t^mHTVu- *.'> *yus \$&g$t:*!gw% 3. ^yp^^yj^f^'-^*'^^*-'' '-*&f?t,y*fi'w^ < re- Hi l 48 erti- bem and THE HANNA HERALD bat tere O "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS" ***** VOLUME 51 — No. 2 r^ THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1963 Subscription $3.00PNr YeorrS#c Per CttW •m —————— I aaamaaaramm I ___^ j •- n] | || | | | | ||| •est- ich. 3 rhe Production This Week art S • v„ a» tei of m. ia- mi. ing ire At Machinery Plant v.-M-.fA led ins iriVrlrfrrftrl '' f ifltfii ** lie TREMENDOUS STRIDES MADE IN lie INSTRUMENTS COME CONVERSION OF ROUND HOUSE; OUT OF MOTH BALLS Stored for many years above Chamber Com'rce the town office, several band ROD-CABLE WEEDERS FIRST instruments in various state of repair, but still useable, will Material And Equipment Arrives once again be heard, a* pieces in the newly organized Hanna And Now Being Set Up; Plant Citizens Band. Last Sunday the Seeks Services Has Acquired Excellent Building band committee with director Arthur Day of Calgary checked Stuart Henderson, general manager of Hanna Manufac­ over the instruments, Mr. Day OYEN ORGANIZATION TOSH© ft turing Company told the Herald Tuesday that production of playing "C" scale on all of the first farm machinery in the company's plant, the former them, apd pronouncing same in Tenders Invited HE WEARS THE PANTS. Model Mrs. Sheila Rutanen "fine fettle" with exception of of Toronto started a campaign to dress animals. Believing C.N.R. round house would start towards the latter part of this a few dints and bruises. He Tenders were invited this week DELEGATION IN PRESENTING #* naked animals indecent, she dressed her poodle in a pah week. Mr. Henderson took a Herald representative on a tour hustled several off to Calgary for the construction of additions to of orange britches. While climbing up this set of stairs, of the plant, and there is definite evidence that Hanna's first for repair, and assured the the east and west schools in Hanna Nicky, the poodle, slipped right out of his pants. Blushing major manufacturing firm is about to "produce committee that the old instru­ and April 4 is the deadline set for NEEDS FOR DENTAL CARE : | '; ments were indeed a "find". receiving same at the office of the in front of photographers, Mrs. Rutanen hastened to Since the first of the year work renovating the huge centre section men under company supervision of the round house. A new cement Among them was a double B school secretary-treasurer in Han­ Resident Dentist Suggested; Survey ••"-cover him.. have made tremendous strides in floor has been laid, power lines in­ bass horn, several alto horns, na, or the office of the architects To Be Conducted; Also See stalled, heating units set up, and a a couple of baritones and even J. C. Dale and Associates in Cal­ bright coat of silver paint applied a clarinet. By the time tho gary. Need For Resident Veterinarian to the whole interior. First impres­ band Is organized and practice The woik which will get off to sion the Herald got was that few sessions under way it is to be an early start In the spring consists Plans to send a delegaton to the university a* Ma-tenton companies such as Hanna manu­ hoped that many mora such in­ of an addition of six classrooms to to present the need pf the Oyen area 7or o resident dentist facturing could have obtained a struments will tern up. Those tiie east school, as well as an in­ were mode- af a well-attended meeting of the Oyen Chamber Political Forum who have same end wish te more "ready built" building for dustrial arts, science room, library of Commerce held in the Memorial Arena on Morch 18. their type of business. The round loan or sell them to tho band and staff accommodation. This will Ihe delegation will have another take to raise funds to send house with adjacent trackage and may contact Garnett Nicholls be of masonry construction. The task, to present to the minister ef ond student. ample parking and outside area is or phone the Hanna Herald. work at tiie west school calls for highways a further request for the Presentation of a life time pass .simply ideal for the production of an addition of six classrooms con­ completion of Highway 41 between farm equipment, the first in pro­ sisting of frame construction. to the Oyen Sports Day wee nude Draws Full House Oyen and Acadia Valley. The sup­ to Mias Shirley Helm bygssoidiml duction of which will be rod and port of the Acadia Valley Chanter cable weeders. Gordon Hunter, mm* Hefan was which now includes lease land as of Commerce will be sought fat this crowned Queen, at the rodent Zine- collateral or security against loans. On Tuesday afternoon workmen HANNA PLAYERS