CONSTIPATION JIM SCOTT'S START DUE TO BOYISH DARE BOXER GIVES MUCH PROMISE DO YOU UP WITH A LAME BACK? r COMMERCIAL GtT Mmyi'i rw 6am Fltzpatrlck Declares He Has An- raw Pills ire unlike other Kid Lavlgne In Antone Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or all other laxatives or Western Fighter. Weekly Review of Trade and cnthnrtics. They coax Trouble? into activ- Market Reports. Bladder the liver If Antone Lngrave Is as good a ity by gentle meth- Pain or dull ache In the back Is evi- tighter as Sam od. They do not Fltzpatrlck thinks he Is dence of kidney trouble. It Is Nature's eoour; they do not (and Samuel's judgment ls fairly timely warning to show you that the do not good), there ls troublo In store for Ad. It. O. Pun & Co.'s weekly reviewJ ot Is gripe; they track health not clear. r . i weaken; but they di Wolgast and any other lightweight of trade says: Danger Signals. tart all the lucre-tion- s who may have an eye on Wolgast'i "After a satisfactory retail holiday If these danger signals are unheeded of the liver and title. trade, business in nearly all branches more serious rMul follow; Bright'a in a way that stomach Fltzpatrlck once handled Kid La- is quiet, with tho usual end of the dlrease, which Is the worst form of puts these or kidney soon vlgne, champion lightweight of tho year adjustments. The outlook trouble, may steal upon you. guns in a healthy The mild and effect ot world, and tho rotund mnnngor be- while not as promising for Immediate immediate condition and con Swamp-Hoo- t tho great kidney, lieves he hns a Lavlgne In activity as might be desired, contains, liver constipation. second and bladder remedy Is soon realized. tonic It Is a significant none tho less, many elements of are. a fact that It stands tho highest for its remark-Rhl- e Thcj both Lavlgno strength. Tho iron and steel trade ls frectsto the stomach, liver and nerves. and lngrave am of curative effect in the most dis- tviaorate instead of weaken; they French extraction, the only difference still confronted with a consumption tressing cases. If you need a medi- the Hood instead of impoverish it; being that lavlgne sprang from the of only half ot the producing capacity cine, you should have the best. enable the stomach to get all th pine-cla- they d hills of Michigan and e and tho dry goods business, with tho Lame Back. urishmtnt from food that is put IntC Is a native of tho Pacific slope. problem of costs, but there Is an ab- Lame back ls only one of many Im- sence demoralizing speculation and symptoms of kidney These pills contain no calomel, nc Fltzpatrlck naturally was much of troublo. Other mm? iove they are soothina, healing and pressed with the draw that of overstocked Bhelves In all mercan- symptoms showing thut you need bowels Swamp-Kno- t timi'iliitimr. They school the t his boy fought tile lines, whllo agricultural pros- are, being obliged to pass physic. 25 cents. recently with Battling the art without Price gen- water often during the day and to got Nelson, nnd It a great per- perity of the past year and the 5- considers up ninny times during night. 'vf V.'i I.NT)-rnnltr7.fn- ilt, dairy and feeling confidence the S00 PtniAW formance. In a note to the writer, eral of conservative 1 5 ,, fni. 'n t li" "M lij Uuvpnimniit, y rn Inability to old urine, smarting' In COMMKUU1AL, li, mo A.Miur.uiia Fltzpatrlck Buys: make conditions better than the trado pausing, in uric acid, hendache, dizziness, "Lngrave Is anothor Kid Lavlgno, statistics Indicate. indigestion, sleeplessness, nervousness, HIS VIEW. nnd that 15 rounds with Nelson very "It was a seasonably quiet week In sometimes the heart nets badly, rheu- much resembled the Lavlgno-Wolcot- t the primary dry goods markets, with matism, bloating, lack of ambition, fight at Maspeth some time ago." values well maintained, but still gen- may Le loss of flesh, sallow complex- It Is quite evident that Lagrave put erally close to or below tho cost ot ion. up a sturdy fight, and tho only ques- production. In cotton goods curtail- Prevalency cf Kidney Disease, i Most people do not alarm- tion Is an to the condition of tho ment of production Is generally ed realize the ing Increase preva- rj' Pane on the night of the battle. The to bo Inevitable nfter the turn and remarkable lency or kidney disease. Wnile kidney general impression as to Nelson's of tho year, when present contracts Swamn-nrm- disorders nro the most