) uninstalling service packs, 256 Advanced Power Management. See APM uninstalling task switcher, 25 (Advanced Power Management) uninstalling Windows 2000 service pack, Advanced RISC Computing (ARC), 174–175 124–125 Advanced startup menu, 1179 uninstalling Windows XP,110 Alerts Address Resolution Protocol. See ARP (Address Administrative, 231–232 Resolution Protocol) interactive, 912–913 ADDUSERS.EXE, 1204 low disk space on partitions, 163–164 .ADM files, 189 triggers and, 912 INDEX 1231 Alias, 202–203 scheduling, 139, 158–159 Allow Logon to Terminal Server, 850 stalled backup process and, 454 Alt+Tab, disabling/configuring, 316 ATAPI Real Mode CD-ROM driver, 1160 ANSI ATX case, 1112–1113 command line support, 1063 Auditing exporting Registry key, 434 Active Directory, 605–607 ANSI.NT file, 1063 base objects, 961 ANSI.SYS, 138 DHCP,713 APCOMPAT.EXE, 1124–1125 files/directories, 765–766, 956 APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing), 662, logon success/failure and, 327 720 printers, 917, 922 APIs, monitoring, 407–408 saving information from, 955 APM (Advanced Power Management) AUTOCHK.EXE, 1144 hibernation mode, 1102–1103 AutoComplete, Internet Explorer standby mode, 1105 backing up, 892 standby option on portables, 1188 turning off, 868–869 Application Compatibility program, 1125 AUTOEXEC.BAT file, 49, 141 Applications AUTOEXEC.NT file, 1121 16-bit errors, 905, 1121, 1153 AutoExNT service, 155–156 configuring for both NT and 95, 1031 AUTOEXNT utility, 155–156 Not Supported by Windows NT error, AUTOLOG.EXE, 182–183 1134–1135 AutoLogons, 182–183, 293 NT,1122 Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), 662, priority, 905 720 starting every time Windows is started, AUTORUN.INF, 947 1128–1129 AUX.BAT files, 1127 stopping when user logs off, 1133–1134 viewing all on system, 399 Background, changing default, 141 APPS.INF file, 53–55 Backup Domain Controller. See BDC (Backup ARC (Advanced RISC Computing), 174–175 Domain Controller) ARIN Web site, 661 Backup Operators group ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) inability to backup Event Viewer files, 456 cache retention time and, 647–648 permissions, 452 disabling, 679 BackupRead( ) function, 747–748 overview of, 645–647 Backups. See also NT Backup routing and, 644–645 Active Directory, 569–570 ASCII text files, 919 DHCP database, 711–712 Assisted dial, RAS, 1001 EFS recovery key, 774 ASSOC.TXT command, 1068 master boot record, 734–736 Asterisk (*), 92 permissions for, 452 .ASX files, 945–946 strategy for, 449–450 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), XP Pro v. XP Home Edition, 14 1003–1004 Balloon tips, disabling, 345–346 AT command BASICDC.INF files, 1182 non-administrator use of, 145 .BAT files not working, 1127–1128, 1168 defined, 1073 NT 4.0 vs. NT 3.51, 1068–1069 fixing files that have lost their associations, 1080 1232 INDEX Batch files, 1073–1086 boot delays, 137–138 accessing on other machines, 1084 boot disks for MS-DOS network, 498–499 automating input, 1082–1083 boot disks for RIS, 60–61 calling from within another batch file, 1081 boot disks for XP,110 checking for and running files, 1082 boot partition access, 1136 color of command prompt window and, CD-ROM as boot device, 67–70 1082–1083 CHKDSK, stopping scheduled, 732 commands, 1073–1074 commands, running at boot time, 155–156 comments, 1075–1076 DNS service and, 703 converting Unicode file to text, 1081 duplicate entries on boot menu, 179 editors, 169, 1067–1068 error messages, 191–192 environment settings, 1079 inability to boot NT after uninstalling 98, 1164 /every switch and, 1150 multiple operating systems and, 790, 1119–1120 fonts installed from, 1032–1033 NTOSKRNL.EXE file, missing, 440 operating networked machines with, 1078–1079 overview of, 2–3 output to screen, stopping, 1081 remote booting, 459 parameters, 1085–1087 service stops booting, 1153–1154 PID of, 1083 verbose event messages and, 266–267 program output to NULL device, 1084 Windows 2000 boot drive, modifying, 281–282 Scheduler and, 1075 Windows 2000/Linux from NTLoader, 99–101 scheduling, 139, 158–159 BOOTCFG, 22–23, 138 searching for, 1079–1080 BOOTFIX.BIN files, 70 sending message from, 1084 BOOT.INI file subroutines, 1076–1077 alternate shell boot option, 286 using &logonserver% variable after logon, boot delay, decreasing, 137–138 1084–1085 boot menu, duplicate entries, 179 writing, 1073 boot menu, showing DOS, Windows 95, and BDC (Backup Domain Controller) NT,146 moving, 592 boot menu, timeout values, 151 promoting, 516 boot process and, 2–3 synchronizing, 524–525 Bootcfg and, 22–23 Beep, disabling, 256–257 corrupt memory, deallocating, 1152 Binary numbers, converting, 1039–1040 dual-boot environments, 87–88 BIOS, 949 finding, 1202–1203 Block Inheritance option, 633–634 forcing use of first processor only, 1114 Blue Screen of Death. See BSOD (Blue Screen of Intel address extensions, 1113 Death) kernel debut and, 1137–1139 BlueSave, 1158 long path names, 174–175 Boot menu mouse connection on COM port, disabling, 1098 changing timeout, 151 Msconfig and, 274–275 DOS, Windows 95 and NT,146 NTOSKRNL.EXE file, 440 duplicate entries, 179 switches, 165–169 Windows 98 and NT installation and, 44–45 Windows operating systems and, 39–40, 44–45, Boot process. See also Rebooting 219, 1164 alternate shell, starting with, 286 BOOTPART.ZIP,146 blue screen pauses, 1144 BOOTSECT.DOS file, 2–3 boot defragment in XP,792–793 BOWSER.LOG file, 487–488 INDEX 1233 Bridgehead servers, 557–558 CD AutoPlay, 941 Broadcast
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