WORKING HARD matter. men Ins Carnival, tiie tint time MEETING HERE TUESDAY MIGHT In defence of the China wheat sale were busy unloading manufactur­ The decision that a delegation tins honor had keen vaa.lv * he pointed out that not only did it ing materials setting mp lathes, sha- should go to the School of Dentis­ Chamber of fTaniini 1111 mi—inni get rid of a tremendous volume of pers, drills, etc. and on TTf<hM#)f|J ON "WRATH Of PENIAHCI" < try was taken on a motion hy Dr. Delegates MBea lagan mat Har­ INDICATES P.C.YAND SOCIAL wheat, but Red China was well a- all this equipment was to have J.. A. McCracken following n Te- ry Crace /reported n sBninlnting head of its payment agreements. been cleaned thonoughly, given a pact by W. Palmer on steps taken! and Other countries sell goods to Red coat of fresh paint and set in place STAGE PLAY HERE APRIL Vt, 38 f te obtain a resident dentist Mr. I Chamber et CREDIT IN "MAIN EVENT' China, he said, mentioning England far assembly type operation. Ren­ Palmer reported that two msec* tm. ijsof wterh.d|Ue .-18 c France and Australia as examples. ovations to date have coat the com­ ful dental clinics had been 1 whiter Deer recently. Ike Oywei Farmers ana Ranchers Pack Masonic 1 I "Hunger", he said, "posed a threat pany 512,000 but the amount ap New Production Approach Being Oyen ty ' J*** sufficient unfilled was applauded as jhfcduligsOdb Hall To Hear Four Candidates to world peace" and feeding hung­ pears small in comparison* to the Wmmti>iWm**e^^ ry nations acts as a definite deter­ space acquired and the general requests remained to warrant" "" Express Party Pledges and Ideas holding et a third clinic. #B the conference, AH.sJbe.-tAinahOBS rent convenience and state of repair of Drumheller Rotary Also Sponsors were hying to^et\mm mm'mm He expressed disfavor with the the former round house. A delay otheChamber IOHSr Bmember (that as surveapprovey odf thane- bers, reported Mr. Bapipe, eh tt**y An overflow audience greeted, four candidates seeking of some two weeks was necessita­ Cast arid ere*** ore again working in full swing fbr the area should be made in an attempt election in Acadia constituency,"and gave courteous reception two-price system for farm products recognised that tenners were alao saying that "under-cutting" prices ted due to late arrival from east- forthcoming Gilbert & Sullivan production of "Pirates of Pen to find out the number of people business fhea.-Discussion groups at at o political forum sponsored by the F.U.A. hi the Masonic em Canada of heating units. Bar­ zance who would make use of tbe serv­ does not increase markets, and if producer Althougand crehw a arrepeae employint performancg an entirele by populay new r approacrequesth, the conference hat caeatetf a wide Temple, Hanna Tuesday evening. Candidates who very cap­ such came about it would "ruin the ring the hold up due to this, the ices of a dentist resident in Oyen range ententes, including water ably and amicably stated their platform were: J. H. Horner, World Wheat Agreement" princi­ production and setting up schedule in production and presentation. This show should prove to be so that an accurate picture ef the fluoridation, .dedicate, daylight sa­ Progressive Conservative; Floyd Johnson, NJD.P.; M. Hewsor ple. is only behind four days. one which adds up to some gay entertainment which is sure need could be presented. ving time and-the coloring of mar­ Social Credit and Walter Hourihan, Liberal.* Between now and the first of to please did bulletin boards. All posters' will be Report on efforts te secure a ve­ garine. Mr. Logan displayed a num­ Mr. Horner also defended the de­ Heading the cast is Frank Berke, on display in a, downtown location. The meeting was under the chair- «"">le through acceptance of for- valuation of the Canadian dollar, May. Mr. Henderson aaid between terinarian for the Oyen area wes ber et Chamber of .Commerce pub­ manship of R. C. "Dick" Orford of eign currency, better agreements 15 and 20 men would be employed. Doris Smith, Dale Smith, Fred Ed­ made by Alvin Carran. Mir. Carran lications and pointed out that hi pointing out the advantages gained wards, Jack Smith, Bill Smith, G. Rose Lynn, and was attended hy and credit arrangements. High in­ to Canada by incresed tourist trade He explained that these would be pointed out that records showed some areas the chamber had set up fanners and ranchers representing terest costs to Canadians, he main­ hired on as training progressed, as Cardy, Jean Sinclair, Bona Milner that 6673 calves were vaccinated displays of this material in the lo­ and export business.
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