common dis- t linlnnTi up to lis hick nB1arC present form is that he has deterio- expire. The firmness In wido gray ul punl) and A awurn url)ncal eases thnt prevail, they are almost the of purity wltbcvary bull!. rated, and thnt Lngrave did not meet goods Is there has maintained and hiKt recognized by patient and physi- pound a physician's prescription for tho man who toppled Oans from the been a very fair business In staplo cians, vho usually content themsetva special diseases. lightweight championship with fifty-cen- throne or prints for spring delivery, while doctoring the cherts, whllo the Regular t nnd one-dolla- r slz even tho man who gavo Wolgast so bleached goods are firm, but with original disease constantly undermines bottles ut all drug stores. system. stubborn A fight before yielding the business light. Overcoatings for fall the Don't make any mistake, but remem- A , James Scott, White Sox Pitcher. scepter of the cla:fB. 1911 aro being ordered very liberally Trial Will Convince Anyone. ber tho nnmn, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot- Be that as It mny, any man who can from tho largest producers, who have In taking Swamp-Hoo- t yon afford an.l tho address, Illnghamton,. natural help to Swamp-Hoo- t If anyone had told me I would be a as a piece of boy foolishness I packed buffet Nelson for 13 rounds must have mado prices exceptionally low. Yarns Nature, for N. Y., which you will find on every ls a gentle healing herbal com- - bottle. professional baseball player ten years tip nnd left that night for Pes Moines. some class, and lngrave therefore will rulo steady but quiet." rat EDITORIAL ago I I There were eleven pitchers there be- NOTICE To prove tho wonderful merits of Swamp-Boo- t yW would have laughed. wanted may ing tried out. I hung around for a have a sample bottle and a book of valuable Information, both sent abso. to bo a physician and had my college lutely in- free by mall. The book contains many of the thousands of letters My couple of weeks and pitched ono career all mapped out. father received from men and women who Swamp-Kno- t 4 ning, finishing up a game that was Wholesals Markets found to be Junt the remedy rm had agreed to send mo to college at they needed. The value nnd success of Swamp-Hoo- t Is lost. They told me then they didn't so well known that Nebraska Wesleyan university and I our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer A need me. I had no contract or agree- MOW YORK. Wheat spot firm; went there to start my professional Co., Blnirhamton, N. Y.. be sure to say you rend this generous offer In this ment and did not receive a cent. I No. 2 red, 9S3.,c. elevator and HS'.i paper. career. I hnd played a Tho genuineness of this offer Is guaranteed. little baseball hated to go back home and havo the f. o. b. atloat; No. 1 Northern Pulutli, fight." around my home at Lander, Wyo., as 3 must iavo been a hot boys think I had failed, and felt that 1.1 9 U f. o. b. afloat. a boy, usually at third base, and had they had not given me much of a Corn Spot firm; new No. 2, SUFFERED FIVE YEARS. not given the game a serious thought. t chance. Peebles I had been studying C2-c- f. o. b. afloat. The way I happened get W, to into base- the experienced pitchers on the team fcTi3, 3.50 fit 4 SHOES i50Kia . Oats SHit linn; standard white, - - Stiff and Ankles Badly Swollen ball was an accident. I Joints was at homo nnd had begun to learn that there was Bovs- Chocs, sa.oo, $2.bo and 3.oo. Best in t worlo. ! r 30 No. 4, 37 . in "ic; 1 i? Lander when some of tho boys to throwing the If outilil tukc you Into my .iiriff furtorloi nt ItmrUton. Iit., more pitching than Butter, creamery kIiiiw you Imw ill y W. It.MigUn muuIh, tlnsKiiD-'Mo- r Kirs. L. Pkaggs, Louisa, Ky., snysi wanted me to come out nnd play third specials, 30',ii3 and curd nhiMf nro ball. 31c; extra, 2!)j 29 Workiimnitp aimI the liik'li u'riui't In; (.Hut tmoil, you umiitl then muter Tor Dvo years my kidneys acted irreg base against the team from a regi- Uc; third to first Ft'iinl wli Imll irfor I My Mm t hold I went ff !.llnr tiiuriii.tf thrtr M't out of Pes Moines and 2 :i -- ' v jlurly and secretions were jjuliifii ment stationed at the post. It 22. """"'i mm " ! nun ii'iiui m.su tnj uniei f.i.i', a,t.lMI "r(i to OsK.nloosa, Iowa, where I got a Job Kggs Pennsylvania and nearby 4.tm bIhm-- you imi tnv.
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