The Official Publication of the Kentucky State Police Professional Association February 2015 Together we serve. Caring for the security and health of Kentucky’s citizens. To all of you who join us to protect the safety and well-being of the communities of the Commonwealth, we honor your commitment to excellence and faithful service. The Kentucky State Police Professional Association 633 Chamberlin Avenue Frankfort, KY 40601 www.ksppa.com 502-875-1625 TABLE OF CONTENTS This Kentucky Trooper magazine DEPARTMENTS is published for the KSPPA by Wildlife Publishing, 104 East Main Street, Auburn, KY 42206, 7 Letter from President and is dedicated to professional 23 Cold Case Files law enforcement and public education. Information on 50 Update from The Island activities within the Kentucky State Police Professional Association 61 Special Ad Section is provided for our members and 66 Gold / Silver / Bronze the public. Neither the KSPPA nor Wildlife Publishing endorses 70 Advertiser's Directory products or services listed within this publication, nor accepts any liability arising from the use of products or services listed. Purchasing advertising space in this magazine does not entitle the ON THE COVER advertiser to any special favors or privileges from any member Judge Sara Combs administered the Oath of of the Kentucky State Police Offi ce to KSP Cadet Class 92 in the rotunda Professional Association. of the State Capitol Building in Frankfort on January 13, 2015. See more on page 10. KSPPA Executive Board President ..............................................Tim Hazlette District 6, Dry Ridge.......................... Steve Wolfzorn 1st Vice President ............................ Kevin Woosley District 7, Richmond ................................Toby Coyle Treasurer ........................................... Phil Crumpton District 8, Morehead ...........................Joyce Waddle Chaplain ...................................... Kevin Dale Payne District 9, Pikeville .................................Vickie Rowe Sergeant At Arms ..............................Clyde Bertram District 10, Harlan ...................................Kevin Miller Secretary ................................................Wendy Ball District 11, London .............................Joshua Wilson District 12, Frankfort ................................ Rob Wood Representatives District 13, Hazard .....................................Jodi Sims District 14, Ashland ................................Chris Carter District 1, Mayfi eld ...........................Dean Patterson District 15, Columbia ............................Adam Likens District 2, Madisonville .........................Chris Rogers District 16, Henderson ...........................Blake Smith District 3, Bowling Green .................Terry Alexander District 17, DESI/East ..................Jimmy Henderson District 4, Elizabethtown .......................... Brad Riley District 18, DESI/West ........................Gerald Wilson District 5, Campbellsburg ......................................... System / Network Analyst ...................Bruce W. Olin March 2014 The Kentucky Trooper Page 3 1100 TTakingaking TThehe OOathath 1122 BBluelue KKnightsnights KKYY XXII 20142014 LawLaw EEnforcementnforcement MMemorialemorial RRideide 1144 Private-Public Partnership Takes Aim At State’s No. 1 Killer Of Teens 1166 RRideide ooff a LLifetimeifetime 1199 TTrooperrooper CCruisersruisers BBeautyeauty CContestontest 2211 RRunningunning fforor a CCauseause 2266 KKSPSP SRTSRT GlocksGlocks 2299 KKSPSP PromotesPromotes 3377 OOfficersfficers 3322 CChapterhapter 9 SShophop wwithith a TTrooperrooper 3333 PPostost 1166 RReceiveseceives TThreehree NNewew TTroopersroopers Page 4 The Kentucky Trooper www.ksppa.com 3355 KKSPPASPPA AssistsAssists withwith ChristmasChristmas atat PantherPanther CCreekreek 3366 PPostost 116's6's CCitizen'sitizen's PPoliceolice AAcademycademy 3388 RRetiredetired KKSPSP TTroopersroopers BBackack oonn FForceorce 3399 CCaveave CCityity MManan WWinsins KKSPSP RRaffleaffle TTruckruck 4400 KKSPSP PostPost 1616 HostsHosts ShopShop withwith a TrooperTrooper inin OhioOhio CountyCounty 4411 TTroopersroopers CCompleteomplete GGrandrand CCanyonanyon HHike,ike, RRaiseaise $$15,00015,000 4433 SSeniorenior DDayay OOutut 4455 OOfficialsfficials RRecognizedecognized aatt AAwardswards LLuncheonuncheon 4466 KKSPSP CollectsCollects 111616 TTonsons ooff FFoodood 4477 LLuncheonuncheon HHeldeld ttoo HHonoronor VVeteraneteran 4499 TTeameam KKAMAM EEdgesdges RRiveriver VViewiew CCoaloal March 2014 The Kentucky Trooper Page 5 Page 6 The Kentucky Trooper www.ksppa.com PRESIDENT'S PONDERINGS By Col. Tim Hazlette (Ret.), President, KSPPA trust you and your families enjoyed a Merry regional police force through inter-local agreements]. Christmas and your New Year is off to a good Therefore, we continue to demonstrate our I start. It is our desire and prayer that 2015 is a good will and building of the public trust through safe and calm year for the police service in Kentucky many outreach activities. In addition to the and our nation. Associations support of Trooper Island, our As peace officers, the recent month’s events Association members continue to be on the front are somewhat reminiscent of the late 1960’s and line in the Shop with a Trooper Christmas program early 1970’s when public protests were common in events all across the Commonwealth. Thank you for many areas of the country resulting in riotous another successful year of being a blessing to families situations. Kentucky was not spared during those and children in need. times and the Kentucky State Police rose to the February will mark the commencement of the occasion as we were summoned to restore order 2015 Regular Session of the Kentucky General and peace. Notable incidents included protests on Assembly. The Association will continue to host our the campus of the University of Kentucky and court weekly breakfast as part of our outreach efforts ordered busing of school children which resulted in during the session. Over the next year one of our riots within Louisville. In all instances the Thin focus points will include informing and educating Gray Line performed in a stellar manner. our policy makers of the need for additional These events and the resulting perceptions of Troopers, their pay and benefits which add to the police departments bring forth a re-visiting of attractiveness of this career. While currently the “Legitimacy in Policing”. KSP Troopers have long agency is budgeted for approximately 1010 sworn, been viewed by all they encounter as legitimate we see the staffing levels at 100 below that mark. peace officers ready and capable of resolving issues However, the actual need far exceeds the actual for citizens and enforcing the law with discernment, budgeted number of Troopers in the present biennial fairness, and discretion all the while portraying budget. In addition to being understaffed, appropriate firmness. As I’ve conveyed to new and recruitment has become a challenge and appears to old Troopers alike, we have been “handed a great be for police departments in general. It’s difficult to heritage which must be protected (contended for)”, imagine the vast reduction of applicants in view of lest we lose it. [Note recent actions to establish a Continued March 2014 The Kentucky Trooper Page 7 President's Ponderings the historical numbers over much of the past 30 July 1, 2018. years where we experienced applicants by the It is noteworthy to point out the association thousands. We must seriously self-examine has taken steps to streamline portions of the Bylaws ourselves in an effort to determine why a career as a by cleaning up language to insure better clarity and State Trooper has lost its appeal. Nonetheless, we understanding. As a result, all sub-divisions of the can be thankful for the diligence and success of Association are identified as Chapters and all elected Commissioner Brewer’s efforts to conduct a cadet offices serve a one (1) year term. Moreover, the class every year despite the economic and budget quarterly meeting schedule was established as challenges. Many other states have not been so follows; February 7; May 16; August 8; and fortunate. Our thanks to Commissioner Brewer, November 14. It should be highlighted that the Governor Beshear, and the General Assembly for November meeting will serve as the General insuring available funding for cadet classes. Another Membership meeting in which officers are elected issue of interest for us is the revisions to KRS 15.440 and Bylaws may be amended. relating to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Financially, the Association continues to pay Foundation Program (KLEFP) fund. Legislation is down the mortgage on the Association building and being planned for introduction to amend the current museum. We continue to use JAK Associates for statute language to apply eligibility for participation their telemarketing services which generate about to all peace officers who are required to be certified $5,000.00 each month in revenue. Unfortunately, we under the provisions of Peace Officer Professional have received numerous calls of complaint from Standards (POPS). Moreover, the legislation contains citizens questioning the legitimacy or the transactions a provision to increase the proficiency stipend from which have occurred in their respective donation. $3100.00 per year to $4,000.00 per year beginning on July 1, 2016 and increase it to $4,500.00 per year on Continued Page 8 The Kentucky Trooper www.ksppa.com
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